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SNL Weekend Update Feature: Star Trek

Between the Bars (Blog Entry by gwiz665)

Between the Bars (Blog Entry by gwiz665)

highdileeho (Member Profile)

highdileeho says...

In reply to this comment by highdileeho:
I got to say, Astrophysicists are the creationist of the scientific community. Almost every single modern theory regarding this subject is completly untestable. And in every other scientific discipline you cannot even create a hypothesis unless it is 'testable' let alone assert it as being a theory. Try publishing an ecological journal without signifigant testable data to back you up; It would be your last. You certainly wouldn't be visited by nerds, sipping wine at a vineyard talking about your insane ramblings. A theory based on what? the fact that another scientist cannot test it to be false simply because it is physiclly impossible? That logic is exactly aligned with religions 'faith' based principles that we all love to bash so freely. I think We can only say that certain sub-atomic and atomic particles react a peticular way. But making wild assertins as to how, why, and how we can manipulate those wild assertions is where we all went astray. I blame Einsteen, He duped the entire world, and became an icon to astrophysicists. So now they all follow his very arrogant and presumptious methodology. Being right 2 or 3 times when you were wrong hundreds is a terrible ratio for any scientist...well except know fake scientists like these guys. ohhh snap, ecologists talking trash...what Son! We run this bitch!
And Relying soley on Mathamatics it very very faulty. Even newton who was thinking way beyond the scale of any measurable device was innovative enough to create devices to test his hypothosis'ss's. The bottom line is, it's not a theory unless you can repeatedly test a hypothosis as being true, beyond crunching numbers. Face it, you can bend any number into another to bolster a pre-existing concept. So I don't want to hear any rebuttle about how this is different because the scale is so much more vast than 'typical' science.

Swine Flu - Natural Event or Giant Conspiracy?

mauz15 says...

Sorry but I have to remove this from the science channel. I also suggest a *lies tag. This 'doctor' (he's just a dentist) lives on making shit up. Just look at his website.

(one of his books)
"DR. HOROWITZ: An angel directed the writing of this book. I’ve simply been following what appears to be Divine guidance and universal intelligence. The information is highly practical and scientifically sensible, but the manner in which I came across this information is not considered “normal.” This is my 15th major book. Most of these are pretty thick, extensively investigated, with pages of scientific references. Not Walk on Water. The persuasive power behind these revelations hold their own and touch your heart. These obvious truths are so compelling that most people who read it will know this is from a Divine Source.

I’ve simply been listening to that, so called, inner voice. The book resulted from this and numerous, virtually daily, synchronicities. The people who sourced the data came into my life without much effort. The Bible says, “the steps of the righteous are ordered.” I had every step ordered by unexpected delights--revelations about spiritual evolution and Divine communion. The book came by simply following this calling"

*nochannel *Wtf *Worldaffairs *Fear *Drugs *News *Talks

Leonard Cohen performs Hallelujah at Coachella 2009

Dear Asians, Fuck Your Culture/Family/Dignity Love, Texas (Asia Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

On another note...,
My dad's dad, (my grandpa - Opa in German) had the name Leonardt. I never met him. He never made it out of Germany/Poland in WW2 but I was named after him. My parents made the decision to change the spelling to a more "Canadian" (phonetic) spelling.
Lenard – this way no one could incorrectly call me “Leo.” The 'O' was silent in the english translation. I shortened it to Len around grade seven after I got tired of being called names like Leonard Nimoy and Lynnerd-Skinnerd, I have often considered having my name changed back to the original spelling of Leonardt.

Johnny Cash -- Bird on a Wire

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'blues, leonard, cohen, ribbons' to 'blues, leonard cohen, ribbons, johnny cash, man in black' - edited by gwiz665

(Member Profile)

Swing Kids - Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen

swampgirl says...

The first movie I saw Sean Mark Leonard in was Much Ado About Nothing (one of my favs) I wasn't impressed with him. He was just so out of place. "Can the world BUY such a jewel?" ::: he says as he looks into what, the sky?:: heheh
Luckily he is quickly forgiven once you've endured all of Keanu Reeves's scenes in the film.

He grew up though, and is one hell of a fine actor now. *promote Swing!

The first hostage situation exclusively for youtube?

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

jonny (Member Profile)

56 Leonard Street's video - Incredibly Interesting Building

spawnflagger says...

This is beautiful but scary. A little too much form, and not enough function. 60 stories @ 14' makes this over 800'. I highly doubt this design tested well in a wind tunnel... good thing NYC doesn't get typhoons or tornadoes.

Even Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater (pivotal example of cantilever design) is only 2 floors tall and even it had to have a steel support beam added years later otherwise the porch would have fallen into the creek... I'm sure building materials are better these days, but contractors are always cutting corners...

The jenga description is perfect though, just a question of when it'll collapse. I give it 40-50 years. (or much sooner should a suicide bomber strapped with C4 be taking a tour of one of the apartments on the lower floors...) But then again the security better be pretty damn tight if your apt is between $3.5 million and $33 million...

google maps location of the building here . Be sure to check street view.

Also, they'll probably enact a tenant agreement saying that residents can only buy Apple computers

lots of information and floorplans here -
site photo from october here , somehow I doubt they'll finish by 2010...

56 Leonard Street's video - Incredibly Interesting Building

rottenseed says...

>> ^MINK:
upvoted as an anticat measure.
but i would have liked a LOT more information rather than just a pretty animation.

This is just a marketing brochure for the structure. No information is really necessary. If you're interested you look further.

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Beggar's Canyon