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Duran Duran: Ordinary World

The Newsroom's Take On Global Warming-Fact Checked

newtboy says...

Actually, the new theory is that the dinosaurs may have been 'wiped out' by an asteroid, but they were already far into an extinction event when it happened. This is proven well by the fact that there are not large deposits of bones in the K-P boundary layer. Climatologists and paleontologists are coming to understandings that the climate was changing on the dinosaurs, making most extinct long before the impact. It wasn't a dinotopia one day and wasteland the next.

Oh, and the rest of the first world IS on board with the theory, and most are more than alarmed. We are fairly alone in our stance that it's not our problem, odd since we (the US) created most of this problem. Our position makes us look like the least responsible country in history.

Asmo said:

Yes, but just like the dinosaurs, the bulk of the 2nd and 3rd world have no idea what is coming...

Hell, most of them don't even know what they are missing out on (see the vid on cocoa farmers in the Ivory Coast tasting chocolate for the first time), but as they become aware, they want what we in the west take for granted.

And let's face it, most of the first world where we have the luxury of information at our fingertips and the resources to try an affect change isn't alarmed.

In some ways, I think the dinosaurs had it easy. They just kept on eating, pooping and making little dinosaurs right up to the point where they got fucked good and proper. Ignorance is bliss right?

Science vs Exxon - Global Warming Denial Industry Revealed!

Will It Herd....Piglets

Cenk Uygur debates Sam Harris

Taint says...

I can't believe Cenk couldn't understand Harris's point that there's a difference between a disagreement and factually misrepresenting another's viewpoint.

Cenk also then fails to understand the nuance in religious beliefs and how those differences matter. I mean, this seems really obvious. Yes it matters how many layers of improbability people layer on their belief system since it's their belief system we're concerned with.

That's why Harris treats Islamic doctrine differently, because it's so obviously different then the other major belief systems and deserves the extra attention.

Then Cenk goes on to say lay the blame of WW2 on Christianity? Yea Germany and Japan attacked their neighbors due to their Christian beliefs. Seriously? He smugly says: "oh when Muslims do something it's because of Islam but when Christians do it, it's complicated."

Cenk is so out of his depth throughout this interview that it's embarrassing.

I can't believe someone wrote that Cenk won this "debate". Get your head checked, this isn't even a debate, this is Harris trying to get Cenk to understand basic concepts.

slow motion tattoo

newtboy says...

From the little I know, the intent is to penetrate to about the middle of the outer skin layer, below the layers that shed but not so deep you can't see the ink anymore. It's a fine line.
There is degradation of the image from skin shedding, worse from sunburns, but for normal people it's not so bad that the image erases, only lightens and 'spreads' so it's not as crisp. At least that's what I've heard and seen from friends I know with many tattoos and from watching TV shows and reading books about it, I have none myself.

VoodooV said:

so someone school me.

Those needles don't look like they're penetrating much at all. how come all that ink doesn't wear away when we inevitably shed skin cells either through sunburns or just the passage of time?

Scotland's independence -- yea or nay? (User Poll by kulpims)

newtboy says...

Well, yes...but those are only some of the reasons FOR wanting secession. Many southerners have wanted secession since they were unsuccessful the first time they tried, and believe (rightly or wrongly) that they've suffered over a century of mistreatment...on top of the reason you mention.
On the other side I must imagine many 'Scottish' are of English lineage so don't feel as mistreated? (perhaps why their secession failed?)
I see the question differently, to me, it's do you have a right to leave...for ANY reason you find reasonable. You've added another layer. You've made me see that to the 'Democratic friends' it's likely only OK for reasons the 'Democratic friends' think are reasonable, not an absolute right a people may use for their own reason. That's a disappointing thought, but probably correct.

ChaosEngine said:

Because one is secession from a monarchy after centuries of mistreatment and the other is basically "we don't want no uppity lib-uhrl nigger telling us what to do"?

Neutron stars explained

dannym3141 says...

Degeneracy is really, really cool. It's all about squashing things into as tight a region of space as you can. It's an observable justification of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and the Pauli exclusion principle (the one that says you can accurately measure the position or the velocity of an object but not both and the one that says that two neutrons -in this case- can't both occupy the same very small region of space).

To be a neutron star, the remnant core after an unstable giant blows its outer layers away has to be more massive than 1.44 solar masses, but anything bigger than about 2.5 solar masses probably becomes a black hole. On the less massive end you get white dwarfs which are prevented from shrinking any more by electron degeneracy pressure - electrons won't let the star get any denser. But if you throw more mass on it, even electron degeneracy pressure can't resist the gravitational force and you get a neutron star, supported by neutron degeneracy - the neutrons won't let the star get any denser now. And then finally more and more mass and it becomes a black hole, which is where even the neutron degeneracy pressure can't sustain the gravitational force.

I mean, that's fucking cool - there is so much gravitational force that the electrons have to team up with the protons to become neutrons, because neutrons can get slightly closer together. And then if the neutrons aren't happy, you've got a singularity which is a fancy way of saying we don't know what the hell just happened but stay away from it if you like being in the part of the physical universe that kinda makes sense to us.

There's also speculation of a quark degeneracy state beyond neutron degeneracy.

Sunscreen Works, If You Use it Right

ghark says...

There are a couple of good points about this video, a couple of bad ones, and several things he didn't mention that he should have.
The good - yes people usually use too little, and don't reapply as often as they should, they also don't realise that water resistant doesn't mean water proof, and don't reapply after going in the water.

The bad - he didn't debunk that study at all - conducting perfect studies are next to impossible, that doesn't mean this study was not useful in guiding decision making. Then he turned around, and without even referring to a study, said that sunscreen is "good", as if we should completely disregard a large study done across many years, but take his word for something 'because he says so'. There is actually no proof that sunscreens are good, only that they reduce the rate of burning if used as directed, and they may reduce the rates of some cancers, but the important thing is that the wavelengths that are causing the burning are not necessarily the ones that are doing the most DNA damage - so sunscreens should only be used as a last resort, the DNA will still suffer UV damage no matter what SPF you use if you stay out too long in the hot part of the day (usually 10-4).

Things he didn't mention - if you leave sunscreen on too long and continue to stay out in the sun, the UV rays react with the sunscreen in the deeper layers of the dermis to form free radicals (which can be cancer forming compounds). So using it improperly could potentially increase your risk of getting cancer.

This is not even to mention the numerous dodgy compounds that are often in sunscreens that have had very little testing done on them over the long term to ensure they are safe for human use. Or the fact sunscreens (even broad spectrum ones) provide very little UVA protection, and little to no infrared protection (which also causes damage).

So in my opinion, sunscreens have the potential to be good, but a far better option is to get your sun when the sun is not at it's hottest so you get enough vitamin D, then the rest of the day, cover yourself with effective clothing/wide brimmed hat if you are outside. If you absolutely have to be outside and it is impossible to wear proper clothing then follow his advice and make sure you use the sunscreen as directed, as this is far more important than going for an SPF higher than about 15. Just be prepared to buy a lot of sunscreen because you will be very surprised how much you have to use to cover yourself properly.

TYT - Israel's devastation of Gaza

Asmo says...


The side with the most power is worse. The side that can precisely destroy targets and yet somehow can't stop hitting everything else, is worse. The side that has layered defense systems neutralising the threat of home made dumbfire rockets, is worse. The side where people line up to laugh as civilians are murdered with no where to run, is fucking worse.

You cannot bring equivalency to this equation because there is none, and there never was. Israel has always relied on the rest of the world to back it's play, and continually pushes the limits of what it can get away with, defying the world to stop it.

If there was justice, a noose would be waiting for every cunt from either side responsible for the death of civilians, from the politicians and commanders who give the orders down to the troops that pulled the trigger. I fucking guarantee you there would be many times more Israeli's swinging than Palestinians...

Confucius said:

It's the epitome of ignorance to promote either side in this. They're both wrong. They're both at fault. They're both stupid and bloodthirsty.

One side is not better or worse than the other.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

OH YEAH!!! I could STILL use one of those. It would need to be the large version though, my stump is about 3 times that size! If I had that, I would have finished months ago.
I'm near 1/3 of the way done digging it out by hand. There's a clay layer below it that the roots didn't penetrate, so I have dug down into that, and then I started going sideways under the root mass. It's making a 'cave' of roots that look pretty neat. I might try to leave the stump and roots in the pond for habitat and to make a small island for turtles. I'll have to cut it loose from the walls and below so the concrete will seal, but I have a plan for that. Maybe I'll shoot you a pic if I can 'dig up' your email.

eric3579 said:

Bet you could have used one of these

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Nuclear Weapons

radx says...

Those floppies are just another layer of security. At some point, everyone trained in their use will have croaked and there will be ones less capability to reduce entire peoples to pink mist.

Kacy Catanzaro 1st Woman to Complete American Ninja Warrior

Yogi says...

Whatever you say, but my point still stands. She's not the greatest athlete that can do this, there are many many women that can do this.

Wait...did they have cameras on you? Were you broadcast? Are you attractive? There are several can get in line for American Idol, that doesn't mean anything for the actual SHOW.

Like I said, she's there for a reason.

Stu said:

Actually that's not how it works at all. You can be a walk on in any city and get a chance to run. They let everyone do it. I did it in Baltimore 2 years ago. No tape, no interview. I signed a waiver, got a number and waited. I think you need to remember not everything is fixed.

Collegehumor Breaks Down Net Neutrality

ChaosEngine says...

Free market doesn't come into it. The internet itself is not a free market invention. It is essentially a public service that we allow contractors (the ISPs) to maintain in the same way that building companies maintain roads.

The internet itself (i.e. the physical network and the IP layer) grew out of DARPANet; a US government-funded defence initiative and the world wide web (the HTTP layer, HTML, etc) came from CERN; an EU multi-state research project.

The point is that the infrastructure itself was not created by the cable companies, they merely built on it. And they have no more right to decide to charge for different data than a road maintenance company does to charge different freight companies different rates.

Waves of Grain

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