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Is it a Tent or a Hammock? It's both.

spawnflagger says...

I haven't seen one of these in person, but my guess:
1) The ground is hard, the floor of this tent is soft like a hammock, so you wouldn't need to have an air mattress if you care about comfortable sleep while camping. Sometimes the ground is sharp - sticks, rocks, etc - you wouldn't have to clear an area below this tent.
2) regular tents really suck on wet ground if it's been raining hard- even if they are "waterproof"
3) animals - if you hang it high enough and use a rope ladder that you pull up, it's not likely that any animals will get in your tent because of food odor. (not saying it's bear-proof)

1) you need to have 3 strong trees to strap it to
2) it's probably heavier to carry while hiking than a regular 3-person tent, since nylon seatbelt-like straps are pretty dense.
3) if something goes wrong, it's gonna hurt when you hit the ground.
4) depending on weather, might be a lot colder than a ground tent.

They do say you can use it on the ground, so I guess really only #2 applies, depending on the situation.

Sniper007 said:

What are the advantages over a regular tent?

Is it a Tent or a Hammock? It's both.

spawnflagger says...

this is a great idea. Although $750 usd is a bit much to ask for nylon and polyester 3-person tent. I guess I wouldn't really trust a cheap knock-off though, if suspended many feet in the air while sleeping.

I wonder how many of their 1st-year testers tried to poop out the ladder door?

Memphis Fire Truck Arrival Fail

Grimm (Member Profile)

5-SecondFilms: How To Make It In Hollywood

Why Are American Health Care Costs So High?

evilspongebob says...

Pharmac (go look it up) here in NZ has a big part to play in our overall lower health costs for medicines.

It's a crown owned entity that works out what drug is the best for a particular purpose and then says, "hey big pharma wanna have all the NZ'ers get cured of shitty disease x with your magic pill number 4? Well then gives us the generic brand and here's what we will pay." And then drives a sweet deal for all us kiwis.

It's that big of a thing that it's upset all the corporate fuckers that are driving the whole Trans Pacific fuck the little guy Partnership.

Then there is the ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation) - It's not perfect by any means. But say for example you are playing football on the weekend and your blow your hamstring, well you rock on up to the local A&E, afterhours or medical centre etc, pay a fee of around $30-50nz, get checked over, if you need xrays/scans these maybe fully subsidised or again you may have to pay up to $50-80, get cheapo drugs from the pharmacy (thanks Pharmac) and go home and put your feet up. You're in the system now buddy!

Now have to put your foot up at home for the next 4 weeks, - what about work? I gotta get paid dog!! Don't worry homie ACC has got your back.

If your claim is approved (they pay first and ask questions later, after all you need to get better) you'll be paid 80% of your income while your at home working on your TV tan! ACC was created for workplace injuries, but falling of the ladder home still gets covered.

ACC works by all employers paying into the scheme via levies based on your wage/salary, also the higher risk of injury the workplace is the higher the levy the employer has to pay.

The pay off for ACC is that no-one is allowed to be sued. The govt will drop the hammer on the company, you get looked after by ACC. This has caused the odd issue here and there but overall. Sweet!

Disclaimer - This may all be a complete bunch of ass, but it's pretty close to the way it is.

Canadian Protestors Swarm Toronto Police Department

Buck says...

Thing that creeps me out is the yelling then 3 pop pop pop then about a 3 second pause then 6 more pops, why the pause? why only one cop shooting?

Obviously disturbed man ALONE on a streetcar, confined. They could have used riot sheilds,I saw cops take a sword weilding guy down with a ladder and water cannon. They could have used tear gas, waited him out, non-lethal rubber rounds......shooting someone is the LAST option, this cop jumped the gun. (no pun intended)

Cop Fired for Speaking Out Against Ticket and Arrest Quotas

messenger says...

This isn't about capitalism. I don't know what it's about, but the motive for a police chief to throw some asses in jail and to require his officers to interfere in the lives of the local citizens isn't a profit motive. There's pressure coming from somewhere and I can't figure out where. We must assume that this chief believed he was *personally* going to be getting some kind of reward for it, like an easy promotion ladder or something, which means someone higher up desperately wants all these contacts to happen.

Important: arresting people doesn't increase profitability for the police department, so that doesn't fit.

Mother Squirrel Protects Her Young

Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL

shinyblurry says...

If you had been reading more closely, you might have noticed that I never said the OT was irrelevant; I said that the moral and ceremonial laws given to Israel were done away with. It is still the word of God and much of it concerns prophecy which confirms Jesus as the Messiah and prophecy about the last days.

What you consider to be progress is to discard Gods laws and believe that you can enlighten yourself up to His level. This is exactly what caused humanity to fall in the first place; it's the same lie that human beings have been chasing since the beginning of time. What spiritual progressives/relativists cannot understand is that you can't build a ladder up to Heaven. You can't get anywhere near a holy God on your own. That holy God, in the person of Jesus Christ, had to bring a ladder down to Earth for us. And to get on that ladder you have to pay a very heavy price; you have to die. When you get on that ladder you don't get to do whatever you want anymore. You have to be holy as He is holy, and that's exactly what all of these seekers of the esoteric and "secret knowledge" don't want to do. That's all this relativity amounts to; justifying rebellion against God so you can do whatever you want. Or as aleister crowley summed it up "do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law". That is from Satans lips to your ears.

enoch said:

i got all excited seeing you state that arguing over old testament was irrelevant due to jesus being the new covenant.
i really though there had been some progress and then what do you go and do?
contradict yourself by using old testament to make a point,which you had just previously said was no longer relevant.


@Chairman_woo do as thou whilt,may it harm none.
now where have i heard that before?
has a ring to it.

Chewing gum, making art ...

Fireman remind us they're still bad ass

Unreal Engine 4 - Infiltrator Demo

noims says...

With regards to the U4 engine tech, it looks pretty, but you can never really tell until it's in genuine use.

As for the short, I was hoping that the scene he was so awed by was generated by the same kind of field he was projecting at the start. Otherwise, how the hell did that ladder lead so far up?

Nothing predates the Christians - Sherri Shepherd

Drachen_Jager says...

Sadly many Americans are actually this misinformed.

I read an article once by a Professor of Religious Studies, where he said he regularly has students raise their hands as he's explaining the origins of Christianity, and say, "Excuse me, I thought Jesus was American."

Sadly it's no joke, and these are the top of the education ladder, since they're in a university level course, and presumably they have an actual interest in religion.

Wealth Inequality in America

VoodooV says...

Even if you honestly do believe a CEO deserves 380x the pay of the average worker, they're certainly not working 380x harder. it would be physically impossible.

The reality is that the CEOs do less, yet they earn more. They were typically either born into their wealth or they lucked into it or they simply know other wealthy people.

Social mobility in the US, (in other words, the notion that if you "work hard" that you'll succeed and climb the ladder") is abysmal. I forget the number but we're ranked pretty low amongst other civilized/industrialized nations.

You can't blame this on Obama, you can't blame this on Bush, It's bigger than government. we allow the 1 percenters to have an unfair amount of influence over our gov't so as @Trancecoach mentioned, the game is rigged against you.

In all reality though. Income inequality would not be so much of a problem if everyone's necessities were met. All things being equal, I could give a shit that the 1 percent had so much wealth, but the problem is for most people, the instant you have a major illness, you're instantly bankrupt.

I've got no problem with capitalism when it comes to things that are not necessities to living a healthy life. Want the latest Apple trinket? sorry, you need to work harder and get a better job for that. But I shouldn't have to become a CEO just so that I don't have to worry if I or my loved ones has an accident and is hospitalized. It shouldn't matter if I'm an engineer or a janitor when it comes to healthcare. In case you've forgotten, we're supposedly all equal and deserving of the same life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

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