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Keep it simple R/C plane

Stormsinger says...

It is indeed. And they're not that hard to make, but it does take some attention to detail, and a fair amount of time. But the friend that got me started built his first kit (which included building a plastic coated balsa wing from scraps) before ever flying a damned thing, and it worked fine.

My preference, if you're gonna build one, take the extra 10 hours and do it right. Then you'll know how to repair it after the inevitable crash. LOL

Mobius said:

I did not mean that people would be inspired to go out and buy a piece of plastic with an electric motor. Just seems obvious to me that this is geared towards those that like inspiration and have the capacity to build things. Buying a wing sure made me think about trying it, Other wise I would have to build my own wing and that is some stuff I am not 100 percent comfortable with, the wing is the thing that makes it go in the air right ? ?

Why U.S. Internet Access is Slow, Costly, and Unfair

oritteropo says...

It would be correct to say that it's more complicated than that...

With the exception of the Tier 1 ISPs, who were able to use their market position to force everybody else to pay to peer with them, ISPs will generally pay for all traffic that leaves their network. There are no data caps for ISPs, they pay for usage and then take the average data costs and use that as part of their pricing determination for their customers.

Even aside from that though, due to contention (see @charliem's comment above) there simply isn't enough kit installed to cope with all users downloading as much as they can all at once. You could look at a single fixed cost gigabit line (lets say it costs $1024 pcm) as actually having a cost of 0.31c/gigabyte transferred, whether or not you actually use it. Extra data transfers over that line don't actually cost any more until you exceed the link capacity, then you have increased costs.

What your ISP is selling you is actually a share of a link. They don't have to charge for usage, but they have to pay for it regardless... all that changes is how they bill their customers. Since 1% of residential customers generate approx 90% of the traffic, it is a bit fairer to charge for usage, otherwise 99% of the customers are subsidising the 1% who generate most of the costs for the ISP.

CreamK said:

That is true. But. Peak transfer speeds are not in any way linked to total amount of data downloaded over time. This is what i meant that data caps are artificial, designed for two purposes: to coax users to download less in hopes that it will help peak transfer rates (it will) but the main reason is just more profit.

Correct me if i'm wrong but ISPs do NOT have data caps in their contracts, it's flat rate as no one can predict the total amount of data transferred in n amount of time. Data caps belong to the 90s.when infrastructure couldn't cope with many users.

Why U.S. Internet Access is Slow, Costly, and Unfair

oritteropo says...

This is by no means universally true, and I doubt it's even universally true in the U.S.

Even in a world with no peering charges, if everyone starts downloading all the time then additional kit is required to cope with the increased peak bandwidth requirements. No ISP's have enough capacity for everyone to use all their bandwidth at once, the better ones are just closer.

Where did you get the idea that data transmission is free?

CreamK said:

You do know that data limits are entirely made-up limitations? It doesn't cost them any more or less if you download 1mb per day or 1tb (well, it takes more electricity but that's nitpicking).

All 91 of Lionel Messi's goals in 2012 (new world record)

Reactions and some Ingame-Footage of the Occulus Rift

Catnip: Egress to Oblivion?

Neal Peart of RUSH discussing LimeLight and vocal timing

chingalera says...

Peart, Terry Bozzio, Ginger Baker and Kieth Moon have always been my favorites for sheer energy in execution, improvisation, and texture. John Bonham was fun to listen to and watch, too. Surprisingly, I sat mesmerized by Charlie Watts at this show in 79' in Dallas where the band was Page, Clapton, and Beck all jamming with Entwistle on bass and Watts on drums. He looks like a tax collector sitting there but busts out an incredible envelop of rhythm with the precision of a Swiss timepiece on a minimalist kit.

lurgee said:

Neal = God

Turbo Supra like a bat out of hell!

coolhund says...

I feel insulted by that. That Supra was not riced at all, and I wonder how you can tell in the other video. "Riced" means stupid stickers, stupidly looking rear wing, prolly some bright ugly color, some other parts of an overdone body kit and other ridiculous crap that doesnt add much or anything to the performance of the car.

deathcow said:

Right.. gotcha... two videos of riced out Toyota Supras being driven unconventionally on tracks... not related... got it for future reference

The new russian 5th generation stealth fighter Sukhoi T-50

Cat Gets Caught Entering Brazilian Prison With "Escape Kit"

10-year-old boy drumming washing machine: "Whirled Beat"

thugdrummer says...

I've been playing drums semi-pro for about 40 years. This kid's got chops and a good ear to boot. Very musical. I'm thinking of selling my Yamaha Recording Custom kit and getting a Whirlpool. Probably easier to haul to gigs.

That's some shit I really really need!

eric3579 says...

I got a long list of needs gotta satisfy 'em all
And the first on the list is a bag of Tylenol
Cause I'm stressed out thinking I don't have the time at all
To get my shopping done, let me start here, on the top at one

First, I need to check my e-mail
Oh shit, yahoo front page news, another celebrity female
That had a wedding recently, the marriage epicly failed
I need to click the link because I need to get the details

Soon as I click it I'm hit with a little ad
That reminds me of a need that I already had
It's an absolute must have need it really bad
Before I read the story I be rushing out of my pad

Now I'm in my car speeding cause I'm itching to find
A Mickey D's drive through so I can sit in the line
Gotta get in it in time, can't waste a minute of time
The McRib's only there for a limited time

And then I'm hit with a sign, that makes a switch in my mind
Reminding me of a need of a different kind
A brightly colored advertisement on a bus bench
Makes me head to Target to pick up tents

Cause tomorrow they're coming out with Call of Duty 84
And it's a necessity I camp out at the store
You never know they might never fucking make any more
I'm gonna rush to the front when they open the door
And trample over any people that fall down on the floor
This ain't a game, this is war
If you produce it I'll consume it if you shove it down my freaking throat
Everybody else got it, I don't wanna miss the boat

[Hook x2]
It's a lot of shit I really really need
And I need to get all of it at a really fast speed
I'm aware I'm a puppet of another man's greed
I don't care, I'm in love with all this shit I really need

[Verse 2]

My duffle bag is packed
With my phone, and my pod, my shuffle, pad, and mac
Got all of my i's dotted, if they made it I got it
And I'mma open my wallet for the next iProduct

Gotta try to give them all that I can bruh
Cause every phone that I own needs to have multiple cameras
And my last one only had one
How can I be seen from boths sides of the screen, I mean

If I don't desperately plead and request for my upgrade
I'll definitely bleed to death or die of AIDS
I need better resolution, more gigs!
Angry birds is old, I need war pigs!

I need to tell the landlord as far as what is concerned
I gave Apple every cent that I earned
So I'mma be late, now I need a Tecate
To deflate this stress caused by not letting my needs wait


"God damn man I just need to relax, watch some late night TV
Aw infomercials... Aw fuck I need all this shit too!"

[Verse 3]

I got a lot of insecurities, use 'em to attack me
I'm going bald, getting fat, plus I got acne
I'm looking like a combination of all the before pics
Please pretty please let me make you more rich

Cause I need to get over whatever it is that I'm sick from
List some symptoms, I bet I could pick one
Yeah I got the fifth one, out of 45
Stomach aches, surely I need that particular drug to take

The terrorists got me scared as shit
Time to buy a terror kit, with a mask for air in it
God bless my soul, I need to invest in gold
The economy as we know it is about to fucking fold

And we're all gonna die if I don't fucking buy
All the oil's running dry, asteroids from the sky
Who am I, where am I, what am I, I just need to fucking find
The nearest Wal-Mart that's got a gun to buy

The Cautious Twins (1960)

Dumb Ways to Die

oritteropo says...

Since it's about rail safety it shares some characteristics with a PSA, but Metro Trains is a commercial operation, who commissioned this viral ad campaign (including obligatory clever supporting web site, also including their logo) from someone, from McCann Group, and paid for it. Their logo can be clearly seen at the end of the ad, so even if it's not trying to sell you something directly it is attempting to increase their brand awareness... quite successfully, too.
>> ^BoneRemake:

kit-kat goes to space = viral
this, not viral
this is just a Public Service Announcement

Buffalo Bob Mixes Up Some Twinkies

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