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BEST BF3 PLAYER EVER "YOLO On The Battlefield"

RFlagg says...

Alright... I just got Intel from H.Q. E.T.A. 5 minutes to bedtime boys, let's wrap it up!

That and the Max line... "Stay up soldier! Here's a med kit, patch yourself up!" and a few others scattered around... but the bedtime boys one was the one that made me have to sift it...

Can you absorb mercury with a sponge?

Sagemind says...

From Reddit:
"This can be explained through the principles of cohesion and adhesion. Water has strong cohesion to itself and strong adhesion to the sponge. Mercury has strong cohesion to itself but weak adhesion to the sponge.

Cohesion arises from attraction between something and itself. Cohesion is strong in water due to the large amount of hydrogen bonding between water molecules, causing water to stick to itself. Cohesion is strong in liquid mercury due to something called metallic bonding between metal cations and delocalized electrons in the liquid metallic liquid, causing the mercury to stick to itself.

Adhesion arises from attraction between something and something else. Since water molecules are polar, they can hydrogen bond with the polyurethane sponge. Mercury's metallic bonding, however, does not interact with the non-metallic sponge. Mercury will, however, adsorb to other metals such as gold or silver and form an amalgam.

Basic mercury clean up kits usually contain metal sulfides, which can react with the metal, disrupting metallic bonding, and permitting other forms of intermolecular forces to facilitate clean up."

Clarifying the various Human Species

chingalera says...

Those Aurora model sets shown here....Remember these from the 70's, always thought they were funky-cool. Went to Ebay expecting to find very few and found over a thousand listings-Model kits were big-time disposable-kidincome toys when I was younger-

Clicked one (prehistoric cave bear), two monkeys had placed bids of over $25US....for an empty box!!

Evolution in Action

Dad Uses Kit Kat Bar to Trick Baby Into Eating Veggies

Dad Uses Kit Kat Bar to Trick Baby Into Eating Veggies

Joe Scarborough is Eloquent & Angry about Trayvon

RedSky says...

Isn't this kit and kaboodle routine all standard fare by now?

Right wing talk show hosts have an incentive to make controversial comments because they're preaching to a curated audience and any mainstream outrage they receive just boosts their ratings.

Similarly, some congressional seats are so safely white and right wing because of jerry-mandering that their only real competition are other Republicans in primaries so making the odd pandering to your base comment is a great way to get some free publicity and stave off competition.

I'm more interested in how voir dire didn't result in a jury racial balance more representational of wider US demographics at large. That's not to suggest that these kinds of decisions necessarily occur on the basis of racial lines but if there's any credibility to the comments they discuss that the white juror made, then there's a clear need for representational relatability.

What Can Frogs See That We Can't?

deathcow says...

> block the signal unless 5 to 9 photons arrive within less than 100 ms

This is true. My own system (as new) was 8 photons at 80ms. I installed the tweaking kit from NewEye and have been running around set to 3 photons and 200ms lately and.. it's a trip. Anything beyond the Selsky border of 3 photons and 150ms will show you aura (around healthy people anyway) so I am seeing aura almost every time at 3/200. I have to scale back when driving.

Little Baby Skunk Wants To Play

Little Baby Skunk Wants To Play

Fox Cub Comes to People for Help

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Fox, cub, baby, jar, head, stuck, spasiba' to 'Fox, cub, pup, kit, baby, jar, head, stuck, spasiba' - edited by xxovercastxx

Destroy them with lasers!

vaire2ube says...

for less than a gun, even less than a deploying taser, you can buy Class IV lasers that will instantly blind people... and are rechargeable.

Get em before they're banned and you have to buy kits for them. Fuck a gun, these things will burn their face off and let the perp live to be punished more... good times.

Russian Students AK-74 Gun Assembly/Disassembly.

Khufu says...

These weapons are designed to be easily stripped down and reassembled in the field, so it doesn't take much skill. Do it 3 or 4 times and you could do it that fast. I don't understand why they need to do this... (especially the part where they just pull the tool-kit out of the stock). is it just a manual dexterity thing for gym class? (card shuffling tricks would be harder and more impressive) Or is there a 'military skills' class in middle school?

dag (Member Profile)

John Bonham Isolated Drum Track- Fool In The Rain

An Ode To “Hacking Into The Mainframe”

oritteropo says...

They still exist, and have slotted fairly comfortably into a web enabled role... it turns out that batch mode terminals and web pages are rather similar, and as a result it's only a few years since IBM sold a record number of mainframes in one year.

Although it's worth taking this with a grain of salt the size of Uluru, IBM did claim to have shipped the most mainframe processing capacity ever per quarter in 4th quarter of 2012. Exactly how they calculate this is not entirely clear to me, but either way they are still selling a lot of kit and it doesn't seem to be slowing down.

Deano said:

Do mainframes exist any more? Or are server farms a similar thing?

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