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newtboy (Member Profile)

Mesmerizly pretty girl explains what not to do in Japan

MilkmanDan says...

...There are of course exceptions to the rule!

In general daily life, showing anger like that is seen as sort of pathetic and juvenile (they may be on to something there). That incident in particular was only lightly reported on in-country because of how shameful most people thought it was.

I think that modern Psychology tends to think that snapping as a result of suppressed emotion is overplayed in TV / movies in comparison to real life. But here in Thailand, when people do (rarely) pop off it seems like it does tend to get more extreme / heated than in the US. Maybe people figure that once they've crossed the line a little, they might as well go full throttle. I dunno.

00Scud00 said:

I guess the Thai Parliament must have different rules then.

how social justice warriors are problematic

ChaosEngine says...

Fuck gamergate. They are not, never have and never will be about "ethics in journalism".

They are straight-up misogynistic assholes that make me ashamed to be associated with an art medium/hobby that I've been involved with for over 30 years.

Let's just put this in context. They claim they are against the collusion of game companies and journalists.

First up, the specific instance they targeted was not a conflict of interest. There are absolutely, undoubtedly, HUGE collusions between game reviewers and games, but gg ignored all those because they were for AAA mainstream games that gg likes and instead accused journalists of giving higher review scores to indie games.

Here's a fucking hint: go read some movie reviews, and tell me if you see movie critics favouring indie movies over blockbusters. Of course they do. People who are seriously into something almost always prefer a niche product. See also: craft beer vs budweiser, restaurants vs McDonalds, etc. I could go on.

But here's the cheery on the big cake of poo.

When a games journalist dared to express an opinion against an otherwise well-reviewed game*, what did gamergate do? Applaud their journalistic integrity in offering a dissenting opinion?

Nope: they started a fucking campaign to get the game company to blacklist the reviewer.

The hypocrisy is simply staggering.

And I haven't even mentioned the doxing, the rape threats and so on.

Once again, fuck gamergate. Frankly, they're on a par with the KKK as far as I'm concerned.

* polygon gave Bayonetta 2 a score of 7.5/10 because the reviewer felt it was juvenille and over sexualised. gg started a campaign to get nintendo to block polygon. Nintendo, to their credit, ignored the little fucktards.

Rude Guy Gets Pepper Sprayed

enoch says...

satire my man.satire.
tongue planted firmly in cheek.

this video was reminding me of the subway video where a woman was verbally assaulting this dude,and then she made it physical,and got popped in the mouth for her troubles.

and the sift verdict?
it was the mans responsibility.he should have walked away.even though everyone agrees that the woman was in the wrong..still the mans responsibility.

so in both that case and this one,BOTH were being juvenile and antagonistic and BOTH should bear responsibility for the end results.

and that is the only fair and just metric we should use to judge situations such as these.

but there are those who engage in a mental gymnastics as to twist reality to fit their perpetually offended and morally outraged narrative.

i.e:that this woman is the victim.

nope.this is just two assholes engaging in assholery.

bill burr- the worst i ever bombed story

poolcleaner says...

Kind of reminds me of this band I was in a couple years back. We were booked to play this hipster library in L.A. (Yes, these things exist) and our band's singer/leader is stammering his intros and not playing to whatever crowd is actually there, the guitars are out of tune even though we spent hours preparing and tuning, and the drums are drowning out the rest of the instruments.

God, the acoustics in that place, and the look on the face of the person who booked us. Horror. Utter horror. I was wearing an Iron Maiden shirt with hair down to my tits, a look of insanity, me-against-the-world on my face.

Someone in the audience was like, "What the fuck is this shit?"

But I'm not Bill Burr and I' NOT in any mood to admit my faults, I just came back from 2 drinks over my limit at a bar around the corner, and I'm fucking done with hipsters. Suddenly our FOLK band goes into overdrive and becomes a punk band. I start smashing the drums with my sticks faster and faster, letting the rest of the band catch up, "Fuuuuuck you. You want some rock n' roll? Here's some fucking rock n' roll." Our singer is timid at first, but the guitarist is an anarchist and looks at me like, "YEAH! Let's do this!" Adrenaline and alcohol made it so I didn't even need to know what I was doing any more. We just played the same songs except faster and angrier.

People are disgusted by the sound and the entire place empties.

Later on as we're packing up, the guy I told to fuck off comes up to us with his pals and starts harassing us. Turns out, he was the guitarist of the band that was on before us. And everyone loved this guy. I stared at him and just said, "Fuck you." And he immediately replied, "No, fuck you!" I don't remember how many fucks were given but it was quite the juvenile display. We just packed up and left with "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" in our wake.

As we're walking to the van our band leader says, "Well, that went okay I think, you know given the circumstances, I think that showed off our energy."

EEVBlog - Hobbyist Arrested For Bringing Homemade Clock

Payback says...

Why'd he choose a briefcase to stuff electronics into?

If you were a airline security agent, (I mean YOU actually had the job) and that slid through the xray machine, what would you do?

The only reason he thought it was cool to make a briefcase clock is because of the whole "*giggle*, see!!! Terrorist alarm clock! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, cuz you know, like, my name sounds terroristy?? get it? get it ???" situation with his name.

This compares to the kid who got in shit for chewing his pop tart into a gun shape and going "pew pew" at classmates, in that Billy the Pop Tart Kid was a complete clusterfuck from the adults perspective, and this was a clusterfuck started by a juvenile joke gone bad (and then went clusterfuck).

Bomb Clock Kid is a victim of racist overreaction, not complete stupidity.

I want Microsoft to send the Pop Tart Kid an XBox.

Women as Rewards - Tropes regarding women in video games

Barbar says...

Juvenile market will be catered to by juvenile products. The video definitely dragged on. I think a lot of this gets traced back to the industry for a long time being nearly entirely male, and the market very nearly the same. And young. And escapist. The market has changed, and to some extent the game makers, but there's a long way still to go. It's a reflection of society more than a separately addressable problem though, imo.

Women as Rewards - Tropes regarding women in video games

asynchronice says...

I think it's fascinating to see the history here; at this point some of these games seem to carry on tropes like a kind of tradition (RE,MGS,etc.).

But as I get older, it becomes pretty apparent how embarrassingly juvenile these are. And having worked in the gaming industry, it's depressing that grown men and women commit this into a game without really thinking about it.

Fortunately, I worked at a more progressive studio that was very aware of these kinds of decisions; so there is definitely an evolution happening (albeit slowly).

Smoking vs Vaping

TheFreak says...

The examples you provide aren't particularly accurate.

The formaldehyde results in the study you're talking about have been misrepresented often. The study actually only showed higher formaldehyde when the vaporizer was run dry, meaning the coil wasn't vaporizing liquid but burning the liquid, wick and coil. Nobody would ever inhale that because it would taste horrible. The actual conclusion of the study showed fewer harmful chemicals in ecigarette vapor than cigarette smoke.

As far as teens using ecigarettes at a higher rate, the only available studies show teenage smoking rates dropping by about the same amount as the adoption of ecigarettes. There's no evidence of a net increase in nicotine use among teenagers. Instead, some teens that would have smoked are using ecigarettes.

Rock music is corrupting kids, comic books are teaching children bad morals, pinball leads to juvenile delinquency, video games make kids violent and ecigarettes are turning teens into addicts. Great headlines, zero facts.

Xaielao said:

...some brands have been shown to release more formaldehyde and other dangerous carcinogens at significantly higher rates than a regular cigarette.

I see more teens than ever smoking e-cigs who wouldn't have otherwise smoked cigarettes... Those are teens that wouldn't have been addicted to smoking otherwise and now are, even if that addiction is less severe.

Shark Attacks Surfer on Live TV

Asmo says...

The news in Aus this morning was ridiculous...

Every paper had this on the front, and the picture showed the sharks tail as if it were a dorsal fin (ie. looking far bigger than it was) to sensationalise an already fairly exciting story...


(read on for comments, speculated that it was a juvenile great white, probably 3m in length)

police detaining a person for no reason

lantern53 says...

Well this is a very interesting video, because I'm trying to figure out wtf UTA stands for, I'm thinking it's Utah Transit Authority or something. So do they have a rule about not smoking on UTA property? That's got to be it.

I'm thinking these two male cops are thinking what a lot of male cops think, which is why the fuck did this little woman become a police officer.
But i got to cover her ass because she probably can't fight her way out of a wet paper bag. She probably needs to get into the DARE program so her biggest challenge is keeping 7 yr olds from putting boogers on her pantleg.

Of course, some women cops are pretty awesome, pretty fearless, and quite useful. Some, like I suspect this one, is pretty worthless.

I don't understand why they trespassed this guy from UTA property however. I just don't see how that's legal.

The whole interaction is quite irritating because I have to agree with the hoodie guy, nothing makes sense.

Which is fine as far as it goes, until he starts painting all cops are brainless gov't toads who sponge off the taxpayer etc etc etc. You lost me there, boss, because now you're insulting my avocation, in which I take a lot of pride.

Lemme give you an example of police work. Yesterday I helped a lady who had an auto accident, her brand new Mini Cooper got destroyed by some little juvenile driving a big ass Jeep Cherokee.

Today I assisted my Lt. with a neighbor complaint, some jerkoff who sounded like he had 18 Red Bulls for breakfast and wouldn't shut the fuck up had thrown a bunch of trash over a patio divider in an apt. complex because he thought his Latvian neighbor was making too much noise. Nobody got arrested, we were just there trying to resolve these two idiots from killing each other.

Then today I drove some old handicapped biddy 15 miles down the road so she could be with her husband who was having hip surgery. it took us a good 30 minutes to find out where the old codger was but we did it.

Two other officers responded to a family who called about their grown son who was off his meds and had a knife...we've been to this house dozens of times because the son is a fucking mental. I thought for sure this guy would get shot dead today, but turns out he was just arrested and transported to the PD for processing.

A couple of people got arrested for shoplifting, nobody got beat, they got a piece of paper with a court date on it.

etc etc etc

But no, this 'hispanic' dude has to jump to 15 conclusions about what ALL police officers do and it's total bullshit.

Dude, you're about as idiotic as these phony UTA cops.

Texas cop busts a pool party picking on the black teens

bobknight33 says...

I'm not into speculation you wrote.. " ... Buzzfeed News spoke to Brandon Brooks, who uploaded the video to Youtube. “I think a bunch of white parents were angry that a bunch of black kids who don’t live in the neighborhood were in the pool,”...." , The term " I think" is not a fact.


..."It does not say that white or blacks were fighting. Since the cop was gathering up black kids it appears that they were the uninvited guests and some broke out in fighting. The video or text does not say just that juveniles were now actively fighting. More info is needed."

You have knee jerk reaction to see that all things are racist. I look at all things subjectively and just look at facts at hand. That makes you the racist and me intellectually superior to you.

Did the cop need to control the situation - yes.
Did the cop over react- yes - But how would he reacted? Every one scattering and running , not obeying, Cop being over heated with 30 lbs of gear, wearing black clothing making him even hotter.
Should he loos his job - No.

If all the kids obeyed do you think these events would have been more peaceful?

GenjiKilpatrick said:

I swear to the god i don't believe in, Bob. You have the mental capacity of a 6 year old.

"Update, 2:05 p.m. – Buzzfeed News spoke to Brandon Brooks, who uploaded the video to Youtube. “I think a bunch of white parents were angry that a bunch of black kids who don’t live in the neighborhood were in the pool,” he said. “Everyone who was getting put on the ground was black, Mexican, Arabic,” he said.

“[The cop] didn’t even look at me. It was kind of like I was invisible.” Brooks is white."

I'll even concede the whole "cops needed to gain control of the situation"

Tho.. literally the only people handcuffed on the ground were black kids.

Why are you pretending like cops aren't racist, @lantern53

Explain why - even tho, as you stated @bobknight33, the cops didn't know WHO was fighting white, black or indifferent - only black kids where chased, thrown to the grown and handcuffed?

Did democrats brutalize and arrest them?
I thought dems love suckin' up to the black vote.
So.. ?

Care to explain? Either of you?

Texas cop busts a pool party picking on the black teens

bobknight33 says...

The Facebook police statement..
"Pool Party Incident:

On June 5, 2015 at approximately 7:15 p.m., officers from the McKinney Police Department responded to a disturbance at the Craig Ranch North Community Pool. The initial call came in as a disturbance involving multiple juveniles at the location, who do not live in the area or have permission to be there, refusing to leave. McKinney Police received several additional calls related to this incident advising that juveniles were now actively fighting.

First responding officers encountered a large crowd that refused to comply with police commands. Nine additional units responded to the scene. Officers were eventually able to gain control of the situation..."

It does not say that white or blacks were fighting. Since the cop was gathering up black kids it appears that they were the uninvited guests and some broke out in fighting. The video or text does not say just that juveniles were now actively fighting. More info is needed.

The cops have to gain control of the situation, then go about finding out what occurred and who did what.

The girl was as the wrong place at the wrong time. The cop was in no mood to play around.

Once again obey, let the cop do what he needs to do and everyone moves on.

What was the result? Did they find who did the fighting?

Wild magpie enjoys a belly rub!

Grouper Eates Lionfish

Morganth says...

From Wikipedia: "Aside from instances of larger lionfish individuals engaging in cannibalism on smaller individuals, adult lionfish have few identified natural predators, likely due to the effectiveness of their venomous spines. Moray eels (family Muraenidae), bluespotted cornetfish (Fistularia commersonii), and large groupers, like the tiger grouper (Mycteroperca tigris) and Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus), have been observed preying on lionfish. It remains unknown, however, how commonly these predators prey on lionfish. Sharks are also believed to be capable of preying on lionfish with no ill effects from their spines. Park officials of the Roatan Marine Park in Honduras have attempted to train sharks to feed on lionfish as of 2011 in an attempt to control the invasive populations in the Caribbean. Predators of larvae and juvenile lionfish remain unknown, but may prove to be the primary limiting factor of lionfish populations in their native range."

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