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Man Escapes 5 Yr Sentence After Dash Cam Footage Clears Him

chingalera says...

And back @ lantern53: "You people??" Fuckng sounds like a cop, distancing themselves form the rabble to justify their own criminal association and feelings of guilt when faced with the inhumanity of the arcane institution they align themselves with. Now show your humanity how about it, and exhibit some remorse or empathy for the common citizenry? Try that on for size please?

I just hope yer not a cop anywhere near my own city...After my recent experience with them, I understand fully the implications of pissing-off some hind-brained adrenaline junkie with a goddamned badge and a court who has the back of their enforcers FIRST and foremost in their interpretation of their 'law'.

Diane Feinstein's Signature Party-Line Diatribe in True Form

chingalera says...

...Oh-and for FUCKSAKE get rid of the prison industry in America, educate and embrace the African American and Hispanic bulk of the occupants of the same (race war continues, in the form of safety for the "LAW ABIDING"), and pick a dead city to stuff all the goddamn gang-bangers in. There are some really great humans locked-away forever there who have something to contribute to society, but the prison is nothing but a training-ground for another generation of humans who will be used to justify totalitarian control, martial law, and the annihilation of all freedoms for all of humanity.

Escape form New York would be a wonderful scenario. Let Dick fucking Cheney and his types set-up their little summer-homes there along with their residences and bases of operation.

I don't want a police state unless it has limited borders full of all the hind-brain motherfuckers in it-The rest of us can live in peace and comfort.

Legalize all drugs at the same time, and let those with weak wills, off themselves into a stupor. They won't have to steal your little X-boxes and smartphones, your vehicles and TV's, to buy their drugs. Give em all they want. I'd rather trip-over junkies than have savages invade my domicile to buy crack.

Addicted to Bee Stings

chingalera says...

Yeah man, poppies too ya frikkin' flower-murdererin' hop-junkies!!
But yeah, what oohlalasassoon says, I haven't heard about any papers being published like, everyday about POPPIES disappearing in large numbers, take opiates and shut the fuck up! That thumbnail looks like she's about to go all Josef Mengele on that poor bee...

I have osteoarthritis in my genes, mom, granny had it-Hmmmm....

(googles beekeeping)

Wheelchair vs. GIANT Ramp; MUST SEE!

How to Make Pancakes like a Druggie

Undercover "Disabled Tour Guides" At Disneyland

enoch says...

now we are getting to the flaw in the argument,how i see it anyways.
this video targets the disabled people pimping their status out for cash as being the immoral ones.
that somehow selling their disabled status is vulgar and reprehensible.
maybe that is true but that is another discussion.mainly because we have not been made privy to the private details i.e:financial situation,medical bills etc etc.

you did hit on the very thing that struck me instantly from this video that the reporters never really addressed:the exploitation by the elite and privileged.

this is why i called it fake outrage.
because to me it was directed at the wrong people.

you used an analogy of disabled parking.
let me give a more succinct and actually true analogy that i find more...concise.

lets say we have a mother of 3 children.
and lets say she has multiple debilitating conditions.
let us also add to the pile that she has been denied disability status 4 times in a row from the courts,even after 7 back surgeries,is going blind and cant sit or lay down for more than 2 hrs at a time.

this mother has ZERO income due to the fact she cannot work even though the courts say she can,BUT she gets a host of prescription drugs.
she is over-precribed (and i mean waaay over) painkillers and sedatives.

so to take care of her 3 children she decides to sell her prescriptions at a 2000% mark up.this creates a decent income for her family to:have a home,eat and have clothing and even enjoy a few extras.

to accomplish this she is forced to deal with the unsavory aspects of society.junkies basically and she also has to live in the fear of getting caught and losing everything,including the very things most precious to her and the very reason why she embarked on this venture to begin with:her children.

so,my question :is she being immoral?

because while we may find these people who sell their disabled status as repugnant for abusing a system for cash,is it actually immoral?
or is it the privileged who exploit the desperation of others who are immoral?

is it both?
and if so,are there varying degrees of immorality?
are they mutually being exploitive of each other?

on the one hand we have some creative people that if they had brought their own families this would not even be an issue but since they charge a few hundred bucks it now becomes a "oh thats just terrible" moment.

on the OTHER hand we have families who seem to have a sense of entitlement due to the fact of owning a larger bank account but nobody says a word to them.

yet which is the greater offense?
which has the larger impact on ones sensibilities?

see what im saying?
from a purely subjective viewpoint we look upon these opportunists as vulgar,because it is vulgar.
but is it immoral?

@Kofi friedman was a cunt

"Don't Do Drugs.......Drugs Are Bayad......M'kay?"

Russian Police Car Stolen And Crashed By Drug Addict.

Why Men Shouldn't Use Women's Hair Shampoo

Iraq War Veteran Explains Decision to End His Life

shagen454 says...

TOMAS YOUNG: "In July of last year, I began to experience sharp pains in my abdomen. And I went to the VA, and they treated me like I was a second-class citizen, a junkie looking for pain medicines just to get high, even though I was genuinely in pain."

nock said:

How is this "poor support on the part of the VA"? Yes, clearly his pain was not being adequately addressed, but he got an extreme surgery at a private hospital without relief of his symptoms. In my opinion, the VA doctors did the right thing by not operating without knowing that it would improve his pain. Now he is in pain without bowel function, worse off than he was before. I don't know the details of his injuries, but some spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury patients have neurogenic pain that is unrelieved by any intervention let alone surgery.

Lucky Charms remix - 'Magically Delicious'

Fletch says...

They must be starving, or just sugar junkies. I used to eat these when I was a kid. I would work around all the marshmallows so that they were all that was left floating in the bowl. And then... marshmallow nirvana.

braindonut said:

I never realized just how tortured of a life Lucky must lead. Always being pursued and captured by children, forced to feed them breakfast...

Poor guy.

After Earth Trailer #2

chingalera says...

It's Will Smith and son, Fletch.....Daddys' grooming his no-actin' son to take over the Smith legacy for future generations of popcorn-slammin' entertainment junkies.

He looks to be shaping-up in the fine tradition of the Will Smith, uni-dimensional school of acting.

If Keneau Reeves were black (and had a personality), he might still be making movies, too!

Sinead O'Connor - Reason With Me (Best Fit Session)

TED: Amanda Palmer - The Art Of Asking

poolcleaner says...

I'm a stimulus junky, as I'm sure we all are, but I've gotten to the point where there are too many musicians, film makers, video game makers, for me to possibly pay all of them the asking price.

Last year I decided to stop stealing music. I spent well over $1,000 on iTunes. I torrented a lot of movies, but I also purchased a good number of blue ray discs. I also purchased a shit ton of games off of Steam, as well as illegally downloading a couple. (I also paid ~500 dollars on live concerts, including an Iron Maiden show that cost me $150.)

There are very few things I can stand to listen/watch/play more than 2 or 3 times, then I need to listen/watch something else, but I can't afford ALL the required stimulus to keep me sane.

I also need my drug money and gas because THERE IS NO PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION WHERE I LIVE. So inevitably I have been car obsessed, so there's more money that I'm freeing myself of.

Am I a bad person? If I didn't torrent a video, does that mean I'm going to buy it? At some point you run out of frivolous spending cash... And then how do you consume the junk that artists create? Do I just stop? How does that help an artist? I dunno, just rambling. I'm depressed and addicted to entertainment.

Personally, I think artists are talented scam artists with an unnecessary product that I LOVE and will steal if I can't afford it.

ChaosEngine said:

Gonna throw out what will probably be an unpopular dissenting opinion.

To quote Harlan Ellison: Pay the fucking writer.

I am pretty much the only person I know who doesn't download/torrent/stream media.

I'd love to, but I genuinely believe in rewarding creators, even if that creator is "Hollywood" or "labels" or whatever other faceless entity that can afford to be ripped off.

Amanda Palmer didn't come out of obscurity and raise $1.2 million on kickstarter. She was an established artist. An unknown band down the road won't raise that money.

Oh and since people are gonna hate this anyway, living statues are the single least creative bit of street theatre ever.

Rant over

This nap is NOT happening: Face-Planting Toddler

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