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Wits - Julia Sweeney "Sex Ed." Monologue

Angus and Julia Stone - Big jet plane

This is the Most Viewed Horse Video on YouTube...

Vagina Havers Speak Up for Planned Parenthood

Julian Assange grills Julia Gillard on live television

Duckman33 says...

>> ^legacy0100:

The show host keept interrupting Ms. Gillard whenver she gets to speak, and I find it rather annoying. On a bigger matter I happen to agree with Julia Gillard on her views of Assange. This man just loves to stir shit up and gain more attention.
Many journalist who has worked with past whistle blowers made contacts with Assange and later cut ties with him because they were was put off by his character. They often described Assange of "having his own agenda."

When it comes down to it, doesn't everyone have their own agenda?

Julian Assange grills Julia Gillard on live television

legacy0100 says...

The show host keept interrupting Ms. Gillard whenver she gets to speak, and I find it rather annoying. On a bigger matter I happen to agree with Julia Gillard on her views of Assange. This man just loves to stir shit up and gain more attention.

Many journalist who has worked with past whistle blowers made contacts with Assange and later cut ties with him because they were was put off by his character. They often described Assange of "having his own agenda."

Homeless man with 'golden radio voice' gets his chance

Julia Nunes - Nightmare before Christmas "What's this"

Pretty girl morphs into Jared Leto

freernuts says...

Ok, three thoughts:

1) This isn't a girl becoming Jared Leto. This is actually what Jared Leto is and what it has to go through every morning. Like, this isn't a spoof or a gag. This is stolen footage of what goes on in the Leto residence in the wee hours of the morn... ...creepy.

2) Am I the only one that thinks it's odd that the one girl who looks a lot like Jared Leto is also incredibly talented at making herself look a lot like Jared Leto? I mean, we can spin around jokes about Leto's lack of masculinity, but what are the odds here?

It would have been just as sad but true interesting if someone Photoshop'd a picture of this girl into Leto. Also, it wasn't a girl changing to say...Julia Roberts; it was a girl changing to the guy that everyone emasculates...AND she's an incredible make-up artist.

Seriously, this video could have been her doing another girl's make-up. Or hell, even another dude's. But it's all one person! Which only further supports #1

3) As a male, I have no idea what supposed "make-up" is so I have no clue how this performed. Are all females born with this ability, or is she just freakishly talented? If the latter, how the hell did she become this good? Is she a Hollywood artist? What does that even mean?! Are their schools for this? Can you fail this school? Is this the result of a Hollywood make-up art school drop-out? Otherwise, how the hell is the one girl that looks like Jared Leto ALSO this freakishly good at making herself, with just make-up, look like Jared Leto?!

Julia Gillard becomes Australia's first female PM

Julia Gillard becomes Australia's first female PM

William S. Burroughs shooting William Shakespeare

Nikita -- Verevki

Chomsky on Oscar Romero

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'oscar romero, priest, assassinated, el salvador, 1980' to 'oscar romero, priest, assassinated, el salvador, 1980, raul julia' - edited by enoch

Do you believe in magic? (ukulele)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'jaaaaaaa, julia nunes, ukulele, purdy, the loving spoonful' to 'jaaaaaaa, julia nunes, ukulele, purdy, the loving spoonful, pee break' - edited by therealblankman

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