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The Avengers - Super Bowl Trailer

hpqp says...

>> ^spoco2:

To me, the trailer is disappointing. But this is written and directed by Joss Whedon people... Joss fricken Whedon. Buffy, Angel, Dr Horrible, Firefly, Toy Story's screenplay... I'm prepared to be very pleasantly surprised by this because the man just has a way with words.

What s/he said. Whedon is an ace writer, and not just for films (read The Astonishing X-Men for example).

The Avengers - Super Bowl Trailer

spoco2 says...

To me, the trailer is disappointing. But this is written and directed by Joss Whedon people... Joss fricken Whedon. Buffy, Angel, Dr Horrible, Firefly, Toy Story's screenplay... I'm prepared to be very pleasantly surprised by this because the man just has a way with words.

Inside "Game of Thrones" (HBO)

Yogi says...

I figured out why I don't like this series (I love it actually but one thing I just fucking hate).

*SPOILERS* The Ned Stark murder people argue that it makes the show interesting "Oooo now anyone can die isn't that different than any other show? Doesn't that raise the tension?" The answers to those questions are YES it is different than any other show...but no it doesn't raise the tension. To me if you say everyone can die that means that I'm just waiting for when. It's like before I was in a room where I know various deadly traps exist but I can't see them. With the execution now there is a nuclear weapon just above the room waiting to drop. There's no tension for me because I know I'm screwed. Also building tension for seemingly unkillable contracted TV stars is a skill, one that some people (Joss Whedon) can master and well this show didn't even try. Just fuck it, they're all able to die it's just like real life. Don't like real life, I want a TV show instead I've been given a horror movie where nothing is fun it's only inevitable. *SPOILERS*

Yeah no one agrees with me...I don't care.

The Avengers (2012) - First Trailer

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^berticus:

i would trade a million of these shitpiles for another episode of firefly.
fuck you, world.

Directed by Joss Whedon, woot? But ya, moar firefly would be great. Given that is isn't coming back (or have the same deflated spark family guy has if it did), I willingly accept the new projects of Joss Whedon whole heatedly, except Glee.

Game of Thrones - Rock Intro mashup

Shepppard says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Sarzy:
>> ^Yogi:
>> ^Sarzy:
>> ^Yogi:
Game of Thrones is quite a good show. That being said whoever decided to kill Sean Bean off is a moron and should be fired for writing moronically. Yes everyone can say "but it happened in the book" I'm not watching a book...I'm watching a fucking TV show that can be changed...Change it to do something good and not something stupid you bunch of fucking morons.

A) Spoiler warning please? It's unlikely, but it's possible someone who hasn't seen the show yet or hasn't watched that episode yet could be reading these comments.
B) I couldn't disagree more. That was such a devastating moment; I can't remember the last time I was that shocked and upset by something on a TV show. After that episode ended I remember just sitting in front of my TV in stunned silence for a good five minutes. That was the moment that Game of Thrones, in my mind, went from very good to all-time classic. Seriously, what a ballsy, bad-ass move to kill of the MAIN CHARACTER of your show. I loved it. I finally discovered how audiences back in the '60s must have felt when Janet Leigh was killed off in Psycho. It's an amazing, jaw-dropping twist.
Plus, killing off that character ups the show's tension a million-fold, because truly, NO ONE is safe. People said that about a show like 24 because they killed off a lot of characters, but we always knew that Jack and Chloe were going to be okay. But if they can kill off Sean Bean, then there isn't a single character on that show who couldn't die at any moment.
Anyway, Sean Bean's death has pretty much galvanized all the characters on Game of Thrones, so I don't see how they could have kept him alive without changing the entire direction of the story.

A) I don't care, so Fuck You.
B) Yes it's a devastating moment, and it's the wrong decision. They could've imprisoned him, or done something else you think Joss Whedon would've killed off Buffy in a way where he couldn't bring her back? It's an unnecessary twist that is basically just "We've never seen this before so lets do it" it's knee jerk and stupid. They're not pushing the envelope they're uncaring narcissists.
Also no you don't know every character could die at any moment...all you have to do is read the fucking books and know the future so fuck that theory. It's pathetic and LAZY ass writing. I like that Game of Thrones is unique but I'm smarter than them and I've sold more books than they can go fuck themselves I'm only watching for Tirion!

Oh... you're a troll, aren't you? Good work, chum! You actually got a fairly long response out of me. That gets you extra troll points, doesn't it?

I've been here long enough so you know I'm not a troll. I just couldn't care less if you live or die. I'm not trying to be mean but fuck you, you don't like spoilers watch the fucking show when it happens and refrain from reading things about it.

Yeah, I haven't actually watched all of season 1 yet. Infact, I have a grand total of 10 minutes watched of the entire series, because I've been waiting for my sister and I to have enough time off so we could watch it together.

So, in essence fuck you.

Sarzy was actually trying to do something nice for people who haven't been able to watch the series yet, and you essentially spat in his face. I didn't expect to read about spoilers about the series in a thread that has nothing to do with it but it's opening theme. It's got no characters, It doesn't have the clockwork intro video, it's got a two guys playing various instruments.

Game of Thrones - Rock Intro mashup

Yogi says...

>> ^Sarzy:

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^Sarzy:
>> ^Yogi:
Game of Thrones is quite a good show. That being said whoever decided to kill Sean Bean off is a moron and should be fired for writing moronically. Yes everyone can say "but it happened in the book" I'm not watching a book...I'm watching a fucking TV show that can be changed...Change it to do something good and not something stupid you bunch of fucking morons.

A) Spoiler warning please? It's unlikely, but it's possible someone who hasn't seen the show yet or hasn't watched that episode yet could be reading these comments.
B) I couldn't disagree more. That was such a devastating moment; I can't remember the last time I was that shocked and upset by something on a TV show. After that episode ended I remember just sitting in front of my TV in stunned silence for a good five minutes. That was the moment that Game of Thrones, in my mind, went from very good to all-time classic. Seriously, what a ballsy, bad-ass move to kill of the MAIN CHARACTER of your show. I loved it. I finally discovered how audiences back in the '60s must have felt when Janet Leigh was killed off in Psycho. It's an amazing, jaw-dropping twist.
Plus, killing off that character ups the show's tension a million-fold, because truly, NO ONE is safe. People said that about a show like 24 because they killed off a lot of characters, but we always knew that Jack and Chloe were going to be okay. But if they can kill off Sean Bean, then there isn't a single character on that show who couldn't die at any moment.
Anyway, Sean Bean's death has pretty much galvanized all the characters on Game of Thrones, so I don't see how they could have kept him alive without changing the entire direction of the story.

A) I don't care, so Fuck You.
B) Yes it's a devastating moment, and it's the wrong decision. They could've imprisoned him, or done something else you think Joss Whedon would've killed off Buffy in a way where he couldn't bring her back? It's an unnecessary twist that is basically just "We've never seen this before so lets do it" it's knee jerk and stupid. They're not pushing the envelope they're uncaring narcissists.
Also no you don't know every character could die at any moment...all you have to do is read the fucking books and know the future so fuck that theory. It's pathetic and LAZY ass writing. I like that Game of Thrones is unique but I'm smarter than them and I've sold more books than they can go fuck themselves I'm only watching for Tirion!

Oh... you're a troll, aren't you? Good work, chum! You actually got a fairly long response out of me. That gets you extra troll points, doesn't it?

I've been here long enough so you know I'm not a troll. I just couldn't care less if you live or die. I'm not trying to be mean but fuck you, you don't like spoilers watch the fucking show when it happens and refrain from reading things about it.

Game of Thrones - Rock Intro mashup

Sarzy says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Sarzy:
>> ^Yogi:
Game of Thrones is quite a good show. That being said whoever decided to kill Sean Bean off is a moron and should be fired for writing moronically. Yes everyone can say "but it happened in the book" I'm not watching a book...I'm watching a fucking TV show that can be changed...Change it to do something good and not something stupid you bunch of fucking morons.

A) Spoiler warning please? It's unlikely, but it's possible someone who hasn't seen the show yet or hasn't watched that episode yet could be reading these comments.
B) I couldn't disagree more. That was such a devastating moment; I can't remember the last time I was that shocked and upset by something on a TV show. After that episode ended I remember just sitting in front of my TV in stunned silence for a good five minutes. That was the moment that Game of Thrones, in my mind, went from very good to all-time classic. Seriously, what a ballsy, bad-ass move to kill of the MAIN CHARACTER of your show. I loved it. I finally discovered how audiences back in the '60s must have felt when Janet Leigh was killed off in Psycho. It's an amazing, jaw-dropping twist.
Plus, killing off that character ups the show's tension a million-fold, because truly, NO ONE is safe. People said that about a show like 24 because they killed off a lot of characters, but we always knew that Jack and Chloe were going to be okay. But if they can kill off Sean Bean, then there isn't a single character on that show who couldn't die at any moment.
Anyway, Sean Bean's death has pretty much galvanized all the characters on Game of Thrones, so I don't see how they could have kept him alive without changing the entire direction of the story.

A) I don't care, so Fuck You.
B) Yes it's a devastating moment, and it's the wrong decision. They could've imprisoned him, or done something else you think Joss Whedon would've killed off Buffy in a way where he couldn't bring her back? It's an unnecessary twist that is basically just "We've never seen this before so lets do it" it's knee jerk and stupid. They're not pushing the envelope they're uncaring narcissists.
Also no you don't know every character could die at any moment...all you have to do is read the fucking books and know the future so fuck that theory. It's pathetic and LAZY ass writing. I like that Game of Thrones is unique but I'm smarter than them and I've sold more books than they can go fuck themselves I'm only watching for Tirion!

Oh... you're a troll, aren't you? Good work, chum! You actually got a fairly long response out of me. That gets you extra troll points, doesn't it?

Game of Thrones - Rock Intro mashup

Yogi says...

>> ^Sarzy:

>> ^Yogi:
Game of Thrones is quite a good show. That being said whoever decided to kill Sean Bean off is a moron and should be fired for writing moronically. Yes everyone can say "but it happened in the book" I'm not watching a book...I'm watching a fucking TV show that can be changed...Change it to do something good and not something stupid you bunch of fucking morons.

A) Spoiler warning please? It's unlikely, but it's possible someone who hasn't seen the show yet or hasn't watched that episode yet could be reading these comments.
B) I couldn't disagree more. That was such a devastating moment; I can't remember the last time I was that shocked and upset by something on a TV show. After that episode ended I remember just sitting in front of my TV in stunned silence for a good five minutes. That was the moment that Game of Thrones, in my mind, went from very good to all-time classic. Seriously, what a ballsy, bad-ass move to kill of the MAIN CHARACTER of your show. I loved it. I finally discovered how audiences back in the '60s must have felt when Janet Leigh was killed off in Psycho. It's an amazing, jaw-dropping twist.
Plus, killing off that character ups the show's tension a million-fold, because truly, NO ONE is safe. People said that about a show like 24 because they killed off a lot of characters, but we always knew that Jack and Chloe were going to be okay. But if they can kill off Sean Bean, then there isn't a single character on that show who couldn't die at any moment.
Anyway, Sean Bean's death has pretty much galvanized all the characters on Game of Thrones, so I don't see how they could have kept him alive without changing the entire direction of the story.

A) I don't care, so Fuck You.

B) Yes it's a devastating moment, and it's the wrong decision. They could've imprisoned him, or done something else you think Joss Whedon would've killed off Buffy in a way where he couldn't bring her back? It's an unnecessary twist that is basically just "We've never seen this before so lets do it" it's knee jerk and stupid. They're not pushing the envelope they're uncaring narcissists.

Also no you don't know every character could die at any moment...all you have to do is read the fucking books and know the future so fuck that theory. It's pathetic and LAZY ass writing. I like that Game of Thrones is unique but I'm smarter than them and I've sold more books than they can go fuck themselves I'm only watching for Tirion!

Every Michael Bay Movie In Under A Minute

MarineGunrock says...

I agree with everything. Also, I need to point out that 99%of movie explosions are bullshit. Explosions do not have gigantic fireballs. I was fucking SHOCKED to find out Bad Boys 2 was a Bay film, specifically because the explosions (at the end, in Cuba) were so realistic. No giant flames. Just an explosive force demolishing shit. I'm mainly talking about the part where Will Smith shoots the guard post with the AT-4 rocket launcher. >> ^Jinx:

Actuaaallllly I really liked the way Firefly was shot. And that part of the movie where they rush the blockade with all those Reaver ships on their tale was class.
ps. Does anybody else find movie explosions terribly underwhelming? Oh, they set fire to some gasoline again. yawn. How about some actual shockwaves Hollywood, how about making explosions that look like they take people lives, not just eyebrows. Thx.

Every Michael Bay Movie In Under A Minute

direpickle says...

>> ^Jinx:

Actuaaallllly I really liked the way Firefly was shot. And that part of the movie where they rush the blockade with all those Reaver ships on their tale was class.
ps. Does anybody else find movie explosions terribly underwhelming? Oh, they set fire to some gasoline again. yawn. How about some actual shockwaves Hollywood, how about making explosions that look like they take people lives, not just eyebrows. Thx.

Joss Whedon wrote Alien Resurrection. Joss Whedon wrote Alien Resurrection! Joss. Whedon. Wrote. Alien. Resurrection.

Every Michael Bay Movie In Under A Minute

Jinx says...

Actuaaallllly I really liked the way Firefly was shot. And that part of the movie where they rush the blockade with all those Reaver ships on their tale was class.


ps. Does anybody else find movie explosions terribly underwhelming? Oh, they set fire to some gasoline again. yawn. How about some actual shockwaves Hollywood, how about making explosions that look like they take people lives, not just eyebrows. Thx.

Every Michael Bay Movie In Under A Minute

Ariane says...

Did you know that Joss Whedon and Michael Bay were college roomates? They need to have a reunion. Bay's biggest weakness is that his scripts suck, and Joss does not have an eye for visuals like Bay does.

32 best quotes from joss whedons sci-fi/western- firelfy

Dignant_Pink says...

>> ^Asmo:

"Nothin' twixt me nethers that weren't run on batteries" is still the Grand Master and defending champion imo.

Jayne's reaction is my favorite part!

someone else (probably simon or mal): alright, that's enough of that talk

Jayne: ...I could stand to hear a little more.

edit: the rest of the quote was in the video. fuck me, right?

enoch (Member Profile)

32 best quotes from joss whedons sci-fi/western- firelfy

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