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Zero Punctuation: Mafia II

Nebosuke says...

>> ^Gabe_b:

>> ^shuac:
After playing this game, I'd love to see a full sandbox game set in a prison. You are a new inmate and your goal is to escape and clear your name. Or somesuch. It would be comparatively easy to make because you'd only need just so many textures and models. Not like Shawshank...more like Escape From Alcatraz only more gritty and dark.
To quote Jerry Seinfeld about prison, "It is a fascinating lifestyle."

I'd play that. Could be pretty good too. You could work in different ways to escape. Sneak out, Thief style, build up a gang and take the place over and have a chopper get you out like in south america, or maybe an adventure game-y and dialog based route to get out legally. Close combat with improvised weapons, raiding the armory... sweet

So.... The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay but much more sandboxy. Sounds good. Prison Break the game if you will.

However, if they made and official Prison Break the game, I'm sure it would be horrible.

Zero Punctuation: Mafia II

Gabe_b says...

>> ^shuac:

After playing this game, I'd love to see a full sandbox game set in a prison. You are a new inmate and your goal is to escape and clear your name. Or somesuch. It would be comparatively easy to make because you'd only need just so many textures and models. Not like Shawshank...more like Escape From Alcatraz only more gritty and dark.
To quote Jerry Seinfeld about prison, "It is a fascinating lifestyle."

I'd play that. Could be pretty good too. You could work in different ways to escape. Sneak out, Thief style, build up a gang and take the place over and have a chopper get you out like in south america, or maybe an adventure game-y and dialog based route to get out legally. Close combat with improvised weapons, raiding the armory... sweet

A Piano Lesson With Oscar Peterson

A Bass solo so good it causes a master to miss his cue

Iron Chef Chairman reveals every ingredient

ponceleon says...

Hehe, very cool find, it is really funny to see them all back to back like that.

Still, I feel like the US IC is really pussied out compared to the original. It seems like 90% of the "secret ingredients" are just so f'in safe. Isn't the point of IC to be able to improvise with something that you are not entirely familiar with? Chocolate? Mango? CHICKEN? REALLY? CHICKEN? I'm sorry but there is absolutely nothing secret about chicken damnit.

Cool video tho.

Washing Machine's Got Rhythm

Arkaium says...

I think one of the theatrical Batman Begins trailers had a part just like that. He should have run some people in there with instruments and improvised something.

Or better yet, someone should remix this.

Foals - Balloons

Chat Roulette Piano Improv #2

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'merton, freestyle, piano, chat roulette, improvisation' to 'merton, freestyle, piano, chat roulette, improvisation, improv' - edited by calvados

Chat Roulette Piano Improv #2

choggie says...

>> ^rychan:

>> ^Smugglarn:
Looks like he found his muse at 3:00.
Yeah, he seemed to be playing with exceptional flourish there.
Merton really is crazy talented. The stuff he puts together off the top of his head is amazing. After seeing him play Fireflies on his first video, I looked at other Youtube videos of people playing it on the piano. They were clearly accomplished pianists, but Merton's improvised version was far better than all of them.

aye, tis' a rare breed the spontaneous improvisational of the planet-

Chat Roulette Piano Improv #2

rychan says...

>> ^Smugglarn:

Looks like he found his muse at 3:00.

Yeah, he seemed to be playing with exceptional flourish there.

Merton really is crazy talented. The stuff he puts together off the top of his head is amazing. After seeing him play Fireflies on his first video, I looked at other Youtube videos of people playing it on the piano. They were clearly accomplished pianists, but Merton's improvised version was far better than all of them.

You’re the reason this country is going down the drain!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Bad Lieutenant, Port of Call, Nicholas Cage, Werner Herzog, improvisation' to 'Bad Lieutenant, Port of Call, Nicolas Cage, Werner Herzog, improvisation' - edited by burdturgler

The Story of Bottled Water

jimnms says...

>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
No, I don't have tiny hands. But I DO have a brain and know how to use tools and such. Get yourself a glass scrubber (or improvise your own cleaning utensil), stick it in there and swirl it around.
Also, if you don't just wait til they're all grungy and start washing them from the get-go, shaking up the soapy water might be enough.

I have a glass scrubber, but the bottle opening is still too small for it to fit in. What's your problem with the way I re-use bottles anyway? It's not like I throw them out after a few weeks, the oldest one I have is a couple of years old (or more).

The Story of Bottled Water

Opus_Moderandi says...

>> ^jimnms:

Maybe you have hands tiny enough to get inside and scrub out a bottle, but I don't. You can only put some washing soap in and shake it up, but that can only do so much.

No, I don't have tiny hands. But I DO have a brain and know how to use tools and such. Get yourself a glass scrubber (or improvise your own cleaning utensil), stick it in there and swirl it around.
Also, if you don't just wait til they're all grungy and start washing them from the get-go, shaking up the soapy water might be enough.

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

LarsaruS says...

>> ^peggedbea:
jesus, listen to yourselves.... either you guys almost exclusively deal with the sorriest, bitchiest, most spoiled, princess-complex females in the universe ... or you're really kind of dickish.
i'm using larsarus's comment as the example, but his sentiments seem to be close to the norm here.
expecting that my work and mind be valued and respected as much as yours, does not mean i don't value your existence too. and helping your neighbor reach something high, or get through the door with her hands full doesn't mean you've bowed down to feminist subjugation or were manipulated by doe-eyes. for fucks sake dudes.
social rule for all genitals: don't be a dick. (pun not intended)
>> ^LarsaruS:
My thoughts on equality
In my opinion equality is better than 17th century chivalry. The problem with equality though is that some people feel that they are more equal than others. This is, as far as I have observed, usually a female trait (unless you count the statistical outliers like the few ultra-rich and heads of states and the like) in that they demand equality in all things that benefit them yet refuse to fight for/accept equality in things that don't benefit them or is to their disadvantage. As I see it it is the old problem of living standards i.e. if you are used to having a high standard of living then lowering it is not a viable option. Giving way for a male can be seen as a lowering of their living standards in this instance.
How to deal with it
I have found that using their slogans against them and not helping them works quite well as they can't argue with you when you use their own arguments against them. Example: A female wants to reach the top shelves but can't because she is female and short. She sees a tall male and she looks at him with doe-eyes and asks with a lilt in her voice if he could help poor little her. Simply reply with a No and "Girl power!" or some other feminist slogan (In Sweden there was a slogan that went "Kvinnor kan!" which roughly means "Females can!" with [do anything males can] implied which I usually use). Some females realise the astounding irony of fighting gender inequalities and then relying on them for help but some of them get really pissed, in my opinion, because they can't get a male to do their bidding and are not used to being told 'No' by males. But hey if you want equality then you have got it. I would not help a random short male so I wont help a random female either. It is better for all to learn to improvise and solve their own tiny problems, how to get the crisps/chips from the top shelf, than to rely on the kindness/weakness of others.
In conclusion: you - right & they - wrong. Equality > Chivalry & Strength > Weakness
P.S. Wow this is a wall of text... congrats on getting through it :-D

Another wall of text is incoming... be warned (Not interested in starting a flame war but will probably derail the thread a bit but here goes...)

A couple of comments as you used my text as an example:
1) I would help my neighbours, I like them and know them... well most of them at least and the ones I don't like I probably would not help... As someone said above: chivalry and tipping is a choice not mandatory and so is helping others, especially people you don't like/care about.

2) I can't speak for all of the sift but when I write a text like mine I use broad generalizations to get the/my point across, Example: "All Iraqis and Afghanis are terrorists who want to blow up the world", even if it is "a bit" exaggerated or not true in many many many cases(I would guestimate it to ~99.99% of them or so)...

3) Female wiles are still female wiles whether there is a "feminist agenda"/"feminist subjugation" or not. To clarify my stance/point: Males tend to get their way by use of force, physical/monetary/mental and so on, whilst Females get their way by looking good and using males to do their bidding, see gold diggers/black widows and so on. Yes, females are worth as much and contribute to other stuff using their brains blah blah blah. However, it is a, in my eyes at least, simple concept as (most) Males (except asexuals, homosexuals, paraplegics and others not interested in females and/or able to procreate) will do basically anything to increase their chance of getting laid, see plastic surgery/crazy diet & workout schemes and so on, and helping a female does that, in our minds at least, (increases the chance of it, not guarantees it. Don't confuse the two as it might land you in trouble ) and they know that we, males, believe that and use it to their advantage. It is all quite Machiavellian and I applaud them for it.

4) is a bit OT but ties in with My, not everyone's, views on things. Cont. of 3).
It's simply biology in action. Every single action we (as a biological species) ever do is for the ultimate goal of securing procreation/the continuation of our lifeform. (Once again: My views, maybe not shared with some/most...) We (as in males) work out to look good and to be able to fight off sabre-toothed tigers (Providing safety & security), we study to get a job that provides money (for food and shelter, more money usually = better food & shelter) and so on. These things lead to a higher chance of the young surviving and is therefore seen as positive traits when females are looking for a mate. In general animals that play to their strengths survive, those who don't go extinct, and in general males can overpower females but females can outscheme males. Remember to keep on copying and diversifying that DNA. It is the meaning of life after all. Survival of the most adaptable and all that junk...

PS. Oh I almost forgot to say that that was an excellent pun Bea... love that finishing touch... (Seriously I do, very nice)

PPS. Extremly long wall of text... hopefully it is clear enough to be read and understood by others but I know what I mean and that means others do too right?

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

peggedbea says...

jesus, listen to yourselves.... either you guys almost exclusively deal with the sorriest, bitchiest, most spoiled, princess-complex females in the universe ... or you're really kind of dickish.

i'm using larsarus's comment as the example, but his sentiments seem to be close to the norm here.

expecting that my work and mind be valued and respected as much as yours, does not mean i don't value your existence too. and helping your neighbor reach something high, or get through the door with her hands full doesn't mean you've bowed down to feminist subjugation or were manipulated by doe-eyes. for fucks sake dudes.

social rule for all genitals: don't be a dick. (pun not intended)

>> ^LarsaruS:
My thoughts on equality
In my opinion equality is better than 17th century chivalry. The problem with equality though is that some people feel that they are more equal than others. This is, as far as I have observed, usually a female trait (unless you count the statistical outliers like the few ultra-rich and heads of states and the like) in that they demand equality in all things that benefit them yet refuse to fight for/accept equality in things that don't benefit them or is to their disadvantage. As I see it it is the old problem of living standards i.e. if you are used to having a high standard of living then lowering it is not a viable option. Giving way for a male can be seen as a lowering of their living standards in this instance.
How to deal with it
I have found that using their slogans against them and not helping them works quite well as they can't argue with you when you use their own arguments against them. Example: A female wants to reach the top shelves but can't because she is female and short. She sees a tall male and she looks at him with doe-eyes and asks with a lilt in her voice if he could help poor little her. Simply reply with a No and "Girl power!" or some other feminist slogan (In Sweden there was a slogan that went "Kvinnor kan!" which roughly means "Females can!" with [do anything males can] implied which I usually use). Some females realise the astounding irony of fighting gender inequalities and then relying on them for help but some of them get really pissed, in my opinion, because they can't get a male to do their bidding and are not used to being told 'No' by males. But hey if you want equality then you have got it. I would not help a random short male so I wont help a random female either. It is better for all to learn to improvise and solve their own tiny problems, how to get the crisps/chips from the top shelf, than to rely on the kindness/weakness of others.
In conclusion: you - right & they - wrong. Equality > Chivalry & Strength > Weakness
P.S. Wow this is a wall of text... congrats on getting through it :-D

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