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Soviet Nuclear Submarine Defects to the United States, 1984

Bruti79 says...

I appreciate the small, yet accurate, detail of the life boats from the Russian sub. Including that went a long way for my immersion in the story.

Making Spherical Tanks Through Explosive Hydroforming

eric3579 says...

From YouTube videos description..

Explosive hydroforming, also known as HERF (High Energy Rate Forming) or exploform, is a striking alternative to the more traditional process of metal hydroforming. Unlike this older method, which shapes metal using pressurized hydraulic fluid pumped into a forming chamber, HERF techniques utilize an explosive charge to create the necessary pressure. Although the charge is relatively small, it is capable of generating enough force to mold the associated metal into the die.

The explosive charge is typically positioned at a specific distance from the workpiece, and both are immersed in fluid, usually hydraulic fluid or simple water. Certain facilities may also use oil, gelatin, liquid salts, or regular air as the transmission medium. However, water is the most commonly used medium as it is the least expensive, excellent for creating uniform peak pressure, and readily available. Once the charge and workpiece are properly positioned, the charge is detonated, pressing the workpiece into a die. The part is then removed and the process is repeated if necessary.

Explosive Hydroforming Methods
Explosive hydroforming techniques fall into two basic categories. Although both methods function according to the same general principles, they rely on very different placement of the explosive charge within the forming chamber.

Standoff Method: With the Standoff Method, the explosive charge is used in conjunction with an intervening medium. In most hydroforming applications, the intervening material is typically water, oil, or air. The required deformation level dictates how far the explosive charge is placed from the piece of metal to be formed. When the charge detonates, the ensuing force is transmitted through the fluid and pressures the metal into the die. Detonations used in the Standoff Method can often reach several thousand pounds per square inch (psi).

Contact Method: In the Contact Method, an explosive charge is placed in direct contact with the forming metal. This process generates far more pressure than the more conventional Standoff Method. By placing the explosive charge in close proximity to the surface material, the detonation can result in as much as several million psi.

Cyberpunk 2077 Visual Tech Tour - The Maxed Out Next-Gen PC

My 4,566,300,000 Year Old Ring

2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY - 50th Anniversary Mini Documentary

Whoops! Wrong Again! Trumps first 500 days

newtboy says... you now admit he's Putin's bitch mumbling around Putin's cock that's firmly in his just don't care? And you wonder why we think you're a ridiculous Russian troll? Sad.

I'd rather have a reasonably intelligent and rational person who reverses a depression we should have avoided than an infantile blowhard that bankrupted the treasury like he does with so many of his businesses who's under the thumb of our enemies.

Yep, he's blown far more money in 500 days than Obama did in 8 years, golfed way more, fired more of his own people for cause, fired more of his own people without legitimate cause, had infinitely more convictions and charges brought, been immersed in scandal since before taking the oath, plead guilty to massive frauds against students, defrauded multiple charities, and destroyed our international standings (except with dictators who are warming to us)....what you call winning.
If a sex tape of him with his daughter came out, you would congratulate him on winning by fucking a hot blond and dismiss the complaints of infidelity and incest as pure liberal Trump hating, and probably accuse Obama of the same crimes...rationality about Trump is not one of your traits.

Really, delusional much? You were probably just as certain the Republicans were going to take California....where they aren't even on the ballot. I can absolutely argue the point that the midterms look good for democrats and horrible for Republicans, especially since your ilk now calls the majority of them rinos they won't vote for. Time will tell, but right now it sure looks like a blue wave, but maybe not a tsunami.
Thinking Republicans are poised to do well in this election is irrational thinking that ignores the primaries.

bobknight33 said:

Rather have a POTUS sounds like he has marbles in his mouth than a well spoken POTUS that fails America.

Trump has done more in 520 days for Americans that 8 years of OBAMA.

You can't argue the point that midterms look like more Dems will loose.
And if Rocket man and Trump do produce fruit then 2020 would be a shoe in.

MiniDOOM - Launch Trailer, play now!

JiggaJonson says...

Idk, kind of not in the spirit of the original game at all.

The whole thing with Doom was it was alarming to turn a corner and have a monster RIGHT THERE in your face. Gameplay was FAST too, which added to the feeling of immersion.

I hear the pew pew pew of this plasma rifle that's firing anything less than 20 rounds a second and weep digital tears.

Kid reacting to VR rollercoaster thrill ride

00Scud00 says...

I wonder how these cell phone based VR setups compare to more traditional ones like Oculus Rift or the HTC Vive. Are they as immersive, or are they more like a poor mans VR solution.

The First 6 Missions | Season 1 | THE ORVILLE

MilkmanDan says...

I love the show overall. Krill bothered me a little bit though, because it felt a bit too MacFarlane-y to me.

Taking The Orville as an homage to Trek (TNG specifically?), it struck me that any Trek character that would be asked to infiltrate a hostile alien group would take that task very very seriously. They'd learn enough culture / language / etc. to pass cursory examination, and they'd know to limit attention being placed on them as much as possible. That's just sort of taking your fiction/material seriously.

The Orville's (Captain!) Mercer and Malloy were basically just screwing around on their infiltration mission though. They knew very little going in, which is somewhat excusable since in there is solid story justification for it in that they are doing very early recon because humans in general know very little about the Krill. BUT, if that is the case then it would be doubly important to just try to fade into the background and not draw attention, and they didn't really do that at all. Long, "funny" answers to questions instead of being terse, not trying to blend in behavior-wise, etc.

I don't mind MacFarlane's humor, and even think that it adds a little something that is very often lacking in Trek. But only when it is story-appropriate, and it kind of jarred me out of the moment on that particular episode. It was still an OK episode, but that just hurt the immersion for me, I guess.

Mordhaus said:

I think my favorites so far is Pria and Krill. I've been loving the show so far.

Vox: Why America still uses Fahrenheit

ChaosEngine says...

"And if you prefer one or the other, I can adapt. Humans are good at that. ;-) "

No, they're not. Or did you miss the part where some of the smartest people on the planet crashed millions of dollars into another planet? People are TERRIBLE at these kinds of things. One conversion? Fine. Ten conversions? No problem. Hundreds, thousands or millions of conversions? The probability of error tends to 100%.

It would definitely be more efficient if everyone used one common language (especially for cross cultural endeavours such as business and engineering). In fact, that kinda happens by default and that language tends to be English.

However, there are practicalities in play. First up, there aren't just two languages, there are hundreds, and there is a broad split in the number of speakers of each language. Whereas in metric v imperal, the US is the ONLY country in the developed world that hangs onto imperial.

Second, learning a new language is an order of magnitude more work than changing to using metric.

I'm speaking from experience here; in the course of my life, I've studied Irish, French, German, Spanish and Japanese, and I am in no way close to fluent in any of them

On the other hand, when I left Ireland, it was officially metric but imperial was still common (distances were in KM, speed limits in miles, people used imperial weights for humans, metric for food). When I moved to NZ, everything is metric, and honestly, relearning happens without effort. Once you immerse yourself, you eventually just start thinking in the new system.

Finally, metric is just a better system for everything. There isn't a single scenario where imperial is a more useful measurement.

Come on America, join us. It's awesome and you don't really want to use "English" units, do you? Did you fight a war to get rid of them? What would George Washington say!? It's unamerican, I tells ya!

TheFreak said:

Extend the argument and it's not logical for the world to speak more than one language. Translating between languages is a whole lot more work than translating temperature scales. We should all speak Mandarin, because it's the most spoken language in the world. But my best friend's 2 year old speaks Mandarin AND English. I suspect he'll be just fine.

Anyway, long story short, I agree we should all know how to use the metric system. That doesn't mean we all need to use it for everything.

The 7th Guest: Official Trailer

ForgedReality says...

Yeah. More than once I think. It was a long ass time ago, but I remember the end involves you leaving the mansion, amid happy-ish music and a bright sunny day, and being picked up by your driver who ends up being this undead skeleton dude or something.

The game I'm really enjoying right now is Prey (2017). OMG so good. I saw some let's plays of it and initially it felt underwhelming, but the game is so immersive and non-linear, with a great story and evolving game world... It's not so much a horror game, but it has tension and some jump-scares here and there. I feel like it's got some gameplay similarities to Alone in the Dark 1, oddly enough, despite being completely and entirely different.

ant said:

What was amazing was the outdated polygon graphics, MIDI music, etc. that still scared us. I remember having a hard time in the attic. Its controls and camera views drove me crazy! Haha. I never actually got far too in the full game. Did you finish it?

The 7th Guest: Official Trailer

cloudballoon says...

I didn't finish Myst, just wasn't interested. But Rebel Assault, that was cool as heck back in those days. The Star Wars experience was so immersive even though the controls were simple. C&C was campy fun too. I played each and every Wing Commander, TIE/X-Wing space sim games there were. Descent & Homeworld...

Can you guess I'm a sci-fi fan? X-D

Women Drivers in GTA V

MilkmanDan says...

No "apology" necessary -- I can definitely see how it would look like bad AI in a one-off context like this, I just wasn't sure if you were making a sarcastic dig at them or not (and it would be fine if you were, also).

There's actually an amazing level of depth in subtle details that get put into the GTA games. Some of them are immersion-enhancing things that you tend to only notice on a subconscious level, like "tick tick tick" sounds of car engines cooling after you shut them down. And some are little in-joke tropes like this.

Honestly, it seems like it would take a LOT of work to coordinate all of those details and references and keep them fairly internally consistent. On top of that effort, the payoff is arguably somewhat dubious in cost-benefit terms -- a few people with notice these things and find them a little bit funny, a few will notice them and be offended to varying degrees, and a bunch either won't notice at all or will chalk them up to AI / simulation glitches.

But I still think it is cool that Rockstar doesn't shy away from including this kind of stuff, and/or stuff that more blatantly pushes the limits.

CrushBug said:

Apologies. I have never played the GTA series games for very long. It just looked like bad AI and it was weird to go with the old trope of "women drivers".

Mr. Plinkett Talks About Rogue One

Arnouth says...

Mr. Plinckett is right as usual. I watched it in IMAX 3D yesterday, but didn't feel immersed into the story all that much. While watching it I couldn't help but think that a panel of Disney marketing geniuses meticulously thought out what we wanted to see, to guess our expectations, more than the brain child of someone with a vision, with a true story to tell. The girl-that-every-girl-wants-to-be with great athletic prowess and wit as the main character to try and get women to go and see it. The two popular Chinese actors were obviously there to appeal to the ever more important Chinese market. Nostalgic re-enactment (or pre-enactment?) of the ROTJ final battle. Darth Vader! Tarkin! The Death Star! There's someone and/or something for everybody in this movie. Maximum appeal to go and see it.

I think all characters did have potential, but there wasn't any time for them to really come alive, as we were introduced to too many locations and too many people. On the topic of coming alive, resurrected Peter Cushing was very clearly stuck deep into uncanny valley, and watching him was a little... morbid I think.

Like with the Force Awakens, I left the cinema not really unsatisfied, but not really happy either. Just kind of... okay. That was something all pre-Disney SW films did way better for me.

How China is changing Hollywood

poolcleaner says...

I love me some subliminal Chinese nationalism in my films. Every time I hear someone praise China in a movie I'm like, "Gotta break into that Chinese market!" It's doesn't even ruin the immersion or anything...

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