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TDS: Happy Meal Toy Ban

hpqp says...

Stupid kids grow up to be stupid parents and have lots of stupid kids who grow up to be stupid parents and (et cetera ad nauseum)... at some point someone has to step in. I for one am all for mandatory school viewings of "Supersize Me" as early as preschool. If kids are going to be brought to poison outlets by their fat, lazy-ass and empty-headed parents, at least let them know what their in for.

Remember this?

Parachuting into a football stadium POV

Stephen Colbert speaks to the House Immigration Comittee

legacy0100 says...

>> ^chilaxe:

Isn't this a little too Idiocracy... congressional subcomittees basing their decisions on comedians doing standup.

What are the chances of us seeing this on television on our own if it weren't for Colbert's celebrity status?

Stephen Colbert speaks to the House Immigration Comittee

Stephen Colbert speaks to the House Immigration Comittee

Sarah Palin's "You-Bettcha" attitude SHUT DOWN by Alaskan

Office Space - Micheal Bolton raps

Arkaium says...

It wasn't anywhere near as polished and consistent a final product, but his next movie (Mike Judge, the director), Idiocracy, had its moments, too. I really didn't think the casting was great in that one, and some gags didn't work, but it had a ton of satire and social commentary that was spot-on and so bold that it never made it to theaters.

enoch (Member Profile)

The very best of COPS

Drifting near concrete wall is ... smart?

The Daily Show - Olivia Munn Is The New Correspondent

Steve Irwin Was A Clumsy Fucker!

Caped Crusader Judge Tackles Defendant

Obama's got Conan's back

dannym3141 says...

If he made a good joke i'd laugh, quantum. He didn't have the brains. Didn't have the brains to run a country either. Good luck accusing me of being <insert label insult here> from across in another country.

I don't know why people like you are so eager to settle for less. Sticking up for dubya is a mug's game. Why settle for less? Why are you happy to entrust the running of the ENTIRE country to a man that you could probably outwit? You could certainly out spell and out speak him. The only thing he could beat you at is if you had a "looking a lot like a chimp" competition.

In before "spelling/speaking isn't important" bullshit. Yes it fucking is. WHY SETTLE FOR LESS? I want a leader that makes me feel really fucking dumb, and i'm a pretty smart guy. I want him to use really long words that even i have to look up the meaning of. Unless he's explaining things to me. Then he's so clever he uses the right words that make me understand perfectly.

What the hell kind of world do we live in when an incredibly stupid person can get to be president of the USA? And then he's even defended after he's been deposed. Reprobates yelling "YEW DUN NEED TEW SPEL OR SPEAK PRUPER TO RUN YEWSELF A COUNTRY!" - yes you do, assholes. You really do. The problem is that we have people who think you don't.

Anyone seen idiocracy? Jeez.

This woman is contributing to the Idiocracy

Opus_Moderandi says...

>> ^Throbbin:

Actually, according to wikipedia the term 'Ghetto' means "portion of a city in which members of a minority group live; especially because of social, legal, or economic pressure."
Anyone else want to bet that this lady lives in a portion of the city in which members of her minority group live, probably due to social or economic pressure?
Blankfist is just being facetious.

Do you really think blacks are a minority?

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