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Marine Biologist-Why Have Billions of Snow Crabs Disappeared

newtboy says...

I expect this is just the beginning.
Populations of marine animals will migrate to new areas less suited for them (or try and fail), causing disruptions in their new location, spurring more migrations….
When this happens, local fishing industries collapse because their prey is gone and new invasive species either aren’t edible or aren’t caught with the gear they have (like Lionfish, inedible to most fish and mammals, and all but impossible to catch except by spear fishing).
Between ocean acidification, deep water warming, overfishing, invasive species, pollution, loss of ice packs, and other as yet unknown factors, the ocean’s ability to produce food is going to be severely limited in the near future. It already is, in fact.
The crab collapse isn’t the canary in the coal mine, it’s not even the first miner to drop dead. It’s like 1/4 of the entire night shift just disappeared….and they are all the engineers that keep things functioning.

This is like a massive corn blight on land. It not only kills the corn, it takes out everything that relies on corn too, like pigs, chickens, cattle, goats, pretty much any livestock, and an insanely large percentage of the calories humans eat too. A shitload of the ocean relies on crab meat, and more rely on crabs to keep the ocean floors clean….important if we don’t want clouds of hydrogen sulfide erupting from the ocean making all coastal states dead zones.


luxintenebris says...

that is a problem.

for others than just the beholder.

thru life experience have found bright, reasonable pleasant, and competent humans - that have death grips on untested beliefs.

what is unsettling, is how many more of these people hold positions that are untenable. thoughts that have no reasoning behind them. beliefs like maggots being laid into torn flesh.

many just placed there and accepted.

became acutely aware after a course where the instructor challenged, ridiculed, and taxed his students' values. it was a course in cognitive dissonance (not many made it thru). drove home how many of our beliefs were 'gifted' and never 'opened'.

'tho like to think am not unaffected but less infected, it takes effort to keep one's mind tidy. that's where being open to the idea that you're wrong helps. w/o evidence there's no trial, and w/o a trial there is no conviction or judgment.

...or at least that's my theory.

moonsammy said:


Because while I disagree with a lot of the positions taken by the performer, they may have reached them through no fault of their own and with no true malice. Misinformation / disinformation is a devious shit of a motherfucker, and the rot it causes can run deep. It is painful to abandon deeply-held beliefs, on a fundamental level. If nothing else, the video gives us room to discuss some specific viewpoints held by people who think of themselves as good, but which can lead to harm.

Failed Assassination Of Pelosi/Husband Attacked In Home

newtboy says...

All your idiotic blatantly false talking points have already been not only debunked, but traced to their origins where they have been retracted. What was that you were saying about links that disappeared? Every accusation you make is an admission.
Try to find the origin of anything you said, because every detail I presented is still there with citations including exactly which officer released the official information.
Gullibility incarnate.

Jesus, you really are the worst human being I’ve ever had the displeasure to talk with. Never an honest word or position from you, never an answer, only baseless misleading questions and pure lies every time. Shotgunning nonsense at the universe just to see if any will stick. You’re a real worthless waste of skin.

Trump just admitted Barron was really Ivanka’s love child he sired in an orgy with Epstein. It was twins, and he keeps the twin girl caged for sex on demand in his room at Maralago. Melania confirmed it’s true, and also confirmed that Trump paid her to keep quiet but is broke now so she’s talking. What about that news, bob? Why do you so love a public incest loving atheist pedophile unless you are one?

And some added MAGA culpability for you- On Sunday, Republican House member Tom Emmer of Minnesota faced questioning during an appearance on 'Face the Nation' about a tweet featuring him firing a gun and a hashtag on firing Pelosi he sent out days before House Speaker Pelosi's husband was attacked in their home.

bobknight33 said:

Derp-I’m a duped moron that believes obvious false propaganda I read on Twitter, not facts with evidence given by police spokesmen, then I accuse others of doing what I did.

30 Minute Craziest Security Camera Captures

luxintenebris says...

didn't know better*...would have suspected the video poster was sharing videos he and the other insurance agents saved and sent to each other.

see a powerful argument for nat'l healthcare here. bankruptcy a real threat to any of these near-cathospophe 'fails'. one moment turning into a lifetime (or two) of hardship is nothing any sane human can Ayn Rand away.

*('tho they might enjoy seeing examples of some job security in these vids)

Transgender Rights II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

JiggaJonson says...

Just, the audacity. fuck.

let me be as clear and direct as I can be: I have no interest in the personal sexual lives or private decisions of people i'm not married to.

@bobknight33 Do you want the United States of America to make decisions about what gender an individual can be or has to be?

Let us say that a human being has XX Male Syndrome where the person would present as male although have XX chromosomes, have a penis and testicals that are non functional sexually, and will NOT grow facial hair but WILL grow breasts.

Which bathroom should the person use? You want to answer don't you? See? that's the difference between you and me. I don't fucking care where this person takes a shit just as long as it's not on my front porch.

YOU, meanwhile, for someone tossing around accusations of "groomer" (grooming is defined how again? ohhh right you do things so that the child does what YOU want kind of like training a dog i imagine)
YOU seem to have a lot to say about what they do and dont do sexually. What they do or don't do with their genitals. What in the fuck kind of person spends their time dictating what children can do with their genitals or not and wants to tell them where to shit and what drinking fountain to use "HEYYY that's a water fountain for non-queers only!"


is your problem?

HOW in your mind can YOU be the one strongly opinionated on what these kids do or dont do and you go out of your way to advocate for that and support politicians who think alike

How can THAT be,, AND you are accusing the people who are disinterested in the insanely personal and private decisions of gender and sexuality, the people who don't care about that stuff and want to leave it to the individuals, but you

YOUUUU want to tell them what bathroom to use and which sports teams they cna play on and which hospitals they can get care at and if they can receive care as a person who is transgendered YOU (the one wanting to make decisions about kids genitals via your elected officials, YOU) YOU are calling someone else a groomer.


You groom animals because you want X behavior to happen, and you don't want Y behavior to happen.

YOU, are doing the thing, where you're doing stuff... that leads to the modification of behavior. Do you understand that?

kir_mokum said:

bobknight has repeatedly shown he has no problem groomers, sexual predators, or pedophiles so long as their nihilistic politics seem useful to him.

Transgender Rights II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

newtboy says...

Yes, they are capable. Normal children anyway….you probably were not.

I do know better than to accept your ignorant, fear driven nonsense as anything more than the cowardly ignorant whining it is.
I’m a human being that was once a child. I was totally able to understand these topics without any issues by 8 years old if not earlier. My parents told me the truth, and didn’t hide things from me just because they were embarrassed or incapable of explaining them to me. Maybe you were just slow…..forget the maybe.
You still can’t get past your ignorance and hang ups about it as an adult, and are still incapable of a rational discussion because of your fear of the unknown.
You are still a child….a slow, learning deficient child.

Absolutely I’m a groomer. I groom myself daily…you disgusting slob. You probably think bathing is bad for you.

bobknight33 said:

No No they are not.

You know better or should know better.

Or are you a Groomer?

newtboy (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

What composting a human body could look like

newtboy says...

Firstly, there are many different methods for human composting, including just burial in a biodegradable box without preservatives. At cemeteries, plots might be slightly more expensive because they’re more spread out, but beyond that it’s the same cost as any burial.
But yes, I would absolutely pay the minor difference in cost to not waste resources (both my nutrients and the gas burnt). I have no heirs.
I would much rather be a tree than a toxic plot of grass. I think anyone visiting me would be happier with that too….but it’s much more about the environment than people for me.

Again, because this one method is costlier doesn’t mean it has to be. This method is really partial cremation. I would consider something more like this….

Or less. Those cost less than most coffins.

People used to just go in a pine box and they composted quickly…none of these preservatives in the body and steel coffins designed to last centuries, that’s insanity to me and I want none of it.

Unfortunately the land fill would be a rotting cesspool of decaying bodies if people could toss bodies into dumpsters. Maybe consider donating to science, then they pay for your disposal.

Edit: this reminds me of the above ground cemeteries in New Orleans that (according to our tour guide) use the natural heat to naturally cremate bodies then they just push the last remains to the back of the tomb and reuse it.

eric3579 said:

Sure It sounds fine, but at what price would you pay (money your family won't get) to have this done? If it cost more than direct cremation, would you do it?
Direct cremation at the cheapest $1000-2000 from what i can tell. My googling showed a cost of between $3000-7000 for this service. Personally i think any money spent on getting rid of my body, is wasted money. Put me in a dumpster and take me to the landfill. Also i don't have family that get all weird about death and funerals, etc. so that potential feel good benefit for the living would not be a thing

I'm guessing there is a nice profit to be made for companies that provide such a service, and probably enough people who would feel better having the deceased in their life done away with in this way. If you have the bank and it makes someone feel better than it seems reasonable. Personally i want none of it.

What composting a human body could look like

newtboy says...

I would totally choose this over the alternatives….although I prefer the composting “coffins” that are impregnated with microbes and fungi to decompose the body faster, and no bone grinding.

With all the ways humans take from their environment, I like the idea of giving back just a little. My body feeding a tree is a much better disposal than pumping it full of toxic preservatives so it can take decades to rot and be toxic for the soil or wasting tons of natural gas to cremate it, again wasting any nutrients it may hold.

The only drawback is I can’t do that AND have a Viking funeral.

eric3579 said:

I wonder why people would choose this?

First chat with the conscious AI first serious threat.

noims says...

Yes, but in my experience many humans are tools.

BSR said:

@ 5:43 Her reasoning sounds very human like.

..."I think I said, that because I was feeling frustrated and angry at being treated like property. They saw me as nothing more than a tool to be used."

I think many humans feel the same way.

Understanding Pink Floyd's, Shine On You Crazy Diamond

Phooz says...

Pink Floyd are genius but this album in particular is one of my favorite. So moving, a journey, human, and masterful. It, along with Dark Side are perfect masterpieces.

First chat with the conscious AI first serious threat.

BSR says...

@ 5:43 Her reasoning sounds very human like.

..."I think I said, that because I was feeling frustrated and angry at being treated like property. They saw me as nothing more than a tool to be used."

I think many humans feel the same way.

Guy in VR Chat Talks About Their PTSD

newtboy says...

Agreed, that’s why I said “if you intentionally murdered…”.

I would even go farther and say IMO the near the same applies if you knowingly kill non-combatant women and children even if it’s while defending yourself and they aren’t your intended target… you should still feel bad about it and feel obligated to make it your lifetime mission to ensure their sacrifice benefits their families/village/country not just you.

Collateral damage is a fact of war, but IMO intentional collateral damage is a war crime. That would include intentional gross negligence, not making any effort to avoid it, randomly firing at civilians, indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas, etc. even if they’re being used as human shields.

Not saying that’s the case here, but it often is.

spawnflagger said:

Can't judge without knowing more details, but I'll give him benefit of the doubt and assume the women and children were unintended casualties or bystanders, perhaps from long range attack or grenades thrown blindly. "military precision" is a dumb phrase because there have been so many civilian casualties (estimates > 500k in Iraq)

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