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ant (Member Profile)


moonsammy says...

Would be nice if they also included estimates on ejecta, and how much of the world would be under nuclear winter for how long. The destruction of NYC would clearly be tragic, but the scope of the impact on humanity would make that something of a footnote by comparison.

Boston Dynamics' Atlas | Up, Up, and Away

EMTs charged with murder

newtboy says...

Full disclosure, I’m not an EMT, but I do know it takes SOME medical training to be one, and it takes absolutely none to know slamming a near unconscious person in full body physical distress with full force on their face then strapping them face down across the chest so hard it asphyxiates them is something a layman with zero medical training knows is not proper or acceptable or even safe treatment.
This wasn’t a case of being tired or inattentive, IMO….it was a case of, for whatever reason, them being put out and clearly enraged at having to help a black man in full blown alcohol withdrawals, and treating him as a sub human inconvenience rather than a distressed patient needing help.

It varies by state, but in California where I live…. California EMT programs are at least 160 hours and include at least 136 hours of didactic training and at least 24 hours of clinical training. The individual must have 10 patient contacts. An EMT who continues training at the AEMT level must meet additional prerequisites.

noims said:

I was going to start off saying that the whole concept of a private ambulance company - an essential service run for profit that so obviously benefits the wealthy over the poor - is so alien to me that it feels wrong to my core.

Then I read your comment and thought that the training really is at the heart of this. Were they sufficiently trained and managed to know that this could/would kill?

This is not a rhetorical question.

If they were paid little and/or forced to work long shifts so they're facing this while tired enough not to think/care, then I blame the company and, by association, the system. If they were well trained and had no genuine excuse (rather than reason) for their behaviour then I blame them.

The reality probably isn't as cut-and-dried as I present it above, but there's definitely a spectrum of blame to be considered.

Feeding Cattle Seaweed Cuts Methane Significantly

Phooz says...

You know what also works to cut dairy cow methane emission? Not exploiting cows; breeding them to always produce milk, feeding them hormones to increase their milk production, and not stealing their babies away from them. That plus all the agriculture you feed them that you could instead feed to humans.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today Trump admitted he gave stolen highly classified top secrets to China.

Also today antivax Diamond dead of Covid. Antivax Silk may be next. 🤦‍♂️

Sounds like also today Trump asked Republicans to default on the debt, because the resulting economic destruction would help him in 2024.

Today Republicans also announced they’re defunding and castrating the house ethics committee….they have no use for ethics, they have none.
They also announced the weaponization of the investigative committee by announcing an investigation into “the weaponization of the FBI” (but not any weaponization before Jan 20, 2020 when it was a pure shallow state club used against political opponents at the president’s explicit directions).
They also announced their investigations of all the investigations over their vote fraud schemes, election fraud schemes, and coup attempt….investigated by the very people who were under investigation for treason. That’s the Republican Party, pure self serving anti-American, unethical, immoral, and despotic.

Also today turns out election denier and fugitive “Santos” took another page from Trump’s playbook by taking illegal contributions from deported criminal foreign nationals…people convicted of gun and drug running and human smuggling (Chinese nationals he snuck in from Nassau). He was deported, but still gave Santos illegal cash donations among other donations, including over $25k in unreported free food for his campaign.
Also turns out he paid a staff member (allegedly) $100k to impersonate McCarthyks chief of staff on phone calls.
Santos is the face of the Republican Party. He exemplifies exactly what Trump turned it into. Frauds and liars, the lot of you are nothing but. Sure, some may SAY Santos should resign, but not one has called for his expulsion, or even a delay in swearing him in, and actions scream louder than whispered words they don’t mean.

Also today the republicans voted to defund the IRS because they are terrified the 2000 new investigators tasked with auditing people who make over $400k but pay no taxes will catch them being tax frauds. FYI, not a single dollar of the funding would go towards auditing anyone making under $400k per year. It’s hiring 87000 employees over a 10 year period the bill funds, well over 50000 of which replace retiring workers, over 30000 hire new workers to fill long empty positions (so maybe Americans wouldn’t have to wait 6+ months for their refund check). This would add trillions to the debt and the only protect criminals at the expense of every honest taxpayer.

A Definitely True Message From George Santos

newtboy says...

No, you say both sides because you can’t admit your “team” has a problem that isn’t ubiquitous.
Again, I show you dozens of individuals intentionally voting multiple times, dozens of campaigns and the party itself engaging in ballot harvesting and other schemes that together equate to hundreds of thousands of stolen votes, you answer “both sides” with absolutely not a single case on the Democrats side (besides the one entrapment case I handed you)….and pretend you won’t provide examples because they’ll be dismissed not because you have none….being dismissed doesn’t stop you from posting all the other propaganda. Knowing you will dismiss the verifiable facts I present you hasn’t stopped me from posting them in contradiction to your baseless propaganda.

I admit Democrats self deal, do insider trading, and sell their votes to deep pockets….but on a scale that’s microscopic compared to the complete lack of ethics and morals on the right. The right was significantly less honest, more money hungry, more corrupt than the left BEFORE Trump….after Trump it’s comparing the Mediterranean to an Olympic sized pool. Technically both have water. Comparatively the pool is completely insignificant….but you only want to focus on what happens in the pool.

Trump and family made literally BILLIONS selling favors. Never been a bigger crook in any office in the land. Greene went from pennyless to a multi millionaire in 2 years. Same for Santos who is a total fraud in every way, a fugitive, and supported by your party…apparently made millions from his campaign. You’ll be hard pressed to find any Republican that hasn’t made millions in office by ignoring ethics completely. You won’t find ANY trying to get big money (bribery) out of politics…only the left is interested in that, the right wants MORE bribery legalized (citizens United was their case, proving Republicans fight for MORE corruption in politics while Democrats fight to end it), the right refuses to divest, and opposes any strengthening of ethics rules EVERY TIME Democrats push for more/stronger ethics rules/laws.

Of course I’ll dismiss your hyper biased, unthinking, no fact idiotic claims, especially since they NEVER have references (because everything you believe is partisan nonsense and lies). It’s not worth the time because it takes no time at all to debunk your constant consistent lies and pure fantasy. If you had any actual facts it would be worth posting them, but you just don’t. You don’t bother to post lately because the stupid lies have gotten dumber and are being debunked as fast as you guys can lie them. It’s past the point where it’s safe to simply deny anything you say as a partisan lie with no investigation at all….chances are 99.96% you are lying or repeating lies any time you type. You never have facts or even references to show where your lies came from….which is totally intentional because you know that only makes debunking them much easier.

In congress….98% of corruption, 100% of child molestation, 100% of treason, 100% of calls to rescind the constitution, voting, and democracy and become a dictatorship are on the right. You call that “both sides” and pretend it’s really mostly a problem on the left with a very few outliers from the right….ignoring the facts….as usual.

You know the old saying….
“To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.” -Thomas Paine

You sir abandoned fact and reason well before the Traitor Trump rode his golden escalator of lies into your heart. I don’t argue with you except as practice, you have no actual argument to offer, only the far right party lines. I simply tell you the verifiable facts. You then argue with the facts and pat yourself on the head in congratulations. Silly boy.

BTW…have you grown up enough to discuss Ashley Babbitt yet? The treasonous traitor who violently attacked the capitol with an armed gang of thugs trying to overthrow democracy at Trump’s urging and got what they all deserved….your hero.
No, I’m sure you’re still just too embarrassed of how idiotic supporting domestic terrorists is and just hope everyone will forget you stand firmly with the treasonous terrorist traitors against democracy, law, and order.

bobknight33 said:

I say both sides because it is both sides. You just so biased that you done even see it.

I dont bother to post because whats the point - you will just dismiss it an its just not worth the time.

You know the old saying..

“Show me a man that gets rich being a politician and I will show you a crook” Harry s. Truman

Murdering Cops Murder Cyclist For Crossing The Street

newtboy says...

Google Texas police officer Matthew Luckhurst…another typical “good cop”.

True, didn’t SHOOT innocent citizens that we know of, yet, but by intentionally feeding human feces to unsuspecting homeless people he definitely abused them in many other ways.

Or in your “mind”, nothing burger, nothing to see here, good cop, move along.

While you’re at it, google MAGA Republican Congressman-Elect George Santos who apparently made up his entire biography, made up diplomas, made up fake work history, made up fake charities he stole from, and is actually a fugitive from Brazil. ROTFLMFAHS!!! Everything MAGA is made up fantasy bluster from morons. Absolutely everything. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

Don't fuck around with cops and you wont get shot.

Barbie | Teaser Trailer

Why Is (Almost) All Bioluminescence in the Ocean?

luxintenebris jokingly says...

glowing in UV...flying squirrels, spring hares, opossums, platypuses (platypi), some scorpions, birds, butterflies...could these be precursors to developing bioluminescence?

damn shame it hasn't happened already. folks could just plant evergreens, tie sachels of fruit, nuts, suet, etc to the branches then watch the squirrels flash and twinkle during the holidays. + (odd subject)

BSR (Member Profile)

Danny MacAskill’s Postcard from San Francisco

Transgender Rights II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

luxintenebris says...

harm to kids?

what is more harmful to a human than being intellectually stunted?

what is the function of intelligence but to adapt and survive?

i.e. being coddled or cloistered from life details is far and away more destructive.

a matter of degree(s) but shielding any person from what they could understand (& handle) is the antithesis of learning.
i.e. doing more to harm than the worst spiritual debauchery that is freakishly feared here.

A CONFESSION: doubt any of this weighs on you as a person (still suspect you're an agent of chaos, or just need the attention your parents were unable give) but what kinda being would i be if i didn't TRY to help.

BTW: not a dem but I do dig's one tune w/a fitting title...

check out the lyrics

bobknight33 said:

More harm to kids, promoted by the radical left.

Like I've said before . Democrats , the party of death, destruction and debauchery.

The Overlook effect: an overlooked intervention?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Awwww…little Bobby…..did you find out that YOU were spouting ridiculous insulting lies about an elderly man attacked in his home by a MAGA political terrorist, and that every word I said about him was true while every letter wou wrote was a bold faced lie direct from the same Twitter page that claims Clinton died in 2016 and was replaced with a clone? Is that why you disappeared again, like every time you get caught spouting nonsense lies….which is 99.6% of what you post?
Sweet zombie Jesus you act more gullible than humanly possible, which is why I feel 100% safe saying you never even believe the stupidity you troll with. If you were that stupid, that completely clueless and brainless, you would be dead or in prison for negligent homocide a dozen times over.

Here’s something just for you to make you feel better….

See, at least you aren’t alone being a dishonest AntiAmerican liar and terrorist. You should all go to gitmo for life and party there, America is tired of you. Hey, Putin loves Trump…go there and join the other red terrorists.

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