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Tai Chi Zero Exclusive Trailer [HD]

Flying First Class On Emirates Airways - (Bangkok-Hong Kong)

mtadd says...

I just priced out a ticket online for that flight on 8/29/2012....$700 for the 3 hour flight from Bangkok to Hong Kong. That's really not that bad. I was expecting it to be much more.

behind the scenes-martin scorsese-the departed

'Son Of The Incredibly Strange Film Show' - Jackie Chan

9547bis says...

Upvote for Maggie "Cheong".
Also, funny how they don't mention the director of Jackie's big break, Drunken Master (hey, he wouldn't become famous outside Hong-Kong for ten more years).

Hong Kong Phooey Intro

Teenagers Jumping on Subway Tracks - Playing Chicken

Hong Kong Airlines Wing Chun Training

chingalera says...

>> ^Jinx:

I did a little Ju Jitsu. I'd expect the throws would be completely useless in a confined space. The knowledge of how to escape a choke hold or how to effectively disarm an opponent would probably be quite useful though, as would arm locks etc. Even comprehensive martial arts training can only do so much and I imagine when you have no room to move then brute force and weight advantage matters more.
The fact they chose Wing Chun seems to me to have more to do with PR than safety. Its a elegant martial art and it fits the image, but I wonder if there are simple more effective techniques that would probably give them better self defence.

Maybe Krav Maga? Bruce Lee did ok with his take on Wing Chun.

Hong Kong Airlines Wing Chun Training

Gamer Girl Manifesto

westy says...

>> ^SDGundamX:

I think having only women in a video explicitly directed at male gamers communicates that only male gamers have weird attitudes towards women gamers. Which, if you've gamed for as long as I think you have, you realize is true--you never come across female gamers asking other female gamers if they're hot or to send pics of themselves.
I can't speak for the video's creators, but the message I took away from it is that the behavior continues because the community as a whole allows it to continue and takes a kind of "boys will be boys" attitude towards it all. They're asking the community to think about the issue a bit more and take a stand against it rather than just mute people who are being offensive. I think what they're hoping for is that the community as a whole does a bit of self-reflection.
I do all my online multiplayer on the PC (mostly FPS and RTS) and I got sick of the language and attitudes on the public servers a long time ago (literally years ago). When I play (which is admittedly not often now that I have a family) I usually only play on family-friendly servers that have an admin monitoring 24-7 (homophobic comments, griefing, and other undesirable behavior results in insta-banning). The only people who stick around are mature players just looking to have a good match (and occasionally their kids, who often are just as polite as their parents and often better players than the adults).
One thing I find interesting is that now that I live in Asia and connect to Asian (Japanese, Korean, Hong Kong, etc.) servers, I almost never see any of that undesirable behavior even on the public servers. It seems like the homophobic, misogynistic gamer is a Western cultural product. On the other hand, you will occasionally find racists on the Asian servers trash-talking other Asian groups.

I have had female gamers "hit" on me more than once and the thing is women dont / wont ask for images because often they are less focused on those aspects of attraction , a woman will fancy a guy because of accent , authroity , how friendly they are or some other querke and place more importance on that than raw looks of a guy ( compared to how heavily men way up looks and hence why men want to see an image of a woman) ( in general)

I have played with lots of women and met women on public servers and you get lots of women that game the men and play the men off each other just as much as the men ask for tits or GFO or other stupid shit. you allso get many women that are 100% down to earth easy going and dont hit on people or just converse in a normal way, the same with men.

for example there are just as manny anoying twatty kids/men online as there are nice normal people this video is just stupid and offers nothing to help the issue of discimination which happens to everyone.

I would definitely agree that there is more descrimination against women in general with games becuse its a male dominated thing at this piont in time , but the way for women to deel with it is to tell the men that are bing dicks to fuck off or simply be above it , Its very easy for women to find allies online and alie with non twat men and then game with resnable people.

As for a productive video if a woman made a video that was amusing clever or just showed a compitent woman bieng a woman then that would do far more to counter the discrimination.

Falicea Day comes to mind as a woman that is womany and promotes the image of women gaming in a non retarded and nomal way. But then you have people like Frag Dolls which are the apitomy of retardation.

Human foolishness at its mediocre, BIG money-BIG fish

SDGundamX says...

I live in Japan. There are a couple of explanations for the huge price.

First, this happened close to New Year's, which like Christmas in the U.S., gets a little extravagant. In particular the first market of the New Year in Tsukiji people tend to overbid--it's kind of a tradition.

Second, with sushi eaten around the world and blue fin tuna supplies dwindling, they are getting harder to catch. Furthermore, there are restrictions in place about the size and number of fish that can be caught to prevent overfishing. But demand is higher than ever, so basic economics is also in effect and pushing the prices up.

Third, the size of this tuna is extreme--the businesses who bought it (it was a combined bid by a Hong Kong and a Japanese sushi restaurant business) are going to be able to turn it into a ton of sushi and probably make a decent profit off of it.

I will mention that quality sushi here is amazing and well worth the price. I've eaten at some of the restaurants in Tsukiji--the sushi you get was brought in that very morning and is usually the quality cuts. When prepared by an experienced chef, it's absolutely a completely different experience and taste from anything you can get anywhere else in the world. Well worth the coin you will drop, but it may (as it did for me) make sushi anywhere else taste like crap.

Crazy night-time street racing

Gamer Girl Manifesto

SDGundamX says...


I think having only women in a video explicitly directed at male gamers communicates that only male gamers have weird attitudes towards women gamers. Which, if you've gamed for as long as I think you have, you realize is true--you never come across female gamers asking other female gamers if they're hot or to send pics of themselves.


I can't speak for the video's creators, but the message I took away from it is that the behavior continues because the community as a whole allows it to continue and takes a kind of "boys will be boys" attitude towards it all. They're asking the community to think about the issue a bit more and take a stand against it rather than just mute people who are being offensive. I think what they're hoping for is that the community as a whole does a bit of self-reflection.

I do all my online multiplayer on the PC (mostly FPS and RTS) and I got sick of the language and attitudes on the public servers a long time ago (literally years ago). When I play (which is admittedly not often now that I have a family) I usually only play on family-friendly servers that have an admin monitoring 24-7 (homophobic comments, griefing, and other undesirable behavior results in insta-banning). The only people who stick around are mature players just looking to have a good match (and occasionally their kids, who often are just as polite as their parents and often better players than the adults).

One thing I find interesting is that now that I live in Asia and connect to Asian (Japanese, Korean, Hong Kong, etc.) servers, I almost never see any of that undesirable behavior even on the public servers. It seems like the homophobic, misogynistic gamer is a Western cultural product. On the other hand, you will occasionally find racists on the Asian servers trash-talking other Asian groups.

the new american family-living in cars

Outcry in China over hit-and-run toddler left in street

mentality says...

>> ^9547bis:

>> ^Sagemind:
It makes me wonder if this is the result of over population, or the way the government sets up the communities. Living too long under martial rule maybe.

Definitely martial rule, because doing anything out of the ordinary, or just showing curiosity, might get you in trouble (plus, the law is weak and you can often get away with murder, but repression is merciless, so why turn yourself in?). I'd say a high population density would on the contrary help a bit. Exhibit A: Hong-Kong, which is 100km from where this took place, and where that kind of thing would not happen. Note that I'm not saying that there would not be a bystander effect in HK, I'm saying that a child being run over twice and then ignored would not happen in a freer/saner society. It's just not the same level of horrific.
And to be fair though, this story generated major outrage in China.

It has nothing to do with martial rule. China's repression is notorious, but only aimed at politically sensitive topics. A child getting run over has NOTHING to do with politics. No government official is going to lose face, there's no embarrassment over touchy subjects like sovereignty or religious freedoms or human rights or government corruption. No one has to watch their backs or think twice about helping someone in an emergency out of fear of the government.

It is comforting to be in denial, to blame this on our differences. There must be something wrong with THEM; this could NEVER happen in OUR civilized society. The fact is, whether its a homeless man bleeding to death on a street, or those who cannot empathize with the millions of people without jobs or health care in America, or this poor child, these are just faces of the same ugliness that is humanity.

Outcry in China over hit-and-run toddler left in street

9547bis says...

>> ^Sagemind:

It makes me wonder if this is the result of over population, or the way the government sets up the communities. Living too long under martial rule maybe.

Definitely martial rule, because doing anything out of the ordinary, or just showing curiosity, might get you in trouble (plus, the law is weak and you can often get away with murder, but repression is merciless, so why turn yourself in?). I'd say a high population density would on the contrary help a bit. Exhibit A: Hong-Kong, which is 100km from where this took place, and where that kind of thing would not happen. Note that I'm not saying that there would not be a bystander effect in HK, I'm saying that a child being run over twice and then ignored would not happen in a freer/saner society. It's just not the same level of horrific.

And to be fair though, this story generated major outrage in China.

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