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Malaysia Airlines Boeing 747 steep turn landing at Hong Kong

747 Crosswind Landing at Hong Kong's "Kai Tak" Airport

Malaysia Airlines Boeing 747 steep turn landing at Hong Kong

Aborted extreme crosswind landing

Aborted extreme crosswind landing

Concorde Aborts Crosswind Landing

Concorde Aborts Crosswind Landing

Aircraft Landing: Fun with crosswinds

Aircraft Landing: Fun with crosswinds

All Time 10s - Countries With Longest Life Expectancy

chingalera says...

So where to PP...Monaco?? Best place to meet someone who owns a yacht.

Diet seems to be one of the driving factors behind the indigenous' longevity, notice that they are all near coastlines. The current list according to Wackipedia:
1 Japan
2 Hong Kong
3 Israel
4 Italy
5 Iceland
6 Australia
7 Singapore
8 Spain
9 Sweden
10 Macau

Beautiful Hyperlapse Video Of China

chingalera says...

Yeah I Imagine Hong Kong a special for the bucket list for throwin' down dollars on....plenty of stories from folks I've known, mostly old geezers with stories of trips there and back again under different circumstances w/spouses in-tow-

Fletch said:

Not exactly the same, but I've been to Hong Kong a couple times (Navy, pre-1997), and it's one of the most amazing, wonderful cities I've ever been to. The views of the city at night, the markets in Kowloon. I could just wander around happily for days. A friend from work went a few years ago and told of a similar experience. I'd love to visit China someday, but I wonder just how difficult it is do that. I guess I can just Google it.

Beautiful Hyperlapse Video Of China

Fletch says...

Not exactly the same, but I've been to Hong Kong a couple times (Navy, pre-1997), and it's one of the most amazing, wonderful cities I've ever been to. The views of the city at night, the markets in Kowloon. I could just wander around happily for days. A friend from work went a few years ago and told of a similar experience. I'd love to visit China someday, but I wonder just how difficult it is do that. I guess I can just Google it.

Self-taught African Teen Wows M.I.T.

9547bis says...

Back in 1993, I remember this guy with a bad leg, living in a slum in Freetown (Sierra Leone's capital), in a tiny room plastered with Bollywood and Hong Kong B-movie posters, and whose door was made of pieces of cardboard glued together. He didn't have much.
He was called "Prof" Abubakar and made a living creating and selling steel wire sculptures from stuff he was scavenging off the streets. You're probably thinking of African steel wire toys, but his were crazy, there was nothing like it. They were incredibly complex, animated, spring-loaded, or with some sparkling devices.

Some years later, someone I knew came across him. He was exposing at the Pompidou centre in Paris.

Two decades later, it's like Kelvin Doe is his Internet-era spiritual son. I hope he does as well.

Correct name: Abu Bakarr Mansaray (bio | one of his contraptions). He now lives in the Netherlands.

101 Great Movie Villains

9547bis says...

3:40 with the kids shooting guns --> City of God
4:54 with the shotgun --> Funny Games
5:17 the Asian gentleman yelling --> No idea!

* Darth blah blah from Phantom Menace a "great villain"? Seriously?
* As a side note, this is a very American-centric (and yoof-centric) selection. How about some Hong Kong or Japanese super-villains? for that matter, where are the early, and I would say iconic super-villains like "M" and Doctor Mabuse?

Why I Am Not an Atheist

messenger says...

He was doing OK for 30 minutes or so until he tried to blame "the most bloody century in history" on atheism, I'm assuming, because of their coincidence. Argument from coincidence means nothing, especially considering all the wars that have been waged in the name of one religion or another. My guess is our increased population and increased killing technology account for why we are able to kill more people.

With his attack on the student who insisted, "Everything is meaningless", he's committing the common error of conflating two different meanings of the same word. The student wasn't saying, "There is no such thing such that it has meaning, including this statement." He was agreeing that there is no teleological reason for our existence. Zacharias twisted his words with double meanings.

His insight about emptiness coming from indulgence in pleasure and the disappointment after is accurate, as long as the pleasure being indulged in isn't self-fulfilling. When I work hard to prepare something that will make others happy, I get immense pleasure before, during and after. It's only when I'm focusing on mundane things like computer games or (sorry y'al) the Sift that I feel pleasure during, but little pleasure after.

Also, people like working towards things. If you think that you're going to be happier once you reach a goal, you're wrong. But if you think you're going to be happier while you're reaching goals, you'll probably be right. If you'd asked Boris Becker how he felt after his first championship, he might have felt better. After that he realized that there was nowhere else for him to go. Sounds like he was also particularly prone to depression on top of that, though I know nothing of him.

Further, all these arguments from the Hong Kong tycoon to Becker to Hitler are anecdotal, and not statistically significant. None demonstrate anything except that it's possible for a person to reach material goals and not be happy. If they were conclusive, then by the same token one would only need to find a single suicidal believer to disprove religion from the other side. Statistics showing significantly less depression among religious people than non-believers would be meaningful, and they may exist. But they still wouldn't demonstrate lack of faith to be a wrong position, just a less advantageous one.

59:50 Does Zacharias think only religious people find meaning in their children? 1:01:00 Or that religious people don't try and find happiness in fame and wealth?

His final argument about being in error about the Christian religion as opposed to being in error about atheism overlooks all the evil things people are capable of only through justification by religion.

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