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MarineGunrock (Member Profile)


Guy builds crazy slingshot that fires circular saw blades!

Ryjkyj says...

I just can't support this video. What if children see this? They're going to think that shooting circular saw blades out of giant, homemade slingshots is OK. I'm not sure of the injury statistics on this one but my gut tells me they're dangerous. You might think it's funny now, but what happens when the neighbor comes over to tell you that your child embedded a saw blade into their cat?

Robot Chicken-Star Wars: Dr. Ball M.D.

kceaton1 says...

*findthumb Willing to bet this has no chance to work...

Maybe the command should also be able to do something like: ^findthumb="site location, either from the video's source, or a permanent image provider" (sort of like an html [a href="x"] reference).... You can use something akin to photobucket; perhaps, some information of the size and type of image used (for "homemade thumbnails; like ".png & 50x30 pixels, etc...)--perhaps to just create your own to inject in the old spot.

Homemade Pulse Laser Gun

Incredible collection of homemade marble machines

messenger says...

Ah! Thanks for that. I thought he was signing the video, rather than just name-dropping.>> ^arvana:

I'm not sure what Theo Jansen has to do with these machines, other than he autographed the last one. The artist is a Japanese fellow who goes by 'denha' online, real name from his website may be Naoki Harada...

Incredible collection of homemade marble machines

poolcleaner says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:

Why is it this guy goes un-noticed in our culture but Justin Bieber wrote a fucking memoir??

Because humanity is one big cluster fuck of random opinions based upon the limited perspectives of billions of individuals that follow trends based upon their relative social group, which is warped and presented as an easy package by the corporate machine.

Or at least that's what I learned watching 5 seasons of the Kids in the Hall.

arvana (Member Profile)

Incredible collection of homemade marble machines

Quiet these days .... (Sift Talk Post)

Kevlar says...

Look, people, you can't be on the Sift all the time and still find time for gathering enough box wine, Molten Hot Wing Ruffles potato chips and homemade chili to make it a truly classy evening. I'll try to stop by more often, ok? Just let uncle Kev take a few more sips of the good st

Best home made lightsaber duel ever!

How to make almond milk

lucky760 says...

Blue Diamond makes some good almond milk, but it would be cool to try making a homemade batch.

Pro tip: It's also a good alternative for breastfeeding mothers who don't want to ingest dairy and give their newborn gas.

How to make almond milk

srd says...

>> ^zeoverlord:

Juice is something you get when you squeeze a plant and milk is what you get when you squeeze a cow.

Actually, what you get by squeezing a cow is a lot of moo. And since taxation is the art of extracting the biggest amount of milk with the least amount of moo, you should know that milk and moo are diametrically opposed. What you want is to strategically unsqueeze a cow to get some milk.

Try it some time!

I also really like homemade horchata. But the draining is so very annoying because all my filters clog up.

How It's Made: Butter

kceaton1 says...

Churned butter (or homemade) tastes a lot better than "any brand" butter. It's sad how true it is. Just put some on saltines = awesome. We typically use heavy cream to make it, so I know there are differences even from what they're making here.

/Salt Lake family are all pioneer originated. Mormon/LDS or otherwise.

/At the end she mentions quality control. I can tell if you got the butter straight from the dairy after production it would be pretty good plain. There's just no substitution to the homemade version. Fresh churned butter if you buy some heavy cream to make it, takes about 30-45 minutes to make; depending on the quantity. Buttermilk pancakes the next morning .

Formula 1 Simulator

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