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How Not To Put Out A Molotov Cocktail

A Perfectly Safe Russian Snow Slide

Homemade Russian Bungee Jump

Magic Pizza Reheat Method-Crispy Crust on Leftover/Delivery

JiggaJonson says...

Reheating cold pizza on the grill works wonderfully as well. You have to put some foil down to keep it from getting burnt, but it develops a nice smoky flavor that makes it often better than the original pizza u started with.

I've also heard of people throwing a wad of dough on the grill, cooking it on one side, flipping it over, and then adding sauce/cheese/toppings for awesome homemade grilled pizza, though I've never tried it myself.

Hundreds of Bed Bugs in a Cup

thegrimsleeper (Member Profile)

Old Fashioned Pancake Recipe

Splitting Atoms in the kitchen- Periodic Table of videos

Boise_Lib says...

I have an old book that is a collection of the old column "The Amateur Scientist" from Scientific Americans in the fifties and sixties. One article is "A Homemade Atom Smasher" which is a particle accelerator made using a Van de Graaff static electricity generator. The book also has "A Homemade X-Ray Machine".

Ah, the good old days.

Homemade drugs devastating Russian addicts

NaMeCaF says...

>> ^Morganth:

Why? Because when the government does nothing these people shouldn't care about their neighbor?They shouldn't try to practice what they believe and care for people like Jesus did?>> ^NaMeCaF:
I think the scariest thing about this whole story is the fundamentalist christian groups running the rehabs.

Oh no, don't get me wrong. If they sincerely were just helping them recover from their addiction then more power to them. What I have a problem with is the fact that they don't just do that, they brainwash the addicts and fill their heads with fundamentalist christian crap and breed more of these nutcases who go on to do the same thing, and like a big snowball effect, their numbers grow and then you end up with another America.

Homemade drugs devastating Russian addicts

MaxWilder says...

>> ^mxxcon:

>> ^MaxWilder:
... and now for some footage of a passing train.

but you gotta admit, that was an awesome timing.
i wonder if that was their only take or if they had to stay there the whole day to time with passing trains

If they spent time setting up that timing, that would make it even more bizarre.

Homemade drugs devastating Russian addicts

Homemade drugs devastating Russian addicts

Morganth says...

Why? Because when the government does nothing these people shouldn't care about their neighbor?They shouldn't try to practice what they believe and care for people like Jesus did?>> ^NaMeCaF:

I think the scariest thing about this whole story is the fundamentalist christian groups running the rehabs.

Louis CK on Consumers and Capitalism (part 1/3)

enoch says...

i dont know where you were on the east coast but when i lived in brooklyn, walmart was trying to get in and the community came out everytime to protest.outback made it in and closed within a year because NO ONE went out to eat there.
i loved that about brooklyn.
you didnt go to some chain supermarket for your meats,you went to frank and sals.
you got the best bagels from the corner bakery (forgot the name) or if you wanted homemade tiramsau at 4am you headed to ferreros.
all family run businesses spent the money they made right back in to the community,unlike a corporate chain.

and for those talking about corporations and how great their service is?
pffft (fart noise)
heres a story for you kids concerning the altruism of corporations:
in the 90's there were hundreds of family produce businesses catering to local resturaunts.
nobody would buy from sysco(one the largest rest. supplier).so sysco got together with such companies as allied and usfoods and they literally cut their produce by half.
they sandbagged every family operation.
so when you had the price of a case of lettuce at 10-12 bucks from the family,sysco could get it for you for 6-7 bucks.
that was too sweet a deal for the local eateries and within a year those family businesses were DONE.
and lo and behold that 12$ case of lettuce jumped to 35$ when those families were no longer in the competition.
which of course affected everything from prices to quality.
the corporation has the resources and political might to crush any family run business which leaves us all with the tired vanilla cookie cutter sameness and a lame landscape of chain stores and strip un-originality that drains the soul and sucks all the color out of any kind of uniqueness that once was the family run business.
most people dont even notice until they find their neighborhood unrecognizable.
people never notice until it directly affects them and THEIR tiny little bubble of existence and THEN it becomes a federal case of persecution.

cry me a river you self-centered twat.

Homemade drugs devastating Russian addicts

gorillaman says...

>> ^ponceleon:
who the fuck is dumb enough to shoot up with HYDROCHLORIC ACID?? Seriously WTF indeed.

Well presumably like heroin it needs to be slightly acidic to dissolve in water for injection.

It's a shame governments are still willing to cause this kind of harm. If safer drugs were more available people wouldn't have to resort to these ridiculous substitutes.

Hybrid (Member Profile)

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