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Obama Signs NDAA, but with Signing Statement -- TYT

marbles says...

Be careful, if there's too much outrage we're going to have to legitimize the law by using it against a universally loathed figure.
I guess all we need now is a civil emergency. Framework for martial law, check. Domestic "surveillance" drones, check. FEMA Camps, check. Looks like those damn conspiracy kooks were right after all. (again)

You're living proof that psychological warfare is a more powerful weapon than any gun or bomb. So vetoing the bill would've been political theater, but the hollow signing statement is "good"? LOL What about Obama spending months pledging to veto the bill, was that political theater? I guess we don't actually expect the President to keep his word, do we?

Main point that Cenk omits:
Specifically, it was the White House, not lawmakers, that demanded Section 1031 be expanded to empower the government to detain U.S. citizens without trial.

Uploaded to YouTube Dec 10, 2011:

Also, Obama has been claiming for over a year and a half that he could target American citizens for assassination without any trial or due process. (

Recent Greenwald articles on the NDAA:

Slavoj Zizek - A New Kind of Communism

Trancecoach says...

>> ^shagen454:

Amazing. Multiculturalism is maybe a form of racism. So many good points, hilarious as usual. Recently, watched Perverts Guide to Cinema while on acid and laughed so much. Zizek tickles me so.
Our form of capitalism is changing our lives like the products in which it relies. The point, coffee without caffeine, beer without alcohol, smokeless cigarettes... our society is continuing on a path of becoming hallow, without substance. If I am getting it correct.

hollow. not hallow. big difference.
indeed -- soon the society will reflect the hollowness of our soul, or should I say, absence of.

Opposition to Paying for Capitalism's Crisis

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I learn so much about what I believe when I talk with you. And here I thought I wanted to reform our election system so that corporations could not so easily subvert the democratic process. And here I thought I wanted to reform our economic system so that corporations were held responsible for their actions and not allowed to siphon and hoard societal wealth. Who knew that I was such a fan of the global corporate empire? And who knew that removing all barriers to corporate wealth and power would result in liberty? It sounds so unintuitive and absurd on it's face that I would not have believed it had I not learned it from someone in possession of such formidable mental prowess. Your advanced wisdom is truly indistinguishable from magic. Expecto Patronum Mano Invisablo!>> ^marbles:

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
^The more we deregulate, privatize, cut taxes for the wealthy and cut services for the rest, the worse things get. Unregulated capitalism has become its own worse enemy. If we want to save capitalism from itself, we need regulate it, so that it can not be used as a weapon to subjugate the working poor, the middle class and labor. The economic reforms you call for are the same reforms called for by corporatists and plutomists like the Kochs, The Scaifes, Luntz, Norquist among other corporate elites. How is it that you can rail against crony capitalists and regurgitate their propaganda in the same sentence? In my opinion, it is be you are being manipulated to put for an agenda that appeals to your base nature by people who could not care less about you.
Unregulated capitalism has brought us:
-Vast Income Inequality
-High Unemployment
-Wage Cuts while productivity continues to rise
-Endless War for profit, oil
-Massive political corruption at every level of government
The 'free market' you dream of is a pie in the sky, no different from St. Peter and the Pearly Gates or 72 Virgins. "Free" Market ideology has been at work in American Government for over 30 years, and it has resulted in the creation of a global corporate state that is anything but free. Stop making excuses for failure. It's OK to admit you were wrong. Being wrong only becomes problem when your foolish pride hinders you from assessment. Pull your head out of the sand. @marbles

Good Job. I link an essay that specifically identifies the problems and you respond with hollow partisan talking points that ignore the problems. Nationalizing risk by the big banks and privatizing profits is not free market capitalism, no matter how much you claim it to be.
Free market ideology didn't create a global corporate state. Putting our economy in the hands of a select few did. The Federal Reserve is an above the law private banking cartel. And whether you believe in a free market or not is irrelevant. Believing that Wall Street politicians are going to solve the problems that they help create is the real delusion.
Banks have taking over the government. Your solution: Support Wall Street puppets and regurgitate their talking points.
Banks have taking over the regulatory agencies. Your solution: Pass more Wall Street written regulations.
Government uses our tax money to bailout corporations and wage war around the world. Your solution: Give them more money to funnel to the top and fund more death and destruction.
So who's really being manipulated here? The corporate shadow government is erecting bars around your glass house and you're busy parroting their talking points. Good job pal.

Opposition to Paying for Capitalism's Crisis

marbles says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

^The more we deregulate, privatize, cut taxes for the wealthy and cut services for the rest, the worse things get. Unregulated capitalism has become its own worse enemy. If we want to save capitalism from itself, we need regulate it, so that it can not be used as a weapon to subjugate the working poor, the middle class and labor. The economic reforms you call for are the same reforms called for by corporatists and plutomists like the Kochs, The Scaifes, Luntz, Norquist among other corporate elites. How is it that you can rail against crony capitalists and regurgitate their propaganda in the same sentence? In my opinion, it is be you are being manipulated to put for an agenda that appeals to your base nature by people who could not care less about you.
Unregulated capitalism has brought us:
-Vast Income Inequality
-High Unemployment
-Wage Cuts while productivity continues to rise
-Endless War for profit, oil
-Massive political corruption at every level of government
The 'free market' you dream of is a pie in the sky, no different from St. Peter and the Pearly Gates or 72 Virgins. "Free" Market ideology has been at work in American Government for over 30 years, and it has resulted in the creation of a global corporate state that is anything but free. Stop making excuses for failure. It's OK to admit you were wrong. Being wrong only becomes problem when your foolish pride hinders you from assessment. Pull your head out of the sand. @marbles

Good Job. I link an essay that specifically identifies the problems and you respond with hollow partisan talking points that ignore the problems. Nationalizing risk by the big banks and privatizing profits is not free market capitalism, no matter how much you claim it to be.

Free market ideology didn't create a global corporate state. Putting our economy in the hands of a select few did. The Federal Reserve is an above the law private banking cartel. And whether you believe in a free market or not is irrelevant. Believing that Wall Street politicians are going to solve the problems that they help create is the real delusion.

Banks have taking over the government. Your solution: Support Wall Street puppets and regurgitate their talking points.

Banks have taking over the regulatory agencies. Your solution: Pass more Wall Street written regulations.

Government uses our tax money to bailout corporations and wage war around the world. Your solution: Give them more money to funnel to the top and fund more death and destruction.

So who's really being manipulated here? The corporate shadow government is erecting bars around your glass house and you're busy parroting their talking points. Good job pal.

The Religious Mind Is Morally Compromised: Demonstration

shinyblurry says...

Dan is the moral monster for trying to turn people against their Creator. Let's see what Job says about the incident:

Job 1:21

And he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.”

Job knew that all he had was from the Lord, and belonged to the Lord. When thrown into tribulation, Job praised His name.

Job had outstanding moral character. Was Job sinless?:

Job 9:20 If I justify myself, mine own mouth shall condemn me: if I say, I am perfect, it shall also prove me perverse.

Job 13:26 For thou writest bitter things against me, and makest me to possess the iniquities of my youth.

No, he wasn't, by his own words. The only one to ever live on this planet without sin is Jesus Christ.

Now let us examine Job 2:3

And the LORD said unto Satan, Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a blameless and an upright man, one that fears God, and turns away from evil? and still he holds fast his integrity, although you moved me against him, to destroy him without cause.

Dan said this is a confession, which is patently false. God did not commit a crime here, he was acting as a Judge. Satan is the accuser. He brings up charges against people to God like a prosecuting attorney.

Revelation 12:10

And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God.

So when God is saying, "you moved me against him to destroy him without cause", He is saying that Satan brought a false accusation against Job. That Job was tried and tested of the accusation and found to be innocent. They are speaking of a legal matter, not some capricious action that God undertook.

Job 42:12-16

The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the first. He had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand donkeys. And he also had seven sons and three daughters. 14The first daughter he named Jemimah, the second Keziah and the third Keren-Happuch. Nowhere in all the land were there found women as beautiful as Job’s daughters, and their father granted them an inheritance along with their brothers.

After this, Job lived a hundred and forty years; he saw his children and their children to the fourth generation. And so he died, old and full of years.

God restored Job to even more abundance than he had before. The fact of the matter is this: That Job was falsely accused by Satan, put on trial, found to be innocent, and restored when he was cleared of the charge. Neither was he sinless, and he himself praised God even through his trials, and repented in sackcloth and ashes.

It's the stated goal of rabid, militant antitheists like Dan to destroy peoples faith in God. That is what is morally repugnant. A person following the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ, truly following them, is going to be one of the most moral, upright, compassionate people you'll ever meet. If everyone followed what Jesus taught, there would be no war, poverty, violence, greed or hatred. The world would be a near-utopia.

Dans mind is what is compromised, and so is anyone else thinking that Christianity is immoral. You'll notice that these kinds of attacks, that always subtlety twist scripture to lead people astray, don't ever focus on Jesus. That's because Jesus is so obviously righteous that to attack Him would only make them look like fools. Instead, they focus on trying to malign Gods character by framing judgements He made in the OT in a bad light. That is their entire argument against Christianity, and anyone with discernment should see how hollow it really is.

Further, the United States was founded on judeo-christian values, so for any American to criticize them, while enjoying the freedoms they founded, is foolish and ignorant. Dan doesn't know where he comes from, or where he is going. The new atheists blame evil on religion, but it is not a system that creates evil; it is what dwells in the hearts of men. America is not perfect, but it certainly was founded on biblical principles, and you are seeing the results today of when we stop giving God the glory for how He has greatly blessed this nation.

americans combine the notions of christianity and liberty so intimately in their minds that it is impossible for them to conceive of one without the other.

alexus de tocqueville 1835

MSM Greatly Understates Oakland Protest Attendance

kceaton1 says...

It's getting ridiculous. This march has happened in every state and yet it's getting almost no coverage. Even as it continues to get stronger in different areas like Oakland. The fact it isn't heavily covered smells very rank... And...if you want to explain the behavior of the MSM then you have to look to reasons that all basically smell of conspiracy except for rank ignorance. But, ignorance across all of the networks? It could be that they don't think it's worth the money, but this is tracking very well on the Internet--making that excuse sound hollow too.

So I'm left feeling like an invisible hand has shut them up...

Anyone here like Aquariums for a hobby ? (Pets Talk Post)

direpickle says...

>> ^kymbos:

Those fish forums are pretty intense. I once went there asking for advice, and someone basically told me that any baby fish born into my tank would be retarded. Finding that rather comical, I embarked on a trolling campaign pretending he had basically accused me of intentionally breeding genetic retards, but after a while I realised no matter how wild my comments got, they would always be considered genuine. Those people are out there.

That's just the Internet in general. Any topic you can think of has a dedicated forum packed with the exact same mix of people that had simply picked a different passion.

Politics, economics, books, science, math, xkcd rules, xkcd sucks, (xkcd sucks) sucks, martial arts, dolphin sex, video games, sports, cars, fish, medicine, homeopathy, astrology, UFOs, mole men, moon men, Nazis in Argentina, Nazis on the Moon, flat Earths, hollow Earths, the Electric Universe...

This isn't getting a speeding ticket soon...

wormwood says...

Even in a straight line, I think the hollow wheels are what seriously limit its speed because the inability to drive at the axle produces a critical mechanical disadvantage. There is no room for any gears that are larger than the wheels, so the engine must always run many RPMs faster than the outer edge of the tires. It's why, on a bicycle, the gears mounted to the peddles are always larger than the gears mounted on the axle of the back tire. So, yeah, it's basically a kinetic sculpture--but still a really cool one!

>> ^robbersdog49:

What's limiting it's speed is a complete inability to lean more than a few degrees. Great piece of art, but it looks completely un-useable.

Walgreens Pharmacist Fired For Firing at Armed Robbers

Walgreens Pharmacist Fired For Firing at Armed Robbers

Walgreens Pharmacist Fired For Firing at Armed Robbers

MarineGunrock says...

I'm not sure what bias there would be. I seriously doubt that's the kind of thing you could easily study, so I'm not going to bother looking for data. But we all know that people on drugs, meth in particular, are/can be very paranoid and twitchy. It doesn't take but a bell to ring at the door for them to be spooked enough to pull the trigger while it's aiming at the clerk. Besides, I think that if they had access to AK-47s they'd use them the first time. It's why I go to the range as much as I can to keep my aim as good as possible. If I get the chance to draw a bead on someone who is actively and willingly endangering someone's life, they probably won't live to regret it. 15 hollow point rounds to the chest would make sure of that.>> ^Yogi:

>> ^MarineGunrock:
Anti-escalation policies can get people killed. Some robbers will just as easily shoot someone complying with their demands ans someone who tried to resist. I'd take the shot in a heartbeat.

Try this logic. Walgreens guy defends Walgreens with a hand the next Walgreens robbery a few towns over after this has made national news the robbers come in hyper aggressive with AK-47s. They don't fuck around they just shoot if they think anyone can possibly be reaching for a gun.
I remember when I used to work at Gamestop I helped out at another one...and they told me someone was just fired for leaving too many envelopes of the days earnings in the safe. I thought "That's stupid whats the big F'n deal?" They explained to me that if a robbery had happened and the thieves got away with a large could potentially put more people in danger because it would get the message out that there's a large haul to be had from Gamestop...people could die over something like that.
Also your "some robbers will just as easily shoot someone complying with their demands..." comment. Is it based on fact or a study?

Killing People Gets Applause: Welcome to Texas

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

ISSUE ONE: "If you conservatives are so 'Christian' then why don't you do what he taught and help the poor/widows/whatever?"
Where neolibs make their blunder on this subject is in equating "giving money to government programs" with "charity". Christ taught people to personally help the poor & needy. He did not say, "Do it by giving your paycheck to the government."
When a conservative doesn't support a bloated, inefficient, ineffective, government program, it does NOT mean that they are not charitable and generous. However, the typical "godless liberal" (as you put it) thinks that conservatives are literally stealing money from poor people when they say they want to cut these programs. It is the exact opposite. Conservatives want to cut these bad programs so that ALL people everywhere keep more of their money. It is a conservative's firm belief that more people keeping more of their money will result in (A) fewer poor people and (B) more wealth that private citizens can use to help others via voluntary donation.
Conservatives help the poor and needy by volunteering thier own time and talents to help those in need - NOT by offloading that responsibliity into the hollow, empty, soulless 'substitute charity' of a government program. Studies have proven conservative individuals give more money and time to charitable causes compared to liberals. Without fanfare and without desire of reward, they help the needy through personal volunteerism. That is Christian behavior.

Ok, good point. No wait, that's utter bollocks. The conservative agenda has systematically set up the economy over the last 50 years so that poor people are poorer and the middle class is disappearing. And then they bitch and whine when asked to contribute a few extra dollars.

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

ISSUE TWO: "If you conservatives are so Christian then why do you want to kill people all the time?"
The mistake neolibs make here is that they think that forgiving someone also means that you do not try to hold them accountable for thier actions. Conservatives don't do that. They try to follow Christ's example of forgiving others (loving them as fellow children of God) while at the same time following Christ's teachings of personal accountablity and accepting responsibility for actions. Just because you love someone as a fellow child of God does not mean that you have to just let them do awful things without trying to hold them responsible. The warped view of forgiveness held by a liberal says conservatives should just never hold anyone responsible for anything or they aren't "Christian". That's complete bull crap.
Does that help?

It helps to show how little attention conservatives pay to their own religion. So Christ was just kidding about "turn the other cheek"? You can hold someone accountable without killing them in cold blood. Yeah, a lot of the people on death row are evil fuckers. But they're confined. Killing them serves no purpose (other than to cost the state a fortune, where's your "small government" now?)

And you're being utterly disingenuous to pretend they're "cheering for justice". That is bullshit and you know it. They are cheering for vengence.

Killing People Gets Applause: Welcome to Texas

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

I don't get why conservatives are mostly Christian. Why is it that the "godless left" are more inclined to follow Jesus teachings (forgiveness, charity, etc) than his supposedly biggest fan club?

This statement demonstrates a lack of understanding of the principles of charity and forgiveness as Christ taught them. I do not say this with hostility. I really want to help you out here.

ISSUE ONE: "If you conservatives are so 'Christian' then why don't you do what he taught and help the poor/widows/whatever?"

Where neolibs make their blunder on this subject is in equating "giving money to government programs" with "charity". Christ taught people to personally help the poor & needy. He did not say, "Do it by giving your paycheck to the government."

When a conservative doesn't support a bloated, inefficient, ineffective, government program, it does NOT mean that they are not charitable and generous. However, the typical "godless liberal" (as you put it) thinks that conservatives are literally stealing money from poor people when they say they want to cut these programs. It is the exact opposite. Conservatives want to cut these bad programs so that ALL people everywhere keep more of their money. It is a conservative's firm belief that more people keeping more of their money will result in (A) fewer poor people and (B) more wealth that private citizens can use to help others via voluntary donation.

Conservatives help the poor and needy by volunteering thier own time and talents to help those in need - NOT by offloading that responsibliity into the hollow, empty, soulless 'substitute charity' of a government program. Studies have proven conservative individuals give more money and time to charitable causes compared to liberals. Without fanfare and without desire of reward, they help the needy through personal volunteerism. That is Christian behavior.

ISSUE TWO: "If you conservatives are so Christian then why do you want to kill people all the time?"

The mistake neolibs make here is that they think that forgiving someone also means that you do not try to hold them accountable for thier actions. Conservatives don't do that. They try to follow Christ's example of forgiving others (loving them as fellow children of God) while at the same time following Christ's teachings of personal accountablity and accepting responsibility for actions. Just because you love someone as a fellow child of God does not mean that you have to just let them do awful things without trying to hold them responsible. The warped view of forgiveness held by a liberal says conservatives should just never hold anyone responsible for anything or they aren't "Christian". That's complete bull crap.

Does that help?

On a final note - Bareboard above wrote about abortion. I'm paraphrasing, but essentially his point was that when liberals cheer abortions they are not cheering the killing of babies - they are celebrating freedom of choice. Likewise, it can be said that when conservatives cheer capital punishment they are not cheering the death of a person - they are cheering their support of JUSTICE. Accept or reject that as you will, but if a person only beleives the 'good' stuff about thier side and only the 'bad' stuff about people they don't like then that says a lot about them.

Steve Jobs - Philanthropist? (Geek Talk Post)

Climate of Deception: Faux News and Climate Change

volumptuous says...

Winston, you're just plain stupid. Admit it.

Like William F. Buckley, who used his "intelligence" and gift of gab to make his horrendous positions seem almost sane (like involuntarily tattooing the ass of every AIDS victim on the planet) your words, no matter how many 10cent phrases you use, are utterly hollow.

Just like what this video is about, you try to change the subject, or just bore the shit out of other readers with how unbelievably verbose you are, so people just drop the debate/argument altogether. It's a cunning ploy, but seeing as you've now been on VS for three years now and HAVE YET to post a single fucking video, we all see that you're just here to spread your bullshit, as opposed to actually contributing anything of any value to the Sift community.

Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you, the white Herman Cain (meaning, complete fucking idiot)

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