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Pretty Hula Hoop Part Deux

chingalera says...

Dubstep has the capacity to set up some fundamentally deleterious vibrations in a human body at high volumes. Been to quite a few venues in my city, varied settings, and most have one thing in common: Poor sound engineering and too much Db for the space....

The evolution of Dj's styles goes hand in hand with the kind of durgs available and popular nowdays-Less pot and hallucinogens and more pharmaceuticals and bathtub amphetamines has created an evolutionary path for the sound. The music was more creative and ethereal, beneficial to the psyche when the majority of the crowd were high on natural drugs.
The genres' turning to complete shit IMO, sort of like rap and hip-hop did (although in a much shorter amount of time) and this time I blame the drugs first, and the idiots who abuse them next-

Dubstep it seems bees morphing into an un-listenable schizm whose fans are as hollow and vapid as the creativity it takes to rub two cuts together and drop an angular, hypnotic beat in the "release all bowels" range of hearing

Hasma -Why Would You Eat That?

PlayhousePals says...

How topical that eating two hollowed out papayas filled with Hasma was one of the challenges in the season premiere of the Amazing Race this Sunday evening [you MUST use your chopsticks Monster Truck people!] =o/

LHC Searches for Extra Dimensions - PHD Animation

direpickle says...

>> ^Payback:

>> ^shveddy:
See! See! I knew it! They're making mini black holes that are going to end up in long parabolic orbits through the earth, gobbling up a bit more of the earths mass with each passing until there is nothing left but a hollow shell. Aah, stop playing God!
Obviously I'm joking, but brownie points if anyone can tell me which shit scifi novel I read in high school put the idea of internally orbiting black holes destroying the earth in my mind. I can vividly recall it being a very important plot point to some book I've read, I just can't remember where I got it from.
Love these PHD comics, keep posting.
The "Big Mistake of '08" would be a black hole that dropped into the earth.

In no way are the Hyperion novels "shit scifi!" I will fight people!

LHC Searches for Extra Dimensions - PHD Animation

Payback says...

>> ^shveddy:

See! See! I knew it! They're making mini black holes that are going to end up in long parabolic orbits through the earth, gobbling up a bit more of the earths mass with each passing until there is nothing left but a hollow shell. Aah, stop playing God!
Obviously I'm joking, but brownie points if anyone can tell me which shit scifi novel I read in high school put the idea of internally orbiting black holes destroying the earth in my mind. I can vividly recall it being a very important plot point to some book I've read, I just can't remember where I got it from.
Love these PHD comics, keep posting.

The "Big Mistake of '08" would be a black hole that dropped into the earth.

LHC Searches for Extra Dimensions - PHD Animation

shveddy says...

See! See! I knew it! They're making mini black holes that are going to end up in long parabolic orbits through the earth, gobbling up a bit more of the earths mass with each passing until there is nothing left but a hollow shell. Aah, stop playing God!

Obviously I'm joking, but brownie points if anyone can tell me which shit scifi novel I read in high school put the idea of internally orbiting black holes destroying the earth in my mind. I can vividly recall it being a very important plot point to some book I've read, I just can't remember where I got it from.

Love these PHD comics, keep posting.

watch what this crazy mofo does at the end

Wende - Au Suivant

Enzoblue says...

Next, next
Naked as sin An army towel covering my belly Some of us blush Somehow knees turning to jelly
Next, next
I was still just a kid There were a hundred like me I followed a naked body A naked body followed me
Next, next
I was still just a kid When my innocence was lost In a mobile army whorehouse Gift of the army, free of cost
Next, next
Me, I really would have liked A little bit of tenderness Maybe a word, a smile An hour of happiness
But next, next
Oh, it wasn't so tragic The high heavens didn't fall But how much of that time I hated being there at all
Next, next, next
Now I always will recall The brothel truck, the flying flags The queer lieutenant who slapped Our asses as if we were fags
Next, next
I swear on the wet head Of my first case of gonorrhea It is his ugly voice That I forever hear
Next, next, next
That voice that stinks of whiskey Of corpses and of mud It is the voice of nations It is the thick voice of blood
Next, next, next
And since then each woman I have taken to bed Seems to laugh in my arms To whisper through my head
Next, next
All the naked and the dead Should hold each other's hands As they watch me scream at night In a dream no one understands
Next, next
And when I am not screaming In a voice grown dry and hollow I stand on endless naked lines Of the following and the followed
Next, next, next, next
One day I'll cut my legs off Or burn myself alive Anything, I'll do anything To get out of line to survive
Not ever to be next Not ever to be next

one minute physics what if the earth were hollow

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'one minute physics, hollow earth, gravity, heat, newton, 1mp' to 'one minute physics, hollow earth, gravity, heat, newton, 1mp, vsauce' - edited by lucky760

one minute physics what if the earth were hollow

lv_hunter (Member Profile)

55. Delete Facebook

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^P1ggy:

This whole video had me rolling my eyes. It just came across as so hollow and high and mighty.

Its also slightly funny that he ends the video with a request to add comments to his youtube page.

Well, I lasted about 1 minute of his whiny sanctimonious nonsense.

"It's better to have real friends"

Really? Wow, what a stunning insight. You are some sort of Plato for the modern age.

Simple fact is that facebook has a net positive effect on my life. Does it do lots of annoying things? Sure, but that is easily controlled through a few browser plugins and with limiting my interaction to people I have or would have been friends with in real life. It would be nice if the privacy settings etc, were better, but all these things are minor inconveniences compared to the ease with which it allows me to keep in touch with friends overseas.

55. Delete Facebook

P1ggy says...

This whole video had me rolling my eyes. It just came across as so hollow and high and mighty.

Its also slightly funny that he ends the video with a request to add comments to his youtube page.

Blunder at the Olympics After Serena Williams Wins Gold

Jerykk says...

It always bothers me when people say "we" when referring to athletes or teams. Unless you're directly involved in their success, there's no "we." There's just "you" and "them." Being from the same country, state and/or city is a superficial similarity at best and doesn't really amount to anything. You should cheer someone because of their actual merits, not because of some hollow sense of unity.

Insane Russian Female Gymnasts

Insane Russian Female Gymnasts

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