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You say: "Dirty Car" - He says: "Art!"

Watermelon carving

kronosposeidon says...

How is your point "logically sound" when art is subjective? You don't consider it high art. Fine. You consider it tacky. Fine. But both of those are your opinions, not a statement of fact. Logic has nothing to do with arriving at these opinions, capisce? Just because you think it's naff and that it should be relegated to the buffet table doesn't mean that it's not art. Chefs routinely prepare their dishes to be pleasing to the eye as well as the palate. Many consider it an art form. You may consider it naff.

Expertise is not the issue. I made my "expert" argument in a satirical vein, merely to drive home the point that is obvious to everyone here: That you are critical of almost everything, so your opinion should be taken with a grain of salt. It means as much as someone who praises everything. Maybe you aren't aware of that. Pardon my brutal honesty.>> ^westy:

"but I still thank you for your brutal honesty. Is there any field of interest you're NOT an expert in? "
if sumone makes a piont that is logically sound then why would they have to be an exspert in something ?
allso why would you presume just because sumone voices an opinoin about something that they would concider themselfs to be an exspert , your autimatically trying to set up a confrontational situation.
If you disagree with what i have said why not say specifcaly and give a reason.

Watermelon carving

westy says...

>> ^BoneRemake:

try not huffing spray paint before you post. ART will seem much clearer when distinctions between minuscule lines and colours are requested. >> ^westy:
to me end result looked a bit naff.
I mean bit of an arse to make but seems a bit tacky I guess you are just gona eat it and its for a buffet table its not really meant to be high art.
this is like the food equivalent of them space spray painted images. only at least this is edible.

I dont understand what you are saying.

and intemrs of the artistic merits of this its a very procedural method to produce this , i dont have an issue with it but i dobt evan the artist rates it realy highely probably just enjoys making roses with water mellons nothing wrong with that .

Interms of complexty and origonalty this dose not rate very highely , but then again thats not to say that sumone might realy enjoy this and the guy making it might realy enjoy it.

I was simply voicing my personal prefrences in that if i was going to do this id probably want to do something more origonal and something that to me would make it more apealing to eat , but if this was intended for a buffet then i can emgin it would go down realy well so its fine for that and again if it makes the guy happy thats making it happy then thats fine as well.

Watermelon carving

kronosposeidon says...

Thanks for sharing. To tear yourself away from curating at the Louvre for a few moments just to inform us that this watermelon would never have a home in your galleries is a little disappointing, but I still thank you for your brutal honesty. Is there any field of interest you're NOT an expert in? (I hear you're a good joke teller.) >> ^westy:

to me end result looked a bit naff.
I mean bit of an arse to make but seems a bit tacky I guess you are just gona eat it and its for a buffet table its not really meant to be high art.
this is like the food equivalent of them space spray painted images. only at least this is edible.

Watermelon carving

BoneRemake says...

try not huffing spray paint before you post. ART will seem much clearer when distinctions between minuscule lines and colours are requested. >> ^westy:

to me end result looked a bit naff.
I mean bit of an arse to make but seems a bit tacky I guess you are just gona eat it and its for a buffet table its not really meant to be high art.
this is like the food equivalent of them space spray painted images. only at least this is edible.

Watermelon carving

westy says...

to me end result looked a bit naff.

I mean bit of an arse to make but seems a bit tacky I guess you are just gona eat it and its for a buffet table its not really meant to be high art.

this is like the food equivalent of them space spray painted images. only at least this is edible.

Space Painting Tutorial (planets) - Very Cool!

Space Painting Tutorial (planets) - Very Cool!

Craig Ferguson Really Hates Twilight

Aniatario says...

>> ^mentality:
>> ^MilkmanDan: The old mindless killing machine, inherently evil sort of vampire is incapable of being interesting as a character because they are 1 dimensional. Craig was talking about evil vampires. Evil doesn't mean going around mindlessly killing things.
>> ^MilkmanDan: The series definitely isn't "high art" by literary standards, but I thought the books were OK. Twilight is like porn, but for women. Where else can a creepy older male stalker watch a young girl sleep at night and she ends up liking it? Like porn, twilight is trashy fantasy wish fullfilment.
Here we have Bella, a plain girl with no talent, no strength of character, and no redeeming qualities whatsoever. There's nothing interesting about her at all. She moves to a new town and all of a sudden she's the hottest girl, the popular girl, and the most popular boy in class finds her irresistably attractive because of her smell. And this boy just happens to be a powerful 100 year old vampire who would stop at nothing to protect her. Pefect fantasy for any 14 year old girl who is obsessed about her social status and is sick of immature 14 year old boys.

Wow.... That actually makes a whole lot of sense.

Craig Ferguson Really Hates Twilight

mentality says...

>> ^MilkmanDan: The old mindless killing machine, inherently evil sort of vampire is incapable of being interesting as a character because they are 1 dimensional.

Craig was talking about evil vampires. Evil doesn't mean going around mindlessly killing things.

>> ^MilkmanDan: The series definitely isn't "high art" by literary standards, but I thought the books were OK.

Twilight is like porn, but for women. Where else can a creepy older male stalker watch a young girl sleep at night and she ends up liking it? Like porn, twilight is trashy fantasy wish fullfilment.

Here we have Bella, a plain girl with no talent, no strength of character, and no redeeming qualities whatsoever. There's nothing interesting about her at all. She moves to a new town and all of a sudden she's the hottest girl, the popular girl, and the most popular boy in class finds her irresistably attractive because of her smell. And this boy just happens to be a powerful 100 year old vampire who would stop at nothing to protect her. Pefect fantasy for any 14 year old girl who is obsessed about her social status and is sick of immature 14 year old boys.

Craig Ferguson Really Hates Twilight

MilkmanDan says...

The old mindless killing machine, inherently evil sort of vampire is incapable of being interesting as a character because they are 1 dimensional. They can be interesting as a challenge, threat, or plot complication in a story, but not as a character.

Furthermore, making that decision about the variety or motivations of vampires in a fictional story seems like a terrible waste of potentially interesting material. Vampires could be fascinating characters because they were at one time human, they have potentially lived a long time through intriguing history, and they generally are thought to have powers and abilities that would strongly tempt them to be "evil" and either lose their humanity or prey on humans.

Twilight doesn't enrich its vampire characters with a whole lot of that potential background, but it does do some. The series definitely isn't "high art" by literary standards, but I thought the books were OK.

Just my 28 year old dude opinion, though.

The Traditional Making of a Samurai Sword (Katana)

Americanface, Part One

choggie says...

Always have said that this cat's particular early sensation on youtube (..."for more information on the Crack Spider's Bitch, contact the Canadian Wildlife Service, in Ottawa.") was one of the best that has ever been produced-Cheers to the plastiquemonkey whose own sense of high art and eye for the incredible super ultra unmundane, was one of the reasons I joined this sideshow in the first place...

Then, as the site became more and more filled with farts, cats, newsclips, and all manner of Hieronymus Bleggh, she and he disassociated, got hornier once they dragged themselves away from the puter went and had a cute little Japanadian baby, and the rest is history...cute history.

She's still around, but that bundle of volcanic island cuteness has her being more of a mommer than a sifter...thak god she still finds time to paint and draw!!

Thank you Ms. Yamaguchi. You are one twisted, fineart, puppy!...and I would love for you to introduce me to all your single Japanese girlfriends-I hear the ladies of Japan love us sensitive American boys-who treat them like queens instead of servants and chattel....and who enjoy cunnilingus and tip good at restaurants and can sing karaoke and play electric guitar and who ride Harleys' and love tube amplification and tiny electronics and ....(man I need to get my ass to Japan before it sinks!)

Hugh Jackman & Daniel Craig interrupted by cell phone

Hugh Jackman & Daniel Craig interrupted by cell phone

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