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Epic Cat Fight in the Street

Peter Schiff vs Ben Stein and random idiots 8/18/07

8/6/2009 Peter Schiff On Morning Joe: Healthcare, Income Tax

wagthedog1 says...

Remember, Schiff was the only person to effectively predict the economic hardship.

I beg to differ.

And if Schiff did so well to predict what was going to happen to the economy, why is it that his portfolio underperformed? Recall Schiff predicted $2000/oz to happen this year, in effect betting on inflation but what ultimately happened was that deflation became the greater danger -- this sent the dollar to unrealistic heights against most major currencies, and even against gold while US treasury yields went negative -- all signs of a deflationary market. This year, gold returned to mid $900 but has gone sideways ever since -- just 4 months left for gold to double in price for Schiff to be proven right.

When judging prognosticators one must be aware of one's tendency to only remember the hits and forgetting the misses.

Birther Melts Down On MSNBC, Blames MSN "Brownshirts"

ForgedReality says...

>> ^westy:
well right , what dose an culter have to do with it ?
What the woman says could easily be correct IE a sum one would just get a random birth certificate to get cheep imergratoin. This is more than plusable. the News casters are completely retarded . Its a good example of how bad reporting is asking questions like "this person says you are a crank" I mean WTF sort of question is that . at the end of the peace the news people say we have researched it and have evidence , well why dont they present that clearly to the women ore use it to counter her argument.

It's an effort to demonstrate to their audience that this person can easily be "discredited." They want to tell their audience "look what people say about these 'birthers!' I mean really, how can anyone take them seriously?" I think it's a valid question what these birthers are asking, and honestly, I haven't seen any PROOF of the government-funded media's side of things. They keep telling us "here is proof," but it's yet to be hard and conclusive.

allso who gives a fuck where obama is from I Dont see why it matters , he could be a Taliban suicide bomber for all I care so long as his policies are good and he has consistently demonstraited good desisoins that benefit the society he governs.

It matters only as far as the constitution is concerned. This was from a time when they were worried about being taken over from the inside out from hostile forces. Of course, you could look at it from that perspective still today. Most countries in the world hate us, and would love to see us shown the door.

However, I have to disagree with you on your last point. He has not consistently made good decisions. His actions are effectively furthuring this recession. He's spending more money that we do not have that us taxpayers are going to have to be paying back for many years to come. We're trillions of dollars in debt, and yet he feels it's justified to go spend billions more on wars we can't afford to be in right now; wars in which we really have no right to be involved. He feels it's more important to spend millions on "fixing health care," when really it's not in such a dire state right now that it needs immediate attention. We need to focus on fixing the BASIS OF OUR COUNTRY before we can even THINK about fixing all the little things like health care (and, yes, it is a little thing when you consider our entire country is falling apart. Who gives a shit about health care when no one has jobs in the first place, and suicide rates are skyrocketing?) He spends millions on flying all over the place around the country and around the world, holding "meetings" and taking his motherfucking family on vacations. HEY, DIPSHIT! In case you hadn't noticed, YOU HAVE A COUNTRY TO RUN! This is not a free ticket to Disneyland! Stop acting like everything is fine, and fucking do something positive before you have open revolts and rioting.

FIX THE MOTHERFUCKING ECONOMY FIRST! WE CANNOT AFFORD ALL OF THIS WASTED SPENDING! He is deepening the recession and things are going to get a whole lot shittier in the next four years. He's going to be seen as worse than GWB, you mark my words.

Civil War II here we come!

Get that out of Siftbot's Girlfriend's Mouth!

Peter Schiff: Obama's Economic Plan Will Create Worse Crisis

Peter Schiff: Obama's Economic Plan Will Create Worse Crisis

Gay Marriage = 9/11

Credit-Card Companies Killed Mythbusters Segment on RFID

Robert Seidel - Grau

VideoSift 3.111111eleven11 and a Request for Help (Sift Talk Post)

Lost Evidence - "Pearl Harbor"

Boddingtons - The Body

A Request for a Helping Hand (Sift Talk Post)

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