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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

You mean because I denounce things like this that you ignore and deny even when the Republican groomers themselves admit them?

"“Stop the Steal” rally organizer Ali Alexander admitted to sending “inappropriate messages” as MANY young men are going on the record to accuse him of asking them for nudes while they were minors, receiving nudes from YOUNG underaged boys, and replying to them with heart eye emojis.

Once he told a 15 year old boy he would introduce him to Republican political figures on a trip if he agreed to secrecy about the trip, agreed to be “arm candy”, and to be “entertaining” for Alexander on the trip….after directly asking for and receiving nudes from the 15 year old so there’s no ambiguity about what he meant.

This behavior was known about in upper echelon Republican circles as early as 2015 but ignored until Yianopoulos made it public out of spite.

What is it about Trump that his closest friends keep turning out to be child mollesters? Ever hear the expression “birds of a feather flock together”? Because Trump’s flock sure likes underaged birds, mate.

Every accusation an admission. Every disgusting defamation a mea culpa. Absolutely nothing enough for you to admit you are in a pedophilic terroristic death cult.

bobknight33 said:

Fools like you are the reason for…the lack of morality in society.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump Media and Technology Group as of late last year has been under investigation for potentially being involved in a Russian money laundering scheme.
Toth Senchal was hemorrhaging money, and had a year wait before their planned (now cancelled) merger, so Trump went begging to Russia.
2 Caribbean banks owned in large part by a Putin ally and Russian oligarch loaned Toth Senchal $8 million…the company’s CFO warned at the time this was Russian money coming from sanctioned Russians and should be returned but they couldn’t afford to give it back so they fired the CFO instead…he’s talking.
This IS a CRIMINAL investigation, with DJT and little Jr both listed as CEO, both signed off on these loans from Putin. Just one more criminal case involving MAGA selling influence to Russia.

Bonus- Georgia criminal grand jury interviews sound disastrous for Trump.
“A lot’s going to come out sooner or later and it’s going to be massive. It’s gonna be massive.”
“If every person in America knew every word of the information we knew, this country would not be divided as it is right now.”
“I became more jaded about American politics when it became clear some witnesses would say one thing about the election under oath then casting doubt on the system when they returned to the campaign trail sometimes hours later.”
Not what you want to hear as a defendant in America’s most massive election fraud ever, the big lie.


cloudballoon says...

And the Right are calling Biden to resign because he's too old. While every GOPs' moto going into any hearing is "I don't recall."

newtboy said:

Good find, even if just from the YT comments. Now changed from learn to *debunked

Not just plausible, I expect it would be worse today if we still prosecuted insider trading and “finance violations” (what we used to call “bribes”), but those actual crimes are now considered “momentary lapses of ethics” at worst and are completely ignored, because even the expectation of ethics has been abandoned.

Girl Demands To Be Arrested When Her Best Friend Gets an OWI

newtboy says...

While I agree about not trusting police, I posted many of those videos btw, she wasn’t concerned that something untoward would happen to her friend that she was somehow going to prevent, imo. Those police were being quite professional. She wasn’t going to even see her after their arrest, so they said.
She was drunk and got a crazy idea she wouldn’t let go of is what I saw. She’s definitely not used to hearing “no”.

My argument is people should get the same response male or female, black, white, or green, and that any non white female acting like she was wouldn’t be likely to get off so easily and near consequence free.
Do I think she needed prison for this behavior, no, but do I think she needs 20 hours of community service or probation instead of a small fine daddy will pay, yes. I knew kids that got much much worse than that for just simple alcohol possession/drunkenness as a minor. In Cali when I was a teen they took your license until you were at least 21 for any underage drinking, even if you weren’t driving.
I think in a fair world she would be made to understand she has to live by the same laws we all do by having some consequence, not to expect to get special treatment because she’s (apparently) rich, white, and cute….but I understand that’s unrealistic to expect.

The driver needs some jail time if I understand correctly and she was driving recklessly at what ended up being a .20% bac. That’s sloshed.

Hef said:

Um... what!?
Best I can tell, this young person was just concerned for the wellbeing of her friend, and given the number of videos that we see on the Sift of cops showing that they absolutely cannot be trusted, I think that's fair enough.

If your argument is that it's wrong that her boyfriend would probably get much worse treatment for the same behaviour, then you've phrased it really strangely, but I agree; we need fewer people caught up in the justice system for minor stuff, not more, regardless of gender or race.

Good on the cops in this case for getting the balance right and only charging the idiot who got drunk and endangered others by getting behind the wheel.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. As expected, another sham “investigation” has fallen apart because the “whistleblowers” Jordan trotted in turned out to not be whistleblowers, but disgraced conspiracy theory spreading ex agents who decided to act unilaterally on multiple occasions, defying their orders, going AWOL instead of arresting Jan 6 terrorists, and lost their security clearance who are in fact now nothing but paid actors hired by Patel to spread more ridiculous and contradictory conspiracy theories and attack their former employer.
Just like the idiotic Twitter hearing that only proved that Republicans abused their offices to threaten and cajole private businesses into censoring private citizens, and that the Democrats NEVER abused their power in that way and in fact the Democrats accused of doing that had no power to abuse making the accusations impossible as well as proven wrong.

Another 2 cases of “what if you hold a hearing and couldn’t prove a single point”…not the first by your ilk, won’t be the last (Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi). Also another case of every accusation is an admission since the “investigation “ reminded us of uncountable instances of Trump’s administration weaponizing the federal government against his enemies or to protect his allies (like FBI agents refusing to arrest Jan 6 terrorists).

BSR (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You going to CPAC?
Prepare for Covid.
So many got covid from the last two when they denied it was a thing that now you must sign a waiver waiving your rights to sue them if you get Covid and die, and stating that you 100% accept the risk of exposure, contracting, and spreading covid…and include your children in that waiver so when you bring home covid and they die, CPAC isn’t liable.

CPAC, where cons go to share memes and rant now, is SO important it’s worth your children dying or being severely disabled for life, and yourself, and your wife, and your workplace, and your community. That’s the right for ya. “Our right to party outweighs your right to live”.

You must be proud.

Er mer gerd the Elon move is hilarious. Couldn’t stand that Biden’s tweets were more popular so he rewrote the algorithm to force/push his tweets to everyone, followers or not, by bypassing all the filters that personalize recommendations and raising his ranking by a factor of 1000 artificially….because he’s a little baby who can’t stand that he’s not liked! ROTFLMFAHS!!
This has resulted in #blockelon trending.
So much for caring if Twitter plays favorites, right? Doesn’t matter one bit if they favor right wing stupidity, but call a congressional hearing if they follow their own terms of service in favor of a liberal. You people are not serious people, you’re infants.

Edit: it sounds like Trump was just subpoenaed in criminal court….BY THE PROUD BOYS as a co-conspirator! LOL! Not good for him, they have the pictures and texts from Trump and Co both at the White House Residence (where no one goes without personal invitation from POTUS) and the coup headquarters at the Willard hotel with other administration officials (like Stone, Giuliani, Flynn).

D’oh. Tesla fired dozens of workers who were organizing a union. These were people who code the autopilot system….a system just recalled and badly in need of an update. Multiple deaths and dozens of serious crashes. Not good when unemployment is this low and you’ve already turned off any and all workers by treating them as easily replaceable or worthless.

The FBI Has Lied To Congress

newtboy says...

Still rehashing the Carter Page stupidity bob?
“ the Mueller Report concluded that the investigation did not establish that Page coordinated in Russia's interference efforts, but did establish that the Steele dossier was right about Page attending high-level meetings with Russians, even though he denied doing so.”

Pretty sad, especially considering all the convictions of administration officials for crimes against the US…Russian collusion/unregistered foreign agents …that came from it. Edit: Recall, Trump DID have secret meetings with Russian officials about Clinton at Trump tower during his campaign that he then lied about, and was only not prosecuted because the prosecutor said he was too stupid and ignorant to KNOW it was illegal so he couldn’t convict him…but it definitely was an attempt at illicit collusion with Russia that he admits to.

This investigation was thoroughly investigated and the actual investigation did not find what he claimed. Sorry.

Trump’s weaponization of every federal department is public record, from the DOJ acting as his private counsel and jack booted thugs to the IRS directing local police to label any protester an ANTIFA agent unless proven otherwise and hiring violent convicts to “infiltrate” BLM and instigate violence, to Trump repeatedly denying disaster relief to states that he lost in the election, to withholding military assistance to blackmail a foreign leader into investigating and accusing Trump’s political rival’s family, all verified and codified.

These hearings are a total joke, the weaponization of congress, and a pure, totally not serious, rehash of the Durham report that found absolutely nothing actionable, only a very few clerical errors, zero convictions. Republicans simply can’t accept reality. Such a fool you are, buying every lie and ploy, absolutely NEVER removing your blinders.

To summarize- from the Page investigation, if memory serves, there were 36 officials CONVICTED of hundreds of crimes, most involving hiding their strong financial ties to Russia…from the Durham report investigating that investigation came 3 charges that were all tossed out of court for insufficient evidence….nothing burger. Now the idiot Republican house is trying again with the same (lack of) evidence because you can’t accept that you are LOSERS!

When Trump weaponized the federal government you cheered and clapped. You only care because that extreme righty weaponization is ending.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Moron. You are still listening to liars TELL you what’s there….hint, they lie to you. Republicans said clearly and repeatedly they have no obligation to tell the truth. Questions, especially leading red herring questions, aren’t evidence.

2:35 - the witness under oath denies her false contentions….that’s the evidence you dumbshit.

Most “evidence” republicans produce today are articles from the National Inquirer or Weekly World News…’s shocking they haven’t started a hearing looking into Bat Boy yet….but the siphilitic howler monkey MTG will get there. Republicans abandoned evidence, facts, and honesty….those are for liberals. 🤦‍♂️

The FBI told them they shouldn’t break the law, or allow users to use their platform to break the law. Republicans are just outraged they couldn’t post revenge porn and dick pics publicly because they care so much about protecting children from such overt sexuality that they insist we all watch Hunter fuck and pull his stiff cock. (Pretty sure it’s an excuse for you to stare at it)

Every “doctor” removed was spreading verifiable lies about Covid and treatments, from hydrocloroquin and horse wormer to bleach. It’s sad you have no memory and think no one else does either so you believe you can rewrite recent history. Covid deniers, and quacks selling snake oil needed deplatforming, 100%, absolutely, perfectly reasonable for the administration to request or even force them off for public safety even if they were once respected doctors….unlike Trump’s administration that constantly forced deplatforming of private citizens for nothing more than upsetting or insulting big baby Trump….but that doesn’t bother you one bit, proving you aren’t serious and are just playing partisan politics….badly.


bobknight33 said:

Your head is truly up you ass.
You are unable to see a full picture, only that narrow sliver of some republican did something wrong.

Biden asking twitter in pushing for de platforming Dr.s from twitter.

Due to your ignorance, you can start about 2:20 . and just get to the point.

There are other from FBI asking twitter to look at twitter links and the leftest twitter employees did as they were asked.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. Twitter hearings show how president Trump abused his power and tried to force Twitter to censor people who disagreed with him or called him a name….like Chrissy Teigen who called him a “punk ass bitch”.
Yes, Trump made specific requests to censor people who said things he thought were mean. Odd that was missing from the “Twitter files”, right? Actual direct censorship by the president…no, that wouldn’t interest anyone, but a private citizen requesting revenge porn be removed….THAT’S UNMERICA!
So much for the “Twitter’s unfair” claims….every accusation is an admission. Want to make some more.

Blacks Beach San Diego Bluffs Collapse (1:29pm Jan 20 2023)

moonsammy says...

I'm curious about the dark pile that started inflating quickly around 3:15. It didn't seem to be caused directly by the falling rocks, it was thrust up or forward from some other source.

Wild footage in general though! Would've loved to have been able to hear it properly, but the wind hitting the mic seemed to kill most of the sound.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bwaaahahahaha…Greene in her first committe hearing claimed one elementary school in Illinois received $5.1 billion to teach CRT. As true as everything the right claims about CRT.
You morons. This is your best and brightest, your most moral (remember her multiple affairs with sex gurus, gym owners, and random men), and your party’s most honest and knowledgeable members. She can’t even lie well.

Justice- The Brett Kavanaugh Coverup Story

luxintenebris says...


great for depth, 'tho most of the news at the time pointed to the lack of an FBI background check. heck, recall the Thomas' hearings & he's lived up to the expectations

producers could do another for the recent SCOTUS the spoiler will be Alito less surprising than the investigators whiffed on the investigation.

Vox: Why we all need subtitles now.

luxintenebris says...

HEY! I know what that is! It's fun to say too!

"odo lairing GAH luh jist"

'cept hear it wrong the first time thought it was "ortho...."

...but if'n what to read a movie, rather watch foreign films. 'tho some of those English films, like 'Chimes at Midnight', even the subtitles are a bugger to understand.

BSR said:

THANK GOD! All this time I've been thinking it was old age. Time to cancel my otolaryngologist visits

Rick and Morty - Rick gave Morty a Lightsaber for Christmas.

newtboy says...

Holy crap….Roiland has been fired from Rick and Morty, and will be replaced for season 7-10!
This comes shortly after pre trial hearings over a 2020 domestic violence incident.

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