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Same Old - Samuel L. Jackson | Joe Biden For President 2020

bobknight33 says...

Another mis guided liberal Hollywood actor.

Stick to pretend to be someone else and leave reality to people who live in it.

Trying to stick Racist Democrat past to Trump wanting legal voting is not the same.

Democrats need mail in voting as their way to cheat / disrupt the 2020 election which will be a landslide for Trump. Democrats have no choice but to cheat.

Claustrophobia Cave Compilation

BSR says...

My boss has claustrophobia so bad he would not be able to watch this video after the first 2 seconds. He sweats on elevators when there is no other way up.

Myself? I don't think I could do this as sport but, may be able to do it to survive.

If the guide ahead of you died you would have to back all the way out which is a whole different challenge.

Denzel Washington speaks out: Where are the Fathers

isomers says...

Empower men to be fathers to their sons and daughters -- or gift a boy without a father your positive presence and guidance -- or gift him the book Pocket Guide for Young Men Without Fathers if there is no positive male role model in his life.

fuzzyundies (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

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fuzzyundies (Member Profile)

Naomi Klein in conversation with Katharine Viner

vil says...

Totally lost it at "indigenous communities gave generational expertise to help guide the way". Pretty pictures and words in the intro. A lot of emotional balast all over the place. On purpose apparently.

Made it to 35 minutes in.
Probably should read the books first before coming to conclusions.
Wait, is that how that works?

The whole fire metaphor - pretty much how totalitarian regimes come about. Lets NOT get excited and use our brains instead. The problem of politics seems to be that if you do that no one ever notices you.

The problem of this "emotions first" approach is no actual discussion is possible if everyone is hysterical.

Capitalism Didn’t Make the iPhone, You iMbecile

cloudballoon says...

newtboy's on point again, thanks.

Using bcglorf's logic, it is TAXATION that invented the internet. Name me a country (capitalist/communist/socialist or otherwise) that doesn't tax its people, bcglorf. Makes no sense to me. The video's intent is about defining the "who" invented the (early) internet, it's about credit where it's due, not blindly attributing everything to the almighty "capitalism". The video is saying IS IT NOT IT (capitalism).

I wouldn't say the inventors didn't take advantage of its research, it's just that for them it's not (only) about profit. The military benefits with precision-guided missiles, drones & satellites, universities got their connected & online classrooms.

China is ALREADY doing R&D on 6G ( "capitalism" better catch up, bcglorf!

What MUST be said though, is that the world really should thank the USA to open the tech & infrastructure up to the public (including the world) to make the world a more connected place (even with its many social warts and all).

newtboy said:

So, take a short cherry picked list of American inventions created largely with public funding, then claim only American capitalism could have produced them? Uhhhhh......

The inventors of the internet were NOT able to profit directly from their own ideas, they were military and publicly funded schools working in conjunction to create a publicly owned private data sharing network. Later, when this publicly funded network was opened to the public, private companies used it for private profit, and (often) slowed progress and stymied advancements in the process.
It's simply wrong to claim government funded advancements are due to capitalism simply because the taxes came from a capitalist country. Wow.

What about 5G...China is ahead of any capitalist country on that, and many other computing advancements. Those technicians don't see a scintilla of profit from their inventions, ideas, and often businesses (granted, some are allowed to make billions, but only a certain few that are government affiliated oligarchs, and it can be stripped from them the instant they don't tow the party line).

The Great Mattress Migration of 2019

Deaf, injured hiker credits survival with dog that appeared

newtboy says...

I was confused that the dog, trained to guide lost hikers back to the trail, didn't actually guide her back to the trail.

From the original creators of Fallout - The Outer Worlds

NaMeCaF says...

New Vegas was riddled with bugs on release, what are you talking about?

Just Google "New Vegas Bugs" and you'll find gems like this...

and helpful guides like...

wtfcaniuse said:

Hope the gameplay is rock solid because the graphics are pretty terrible. Lighting and shadows in particular.

I don't remember NV or Stick of Truth being shoddy or full of bugs.

Can This Change Everything for DJs

eric3579 says...

First off they use DVS technology which has been around and has nothing to do with what Phase is. I had no idea this was even a thing.

With Phase you don't need the special time coded vinyl record or needles.

There may be a better explanation somewhere but that's what i got in 15 min using google.

ChaosEngine said:

I have questions.

Maybe I missed it, but I feel like they didn’t really explain what it is or how it works.

I guess it’s some kind of replacement for a record needle, that uses an accelerometer(?) or something, but I’d really like more details.

Also (and I know nothing about DJing, so tell me if I’m being an idiot), surely using this kind of digital wireless thing (again not sure how it works) would defeat the purpose of using analog vinyl in the first place?

Texas mom spanks teen son after he took off in her BMW

Mordhaus says...

Sorry to hear that. As I have mentioned before (in a couple of different posts), I also grew up in a household that was deeply troubled and violent. My grandfather was a wonderful man when sober, unfortunately he was more often than not inebriated.

I experienced multiple styles of punishment, depending on the situation. If my grandfather was drunk, he was like as not to hit me. I still have a physical reminder of that method, in that he broke my nose once. I too learned to be elsewhere when he was drunk and to fear that version of my grandfather.

In times when he was sober, or when my grandmother was able (she suffered from MS), I received spankings. I learned that if I did not do certain things, I would not get spankings. So I stopped doing those things.

Same in school, I used to be a little shithead, very sarcastic and mean. I quickly learned that if I did things against other kids, I would get a paddling. The paddling didn't actually hurt that much, but the knowledge that other kids knew I was getting swats was very effective in making me stop acting out.

Later, as I became close to 18, both the school and my grandparents moved to a more hands off style. The school because, even in Texas, people were trying to get schools to stop using corporal punishment. My grandparents because they were older, sicker, and I was larger. My grandfather basically told me that I was close enough to being a man that I was going to make my own mistakes and he wasn't going to bail me out from them. I still got punished after the fact, but it wasn't physical.

Maybe I am an outlier, but that period was probably when I was the most wild. I got in trouble with the law, made terrible decisions, and probably would have done some serious time but for the guiding principles of my eventual wife when we started dating. I feel that if my grandparents and the school had been more strict during that time, I might have not had as many close calls as I did.

In any case, I would say that both of our experiences with earlier punishment would be taking it to the abuse level. I feel that corporal punishment, justly applied, is still better than not doing it. Fortunately we all can have our own opinion on the topic, so I can understand your viewpoint as well.

As far as the screwdriver, I wouldn't use it because it is completely ineffective. However, if I did not have a lug wrench and had a tool that could apply the proper force (say a crescent wrench or lockjaw pliers) I would use that tool.

BSR said:

If ruling by fear is your answer, good luck with that.

I've been slapped in the face, spanked with a belt, paddle, hairbrush. All that did for me was to fear my father. He was a cop. A good cop.

What he didn't know is, all that pain just made me find different ways to not get caught. He did not know how to make me not fear him.

You decide if you want your children to fear you too.

BTW, if a screwdriver isn't the answer to remove a lug nut, why use it?

Wrongfully Jailed For Rape As A Teen,

It's Time to Quit the Catholic Church!

newtboy says...

Let's also keep in mind these outrageous numbers are only the reported, documented, fairly well proven or admitted cases in one area of one state, records of which were finally found after decades of stonewalling by the church who intentionally blocked any investigation at every turn in their (successful) efforts to run out the clock on statutes of limitations so their members could escape justice. The real number of victims in just that area alone must be 100 times larger if history is any guide.
The real national numbers would be easily 1000-10000 times larger. World wide, you have to multiply by millions.

This is the MO of the catholic church and has been for endless decades. Move (not remove) the abusers and hide the abuses, then apologize much later for the sins of your predecessors while continuing to shield them (and while secretly shielding the current known crop).
Where are the right wing nutjobs breaking into churches to rescue kids from the Catholic sex slave trade? This story is true and verified, but Piousgate is repeatedly ignored while pizzagate is still a thing.
Sweet zombie Jebus.

Doctors Urge Americans: GO VEGAN!

ChaosEngine says...

I’ve just finished reading The Angry Chef. I highly recommend it as a no nonsense, science-based guide to debunking fad diets.

I’m not sure I agree with everything written, but it’s nice to read a book that talks about enjoying food (even “bad” food) instead of punishing people for their choices.

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