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10 Helpful Suggestions for Killing John Connor (Actionpack Talk Post)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Hilarious. Everyone says the Terminator series is great. I guess I should check it out.

I always wanted to do a 'Los Grenados' post-op report for Resident Evil 4

* Way too much random ammo and weaponry left carelessly out in the open.

* Who let that mysterious weapons dealer set up shop in our base?

* Perhaps the resources that went towards building that expensive and impractical indoor gatlin gun - which our enemy ended up gaining control of and wiping out dozens of good men - would have been better spent elsewhere.

* When setting up catapults, aim them AWAY from our base.

* Maybe we should hang on to our important keys, rather than allow them to be distributed by simple logic puzzles?


Heartwarming: Military mom surprises son with early return!

Robert Fisk: Why do they hate the West so much, we will ask (Islam Talk Post)

ElJardinero says...

One of the most annoying things about this conflict is that every time everybody looks at the USA to resolve the conflict, but how can they be expected to help resolve it when they are so biased? Israel gets 3-7 billion every year, they are a steady fixture on the US budget every year.

The United States of America spends 20x more money on Israel than research on alternative energy sources.

Imagine being a palestinian,you are in elementary school, there's a guy quite bigger than you , picking on you at every recess. You want to stop him, and you try, but every time he's bullying you, his HUGE friend stands behind him, ready to beat you up if you don't respond to his bullying tactics.

UN resolutions passes against Israel concerning the "dispute" since 1967 are in the hundreds, yet Israel always claims that Hamas or just Palestinians are always at fault.

Personally I think the biggest problem is that big nations like Germany, France, Russia, e.t.c. never really put their foot down, mostly based on political tactics, not wanting to upset the USA.

Bad things happen, when good men do nothing.

It's always surreal when the Israeli's go nuts when the Palestinians try to ship in weapons, they say things like "here's the proof that they are terrorists, here's a whole ship with weapons captured by us" But yet regularly they themselves get monstrous shipments of weapons from the USA.

Why is Israel allowed to import weapons on a mass scale but when Hamas try to do it they are terrorists?!

Should Our Resident "Hater" Be Banned? (Wtf Talk Post)

CaptWillard says...

^Thank you dag. I hope CP420 learns something in the interim, but I am not holding my breath. I still appreciate that you took our concerns seriously. Thank you again.

e: I agree with you Mycroft☟. Still I think it is a step in the right direction, and if he screws up one more time after his return I think he will be banned permanently. CP420 is not as clever as some people believe. It won't be long before he fucks up again. Then it is bye-bye CaptainPlanet.

Kind of OT, but with me - CaptWillard - helping to prosecute him - CaptainPlanet - did it almost feel like a court martial? A Few Good Men? Anyone?

'Chinatown' - "She's my sister AND my daughter!"

Lost Cop Shoots Puppy On Private Property In Oklahoma

punisher says...

>> ^SSIops:
"He is a Police Officer, not a vet.... Perhaps he has no idea what breed that is and wether it is an agressive breed or not. The dog was running at him and he had no idea."
Regardless of any animal training the officer had, he was completely out of line. I would argue he did nothing illegal as an officer, but what he did was completely wrong. The dog was running but if you watch the video, you'll see the dog ran to the side of the officer, not AT him as he shot the dog. And why did he use a gun anyway? Doesn't an officer have a tazer and mace equipped when less-than-lethal force is more suitable? Heck, he can even use his foot to push the dog away.
I wish the video wasn't played in slomotion, then we could get a more accurate representation of how the incident happened. Sound would have been nice. Was the dog barking or growling menacingly? The officer appears to have had plenty of time to get to his vehicle. you can see he made no effort whatsoever to retreat to his vehicle and immediately drew his gun instead. His entire motion is smooth, calm, and calculated, not that of a person who "feared for his life".
I'd even bet that he had direct line of sight of the dog when he exited his vehicle, and a lot of dogs out in the country aren't on leashes. With that knowledge, he should have been prepared. Although perhaps he was prepared. I imagine he thought,"If that dog gets close to me, I'm going to shoot it".
Spontaneous as the situation may have developed, the shooting looks pre-meditated to me.

1) Dog running to the side: To be honest, I can't tell if the dog is actually running to the side or if the motions of the officer backing away and shooting the dog caused it to look that way. For the sake of argument, let's say it is running to the side. Its path would have been VERY close to the officer. Looking at my timeline above, the officer had about 5 SECONDS to calculate the path of the dog to determine if it was going at him or too the side of him. Somehow I doubt he is a physics expert and could calulate that in the time alloted.

2) Tazer/Mace: We do not know what he was equipped with. Not all officers have tasers and mace, although mace is becoming more common. However, assuming he has mace, it has been shown in studies that it is not always effective on animals (or humans for that matter). As far his foot, again for the sake of argument, assume that the dog WAS attacking him. Your foot isn't going to do much except get bit.

3) plenty of time to get in car: Again look at the timeline. The whole thing from getting out of car to shooting dog took about 7-8 SECONDS and it really does look like he is urprised by the dog when he reaches the front of the car which gives him about 5 SECONDS to get back in. Not plenty of time by any means. He did start to back away towards the car but there wasn't enought time... As for telling his buddy to stay in the car, he tells him to do so before he starts walking towards the front of the car/house. Generally ride-alongs will stay in the car, so he was probably just reminding him.

4) His entire motion is smooth, calm, and calculated, not that of a person who "feared for his life": I should hope that he was calm. a person with a firearm who is panicking is much more dangerous then one who is calm.

5) line of sight on the dog: Unfortunately, the dog is off camera in the beginning. Maybe the dog was sitting next to the owner on the porch and the officer thought he was leashed? Maybe the dog was in the house and came running through a doggie door?

6) Spontaneous as the situation may have developed, the shooting looks pre-meditated to me: I think this is a ridiculous statement. What possible reason would the officer have to do this? Contrary to popular opinion, all police officers aren't out there gunning for action. They have a thankless job that only gets attention when something goes wrong.

For the people saying what is the worst that could happen? Go Google Dog Bites and look at some of the injuries images. If you have a big dog running at you and it hits you and takes you down, it can do some serious damage.

From the sound of some people here, maybe it would be better if there was no law enforement what so ever and if you get robbed, assaulted, raped, etc... tough s**t for you? As someone mentioned, noone forced them to take this job, so I guess that means that we should not be thinkful that someone stepped up and did take it. The line from Demi Moore in A Few Good Men sums it up pretty much when she explains why she likes the marines so much. (I can't remember the exact quote)

John McCain to ACORN: You Are 'What Makes America Special'

jwray says...

>> ^my15minutes:
remember those 8 illegal US district attorney firings, by alberto gonzales?
one of the DAs was named david iglasias.
he's actually the real military lawyer, upon whose life the movie "A Few Good Men" was based.
a republican, who after the service, had been appointed a federal DA, by bush.
and ACORN is the organization that he investigated, as a DA, found insufficient evidence to prosecute, and was then fired for not prosecuting, by gonzales.

Also, ACORN is required by law in most states to turn in all voter registration forms they receive to the authorities, even if the name written on it seems suspicious like "Oliver Closoff". McCain's running attack ads pushing Obama's alleged guilt by association when there isn't even a shred of evidence of ACORN's wrongdoing.

John McCain to ACORN: You Are 'What Makes America Special'

my15minutes says...

remember those 8 illegal US district attorney firings, by alberto gonzales?

one of the DAs was named david iglasias.
he's actually the real military lawyer, upon whose life the movie "A Few Good Men" was based.
a republican, who after the service, had been appointed a federal DA, by bush.

and ACORN is the organization that he investigated, as a DA, found insufficient evidence to prosecute, and was then fired for not prosecuting, by gonzales.

Silly Kitten

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Thank you doogle. By downvoting this cat video under the guise of an anonymous online alias, you have displayed the true grit that has made Canada the best country in the world - if not the universe. May the courageous actions of this day be recorded on your tombstone, lest we forget that all it takes is for good men to sit back and do nothing for evil cat videos to thrive.

Your true rewards shall not be of this world, but on the fields of Elysium.

Te Adoro, Anton

McCain finally doing the right thing.

Januari says...

At this point they are more cheering for a team than any policy or elected official...

I just got back from the UT vs. OU football game... and something stuck me... how much more these people sound like the UT and OU fans cheering at and/or against one another... than people supporting their country/candidate/or belief...

It doesn't even matter to them... McCain could be anti-puppy and these people would support them... (I'm sure there are many in Obama's camp that might apply, but i have NOT Heard the venom anywhere near the level it is with McCain's)

In the end... it's their 'team' thats losing and right or wrong they really don't care anymore.

To respond to the issue they are equally vile... I disagree completely... there seems to be this notion out there that they are both being as vulgar towards one another... I've seen absolutely nothing to support that...

McCain may not be a bigot... but when good men do nothing... they are not good men... these are HIS people... and his VP candidate that are behaving like bigots... and he has intentionally fueled that flame... you can't now step back and pretend like it was there just because it's leaving a bad taste in the mouths of most Americans...

Hook'em Horns!!!

Ron Paul on the Dollar: Given 1 Minute to speak: Bailout USD

volumptuous says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
W H Y W A S N ' T T H I S M A N M A D E P R E S I D E N T ?
Show me a man that has a better understanding of our economy. Without a doubt, the economy is now the most important issue facing America today.
He NEEDS to be president. NOW.

Sorry dude, but a lot of us wholeheartedly disagree with you.

Yes, Ron Paul is one of the smartest men in congress when it comes to certain aspects of the economy. He understands the markets, and our economic history almost more than anyone.

But, after watching him for the last two years I've come to realize that his knowledge is based 100% in theory, and not in reality. He couldn't give less of a shit about your and my reality, or the reality that faces huge swaths of this country. He doesn't give one shit.

He is a "free-market" fundamentalist, and thinks that somehow, CEO's everywhere are totally honest, good men who would only do awesome and honest and good things if that darn government oversight would stop, you know, overseeing stuff. Anyone who's had their eyes open, their heart beating and their lungs taking in breath over the last couple decades understands the exact opposite, and has watched these very same awesome CEO's tear our economy apart, slash our wages, steal our healthcare benefits and 401k's, and walk away with enormous bonuses worth more than most countries GDP.

Ron Paul's ideas of a "free market" are theories, and dangerous ones at that. His theories are one of those "if only" ideas/concepts that have NEVER ever been put into practice anywhere.

I would take a tanked economy with guidance under Barney Frank, than a "free-market" in a country that now has forced-prayer in schools, abortions made illegal, and "states rights" putting an end to anti-discrimination laws, integrated schools, and usher in every completely nutball right-wing extreme-christianist wedge issue you could ever imagine, shoved down the throats of us citizens.

Yes, Obama could do well with putting Paul somewhere in his cabinet, or in the FED or somewhere. But his domestic policies are utterly frightening, and the dude who he just supported for POTUS is one of the most crappy, hacked-out straight-up-white-dude's out there, with a completely laughable and outrageous platform.

Ron Paul is way more of a christianist fundie than you are allowing yourself to understand. "States rights" is a code-word. It's a lie. It's real meaning is to give the states their right to enforce some of the most backward, draconian laws every considered.

Republican Hypocrisy Lives! Larry Craig still kicking (Politics Talk Post)

blankfist says...

Whoa, simmer down there boiling water. Fiscal irresponsibility and nation-building are Democratic "things", too. Democrats have proven to be interventionists. Have we forgotten about Wilsonian interventionism? Woodrow Wilson believed every man had the right to self-determination and further believed it was America's duty to protect democracy throughout the world. Wilson sent troops to Mexico to proclaim martial law during a revolution. He was quoted saying his efforts were to "teach Latin Americans to elect good men." And, let us not forget his interventionist role in Europe which aided in the Versailles Treaty. We know how that ended for us.

What about Franklin Roosevelt? Hey, tell me which right-wing mouthpiece publication is responsible for this quote: "Franklin Roosevelt relished his nation-building" Fox News? Nope. The New York Times did in regards to his interventionist policies in Haiti. FDR even said "I wrote Haiti's Constitution myself, and if I do say it, it was a pretty good little Constitution."

What about Lyndon Johnson in Vietnam? The Vietnam War has been categorized as LBJ's war. But, our involvement with Vietnam started during the cold war, which started to be realized when Harry S. Truman tried to contain communism in Southeast Asia in the 50s. And, hell, JFK was guilty of increasing financial aid and advisory assistance in South Vietnam. He fully adopted the National Security Action Memorandum 52 which was left over from the Eisenhower Administration that read in regards to South Vietnam: "The U.S. objective and concept of operations stated in the report are approved: to prevent communist domination of South Vietnam; to create in that country a viable and increasingly democratic society, and to initiate, on an accelerated basis, a series of mutually supporting actions of a military, political, economic, psychological and covert character designed to achieve this objective."

Will that do or should I continue?

Bill Moyers: Honoring Veterans

schmawy says...

I just saw the ol' soldiers in the parade. Good men all of 'em. But this isn't your Granddaddy's war. This isn't Hitler. This is something else altogether.

Still, soldiers are dead all the same, regardless of those soldier's politics.

A Few Good Men - Lunch with Jack Nicholson

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'few good men, cruise, hilary, nicholson rocks my socks' to 'few good men, cruise, hillary, nicholson rocks my socks, faggoty white uniform' - edited by calvados

Salt-n-Pepa with En Vogue: What a Man

Thylan says...

That would be:

Yeah, yeah (Oooo)
Uh, hey hey
All right, yeah

What a man, what a man, what a man
What a mighty good man
What a man, what a man, what a man
What a mighty good man
What a man, what a man, what a man
What a mighty good man
What a man, what a man, what a man
What a mighty good man

I wanna take a minute or two, and give much respect due
To the man that's made a difference in my world
And although most men are ho's he flows on the down low
Cuz I never heard about him with another girl
But I don't sweat it because it's just pathetic
To let it get me involved in that he said/she said crowd
I know that ain't nobody perfect, I give props to those who deserve it
And believe me y'all, he's worth it
So here's to the future cuz we got through the past
I finally found somebody that can make me laugh
(Ha ha ha) You so crazy
I think I wanna have your baby


My man is smooth like Barry, and his voice got bass
A body like Arnold with a Denzel face
He's smart like a doctor with a real good rep
And when he comes home he's relaxed with Pep
He always got a gift for me everytime I see him
A lot of snot-nosed ex-flames couldn't be him
He never ran a corny line once to me yet
So I give him stuff that he'll never forget
He keeps me on Cloud Nine just like the Temps
He's not a fake wannabe tryin' to be a pimp
He dresses like a dapper don, but even in jeans
He's a God-sent original, the man of my dreams

Yes, my man says he loves me, never says he loves me not
Tryin' to rush me good and touch me in the right spot
See other guys that I've had, they tried to play all that mac shit
But every time they tried I said, "That's not it"
But not this man, he's got the right potion
Baby, rub it down and make it smooth like lotion
Yeah, the ritual, highway to heaven
From seven to seven he's got me open like Seven Eleven
And yes, it's me that he's always choosin'
With him I'm never losin', and he knows that my name is not Susan
He always has heavy conversation for the mind
Which means a lot to me cuz good men are hard to find


My man gives real loving that's why I call him Killer
He's not a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am, he's a thriller
He takes his time and does everything right
Knocks me out with one shot for the rest of the night
He's a real smooth brother, never in a rush
And he gives me goose pimples with every single touch
Spends quality time with his kids when he can
Secure in his manhood cuz he's a real man
A lover and a fighter and he'll knock a knucker out
Don't take him for a sucker cuz that's not what he's about
Every time I need him, he always got my back
Never disrespectful cuz his mama taught him that


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