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Analysis of Judge Canon's dismissal of classified docs case

newtboy says...

It’s ok @bobknight33…we know that 1) you would never watch this and 2) the precise language, specific terms, and legal citation would go so far over your head that you couldn’t see them
The defense judge subverted the law and Justice to protect one man for purely political reasons. Nothing could be more obvious. You applaud this politically motivated degradation of the law and long standing checks and balances our government is founded on…nothing could be less surprising.

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith on Donald Trump indictments

newtboy says...

Hunter Biden has filed to have his case dismissed on the same grounds. 😂
What’s good for the goose…if special council appointments are unconstitutional, his is too. Drop the case now.
Who is going to argue against that in his case now?
Not Republicans, they need to pretend it’s true to protect their candidate….
…not Democrats, they think Hunter has been railroaded over spiteful politics and lies and should at worst have gotten the plea deal he originally agreed to.
His dismissal should come well before the appeal, so her ruling stands for now as if special councils are actually illegal. Jeopardy has attached in his case, so any dismissal is the end, unlike the other case. 😂

Never thinking through your positions before enacting them. Low IQ voters get low IQ leaders doing low IQ things.

bobknight33 said:

Trump classified documents case dismissed by Florida judge

Judge: Jack Smith Appointment Unconstitutional, Dismisses Classified Documents Case Against Donald Trump..

Again Trump has the LAW on his side.

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith on Donald Trump indictments

newtboy says...

Lawless moron-
Trump classified document case accepted by appeals judge.

Trial back on.

Cannons unlawful unprecedented theory that the appointment was unconstitutional which is unsupported by ANY case law is going to quickly be reversed.
Again, Trump has NEVER had the law on his side (Cannon did not cite any law or case) and has tried every possible technicality to get him off and now is making Trump (but not Biden) above the law and unprosecutable…because MAGA is 100% lawless, criminal, and immoral.

bobknight33 said:


Trump classified documents case dismissed by Florida judge

Judge: Jack Smith Appointment Unconstitutional, Dismisses Classified Documents Case Against Donald Trump..

Again Trump has the LAW on his side.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Awwww….you don’t wanna talk about the MAGA conservative white straight male (incel?) with an assault rifle that shot the felon?
Why not?

Wanna talk about when Trump said “If Hillary is elected and gets to pick her judges, she’s going to take away your guns, nothing you can do….well, maybe the second amendment people, maybe there is!” (*wink *grin), a not even thinly veiled threat that if she’s elected you better shoot her fast, and a blatant support and suggestion of political violence?

Is #hangJDVance trending yet? It will. Don’t forget he said Trump is America’s Hitler and MAGA America’s Nazi party…but like so many cowards he decided joining the Nazis was safer than fighting them.

Interesting video of RFK and Trump coordinating just released by RFKs son where they talk about “us” winning and “we are going to win”…but they still try to pretend he isn’t in the race for no other reason than to help Trump. It’s obvious.

Fishermen Rescue Two Teen Girls Lost at Sea

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

More unreported gifts and trips by Thomas discovered, including an unreported yacht trip to Russia (without using his passport to hide the trip) and private helicopter trips from one palace to visit the palace in St Petersburg, Putin’s home town. Impeachments are going to change the court next session.

Fishermen Rescue Two Teen Girls Lost at Sea

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Reminding you that your guy partied in private with Epstein and unchaperoned prepubescent girls from at least 1991-2007 (2 years after he was finally indicted for running a child prostitution ring for years) without pause and didn’t hide or deny it, indeed he bragged about it often. No one travelled to child rape island for naked prepubescent girl massages more than your hero.

Every accusation you make is an admission…Don’t pretend you care about child rape and make baseless blatantly false accusations about your rivals then go silent when evidence proves it’s your guy who has been raping children for decades, or you’re going to have your nose rubbed in it like this.

PS- Hilarious comparison…Biden spoke at a black church where he was invited by the congregation, which attended and worshipped as normal before Biden gave a speech about the promise of America and the advancements we’ve made…compare to Trump who rented a black church embroiled in scandal with a felon pastor willing to rent it out, filled it with white Qanon/2025 believers who worshipped Trump, chanting his name and praising him while he described an apocalyptic America crumbling and devolving in criminal debauchery and bankruptcy (he aught to know!) when he wasn’t talking about himself.

Uh-oh. Pro-life activists and evangelicals are splitting from Trump because the campaign has been clear that he does not support a national abortion ban, and they insist on one. The rift is bad enough that the RNC has banned cameras from meetings of the party platform committee to hide the rift and infighting… which has never been done.
It’s a catch 22…oppose a national ban, lose the evangelicals which are your base now. Support a national ban, lose 75%+ of women and a majority of men. 😂

French MAGA lost bigly…3rd place. Their candidate was proud that her policies are the same policies as Trump, which are the same policies of Putin…yes, she admits that without flinching…that loser French woman has far more spine than little Donny.

Same results in the UK, but that was expected after the unmitigated disaster that has been far right rule there.

Just to remind you,
Trump needs a new VP because he tried to murder his first one.
Trump needs a new cabinet because his old cabinet thinks he’s a criminal fascist psychopath.
He needs a new First Lady because Melania refuses to be seen with him or to be First Lady again (not that she fulfilled the position the first time, but she won’t even live in DC this time…wanna bet that some young blond Ivanka clones will?).
Trump needs a new legal team because his old one has all been disbarred for criminality they did for Trump.
He even needs a new strategist because Bannon is busy in prison despite his pardons. 😂

But you think Joe stuttering is worse.

BTW- since you love to use the “even CNN says” and “liberal media says” nonsense…
CNN - CEO = Trump donor
ABC - CEO = Trump donor
NBC - CEO = Trump donor
CBS - CEO = Trump donor
MSNBC - CEO = Trump donor
NYT - CEO = Trump donor
Wall Street Journal - OWNER = Rupert Murdoch
FOX - OAN - Blaze - Newsmax - Infowars - do I need to say a word?
Where is this liberal media bias again? I can’t find it.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Since you haven’t figured it out yet, when you spam my profile page with your idiotic propaganda videos of brain numbingly stupid idiots lying from mommy’s basement instead of being capable of thinking for yourself I just erase them.
I don’t bother watching them.
Years of curiosity has proven there’s absolutely zero redeeming qualities or factual information in them….I don’t even believe you watch them either, I think you just troll by spam these days, because you are intellectually lazy and weak and don’t know the facts on any topic, including your claimed profession. It’s why you can never answer a question yourself and have to go silent so often if you aren’t provided with one by these morons.
You absolutely can’t think for yourself enough to have a basic discussion, and I’m not having one with Q or all of MAGA’s propaganda machine…even combined your collective IQ is still well below 100.
If you want to MAGA tag a profile page, better keep it on your own. On mine it will just be erased with out being viewed.

PS- AJ Delgado is suing the Trump campaign alleging that she was both taken advantage of and raped by Trump staffer or advisor, Jason Miller. She released text messages proving she’s not alone and that the Trump campaign had already settled multiple harassment and discrimination lawsuits on behalf of campaign staffers…because rape and debauchery and criminality and secret payoffs are what MAGA is about.

Lorne girls at the 2020 Torquay Surfboat Carnival

Trump Is Immune - LegalEagle analysis

newtboy says...

The invalid and corrupt SCOTUS changed the law to make “official acts” by one person, the president, above the law, can’t even be scrutinized…which has NEVER been the case, indeed our government was designed to avoid exactly that. NO MAN IS ABOVE THE LAW has been the American motto since its inception. That creed has now been invalidated by this unfathomable decision which adds the asterisk “*except the president when acting officially” while intentionally leaving open the question of what is an official act and what isn’t, allowing for uneven, unequal, inconsistent application based on politics or payoffs, not law or facts.

They did say acts by the POTUS in or outside their authority can be prostituted…legalizing bribery so long as the policy change comes before the final check. A Freudian slip you got correct. That was another change this extremist court just made.

Once again since you cannot read or comprehend what you’ve been told repeatedly, the position was not fear mongering about hypotheticals, it was pointing out the specific anti democratic crimes already committed and those promised by one candidate in their campaign of retribution against the non cultists…the exact examples brought up during arguement that were just determined to be legal, like the assassination of a political rival by the military. That is not hypothetical now, they ruled on it precisely.


No President has ever needed immunity for official acts before Trump because none ever tried to commit felonies then hide behind their authority as president (Nixon tried, but like Trump his crimes were definitely unofficial acts not official no matter how he tried to make them official, not presidential orders but campaign activities just like the coup, but he had the moral fortitude to step down and go away, Trump would rather burn it all down.)

Explain why Trump needs immunity if he didn’t commit crimes.

bobknight33 said:

SCOTUS upheld what always been. Acts done with in POTUS authority are immune from prosecution. Acts done outside of POTUS authority can be criminal and prostituted. Nothing changed nothing added nothing removed.
From the SCOTUS ruling " the dissents position in the end boil down ignoring the Constitution's separation of powers and the Courts precedent and instead fear mongering of extreme hypotheticals.

Trump Is Immune - LegalEagle analysis

Great Moments in Star Trek History - Hello, Computer

Stormy Daniels Identifies Trump

newtboy says...


He was indicted by a STATE grand jury, PROSECUTED in STATE courts, and CONVICTED on STATE charges.

😂 Nice try, at a completely unrelated red herring. Chutkan isn’t going to find that he’s now magically immune from state crimes he committed during his campaign before being elected, and signing the final illicit payoff check while in office doesn’t make it all retroactively official government business or duties. Chutkan is considering the motion to avoid any possible appeal, not because there’s merit….but you go ahead and pin your hat on that and I’ll hide and watch. 😂

Again, I understand your desire to defend a man whose morals and actions mirror yours, but I think you do yourself a disservice and instead of constantly supporting the absolute lowest common denominator and the basest of your uncivil instincts you should improve yourself and your standards….but you’re gonna do you.
You might notice your defense has gone from “he didn’t do it” to “you can’t prove he did it” to “it’s not even a crime” to “everybody does it” to “ok, he did it, it is a crime, nobody before has done it and it’s disqualifying for a public official, but when he does it it’s retroactively technically not a crime and is therefore 100% fine…

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

@newtboy said: Lied to? How so….be specific.

As expected, you cannot answer because you just spew nonsense like a brain damaged infant….as usual.

Bonus- American Muck Rakers about two years ago launched a website with information suggesting that Lauren Bobert had been an escort on a sugar daddy website, that she had had multiple abortions, and that she engaged in illegal drug usage at the time.

Boebert insisted she was going to sue them and their donors…but didn’t. They sued her for defamation…and she just settled with them and paid Muckrakers who had the story about her being a drug addled hooker who has had multiple abortions (and who has performed public sex acts in front of children REPEATEDLY…once on camera) correct in the first place. They claimed to have lost 90% of their donations due to the threat, so it’s likely a big settlement…and isn’t she already bankrupt, having closed her failed business, sold the house in the divorce, and can’t even afford a criminal attorney for her unemployed criminal son who is also a teenage father and neighborhood menace? Isn’t agreeing to pay them a settlement and never filing a suit herself an admission that their reporting was accurate, and she is a drug using hooker who has had multiple abortions…everything she rails against?

bobknight33 said:


Again you have been lied to by the fake news and Democrat party.

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