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Why the Electoral College Ruins Democracy

Aziraphale says...

The electoral college is an unnecessary relic. At the time you would actually need a person from each state to physically go down to DC and cast a vote. With today's technology this has become clearly obsolete.

Terms And Conditions (& why you should read them)

00Scud00 says...

In my mind the solution to this problem is simple, if the information in EULA's and other similar documents is really that important and legally binding then people should be forced to read through all of them before buying anything. In this new system you can't go down to the corner store and buy a pack of gum without first reading through a small novel's worth of legalese and proving that you understand all of it.
Do that and this crap will go down in flames faster than the Hindenburg, even the corporate lawyers who dream this horseshit up will quickly get tired of it and decide this wasn't worth the trouble.

Spring Valley High "Cop" violently assaults black teen girl

bcglorf says...

My question is what does our society expect to happen here?

This kind of situation has become routine in the system, at least here in Canada. The teacher asks a student to do something, like put away their cell phone. The student refuses, or more often than not tells the teacher off. The teacher then asks the student to go down to the principals office. The student refuses, or more often than not tells the teacher off again. The teacher is absolutely and completely forbidden to use any manner of physical force to require the student to listen. Since the teacher can't get the student to go to the principle, their only recourse is to bring the principle to the student. The joke is, the principle has absolutely no more authority to force the student to comply than did the teacher.

What do people expect as the 'right' course of action here in our society today? If students decide they just don't wanna do anything they are told, is that just the end of it? Is there absolutely never any circumstance under which we finally reach the point were using actual physical force to remove them from the school can be deemed acceptable?

Sorry, but I truly am fearful of a world were we teach students that they are free to ignore any and all authority. More over, so long as they refrain from violence, they can defy authority with impunity knowing it is immoral for any authority to use force to get them to comply.

Permeable Concrete? It's like magic!

bareboards2 says...

The way I read the article, the water is diverted to the storm system.

I mean, ground can't absorb that much water that fast.

And I assume water is heavy enough to keep going down to the storm system, and not stay trapped in the permeable part.

Unless I'm not understanding your point?

draak13 said:

Roads aren't designed like this in most places because it's better to keep the water out; one wintertime freeze, and that entire parking lot turns into gravel.

World's Most Pathetic Elevator Chime

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Mental Health

brycewi19 says...

Two words: Wraparound Services

Look it up.

It can be used for more than just youth. I facilitated that model for 6 years to great success. Unfortunately, John Oliver is right when it comes to funding - you can't keep great therapists on board doing good work when your budget is constantly getting cut due to Medicare reimbursement rate cuts.

The private sector (i.e. private group and individual practices) really are the ones picking up the slack from community mental health agencies funding and therapist attrition issues.

If reimbursement rates to the private sector from private insurance starts going down even more than it already is then we're all screwed.

Fails of the Month: September 2015

brycewi19 (Member Profile)

It Don't Go Down

ATLAS Walking Robot In A Forest

btanner says...

This is the most terrifying a prescient quote you can imagine. Either it is a deliberate turn of phrase they use in order to get the right ears perked up... OR it's a horrible choice of words that will go down in history when these robots become armed.

AeroMechanical said:

Oh, "mobility that's within shooting range of mine" you say?

Most Insane Footage Yet From The China Explosion

Most Insane Footage Yet From The China Explosion

MilkmanDan says...

Maybe you're right, but to me that didn't sound like jubilation or delight. It sounded like awe and adrenaline mixed into shock. I even took their decision to "go down" at the end as a hint that they may have been going to try to *help* anyone that was caught closer to the blast(s).

I don't mean this to be a "cool story bro" or "internet tough guy" thing, but: About a year ago there was a house fire (pretty roaring fire, but limited to 1 room) across the street from me. Nobody was home, but I didn't know that at the time. When I saw it, verbally my brain went to mush -- I was just saying "oh shit" about like these guys, over and over. But, the adrenaline and thinking that someone might be stuck in the house whipped me into action. I ended up putting out a good chunk of the fire with hose and buckets before the fire department got there about 15 mins later, and the firemen later said that it may well have spread out of control if I hadn't gotten a partial jump on it.

BUT, in my adrenaline fueled shock, I had forgotten to put on shoes, and had cut up my bare feet a bit by running around on glass that the fire had broken out of a window. Plus, I had rather stupidly been pumping in water via hose and bucket, while standing in a puddle, next to a house that still had mains power going into it...

After the event, my wife specifically said that I had sounded "weird" and not like myself, and hadn't really been particularly coherent in verbalizing what I was planning to do. Anyway, due to the shock and surprise, I'm ready to give these dudes the benefit of the doubt with regards to their weird and potentially "inappropriate" sounding voices and statements.

lucky760 said:

Nah, I have pretty solid confidence I would never react to a disaster with jubilation. I've witnessed some hairy shit in my life (nothing this massive of course), but I've never reacted by prancing about just absolutely tickled pink with joy.

Speaking of other videos, how many of the other people who caught this on tape sounded like these fucking retards? I've watched many. I've heard none.

1905 Darracq 200HP land speed record car seriously sideways

Irish Boy's Carolina Reaper Followup

police officer body slams teen in cuffs

Asmo says...

A big part of it is the thin blue line bullcrap where cops will stand around watching this shit going down and not report it. Yes, it's probably a minority of bad apples, but then there are the silent witnesses who don't speak out, or the bastards that take revenge on the whistleblowers.

If the law, and the people that enforce it, is to have any meaning, it must be even handed. That is such a joke these days that anyone seriously believing it would be ridiculed as hopelessly naive. If the status quo = everyone understands that there are two sets of rules and the people that should be held to a higher level of responsibility are often given a pass, then the system is broken, and even the good cops are holding up a corrupt institution.

What I can't figure is how the good cops keep going to work, trying to serve the public etc when they see this shit. Talk about morale destroying.

oohlalasassoon said:

I won't defend this particular cop's actions but damn there's a serious bias against cops on this site, and in the media generally. It's approaching zeitgeist levels. Guys, they're not all fucking power-tripping stormtroopers. News isn't news unless it's bad. Yes, speak out against things like this , but get a grip.

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