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What it's really like to work at a music store

Dance Of The Concrete Slabs

Best Fails of the Week 4 June 2013

chingalera says...

Ahhhhh, human tragedy...

Thank god most of them are American white people-At the very least my faith in humanity's ability to purge the water bugs from her own pool may remain steadfast for the foreseeable future....

*edit after comment down-vote:

So.....You got a problem with someone whose consistent comment theme suggests that he can't stand most American white folks because of the colour of their mettle? American whites are becoming increasingly and exponentially irresponsible, immoral, and ignorant and and I'm supposed to giggle and point at the developmentally-disabled of my clan?
Fuck that noise, crackers need to pull their collective heads outta their own asses.

Barbara Boxer worked so hard for her title

Shocking Declassified Docs

Russian Method Of Extinguishing A House Fire.

nanrod says...

LOL I checked the pronunciation given on google translate and I can see how you got your variation. A better phonetic version would be sosyed but then whenever I try to speak to a Russian person I get a lot of giggles.

chingalera said:


*played the audio and made up a surname I'd imagined I'd heard..

This is what it looks like to learn a language in one year

chingalera says...

You gotta love the way Deutschlanders string fifteen words together in what looks like repeated attempts to break syllabicate this one, "Rechtsschutzversicherungsgesellschaften," which means, "insurance companies providing legal protection." Always makes me giggle to hear these

Wacky frikkin' Germans!

Husband puts up with shopping trolley beating from his wife

Husband puts up with shopping trolley beating from his wife

Dog tries to save cat friend

Hire Me Jon Stewart

Skater Grinding A Rail With Chopsaw Sets Himself On Fire

How Hemp Threatens the Corporatocracy | Brainwash Update

Global warming or unicorns? Which do you believe in?

Fletch says...

In the spirit of Godwin, I propose a new internet law that describes the inevitability of the MSNBC false equivalency whenever a comment or topic criticizes FOX news.

I love ya, choggie, and VS is way better and more interesting with you here, but this dog just don't hunt.

I think the days of intrepid journalism are largely over for most of the news sources you mentioned, but there still are pockets of resistance to the inanity that passes as news in America. Regardless of whichever political ideolgy you most identify with, you cannot dismiss MSNBC as opposite but equal to FOX. MSNBC is most definitely liberal/progressive, but they wear it on their sleeve, and their spin is backed by facts and reality. FOX spins everything, and completely misinforms it's viewers fans by simply making shit up, not to mention the ubiquitous fear-mongering, the subliminal programming of their crawl, the always-angry, paranoid, petty, spiteful, and shrill talking heads, and the daily memo'd bullet points that are regurgitated verbatim and hammered into the brains of their veiwers all day long from show to show. The dolts on FOX and Friends have got to be the three DUMBEST people ever to thousand-yard stare into a camera. FOX is "news entertainment" at best.

There are infinite shades of gray between black and white, and MSNBC is definitely biased, but you can't say it isn't factual (the vast majority of time). If there was a true "equal but opposite" version of MSNBC, I would watch it. Unfortunately, FOX serves only as a source of amusement for me. "No Spin Zone" makes me giggle every time Papa Bear says it. It's brilliant parody.

That said, we agree that Americans are largely low information because low information is exactly what we get from the news sources readily available. But the "truth" is out there if one cares enough to go look for it.

For starters...
Al Jazeera
CBC News
BBC News
Christian Science Monitor

chingalera said:

Why stop there? Add these journalistic abortions to your short list of similar schlock-proctors, it's the same bag of shit with a more palatable label for those so programatically-defined:



All designed to do one thing;
Guide peeps with no need-to-know into becoming much more ineffectual and idiocratic citizens.

Ducati Hypermotard - License to Thrill

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