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Self Defense?

newtboy says...

I don't disagree that his response was more than needed, but I don't expect someone who's been taunted and hit repeatedly (and I saw the shove as WAY more than a friendly Elaine style push, and the second hit looked to be to his neck/chin, not shoulder) to think it through and be restrained, but I do agree a good pimp slap may have sufficed....a call to the cops should be the proper response, but it's clear that wouldn't work for him in a white girl vs black man incident in real life.

All that said, I still say that if you start a physical fight and you lose, badly, that's never your victim's fault, it's yours, and genitalia have nothing to do with it (unless someone gets kicked in the balls). I know <100 lb women that brag about getting high and going to bars intending to fight men, and winning those fights. Assuming gender or size makes someone not dangerous is naive.
Edit: note, his first reaction was to walk away from the taunts, and his first reaction to the first shove/hit was verbal, so decking her was technically his second choice, or third depending on how you look at it. ;-)

Payback said:

I have been in both situations. I have had a 5'0" 75lbs woman come at me with a baseball bat. I was worried with that one, but I took it away from her so I didn't have to resort to what this pussy did.

My problem is not that he plastered her, it's that was his first choice. I mean shit man, she did an "Elaine from Seinfeld" push then smacked him on the shoulder and he decided to drop her? He wanted her down and out. Put her in her place. Macho bullshit.

What happens when you're drunk AND stoned at the same time?

eric3579 says...

Nothing good comes with this drug combo.

(edit) let me clarify. I'm not referring to health in any way. I'm talking about getting high.
My experience is spinning,nauseous and inability to see straight or walk. Pretty much every time i did so. I'd recommend sticking to one or the other.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

AICP sponsor reel is a colourful dance explosion

kir_mokum says...

ok, i'll do my best:

"It's where the program does the animation for you using physics (or other) algorithms. As the artist, you place a "flag" in the scene, and attach it to a "pole" then tell the program there's a "45 mph wind from the East".
Then you hit "Play" and you get a movie of a flag waving in the wind."

this is called a sim, and yes it's a type of procedural animation but it doesn't replace some kind of "classical" method of animating. sims are used for all kinds of things: particles, cloth, fur/hair/feathers, crowds, fluid, rigid body destruction, etc, etc. the artists who do this are not animators, they're FX artists and it isn't as simple as plugging in "45 mph wind from the east". not even close. for something seemingly that simple you're dialing in things like direction, turbulence, gravity, plus the cloth properties. once you have your settings, you sim it, which can take days on a render farm for complex sims. if that sim is approved then it goes to lighting, gets put into the scene, has textures/materials/shaders applied, and then gets rendered, which can take another several days on a render farm depending on the complexity. these sims are the only way to get realistic animations for these types of materials. and there are generally many versions made at this stage to get the sim right, fix broken frames, fix intersecting, get the lighting and textures/materials/shaders working right, etc. THEN it goes to the compositing dept for a couple dozen more versions.

"As opposed to regular animation, which can be thought of as glorified stop-motion animation. Each single piece moved by you, individually, for each frame of video."

regular animation is like stop motion except it's not every frame (it's interpolated between keyframes) and is for character animation.

anim and FX are 2 different departments and often use 2 different software packages.

mocap is also not handled by the anim dept. it would be done by match move and/or tech anim.

"You create a flag and a pole. Then the next frame you bend it here, here, here, and here, then click forward to the next frame, and bend it a bit more here, little less here, invert this bend, add another, make this corner whip a bit."

no one in there right mind would do this, it's completely impractical, and would look like complete shit.

"It basically allows less technically savvy artists play in a world where only "nerds" used to play."

the FX people are way more nerds and technical than anim people. you need to be technically savvy for every dept. but the real nerds and really technically savvy people work on pipeline who were probably heavily involved in this project building custom toolsets for it.

"Really kind of lazy way of animating."

no, it's fucking hard, requires a lot of knowledge, a lot of people, a lot of cpu horsepower, is used all the time to get high quality animations, is a collection of several departments other than animation, and is used in conjunction with animation.

You're Wrong And Will Probably Never Know

eric3579 says...

You're wrong about virtues of Christianity
And you're wrong if you agree with Sean Hannity
If you think that pride is about nationality, you're wrong

You're wrong when you imprison people turning tricks
And you're wrong about trickle down economics
If you think that punk rock doesn't mix with politics, you're wrong

You're wrong for hating queers and eating steers
If you kill for the thrill of the hunt
You're wrong 'bout wearing fur and not hating Ann Coulter
Cause she's a cunted cunt

You're wrong if you celebrate Columbus Day
And You're wrong if you think there will be a Judgement Day
If you're a charter member of the NRA, you're wrong

You're wrong if you support capital punishment
And you're wrong if you don't question your government
If you think her reproductive rights are inconsequent, you're wrong

You're wrong fighting Jihad, your blind faith in God
Your religions are all flawed,
You're wrong about drug use, when its not abuse
I hope you never reproduce

You're getting high on the downlow
A victim of Cointelpro
You're wrong and will probably never know

Love this song *promote

New Rule – For the Love of Bud

enoch says...


here is what i don't get.
how is it the governments business what i ingest in my own body for whatever reason?

may be it is for the relief of pain.
may be it is to alleviate stress or mental anguish,and even,in some cases,mental illnesses.
or maybe i just want to get high.

i realize you have already addressed the hypocrisy and horrible execution of,what basically comes down to a social issue,but how is this the governments business?

the science is in and weed has been proven to be fairly harmless,even in abusive situations.

the biggest problem america faces today,which includes booze and smokes,is prescription pain medication.which is basically heroin addiction,but since pain pills do not hold the stigma of heroin,it is not been addressed in any substantive way.oh..this country is arresting people in droves for selling and carrying but almost nary a PEEP in the form of education.

so why is government stepping into my business?
something i engage in at home,bother nobody and keep to myself.yet i am still deemed a criminal.yet my crime is a victimless crime.

if i drive my car,or operate heavy machinery while high,that is a different story and the law should be applied exactly as it is with booze for the exact same reasons.

the state should get out of my house and stop telling me which intoxicants are "state approved",because,quite frankly..i dont give it a shit.

this archaic and destructive social policy needs to go the way of the serves no purpose any longer,and the massive propaganda campaign that was initiated by henry anslinger at the behest of big textile in the fucking 40's should not be given even the remotest credibility by todays standards.

people like their matter what form it takes and the government has zero business dictating which "hooch" we choose.

New Rule – For the Love of Bud

RedSky says...


I don't disagree that alcohol and tobacco policy is hypocritical and yes alcohol is worse, but that still doesn't change the fact that pot can be abused and if you have a megaphone, making it sound cool doesn't help.

Also, I would say promoting using it alongside legalization actually worsens arguments for decriminalization in general because rather than focusing on it how it ruins lives and job prospects, detractors can just paint you as someone who wants to get high. I think those who don't use pot are better advocates.

Admitted weed traffickers get high/paranoid and call 911

newtboy jokingly says...

Don't get high on your own supply.

artician said:

Isn't there some saying... like "don't use your own stash", or "dealers don't sample from their own supply", or something? Well, I can't remember it and obviously neither could these two!

Amazing footage of 150,000 tyres on fire in Australia

I DO NOT free base cocaine!

poolcleaner says...

Just in case you didn't know, freebase is crack cocaine. The term freebasing is a direct reference to cocaine being in its base, non salt form. The only way to get high off of cocaine in its base form is to smoke it, therefore freebasing also refers to smoking cocaine.

Cocaine in its salt form (which he refers to as "toot" in this video) can be snorted, injected, swallowed, and shoved up the butt, because it is absorbed by the body as a salt.

Smoking crack gets you higher, quicker, but doesn't last as long. Hence why being a crack addict is so bad -- you're SUPER high right away but not for very long, so you have to constantly get a fix.

Justin Trudeau explains marijuana legalization to a mother.

Asmo says...

Easy answer (he kinda mentions it):

The money saved chasing black market pot + tax excised from the legalised sale of pot = more treatment for addiction.

End of fucking story.

ps. You can tell the type of parent she is that she's so busy off crusading to save people that her daughter is getting high and drunk easily. Lemme guess, extremely strict parent who has closeted her kid so much that she's gone off the rails after getting a taste?

I think "Blame Canada" really needs to be linked to this sift (but have no idea how to do so... = ) because this woman is Sheila Broflowski...

How To Make Rope From Grass [Easy Method]

A kid uses a lighter in a car full of anti-static clothes sp

robbersdog49 says...

It's probably what it was, and they were huffing it to get high. They knew it was there, that's why they were in the car with the windows closed, that was the whole point...

Retroboy said:

Yeah. Pretty horrible way to get a haircut.

Regardless, there's no way that concentration of aerosol in the car wouldn't have driven them out of there unless they were doing something deliberate. I don't buy the original poster's comments. That anti-static stuff, at least the stuff I've encountered - smells nasty.

Do you enjoy marijuana? (User Poll by kulpims)

gorillaman says...

I wish you could get high on fascist blood. Maybe they'd rethink drug prohibition while their kind were routinely being hung upside down, throats cut, bleeding out, surrounded by freedom fighters getting stoned off their tits on the last drops of the enemy's otherwise worthless life.

I mean, we ought to be doing that anyway but it'd be nice to give the people a little further incentive.

Give Up The Toad

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