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Drunk off-duty deputy tries to arrest female soldier at bar

chingalera says...

He's a person who became a marine (a shitty one), then a cop (gang member) to abuse power and illicit control over others. His character screams it, his words, his body language. A broken human in need of serious therapy.

I read now where officer Bell has been suspended without pay as a result of the incident. He'll be back on the street in no-time, harassing more innocents and abusing women with a badge and a gun soon, residents of South Carolina who don't want his shit on the streets should demand his accountability in this matter. But they won't, they are too busy being programmed by the television and officer dickbag will be back on the street in no time.
Welcome to America. YOUR AMERICA

Porksandwich said:

If she wasn't a soldier, a member of a large institution that would have probably looked into it themselves, I doubt it would have backfired on the cop as much as it did. In my opinion of course. I just don't see a common college student getting that fast of a turnaround on this guy getting canned, etc...where there would be a lot more "doubt" (read doubt as: chance to cover up because the college probably isn't going to look too hard) as to what happened. Even with a video.

Black Range Rover Runs Over Bikers in NYC

newtboy says...

Perhaps I do speculate a bit as to why the biker caused the 'accident', but it seems to me that you continue to speculate that the driver MUST have done SOMETHING to cause the bikers to completely loose their shit and attack the family with helmets and knives. I fail to see how you get that impression without starting from the standpoint that the bikers MUST be 'reasonable' people that would not have attacked without 'proper' provocation. I think their behavior proves clearly they are not reasonable. More than likely, there were some 1%ers in that group that live for that kind of trouble, including the one that started it.
At least according to the police, his tires were slashed and his car hit with multiple helmets, provoking him to drive over the bikes/biker. He was later nearly ripped out of the car (door locks people) and finally at a third location actually pulled out and beaten/stabbed.
Perhaps I misunderstood, but you SEEMED to be excusing the bikers behavior, at least to a point, by saying (in essence) 'The driver provoked them'. I disagreed that he did, (I certainly didn't see it in the video) and also disagree that anything excuses a gang blocking the freeway and teaching a lesson to those that disrespected their road ownership by slashing tires, beating the car with helmets, terrorizing a family with a small child.
My hunch is that this guy didn't follow the gangs directions to stop and kept driving where they wanted to do tricks in the freeway, and they decided to teach him a lesson for messing with their illegal street trick performance...which this group is apparently well known for. They did the same thing last year to at least one other car without the chase or bike climbing, from the videos I've seen today. Surrounded it in traffic and beat on it.
As an aside...the guy was in a great position to talk shit, in a 3 ton 4WD on the's when he turned onto side streets with traffic and didn't lock the door that he was in the real bad position! ;-}
I say things like "fag gangs with knives" because that's what they were. Fags and the bike curious. I understand the mindset of gang members, I simply think that most are narcissistic self centered assholes that need their friends around to be tough (for the most part... some are real tough narcissistic assholes). If you're wearing a full patch or ride in groups with others wearing patches, you're in a gang, not a least to me.
And before you get the wrong impression that I don't get the dangers bikers live with, I rode my bicycle 40 miles per day in the bay area for years, and NO ONE sees a bicycle, at least they hear motorcycles. I don't support the people who block the street with bicycles either.

Chairman_woo said:

That's a rather speculative argument your making. We don't know exactly what was and wasn't said between the bikers and the driver. The bikers alleged this dude was giving quite a bit of back and forth and we don't know exactly what threat is made to provoke him driving over the bikes and escalating the whole thing. I never said that this was caused by lane splitting I was using it as an example from my own experience to make a point about some car drivers attitude and behaviour towards us.

The impression I get (and this is just a hunch like anyone else's including YOURS) is that this dude was talking shit and the bikers initially stopped him to make it clear he was in no position to be making threats (which lets face it would have been a foolish move for anyone). It's entirely possible that this whole thing could have been diffused at that point (and maybe not we don't get to see or hear the altercation).
Maybe this dude was just scared and calling the police, maybe he was directly antagonizing them as he did so as the bikers claim.

At no point have I done anything but condemn the bikers actions, I was merely trying to elucidate a different perspective and find a more informative angle than just "these bikers be dicks". They are people too (albeit ones of dubious moral character)

Are you familiar with the concept of holding two irreconcilable truths simultaneously to gain a deeper insight?

That's what I was doing here, I'm sorry I failed to make that more clear to you (language alone can be a clumsy way to communicate)

There's a veritable mountain of historic, behavioural and situational factors at work here, one of them is the basic resentment and animosity you subconsciously accumulate against a certain kind of car driver by simply being a biker. Other include mob dynamics, lifelong neuroses and inhibition control etc. etc.

When we say things like "fag gangs with knives" and make no attempt to understand their behaviour we get nowhere. In fact its worse than that, we go backwards as the simplistic black and white level untermensch/ubermensch relationship serves simply to fuel the same kind of situation in the future. That distinction exists but only works if derived dialectically rather than dualistically. (to paraphrase you need to be a bigger less emotionally compromised man/woman than these people or it will continue to happen. It's not a matter of who's right and wrong so much as "what failed and why?".)

I keep trying to not disagree with you because to a large extent I don't, I just don't believe in fixed perspectives. Your not wrong, but it does not invalidate the majority of what I'm trying to say/do. This is how higher synthesees or argument and understanding are derived. Someone had to chime in for the other side otherwise no-ones ideas have a chance to expand, on this occasion the duty fell to me and Chingy (not for the 1st time).

Dialectic logic > Aristotelian Logic

Why People Should Be Outraged at Zimmerman's 'Not Guilty'

kevingrr says...

I'm glad we can all get so wrapped up in this one case of violence and continue to ignore the day after day violence, intimidation, and gang warfare that happens every day, all day, throughout America.

It is summer now. That means the local ER is full of people who have been beaten, stabbed, or shot. Some are gang members. Others live on one gang's block, so when they cross another gang's block they will be beaten or shot simply by association. This continues during the school year when kids who walk to their underfunded schools are scared to cross rival gang's turf even though they are not in a gang.

I know only by proxy via my fiance, who is a resident at the county hospital, just how prevalent this kind of violence is.

Then you hear on NPR that kids as early as nine years old are "saving" to buy their first revolver for as little as $25 dollars on the street.

Still, lets ignore all that and focus on one case in Florida with facts that remain unclear...

TYT is a complete waste of time. Even when they are more or less right in principle their reasoning, eloquence, and tone leave much to be desired.

Scathing Critique of Reaction to Trayvon Martin Verdict

My_design says...

Right up until the last comma I took your comment a completely different way. I thought you meant that if ZImmerman had killed a White boy in self defense, then something totally different would have happened.
1)The media would never have gotten involved.
2) Zimmerman would have been arrested on the site, charged with murder and unless the kid was a tattooed, white trash, white supremacist, gang member, Zimmerman would be in jail.
But you would never have known about it as there would be no cause to stand in the pulpit, no social ire that the Media could try to raise. They would ignore the whole situation, exactly how they would have ignored it if Zimmerman had been Black.
Seems that unfortunately the guy in the video is correct when he says that, "The life of a black man only has value when it is taken by a white man".

To that point it seems that Chicago is perfectly happy to let the violence in their city continue unchecked and unanswered. It seems that what is happening in Chicago barely get's any national media play. Certainly plays into the theory that the media is liberally biased and is trying to protect Rahm Emmanuel and President Obama from any backlash. Especially since they all seemed to project that Rahm could eventually run for President back when he won the mayoral race.

00Scud00 said:

I'm not a betting man, but even I would bet that if Martin was a white kid instead of a black kid then none of this would have happened in the first place. In a perfect world the color of a someone's skin should not make a difference, but in this world it means you don't belong in this nice neighborhood and are probably a thief.

Police perform illegal house-to-house raids in Boston

eric3579 says...

And isn't it possible that most "dangerous" criminals (bombers,armed bank robbers,gang members involved in a shooting,etc..),loose in your neighborhood could by that definition be used to perform the same type warrantless searches to apprehend them.

Jaer said:

RE: Exigent Circumstances:
"In the criminal procedure context, exigent circumstance means:

An emergency situation requiring swift action to prevent imminent danger to life or serious damage to property, or to forestall the imminent escape of a suspect, or destruction of evidence. /snip"

Jim Carrey takes on Gun Control, as only he can

shatterdrose says...

I know the source. It's called Facebook meme's, or in other words, some attention seeking dumbass with absolutely no facts posting some random bullshit and then other dumbasses repost it because it was a picture and a quote.

There's a reason you can't find a source on it . . . Because it's simply not true.

I've read your posts on here and I have to say, I thought we left YouTube. This level of stupidity and willful dumbassery is usually only found there.

Liberal street gangs? Do you even know what liberal means?? Or what a street gang is?

I really hope you're just a pathetic troll and not really this stupid.

This is called a "survey" where people do statistical data mining to find FACTS.

As far as gangs: "The profile of a typical gang member is a male school dropout or truant, who is unemployed or has no employable skills. The gang member is usually in trouble with the police and does not receive adequate family attention. The gang provides identity and status and, in return, the member develops a fierce loyalty to the gang and nation."

Sorry, but liberal isn't listed as a requirement. What really happens is gangs tend to pick on poor, disenfranchised people that liberals, as a political party, are typically trying to help out of those situations so they can become productive members of society. Such programs include, public education, adult literacy programs and so forth.

My only guess is someone's been watching too much Fox News. . .

Buck said:

I've been looking but can't find it but the last 5 or 6 mass shootings were all done by registered democrats, liberals or their parents were dems....again I can't find the source but there it is.

Joe Scarborough finally gets it -- Sandy Hook brings it home

chingalera says...

The buzz surrounding this event seems to be headed down the road that led to further firearms on the ban list.

The Miasma from Chicago has always been in favor of gun control measures which do nothing to address causes but minimally treat symptoms and the whims of those who would control humans by eliminating choices along with personal responsibility. He's discussing it right now using fake tears and more than a few examples of the retarded logic that dystopiafurtdy here posted above. It's insulting both to my intelligence and sensibilities to be addressed by a U.S. President, like a blind child with down syndrome.

Cerberus Capital Management, a New York-based investment firm that that owns the largest U.S. gun maker Freedom Group (Bushmaster, Remington) is poised to sell, while stocks in Sturm, Ruger & Company has increased more than 700 percent (Smith and Wesson, 253% ) since Obama was elected in 2009. Not very wise stewards of those pensions for teachers, California!.....The same retarded ban on firearms in California happened back when I lived in San Francisco. One lone gunman walks into the 101 California Street building and kills a few peeps with a variety of guns and "BOOM!", people who don't know how to use a shovel properly, acting on emotions and severely compromised common sense,support bans on a whole spattering of guns, ammo, etc., because on-accounta it was so horrible and was apparently the gun's fault Now SOH Feinstein is at it again, another fractured piece of out-of-touch, privileged human pieces of garbage appealing to emotions rather than reason, and playing the game she was placed in position to play.

Dipshits?? No, same intentional, systematic plans like the Brady Bill and the National Assault Weapons Ban, a knee-jerk, and well-timed coup on individual rights relative to protecting oneself and family.

How about for STARTERS, "Anyone ever treated for mental illness or prescribed anti-psychotic or psychotropic drugs for the treatment of the same, can't even be around anyone with guns, much less purchase them. That would stop MOST of these random acts of carnage.

I won't even begin to mention in detail the amount of illegal firearms on the banned lists-to-date that are in the hands of drug dealers, pimps, gang members, etc. and the insanity of THAT subset of society, COPS, and SOLDIERS being the only people with that kind of monopoly on firepower. Fuck that shit. Time is nigh to becoming a criminal or expatriate.

Uncle Gives His Nephew An ASS WHOOPING For FB Thuggery

robbersdog49 says...

I think this ignores the fact that thrashing a and beatings used to be common, and society has always had problems. You're never going to convince me that the way to stop violence is to be violence. All you're saying with that is that you're somehow special and violence is ok only when you're doing it. I just don't agree with that.

>> ^Lawdeedaw:

I think the larger point is missed though. If all good black men (and good white men for that matter too) showed this level of caring in our culture, then our entire culture would be changed and less violent. This discipline only teaches the kid to rebel because it is rare to be shamed for your actions in America. I remember a mother who had her kid hold a sign on the street about him being a failure in school because he actually failed that grade. Same argument--psychological abuse, teaches them to rebel, better ways to handle it, etc.
Do you honestly think the Uncle hasn't tried talking to the kid? Sitting down and chatting? I personally have talked with thugs in a mentoring kind of way, never above them and never condescending...but they don't respect that because American culture vilifies it. Even the liberal culture takes it for weakness as they scream for heads in passive-aggressive manner.
You think like a rational person, that I think is the biggest problem. Thugs don't.
>> ^robbersdog49:
>> ^Sagemind:
Oop's ya, Uncle then - Obviously the guardian though. Or someone who cares about him. I don't think it much matters. That uncle is putting a firm stand down on Gang Banging.
Gangs are some touch crap to get involved in, I don't think the "Uncle" is is being harder on him than gang members would - most likely, he may be saving the kids life.
>> ^robbersdog49:
>> ^Sagemind:
That's a big kid who still respects his father. I think he's gonna be alright.
Gotta get through to them somehow that gangs are not cool.

Nephew? Let me google that for you...
Learning that you gain respect by using violence. That sounds like a great lesson. Sure to keep him out of trouble.

I think the reasons he's doing what he's doing are perfectly valid, he's right to try to turn the kid away from gangs and gang culture. I think the way he's doing it is wrong. He's giving the kid something to rebel against.
If he really respected his uncle, his uncle wouldn't have to beat him like that. That's not respect you're seeing - it's about as far from respect as you can get. It's fear.

Uncle Gives His Nephew An ASS WHOOPING For FB Thuggery

Lawdeedaw says...

I think the larger point is missed though. If all good black men (and good white men for that matter too) showed this level of caring in our culture, then our entire culture would be changed and less violent. This discipline only teaches the kid to rebel because it is rare to be shamed for your actions in America. I remember a mother who had her kid hold a sign on the street about him being a failure in school because he actually failed that grade. Same argument--psychological abuse, teaches them to rebel, better ways to handle it, etc.

Do you honestly think the Uncle hasn't tried talking to the kid? Sitting down and chatting? I personally have talked with thugs in a mentoring kind of way, never above them and never condescending...but they don't respect that because American culture vilifies it. Even the liberal culture takes it for weakness as they scream for heads in passive-aggressive manner.

You think like a rational person, that I think is the biggest problem. Thugs don't.

>> ^robbersdog49:

>> ^Sagemind:
Oop's ya, Uncle then - Obviously the guardian though. Or someone who cares about him. I don't think it much matters. That uncle is putting a firm stand down on Gang Banging.
Gangs are some touch crap to get involved in, I don't think the "Uncle" is is being harder on him than gang members would - most likely, he may be saving the kids life.
>> ^robbersdog49:
>> ^Sagemind:
That's a big kid who still respects his father. I think he's gonna be alright.
Gotta get through to them somehow that gangs are not cool.

Nephew? Let me google that for you...
Learning that you gain respect by using violence. That sounds like a great lesson. Sure to keep him out of trouble.

I think the reasons he's doing what he's doing are perfectly valid, he's right to try to turn the kid away from gangs and gang culture. I think the way he's doing it is wrong. He's giving the kid something to rebel against.
If he really respected his uncle, his uncle wouldn't have to beat him like that. That's not respect you're seeing - it's about as far from respect as you can get. It's fear.

Uncle Gives His Nephew An ASS WHOOPING For FB Thuggery

robbersdog49 says...

>> ^Sagemind:

Oop's ya, Uncle then - Obviously the guardian though. Or someone who cares about him. I don't think it much matters. That uncle is putting a firm stand down on Gang Banging.
Gangs are some touch crap to get involved in, I don't think the "Uncle" is is being harder on him than gang members would - most likely, he may be saving the kids life.
>> ^robbersdog49:
>> ^Sagemind:
That's a big kid who still respects his father. I think he's gonna be alright.
Gotta get through to them somehow that gangs are not cool.

Nephew? Let me google that for you...
Learning that you gain respect by using violence. That sounds like a great lesson. Sure to keep him out of trouble.

I think the reasons he's doing what he's doing are perfectly valid, he's right to try to turn the kid away from gangs and gang culture. I think the way he's doing it is wrong. He's giving the kid something to rebel against.

If he really respected his uncle, his uncle wouldn't have to beat him like that. That's not respect you're seeing - it's about as far from respect as you can get. It's fear.

Uncle Gives His Nephew An ASS WHOOPING For FB Thuggery

Sagemind says...

Oop's ya, Uncle then - Obviously the guardian though. Or someone who cares about him. I don't think it much matters. That uncle is putting a firm stand down on Gang Banging.

Gangs are some touch crap to get involved in, I don't think the "Uncle" is is being harder on him than gang members would - most likely, he may be saving the kids life.

>> ^robbersdog49:

>> ^Sagemind:
That's a big kid who still respects his father. I think he's gonna be alright.
Gotta get through to them somehow that gangs are not cool.

Nephew? Let me google that for you...
Learning that you gain respect by using violence. That sounds like a great lesson. Sure to keep him out of trouble.

Another Idiotic Crime Committed in America

longde says...

It was 65 degrees that night. I've lived in florida, that is not "fucking cold" weather.

Edit: I looked at the other link, and this other expert claims Zimmerman says "fucking punks". So two enhanced sound tracks with two experts with two different conclusions. Doesn't sound like an exact science to me.>> ^chilaxe:

The audio has since been clarified, but even in the beginning the "coon" claim was speculative.
Zimmerman campaigned in the past on the side of African-Americans in his community against the local police department. For some reason that gets left out of these narratives.
Science is best left to data, which is always more interesting than evocative narratives that pick and choose.
But the point is that nobody can change that you can put any gang member or someone who thinks of themselves in that way in a gated community and you get the same results. And on the other hand, if you put Herman Cain's son (2nd from right) there, who probably doesn't have a gold grill and gang-like tattoos and doesn't like to fight, you get entirely different results.

Another Idiotic Crime Committed in America

longde says...

No, you get the same result. It could be young Obama, and you get the same result. That's the thing about racism: it is based solely on appearance. Any interpretation of behavior is influenced by pre-conceived bias.

Also, stop blaming the victim! You can pull up facebook photos and youtube videos of young people of every race imitating rap stars. It doesn't make them gang affiliated.

>> ^chilaxe:

The audio has since been clarified, but even in the beginning the "coon" claim was speculative.
Zimmerman campaigned in the past on the side of African-Americans in his community against the local police department. For some reason that gets left out of these narratives.
Science is best left to data, which is always more interesting than evocative narratives that pick and choose.
But the point is that nobody can change that you can put any gang member or someone who thinks of themselves in that way in a gated community and you get the same results. And on the other hand, if you put Herman Cain's son (2nd from right) there, who probably doesn't have a gold grill and gang-like tattoos, and doesn't like to fight, you get entirely different results.

Another Idiotic Crime Committed in America

chilaxe says...

The audio has since been clarified, but even in the beginning the "coon" claim was speculative.

Zimmerman campaigned in the past on the side of African-Americans in his community against the local police department. For some reason that gets left out of these narratives.

Science is best left to data, which is always more interesting than evocative narratives that pick and choose.

But the point is that nobody can change that you can put any gang member or someone who thinks of themselves in that way in a gated community and you get the same results. And on the other hand, if you put Herman Cain's son (2nd from right) there, who probably doesn't have a gold grill and gang-like tattoos and doesn't like to fight, you get entirely different results.

The Tragically Hip - Bobcaygeon

bareboards2 says...

Helluva story. Here's the whole thing from Wiki:

The Christie Pits riot occurred on 16 August 1933 at the Christie Pits (Willowvale Park) playground in Toronto, Canada. The riot can only be understood in the context of the anti-semitism, Swastika clubs and parades and resentment of "foreigners" in Toronto, and the rise of Hitler and the Nazis in Germany in 1933.[1]

The riot, which lasted six hours, broke out after a quarter-final baseball game at Christie Pits Park between two local clubs, Harbord Playground, predominantly Jewish, and St. Peter's, a baseball team sponsored by a church at Bathurst and Bloor.[2]

The riot occurred soon after Adolf Hitler took power in Germany and in the midst of the Great Depression. The Toronto papers, including the Telegram and the Toronto Star, as well as the Yiddish journal, Der Yiddisher Zhurnal, reported on how Jews were being dismissed as lawyers, professors, teachers, etc. in Germany, as well as incidents of violence against them. Thus to Jews the swastika represented degradation and physical violence against Jews, and was inflammatory.[3]

At that time, the Jewish community in Toronto was predominantly poor and working class. They were also the subject of discrimination and were excluded from summer resorts outside of the city. Jewish families and youths in particular would therefore cool off during the hot summer months by staying in town and going to the predominantly Anglo Beaches area in order to swim. This resulted in complaints and resentment from some local residents. Some of the locals formed "Swastika Clubs", which openly displayed the Nazi symbol to express their displeasure and make Jews feel unwanted.[4] The leaders of the Swastika Club initially insisted that the swastika had nothing to do with Hitler. They said they merely wanted to keep the Beach clean. After a meeting with Jewish leaders backed by City officials, the Swastika club agreed to drop its symbol and its name. At that point, several of the members joined the Swastika Association of Canada that was much more open about its links to Hitler.[5]

The night of the riot was the second game between Harbord and St. Peter's. Two nights earlier, at the first game of the series, a swastika had been displayed. Police were warned that there could be trouble at the second game, but those warnings were ignored. After the final out of the second game, Pit Gang members displayed a blanket with a large swastika painted on it. A number of Jewish boys and young men who had heard about the previous Swastika incident rushed the Swastika sign to destroy it, supporters of both sides (including Italians who supported the Jews) from the surrounding area joined in, and a fight started.[6]

The Toronto Daily Star described the event the next day:
“ While groups of Jewish and Gentile youths wielded fists and clubs in a series of violent scraps for possession of a white flag bearing a swastika symbol at Willowvale Park last night, a crowd of more than 10,000 citizens, excited by cries of ‘Heil Hitler’ became suddenly a disorderly mob and surged wildly about the park and surrounding streets, trying to gain a view of the actual combatants, which soon developed in violence and intensity of racial feeling into one of the worst free-for-alls ever seen in the city.

Scores were injured, many requiring medical and hospital attention... Heads were opened, eyes blackened and bodies thumped and battered as literally dozens of persons, young or old, many of them non-combatant spectators, were injured more or less seriously by a variety of ugly weapons in the hands of wild-eyed and irresponsible young hoodlums, both Jewish and Gentile".[7]

No one was killed in the riots. There was criticism of the police for not being ready to intervene, as they had been during previous potential problems in the Beach area.[8] After the riot, Mayor Stewart warned against displaying the swastika and there were no further riots.[9]

The riot revealed the xenophobic attitudes toward Jews and other non-Anglo immigrants among Anglo Canadians. Jews represented the largest minority in Toronto in 1933 and were thus a target of xenophobic residents.

In August 2008, a Heritage Toronto plaque was presented to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the riot.

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