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Captain America: Winter Soldier - Trailer 2

'A Million Ways to Die in the West' Red-Band Trailer (HD)

The Spoils of Babylon (trailer)

brycewi19 says...

Seems like a mix of a over-pretentious college play, a melodramatic mid-day soap opera, and a Wes Anderson wannabe flick.

Yet it all seems tongue-in-cheek and self-aware.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2: New Year's Eve Time Square Trailer

WTF Happened to Movie Posters?

RedSky says...

Exactly. It's why trailers nowadays reveal just about everything. It's why we're not getting off superhero movies anytime soon.

The movie industry in the last 10 years has seen a bifurcation into either cheap indie flicks or super expensive international blockbusters with the middle largely disappearing. Since major studios are increasingly relying on fewer and more expensive super blockbusters, any semblance of risk taking has gone out the window.

It's all remakes, adaptations, re-remakes. The plots are made as basic as possible with no particularly cultural inclination lest foreign cultures are confused. Movie posters are no different. If teal and orange signifies action thriller and fosters a positive association with previous flicks then like hell they're going to change it.

Magicpants said:

I don't think it has much to do with money, the studios could certainly afford to make great art for each of their movies. It comes down to what sells, cryptic artwork doesn't really tell you what's in a movie. You need to think of a poster as a 3 second commercial for your movie.

Early Flight Attempt Montage

Let's Play 'Is it Racist'?!

poolcleaner says...

You're correct. Like the early, pre-romero zombie flicks, which were created with black magic rituals. How unique that she automatically thinks of this era of zombie flick...

rebuilder said:

C'mon folks. Vodou, anyone? You know, West African magic, where the word 'zombi' comes from in the first place? Even in the popular entertainment context, I do believe the first zombies in film were from Haiti.

Remember... you wanted this.

Antichrist - The Movie - The creepy fox scene

Honest Trailers - Man of Steel

RFlagg says...

I thought Man of Steel was okay. Fun, popcorn flick. I also don't get the people being upset over Superman killing Zod... He killed Zod in the second Donner movie too, and then laughed about it, at least he was tormented this time.

The Sci-Fi Epic That 1979 Could Not Handle - The Visitor

chingalera says...

-The re-re uncut one-Dint do the Italian one or org.U.S. release-Last night-Mayhem, madness, Peckinpaw plays a doctor, great flick'o cheese-
@Sarzy-HWaS, that was one seriously whack Hauer flick, right?!

oritteropo said:

The original 1980 U.S. cut, the Italian cut, or the re-released uncut version? The original U.S. one is described as confusing and a bit of a mess, but the Italian one was supposed to be better.

Top 10 Worst Movie Casting Choices

chingalera says...

Thought so too, like, how do you cast a remake of King Kong anyhoo?? Black's character in that film in particular (can't really stand him in most films) suited the director's groove and Black's level of Jack...writing totally sucked, because why? Can't recall a single LINE!!! (close to 3 grueling hours)

@playback-HAH! Portrayed himself perfectly, pulled a Matrix like Reeves

John Wayne as Genghis screams tomes of the inner-workings of the OCD God of ta-tas and aeroplanes, that film was excruciatingly surreal-Howard Hughes flicks and a sanitized hotel suite with theater seats and room service....A freak can dream, can't he?

lantern53 said:

Jack Black was interesting to watch, as he usually is, so his work in King Kong was fine by me.

Terry Gilliam's Advice to Tarantino

chingalera says...

Tarrantino's mash-up samples in his flicks are the greatest homage to other director's styles as well, it's what I can appreciate about his work the most...however hackneyed or stale, he mutates enough to stay on the grid, he's frikkin' full-blown and always will be the crazed genius.
Oh, and Jackie Brown kicks ass-

The most delicious team work goal I've seen in some time..

radx says...

At 0:40, you can see that Wilshere still has both centre-backs and the left full-back in front of him when Giroud flicks the ball back to him.

acidSpine said:

I'm no football expert but the goal kicker guy seemed off side

jack reacher-never call a girl a hooker in a local bar

chingalera says...

Ok-I was drunk-Tom can act his off-It's the douche-factor that squirrels me-and his off-camera Hubbard-paparazzi shit, the statements he's made he can never live that shit down and it's difficult to separate the man's trade craft from his systemic, douche-douchey-doucheness.

Only like like, 3 of his flicks though-And for the body of work he's produced, that ain't sayin' a whole lot....Except that someones a picky bitch

chingalera said:


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