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Pilot executes a mid air prank

Pilot executes a mid air prank

Pilot executes a mid air prank

29 years old and hearing myself for the 1st time!

gwiz665 says...

Sweet. Everything is better at 11.
>> ^bamdrew:

Here's the link you lazy bastards.
Not a cochlear implant; its a little bone wobbler for people with screwed up eardrums/bones/muscles in their middle ear.
She probably had mostly working components, and heard stuff very faintly. Now its turned up to 11.
>> ^gwiz665:
This is like a cochlear implant, is it not? Amazing that the brain can process the information all of a sudden.
body arguably brain but jonny would disagree, so I'm not putting it in there.

>> ^Lann:
Was she born partially deaf maybe? My cousin is deaf in one ear and half deaf in the other and has normal speech. At :56 the lady asked "can you hear me" while the girl had her head down and she responded with a head nod. I don't see how she could understand her so clearly if she was completely deaf before.
I also grew up having a friend in my grade who was completely deaf (only could hear VERY loud sounds) While he could talk, his speech wasn't even close to as clear as that.>> ^Hybrid:
Really great video, but like @artician I am a bit confused by it. People born deaf from birth can't speak as clearly as she does. Something isn't quite right, I find it VERY hard to believe she was deaf from birth. Maybe only in the last few years...

29 years old and hearing myself for the 1st time!

bamdrew says...

Here's the link you lazy bastards.

Not a cochlear implant; its a little bone wobbler for people with screwed up eardrums/bones/muscles in their middle ear.

She probably had mostly working components, and heard stuff very faintly. Now its turned up to 11.

>> ^gwiz665:

This is like a cochlear implant, is it not? Amazing that the brain can process the information all of a sudden.
body arguably brain but jonny would disagree, so I'm not putting it in there.

>> ^Lann:

Was she born partially deaf maybe? My cousin is deaf in one ear and half deaf in the other and has normal speech. At :56 the lady asked "can you hear me" while the girl had her head down and she responded with a head nod. I don't see how she could understand her so clearly if she was completely deaf before.
I also grew up having a friend in my grade who was completely deaf (only could hear VERY loud sounds) While he could talk, his speech wasn't even close to as clear as that.>> ^Hybrid:
Really great video, but like @artician I am a bit confused by it. People born deaf from birth can't speak as clearly as she does. Something isn't quite right, I find it VERY hard to believe she was deaf from birth. Maybe only in the last few years...

Amir Sayoud does the worst penalty kick ever

Movie Openings That Play With The Studio Logo.

Barseps says...

>> ^Payback:

>> ^Barseps:
>> ^ypsilon:
I can remember a opening of Universal where the planet dries out. But I can't remember the movie :-(

You've rang a very faint bell in my memory bank. I did a search (even going as far as looking up EVERY film the studio has made on Wikipedia to see if it would kick-start my brain).... but NOPE, nothing. I thought it might have been "Dune", but alas, no :-(
I think you're both thinking of Doom, where the Earth fades into Mars.

Nice one payback :-)

Movie Openings That Play With The Studio Logo.

Payback says...

>> ^Barseps:

>> ^ypsilon:
I can remember a opening of Universal where the planet dries out. But I can't remember the movie :-(

You've rang a very faint bell in my memory bank. I did a search (even going as far as looking up EVERY film the studio has made on Wikipedia to see if it would kick-start my brain).... but NOPE, nothing. I thought it might have been "Dune", but alas, no :-(

I think you're both thinking of Doom, where the Earth fades into Mars.

Movie Openings That Play With The Studio Logo.

Barseps says...

>> ^ypsilon:

I can remember a opening of Universal where the planet dries out. But I can't remember the movie :-(

You've rang a very faint bell in my memory bank. I did a search (even going as far as looking up EVERY film the studio has made on Wikipedia to see if it would kick-start my brain).... but NOPE, nothing. I thought it might have been "Dune", but alas, no :-(

Meat-eater poo vs. Vegan poo

bunidblanc says...

hmm, Stingray may be onto something w/ the Bristol Stool SMELL Scale... how about:

1 • The ninja (no smell at all)
2 • Eau du doo (a faint, heady aroma)
3 • Fried chicken (what's cookin'?)
4 • The rotten egg (somebody light a match)
5 • The drag strip (burnt rubber / asphalt)
6 • Mustard gas (noxious, eye-watering)
7 • Hiroshima (don't even think about lighting a match)

Individual results may vary.

Famous optical illusion -- live

draak13 says...

Yeah, it's definitely not a trick. This is a famous illusion in still-life, and there is no bizarre rendering required. However, it is indeed a 'trick', and that trick is your assumption of what shades each of the tiles are. You look at the board, and immediately believe that this is a standard checkered board with exactly 2 different shades of tile. This assumption, and therefor your perception of the color of the tile, is false.

SamaelSmith had it right; there is a deception in how much shadow is actually being cast by the podium sitting in front of the metal floodlight. Consider the MASSIVE light shining above the stage, and consider the smaller floodlight in the back, and reconsider how much shadow you would actually expect there to be on the checkerboard. There would be only a faint shadow, not the dramatic shadow that they have cast across it. The tiles are colored to make it appear that there is a strong shadow, when there should only be a weak one.

Thus, it is your normally adaptive assumption that there is a strong shadow cast by the podium that causes you to believe that the dark tile looks white in contrast to the very dark tiles surrounding it.

>> ^entr0py:

That was a well done video. Though, I've always thought that illusion is not actually an illusion, but just a trick. It always relies on ignoring the fact that one tile is in shadow and the other is in light when you go to compare them. If you physically did move the tile as animated above, it would suddenly appear much lighter when it moves into sunlight, because that is how light works. They must have gone to some work to render it in 3D, and then not have that one tile be effected by the scene lighting.

Wait, what was the debt ceiling debate about again?

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Bill Maher ~ Why Liberals Don't Like Bachmann & Palin

jmzero says...

Maher has a lifestyle that he doesn't want to be judged for. Much like most of the people here on the sift. The people with the biggest mouths about God are the ones with the most to hide.

I'm glad you mention this as it's important. A lot of people think religion works through fear or love or something - but this, this here is it: shame is the fuel that powers religion. If someone can convince you that they know the truth, but that you are limited by your secret sins - even your thought crimes - then they have power over you forever. You, yourself, will always know exactly how unworthy you are, while you can't know their sins in nearly the same way.

Religion failing you? Your fault. God failing you? Your fault. Doubts? Your fault. Your reason? Always suspect. Leader? Always right, because he has the clear channel.

There's a reason every religion moves towards shame. It works. The ancient Jews had trouble because their rules were almost all outward. People could actually comply with them nearly completely. So they had to expand the rules out again and again, hedging and hedging until everyone was brought back in non-compliance (as that's the space where religion works best).

Christianity solved this problem by focusing on thought crime, and crimes of attitude. Were you really giving that gift in the proper spirit? Did your thoughts stray morally for a moment? These are brilliant - the perfect, impossible to comply with rules. Each person is thus locked in a tidy prison where they believe that everyone else is more righteous (and thus "gets it", because they don't have secret sins like you do), and thus those people (or their text) should be trusted over reason. If you wanted to refute their ideas, your first step would have to be to live perfectly (impossible, and also requires tremendous further investment in the religion to attempt). And you don't have to pound it in directly: the best way to make someone feel shame is to praise the congregation; furthering the implication that everyone is in on the secret but you. If you can, get testimonials.

Again, you want everyone to put up a front that they're "in on it", that they see the emperor's clothes. It's the "everyone else" that keeps everyone going. Nobody wants to break first.

But if you want to see this technique refined to its most pure, and it's most directed, look at Scientology. Watch videos where Scientology leaders are questioned. Their response is often "What's your crime?", with the implication being that it's your secret crimes that prevent you from understanding Scientology (or, especially, make you hate it). And, in Scientology's case, they have an extra twist of the knife: if you're a member, they likely know your "secret crimes" because you told them in some session. The Catholics had something similar going with confession, but they didn't have the same panache.

So, sb, I wonder what your response would be to a Scientologist - maybe one who said your religious experiences are the result of impious Thetans trying to deceive you (maybe you got some wacky Jesus Thetans actually talking to you, who knows)? Really, you'd understand if you went through a few sessions. And all your misunderstandings - the reasons you think Scientology is wrong - are a result of your pride in your own position, the extent to which Christianity faintly mirrors the real truth of Scientology, and how all your secret crimes (which we can all agree you have - it's guaranteed by the Bible, and most other books of religion) distort your thinking. Oh, and how all the psychologists have tried to stop Scientology and hurt its members. PS: don't go to a psychologist for help. Or your family.

That should all sound familiar. Most religions work about the same way. And how do you counter that? You can't directly - because the well is completely poisoned.

And it's the same from idealogues of every stripe and sort. According to someone who loves "Agile Programming", a failed Agile Programming project is the result of not being Agile enough. The opposite idealogue believes the project failed because the spec going in lacked details. Christianity not working for you? Doesn't make sense? You're not Christian enough, or else Jesus would be talking to you (or not, depending on denomination).

Why are you doubting? Because your doubt has pushed out faith. Cant' have faith if you doubt, can't get revelation without faith. You gotta get rid of that doubt man.

End result: you're wrong, we're right, shut up. And tell your friends.

But I suppose all this means I have a secret crime. You tell me, I wonder, is my secret crime a Christian secret crime, a Scientology secret crime, or a crime against Islam? So many things I'll never understand without changing my life first to be able to understand...

Baby Wakes Up, Smiles, And Falls Back Asleep Over And Over

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