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The Great Sifter Roast XII ~ NeuralNoise ~ (Parody Talk Post)

Ornthoron says...

>> ^NeuralNoise:
Ornothron, wow, now THERE is some research and effort! Congrats on the trainee who did your job. Having my fraudulent narcisistic ways exposed by a mechanical bird´s apprentice is the moon landing to my neil armstrong. And yes, it is excruciating reading through you people´s comments in order to find even one worth mentioning.

Does this mean I won the roast, even if you can't manage to spell my name correctly? But I guess it's too much to ask to comprehend these complex norse names for someone whose first language is descended from murderers, pirates, rapists and grave robbers.

The Great Sifter Roast XII ~ NeuralNoise ~ (Parody Talk Post)

NeuralNoise says...

Gullible sifters! I could be the joseph fritzl of brazil and you´d be all gooey, "he is so nice."
I´d spit in your roast, but it would likely be enough to put off the roasting fire and you´d never figure out how to make the "magic heat that bites" again. Morons.

Now, mano a mano:

Laura, the BBQ Wolverine image you´ve posted is so bizarre it makes me want to roast myself. Better, to self-immolate. twice.

Thinker247, yeah two favorite memories. In your face, you who can only think of peggedbeas´s dry vagina, Dags waxworks and child molesting. No, that´s three memories. you win.

Blankfist you are a fake. We know you are the picture model for the goatsee and as such you never grunt when taking a dump. or even notice it.

Rougy, we may clean motels now, but we also invented them motels. We did. And your mother was there.

Inflatablevagina, you are so cute trying to be mean, I´ll help you out. Worse than pompous, both of my cats names are bad puns. (Meaow-Tse and the "Laconic" one who would only say "mee" instead of "meaow").So please execrate me as puns are humour´s low-life white trash cousins.

Ornothron, wow, now THERE is some research and effort! Congrats on the trainee who did your job. Having my fraudulent narcisistic ways exposed by a mechanical bird´s apprentice is the moon landing to my neil armstrong. And yes, it is excruciating reading through you people´s comments in order to find even one worth mentioning.

Gwiz, because you like futurama, I won´t mention your excessive concern about my body hair.

Therealblankman, except for choggie all roastees were chosen by god. So if you pray hard maybe He will listen to your high pitched whining.

Haldaug, yes, I masturbate to furry porn. but cmon, you and your wife are so hot!

Peggedbea, those were your titties covered in shit? No wonder it all seemed so normal I didn´t know the roast had even started.

kulpims, you can be the mother of my next daughter.

Choggie, when I said gullible sifters I meant you. Also you should know that when you scream fuck you we hear "good morning"

Don Juan, jump off the bridge, dont jump off the bridge, you guys please make up your mind already so i can mindlessly follow, wtf.

Dotdude, the only place I´d fear a candiru is inside my urethra, whereas spiders are scary everywhere. Also the Amazon River is closer geographically to your new orleans house than mine in sao paulo.

Rottenseed, after I wipe my tears I´ll tell you that at least (or even) blankfist know we speak portuguese, not spanish. And if I was fritzl dressed as santa you´d sit on my lap.

MrFisk, or should I say "imelda marcos", I may lure young single moms to my moms basement but you are the guy who marries them afterwards.

Lann, it was great that you put my two best memories together, thanks. Now someone explain to this "person" what is a roast.

So that is it.
Thanks for the roast, morons!

Now, Laura, you promissed I´d be tied up and filled with herbs.
never fail me again, ok?

and "Mr jester", these pitiful crowdlings dont have enough venom, so please make your dice choose easier prey for the next roast, such as Hitler
(Godwin´s law does not aplly here)

Bill Moyers - Single Payer Suppressed by Health Industry

Almanildo says...

Americans actually discussing the possibility of a national health care system seriously? I feel like I'm watching a fairytale. I tell you, watching the American health care debate is really excruciating.

Meanwhile, back in Norway: Everyone's covered and service is good. The costs are rising, but we're certainly not hitting 16% of GDP anytime soon.

Child Birth as Orgasmic Experience

Mashiki says...

>> ^mentality:
> I hope you're joking. That's about as ignorant as Bill Maher's view on vaccines.

I'd agree with Dag. Hospitals are amazingly intimidating, they seem to give a sense of foreboding fear that something is wrong. I hate them, hate them with a passion. Might have something to do with my sister spending 80% of her childhood there but ... who knows, and they go out of their way to make sick kids hospitals more friendly. I've spent a few times there myself(because of critical surgery, or other surgery), but even if people are sick I avoid going there unless I'm in excruciating pain, dying, or I can't get cut open somewhere else.

10 interesting venomous animals

alizarin says...

Yeah Platypus venom isn't going to kill you but it sure as fuck isn't harmless - it's said to be excruciating, can last for days, weeks, or a month, and the unique thing is that morphine has no effect on the pain. They use it to fight during mating season but apparently the venom doesn't work on each other.

Richard Dawkins - Discusses His New Book

Fnerk says...

As an English Atheist, I often find it excruciating to listen to Richard Dawkins - he's usually the angry, petulant teenage voice of Atheism - but this didn't annoy me as much as usual. Yet I still see him as an intolerant and embarrassing figurehead for Darwinism and Evolution, and hold him in the same light as those abuse and twist religious dogma for their own hateful ends.

Oh, and Sky News sucks.

Saw Transformers 2 last night... what a pile of garbage. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

budzos says...

I found it to be almost the exact same quality level as the first one. That is to say, excruciating to watch any scene that doesn't focus on the robots. And yes, it was way too long, dragged out, and full of incredibly dumb decisions.

There were a couple cool moments though, all having to do with Prime kicking ass. He ripped a decepticon's head in half. Between that and when he cut a decepticon's head off in the first one, Prime kicks ass in these movies. I liked how ruthless he was, as though he really hated the decepticons for being such destructive assholes for millions of years.

Insane Baseball Spin Swing

ForgedReality says...

>> ^Kevlar:
Why is it that we have 27 slow-mo replays of every other video, but not one slow-mo on this one?

Because it's recorded with a shitty handheld mini camcorder. Just look at the fucking retarded framerate. You'd see three frames on a slow-mo with this one.

edit - actually it could have something to do with the way it was encoded, but either way, it would be excruciating to watch.

Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, calls it Torture

sallyjune says...

"...have to hold themselves fully accountable to the law. And that is the problem the Republicans and conservatives have"

Why do people continually make distinctions between republicrats and demicons? Party affiliation has very little to do with this issue. So what if water boarding is torture or not? For some, having to listen to people take sides with either party while discussing the politics of the United States is torture. For some, it's excruciating torture to have people who are seemingly educated, with the alleged ability to think critically, continually taking sides with one hydra's head or the other-Almost as mind-numbingly mundane as seeing video after video on the dead-horse subject of whether or not water boarding is torture.
Jesus, why not discuss whether or not the programming of a nation to take one side or the other on an issue is acceptable or healthy? Robotic media junkies with walking papers from the majority of secondary schools or universities in the western hemisphere somehow tend to become more and more self-righteous and religious in their fervor, as the geopolitical chaos becomes increasingly non-linear.

The semantics of the present day represented in a great deal of threads here on Videosift with political themes is what is torture...the English language being daily butchered to include more "newsspeak" at the sacrifice of common sense and intuition. It's painful to watch as the space on these servers is clogged with more and more armchair editorials of political events by lackeys and dupes who watch too much goddamn television.

Been lurking here for some time and and felt the need to address what should be obvious to most people satisfied with such diversion: That discussing these subjects ad-infinitum is counter-productive and a waste of brain time. Why belabor and moan while ignoring the masterful deception of news organizations in keeping the people of a nation preoccupied with simple symptoms of a greater problem-That of what is now an obvious puppet government in the U.S., and a nation whose peoples become more moronic and unable to process simple information with each new generation, who are convinced that more laws, and more prohibitions are the obvious way to repair the damage. Shut up about water boards, Gitmo, republicans and democrats, police brutality, etc already. Everyone let the shit get this way, no one is without fault. For fucks' sake, ween yourselves of the use of traditional currency for a change or learn some applicable skill to make your life on police planet a bit more comfortable and enjoyable for you and yours.
Happy to have offended the misguided sensibilities of the majority.

So Where's Hugh Laurie From?

artigiano says...

OK, so Mr. Laurie doesn't have it easy. But imagine how Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney must feel. Here you are a man in his late sixties, with grandchildren for Christ's sakes. And all anyone ever wants to talk to you about is something you did for six years when you were in your early twenties.

Imagine discussing YOUR early twenties for the rest of your life in excruciating detail. What a hellish existence. No wonder John and George were so reclusive.

TDS: Limbaugh Leaves New York

vairetube says...

^ ^ a BillO account attempt, but this time a TV personality's mannerisms are twisted to appear asinine, instead of simply represented and incidentally asinine?

This money business is disgustingly simply and excruciatingly complicated...

...and more then a little shameful, and is a result of poor quality means of education in the world overall.

Obama is making the right investments to CHANGE our course of direction. The benefits come after the change, not with, or before, like the GOP paradigm desires.

Fuck you Rush, you fat pill-popping ugly limp dick bastard!

BOO! GAAAH! (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

NetRunner says...

Okay. First, I'll point out that you still don't have any sources that repeat your own claim that the Democratic-Republican party simply disappeared into thin air, and that there was a clear and clean break between that party and the Democratic Party.

Second, you either didn't understand my explanation of why the Republican party would be different, or well, I guess there is no other real explanation, because you laid out a straw man instead of responding to what I actually said.

Third, your fixation with the logo is unhealthy. Seriously, if we change the logo now to a Fox to mock Fox News, does that mean Bill O'Reilly founded the Democratic party? I'm not being entirely facetious -- if the Democratic-Republican party didn't have a logo before, but during the Jackson presidency they adopted it to spite the people calling him Jackass, does that make him the founder of the Democratic-Republican party? I think it makes him a Jackass, but that's not what we're talking about.

But really, this all comes down to #1. You said the page was accurate. Here's some of what you deemed accurate:

Encyclopedia Britannica:

In the 1790s a group of Thomas Jefferson's supporters called themselves "Democratic Republicans" or "Jeffersonian Republicans" to demonstrate their belief in the principle of popular government and their opposition to monarchism. The party adopted its present name in the 1830s, during the presidency of Andrew Jackson.
So, one party, that changed its name.

US History Encylcopedia:
By the end of Madison's presidency and throughout Monroe's two terms, known as the "Era of Good Feeling," the Democratic Republican Party largely abandoned its minimalism and supported tariff, banking, and improvements policies originally supported by its Federalist opponents.

After the retirement of James Monroe, the newly renamed "Democratic" Party came to rally around the candidacy of Andrew Jackson. Jackson steered the party back toward its minimalist origins.
The Law Encyclopedia entry starts with:
The modern Democratic party is the descendant of the Democratic-Republican party, an early-nineteenth-century political organization led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Also known as the Jeffersonians, the Democratic-Republican party began as an antifederalist group, opposed to strong, centralized government. The party was officially established at a national nominating convention in 1832. It dropped the Republican portion of its name in 1840.
They don't all agree about the exact timing of the change, but they say it was a change in name, not a newly founded party.

In the course of searching again today, I found a couple original-source documents:

Thomas Jefferson Randolph (Thomas Jefferson's grandson) said at the 1872 Democratic convention that he'd spent 80 years of his life in the Democratic-Republican party (source), and Inquiry Into the Origin and Course of Political Parties in the United States By Martin Van Buren, where he discusses the topic at excruciating length, but frequently talks about the roots of the Democratic party beginning with Jefferson.

Look, you're just wrong. You can disagree with the history as it's written, but that makes you, not me, the revisionist.

It's okay. I don't blame you for being mad. You don't like the thought that Thomas Jefferson and William Jefferson Clinton were both from the same party. Here's a thought, maybe we should change the logo to a brunette sucking cock, to commemorate the founding of Limbaugh's Clinton's Democrat (as opposed to Democratic) party. The logo change, that's really all it takes to found a new party.

Someone call Hillary and let her know she won the nomination at the Democrat National Convention, where only Michigan and Florida count. Best not show her the new logo though.

Conan O'Brien Frustrated With Hannah Montana's "music"

Bizarre Republican Arguments on the Stimulus Bill

NetRunner says...

>> ^Psychologic:
^ Steele was basically saying that the stimulus is creating short-term "work" rather than long-term "jobs", and that doing so doesn't help the economy. Disagreeing with that point would be fine, and I would have loved for her to do so. Steele has plenty of opinions that would be easy to pick apart.
But Maddow did not attack the point, she attacked the wording.

Actually, she attacked the point. A job that pays you income is an economic stimulus. A full-time job that lasts for 2 years puts food on your family's table for that much longer. A job you get a paycheck for is a job, period.

It's not permanent demand in the system for employment, but the idea is that employing those people creates demand that spreads (or trickles) through the economy, encouraging more hiring throughout, and builds the confidence of investors who start believing that there are good bets to be made on our economy because sectors of the economy start improving.

It might not work out that way, but these histrionics about refusing to concede that jobs are being created by the stimulus bill are disingenuous.

She extended his wording to imply the he was saying that short-term work doesn't help those employed by it and that any job with an end-date is the same as being unemployed. She avoided his point to attack his wording, and she does not do the same with Democrats.

Yes, over time you can say Rachel exhibits a bias towards criticizing Republicans. It doesn't mean a particular instance of that criticism is biased and unfair, because she does it too often.

A lot of time what she says highlights my own confusion with Republicans, and why they think their ideas will work. Usually I understand what they're trying to convey, but with Steele, I had no fucking idea what his point was.

I think he was trying to echo the Keynesian quote about digging holes to fill them up again, but he'd have done better to actually use the quote (which is clear), than just try to make a semantic argument about whether jobs created to service government contracts are "jobs" or not.

To me, that argument is an attempt to assume your conclusion; the government can't create jobs because jobs created by government aren't jobs because government created them.

She did the same with the auto bailout. Some Republican Senator said that union jobs "cost the auto companies an average of ~$75/hour" (paraphrased) and Maddow said "show me the auto worker that takes home $75/hour." Workers cost companies more than their hourly wage and she knows that.

And so do the Republicans, yet they repeatedly phrased this data point as "Union workers are paid $75/hour" -- there wasn't just one, it was all of them, repeatedly. She was calling them out for trying to fudge facts to fit their political need, and explained how the $75/hour figure was reached in excruciating detail in order to try to counteract those misrepresentations being pushed by Republicans.

Maddow is too intelligent for me to believe she doesn't know the difference in these cases.

The reason you have that impression is because she's been explaining the difference between the words people are actually using, and the facts.

Yes, Olbermann and O'Reilly are worse, but that doesn't mean Maddow is completely fair when she is talking about Republicans. She often avoids disagreeing with what people mean so she can take a funny jab at their word choice. If she did it to both sides then maybe I'd call it unbiased, but I've only seen her do it to Republicans.

Why is it her job to try to divine a sensible explanation for people's ridiculous words that they themselves did not put forward? Steele's case and the $75/hour UAW thing are great examples; the Republicans put out these talking points, and don't try to explain a "real meaning" they just try to put out a soundbite for the uneducated and hope they don't have to defend it against any real scrutiny, because they have spent decades decrying such scrutiny as "bias".

When one party has been saying stupid things, it's not "bias" to report that what they're saying is more stupid than the things the other party is saying. Bias is trying to claim that the only objective report is the one that finds both parties equally wrong.

The pinnacle of miseducation

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