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Black Man In Florida Stands His Ground Against Two Armed Men

newtboy says...

Um…in this case it seems the dude did go into the store after they drove off, they came back later and attacked him in front of the store. What?

Before they returned and physically attacked him, they were just another pair of racist assholes shouting racist insults. Police approve. Why call police that would do nothing but harass the dude, who being armed would himself be shot dead? Terrible suggestion.

Why is it you don’t say the dead racist fucktards shouldn’t have called police instead of attacking an innocent man? That likely would have gotten them what they wanted, which was having the dude violently removed. Play stupid racist games, win hot lead prizes.

These guys returned from apparently getting a gun in order to beat the dude up or murder him…and lost. If ever there was a “stand your ground” case this is it, but watch, being black he will be denied that defense and charged with murder and attempted murder, and if he gets an all white jury will be convicted.

Things are so fucked. Those two boys, and all 4 of their parents deserve to be shot in the dick and allowed to die slowly over a weeks time without aid. They are wastes of skin and air and deserve the most grueling prolonged excruciating death conceivable. If I lived in the area and could identify the families, two houses would be burned to the ground already. They didn’t become violent racist piles of shit in a vacuum.

Those weren’t people he shot, they were violent racist cuntbags with 0% humanity that attacked the wrong man…meatbags committing crimes…good riddance.

moonsammy said:

This "stand your ground" shit is so fucking stupid. When the only metric for making it ok to kill someone is "I claim I was scared," it becomes incredibly easy to justify what would otherwise have been an easily avoided death. In this case, dude could have just walked away after the car first drove off. Or gone into the store and called police. Etc. I recognize "call the police" isn't always a good option (so many instances of cops showing up and arresting or shooting the person who called - usually dark-skinned people), but that really SHOULD be the right option here, if things weren't so fucked.

Why it's hard to be Republican w/a mind and heart

newtboy says...

>50% chance of sterility and other lifelong severe health issues, 10% chance of death…EVERY FUCKING TIME they deny this type of medical necessity abortion, with zero chance of the fetus surviving to term under any circumstances, not that that would benefit anyone to torture a baby with an excruciating pain filled minimal temporary life of suffering like that would cause.
Proof it’s never been about saving life, it’s all about forcing their religious dogma on everyone, seizing power over people’s lives.

Forget the fact that there’s no chambered heart to beat until around 12 weeks, and not a functional heart with working muscle tissue able to pump any fluid until after 20 weeks, so the entire premise is based on lies, intentional misidentifying a nerve twitch as a “heartbeat” despite there being no heart at all to beat….almost like they think they thought the con through despite not possessing a functioning brain.

Waiting for @bobknight33 to say he knows better because he does routine maintenance on ultrasound machines (but has no biology or anatomy education). Sorry, Slingblade, that doesn’t give you knowledge.

It’s not hard to be a Republican with a heart and a mind, it’s absolutely impossible.

White supremacist Kenosha County Sheriff david beth

the_new_a_x says...

In this country there are graduated punishments pertaining to the crimes involved of course. And many would argue against such a blanketed solution as to simply lock up every "criminal"... especially for life. I think your approval and assessment of the majority as it fits in your head says more about you and those whom you'd identify as just than anything. The solution this racist sheriff is providing reminds me of the southern Black Codes or Jim Crow laws. Where if a Black man was without a job, looked at a white woman the wrong way, or was too loud, they could receive life sentences of excruciatingly hard labor.

BSR said:

You have much to learn, Grasshopper. Much to learn.

How Bacteria Rule Over Your Body – The Microbiome

dannym3141 says...

For about 10 years now i've had severe stomach problems, to the point of sometimes being all but housebound. At some point in my attempts to try and find some resolution, i came across the idea of a gut flora transplant.

I never did it because you've got to find someone healthy with a great diet and i suppose bowel regularity, which is difficult in itself because those people are rare and the subject is embarrassing.

But if you're crippled with stomach aches, woken up 7 times a night going to the toilet (and then not even doing anything), then putting someone else's shit into your own bum is nothing. As Terry Pratchett once said about Alzheimer's - it's a desperate situation, and he'd eat the rotting arsehole out of a dead mole if it meant a fighting chance.

For anyone interested, i stopped eating gluten for a while and had minor improvement. When i ate gluten, i'd get feverish and flu-like, joint pain, headaches, sweats and excruciating stomach pain. I figured it was coeliac disease and hoped i would fully recover before long. I didn't, but 2 weeks ago i also cut potato (nightshade vegetable) from my diet and i have been stomach ache free since (that is, 75%+ of the time my stomach feels painless). Apparently lectins are problematic.

If anyone has ever had severe pain for a very long time, they'll know the utter relief and joy of being pain free. It's hard to describe, but for a few days to a week, it's a euphoric feeling.

Mass Graves Remain in "The Devil's Punchbowl"

Mordhaus says...

I find the reddit thread to be more logical. I pretty much tossed out credibility for the video, and the freethought link, when I noticed their primary source were people from the 'Delta Paranormal Project'. Plus, I mean, statements like "...Mississippians know better than to taste the bitter fruit fertilized with the blood of atrocity." and "excruciating conditions akin to Nazi concentration camps" don't exactly lend themselves to rational discourse.

I believe we did create camps to most likely protect the former slaves from a hostile populace of southerners angry over the loss of the war and the freeing of the slaves. There is a good likelihood that 1000 or so freed slaves died from conditions in those camps. I can almost guarantee that if they had been left to wander the area unprotected, you would have likely been able to walk across the Mississippi River on the bodies of dead former slaves killed by a vengeful local populace.

Airsoft Sniper

Chairman_woo says...

I've played airsoft like this for a few years now off an on so feel well enough qualified to comment.

It's largely a matter of range. Most sites allow up to 500fps on snipers (and some american ones go up to 800 or so I believe), but they have a minimum engagement range (usually about 25 meters, presumably more for the silly american ones).

Basically, non automatic sniper rifles are allowed to be significantly more powerful than the 330fps (400 in some countries) other weapons are limited to, but as a result can't be used at short range (that's what pistols and compact SMG's are for!).

If you are close to the minimum range limit and it hits unprotected skin, they sting really badly, enough to draw a little blood sometimes. It's not entirely dissimilar to being whipped by a wet towel, excruciating for about half a second then it tails off to just stinging and swearing.

If it hits your vest, glasses, hat etc. then it wont really hurt at all (but you still felt it you cheating bastards! ), likewise if you are out beyond 50meters or so as the power drops off with range as you'd expect. (My brother can sometimes make shots out to 70-80meters with a VSR but you can barely feel it)

Shoot at point blank and your target can be forgiven for walking over and punching you in the face....right after they stop swearing and get up off the ground. (entirely possible to penetrate exposed skin at that range)

In practice though, trying to storm a building/room vs automatic rifles etc. tends to be far more painful an experience than being sniped. Unless that is someone snipes the inside of your nose sideways on (it hurt as much as you imagine it did).

We also once had a guy knocked clean out by a grenade launcher to the face at point blank . But it was a Co2 powered thing and I believe they aren't allowed inside buildings any more (can't think why).

Re: paintballs, in my much more limited experience, they are waaaaay worse than BB's if they are full power and reasonably close range. Concussions, broken bones and broken skin are all entirely possible (though not likely), but bruises and welts are basically standard issue.

I believe some sites run compressed air guns (rather than Co2) at much lower power levels, so I imagine they are a lot more tolerable.
Paintballers tend to be more on the extreme sports side of things (wheras airsoft tends to be more biased towards military geeks/gamers), and so many sites have a bit of a "pain is weakness leaving the body" attitude to power levels.

In the UK at least the velocity limit for paintballs at competition level is 300fps, for most airsoft sites the limit is 330fps. You only have to look at a BB vs a paintball to see what a discrepancy in energy that equates to!!!

RFlagg said:

I'd have to think being shot by an airsoft would hurt far worse than a paint ball gun... but heck, in this video there's a kid playing, and some of these people get hit what looks like in the head by the sniper.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

Got out a couple days ago.

Obviously I am alive.

Although complications arose and a 3-5 day turned into a 14 day stay, with the most excruciating pain I have ever experienced and never knew existed.

eric3579 said:

Hope your well my friend. Let me know how you're doing.

Guy Has Seizure While Skydiving

oohlalasassoon says...

Uh huh. Have an excruciatingly painful grand mal seizure a few times, where you lose consciousness(thankfully) from lack of oxygen because you literally cannot draw breath, waking up not knowing who you are for an hour, then tell me you won't change your behavior and bucket list to avoid it (oh, and the death) in the future. Easy to say, harder to do.

rancor said:


Way to let your (hypothetical) medical conditions define you, guys. Careful not to push any boundaries.

Stephen Fry on Meeting God

messenger says...

The standard is our own morality. If I purposefully created horribly debilitating and excruciating diseases for children and released them into the world, would that make me a good person or a bad person, do you think?

You cannot name a single act which you would still call immoral if it were done or commanded done by Yahweh himself. That means Yahweh exists outside morality. If God existed, he would have set that moral code, and failed it.

lantern53 said:

If you think God fails your standard, then where did that standard come from?

Derek - The Xmas Special

buzzfeed women drinking whiskey for he first time

lv_hunter says...

eh, its buzzfeed. Most likely their target audience are white american youths, who would know JD.

I had a friend who hanging out at someones house. they were passing around a sipping scotch, i don't know what brand, but it was supposedly expensive and could peel paint with a splash it was so strong. They ran out of sipping glasses, so they poured his in a normal shot glass. He didn't know better and shot the thing in front of them all. They all gasped and said "NO!! DON'T SHOT IT!" lol he said it was the most excruciating sensation ever had drinking something. everyone had a good laugh after it.

ChaosEngine said:

Too sweet for my taste.

And @Sagemind, you couldn't be further from the truth. If getting drunk is your aim, whiskey is one of the most expensive ways of doing that.

As for the video, I'm torn. On one hand, whiskey! and women! I like those things.

On the other hand.... ugh buzzfeed. fuck those guys.

edit: and I've just watched it... sorry @lv_hunter, but that was terrible.
They couldn't have tried more than just JD? No Scotch single malts? No Irish blends?

Loki Interview Prank

Top 10 Worst Movie Casting Choices

chingalera says...

Thought so too, like, how do you cast a remake of King Kong anyhoo?? Black's character in that film in particular (can't really stand him in most films) suited the director's groove and Black's level of Jack...writing totally sucked, because why? Can't recall a single LINE!!! (close to 3 grueling hours)

@playback-HAH! Portrayed himself perfectly, pulled a Matrix like Reeves

John Wayne as Genghis screams tomes of the inner-workings of the OCD God of ta-tas and aeroplanes, that film was excruciatingly surreal-Howard Hughes flicks and a sanitized hotel suite with theater seats and room service....A freak can dream, can't he?

lantern53 said:

Jack Black was interesting to watch, as he usually is, so his work in King Kong was fine by me.

Procrastinatron (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

Best song yet! I hope you find me more like this one! I really dig that mellow sound, songs like that put me into such a relaxed state. Actually all the songs you've shared with me have that same sort of tranquil sound to them - I guess that is what I like about them.

That headache sounds excruciating. I hope you feel better now...I'm guessing you must because otherwise you wouldn't sound so cheerful.

I noticed that! 4 out of 5 made top 15...that is so impressive. I think your King of Cannabis one was just as good as the others but didn't get as many votes because people didn't have the time to watch the full video. It's too bad because they missed out on a really good one.

Did you notice that you are the #5 sifter already this week?

Also, your applauded comment was tied for the third highest voted comment last week. You are off to an excellent start.

Procrastinatron said:

I certainly am becoming addicted to VideoSift! It has both a fantastic community and a very fun concept. Then again, the utterly agonizing, rusty-nail-in-left-hemisphere, cradling-head-in-hands-and-trying-not-to-vomit headache also helped me stay awake though. Also, now there are four of 'em in the top 15, and frankly, that wouldn't have happened without the power points you gave me! Thanks again for the warm welcome, and thanks for all the help. (Let's hope this one isn't blocked.)

Probably the grossest show on television

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