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eric3579 (Member Profile)

Zifnab says...

These ones can be removed from your Dead playlist:

I'll work through the rest later. Thanks for your work.

Lost Generation

djsunkid says...

Noyce! If you think this is clever you should check out the Crab Canon from my most favourite book in the world Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, by Douglas Hofstadetr.

Crab Canon

Achilles and the Tortoise happen upon each other
in the park one day while strolling.

Tortoise: Good day, Mr. A.
Achilles: Why, same to you.
Tortoise: So nice to run into you.
Achilles: That echoes my thoughts.
Tortoise: And it's a perfect day for a walk. I think I'll be walking home
Achilles: Oh, really? I guess there's nothing better for you than walking.
Tortoise: Incidentally, you're looking in fine fettle these days, I must
Achilles: Thank you very much.
Tortoise: Not at all. Here, care for one of my cigars?
Achilles: Oh, you are such a philistine. In this area, the Dutch contribu-
tions are of markedly inferior taste, don't you think?
Tortoise: I disagree, in this case. But speaking of taste, I finally saw that
Crab Canon by your favorite artist, M.C. Escher, in a gallery the other
day, and I fully appreciate the beauty and ingenuity with which he
made one single theme mesh with itself going both backwards and
forwards. But I am afraid I will always feel Bach is superior to Escher.
Achilles: I don't know. But one thing for certain is that I don't worry about
arguments of taste. De gustibus non est disputandum.
Tortoise: Tell me, what's it like to be your age? Is it true that one has no
worries at all?
Achilles: To be precise one has no frets.
Tortoise: Oh, well, it's all the same to me.
Achilles: Fiddle. It makes a big difference, you know.
Tortoise: Say, don't you play the guitar?
Achilles: That's my good friend. He often plays, the fool. But I myself
wouldn't touch a guitar with a ten-foot pole.
(Suddenly the Crab, appearing from out of nowhere, wanders up ex-
citedly, pointing to a rather prominent black eye.)

Crab: Hallo! Hullo! What's up? What's new? You see this bump, this
from Warsaw - a collosal bear of a man - playing a lute. He was three
meters tall, if I'm a day. I mosey on up to the chap, reach skyward and
manage to tap him on the knee, saying, "Pardon me, sir, but you are
Pole-luting our park with your mazurkas." But WOW! he had no sense
of humor - not a bit, not a wit - and POW! - he lets loose and belts me
one, smack in the eye! Were it in my nature, I would crab up a storm,
but in the time-honored tradition of my species, I backed off. After all,
when we walk forwards, we move backwards. It's in our genes, you
know, turning round and round. That reminds me - I've always
wondered, "which came first - the Crab or the Gene?" That
is to say, "Which came last - the Gene, or the Crab?" I'm always
turning things round and round, you know. It's in our genes, after
all. When we walk backwards we move forwards. Ah me, oh my!
I must lope along on my merry way - so off I go on such a fine day.
Sing "ho!" for the life of a Crab! TATA! Ole!

(And he disappears as suddenly as he arrived.)

Tortoise: That's my good friend. He often plays, the fool. But I myself
wouldn't touch a ten-foot Pole with a guitar.
Achilles: Say, don't you play the guitar?
Tortoise: Fiddle. It makes a big difference, you know.
Achilles: Oh, well, it's all the same to me.
Tortoise: To be precise one has no frets.
Achilles: Tell me, what's it like to be your age? Is it true that one has no
worries at all?
Tortoise: I don't know. But one thing for certain is that I don't worry about
arguments of taste. Disputandum non est de gustibus.
Achilles: I disagree, in this case. But speaking of taste, I finally heard that
Crab Canon by your favorite composer, J.S. Bach, in a concert the
other day, and I fully appreciate the beauty and ingenuity with which
he made one single theme mesh with itself going both backwards and
forwards. But I am afraid I will always feel Escher is superior to Bach.
Tortoise: Oh, you are such a philistine. In this area, the Dutch contribu-
tions are of markedly inferior taste, don't you think?
Achilles: Not at all. Here, care for one of my cigars?
Tortoise: Thank you very much.
Achilles: Incidentally, you're looking in fine fettle these days, I must
Tortoise: Oh, really? I guess there's nothing better for you than walking.
Achilles: And it's a perfect day for a walk. I think I'll be walking home
Tortoise: That echoes my thoughts.
Achilles: So nice to run into you.
Tortoise: Why, same to you.
Achilles: Good day, Mr. A.

Echocrome Trailer - Coolest puzzle game ever

Weird party trick (gravity defying)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'party trick, mc escher, four people sit without chairs' to 'party trick, mc escher, four people sit without chairs, intertwined' - edited by Fjnbk

Weird party trick (gravity defying)

oxdottir says...

Gravity defying because human beings can't normally comfortably have their shins be vertical and their backs be horizontal without the use of intervening props or furniture. It looks unlikely, and the reasons it looks unlikely have to do with the lines of vertical force, which are, as you so charmingly noted, each others' laps, and therefore shins. I mentioned escher because it reminds me of the famous marching around the top of the fortifications ad infinitum. Joe is supported by Fred is supported by Mike is supported by Charles is supported by Joe...

As for the homophobia, I agree, so your apparent desire to be offensive to all is partially foiled.

Weird party trick (gravity defying)

Bidouleroux says...

How does this "defy gravity"? If that is your definition of defying gravity then a chair defies gravity too, and so does the human skeletomuscular system (which would be why this "trick" works). You could "sit" like this without another person to lie onto if you had strong enough leg, abdominal and back muscles. I will admit though, that to an ignorant person it might look like magic. This is also why we still have people believing in gods and miracles. Also, this has nothing to do with M.C. Escher: they are simply lying on each others lap.

And why the hell would doing this make people gay more than stupid? You closet homophobes have the wrong priorities.

Weird party trick (gravity defying)

Weird party trick (gravity defying)

michie (Member Profile)

8536 says...

really liked the Escher vid, my head still hurting from it... "d bad enough.. but 3d... ouchh... I've just posted my first vid... The Spirits I have Called...watching the Escher thing, thought you might like this vid... it's a simialr kind of aestethic.. thanks for the Escher vid, anymore like that, please post.

Audio Illusion

djsunkid says...

In 1996 an ambient compilation came out on EM:T records called EM:T Explorer that had a track that exploited this same effect. The last track on the 1st CD was called Endlessly Downward and by an artist Beatsystem, and featured a 12 second loop repeated for 3 minutes and some odd seconds. So awesome.

The effect, though, is not new. As mentioned in the wiki page, bach utilised this effect as well. Everybody whose mind has just been blown? Go and read Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, by Douglas Hofstadter.

What if MC Escher created a video game?

firefly (Member Profile)

Zifnab (Member Profile)

Douglas Hofstadter - Musing Rationally about the Singularity

johnald128 says...

this video jumped out at me because one of my favourite books is by Douglas Hofstadter (didnt know who he was though), it's called
Godel, Escher, Bach : An Eternal Golden Braid. opened my eyes to certain things about the universe.
anyway, this talk starts off a bit boring but gets a little more interesting about halfway...

silvercord (Member Profile)

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