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Halden, the "World's Nicest Prison" -- What do you think?

hpqp says...

@braschlosan Thank you for sharing despite the emotional difficulty. The US system is indeed completely F'd up, I agree. I am speaking from the prospect of someone living in Switzerland, where prison life is quite comfortable and you have to do something really, really bad (e.g. rape will get you a few months, letting someone rape your girlfriend and then trying to get him to pay you for it will get you no punishment at all) to ever set foot there (most criminals get a fine that hardly any of them ever pay). I am all for rehabilitation, believe me, and it goes without saying that prisoners should be treated humanely. What I am saying is it should not only be reeducation, it should also be punishment. Just as one deprives one's kid from TV, games and or going out for a while as punishment for bad behaviour, while still encouraging them to be better.
Here in Switz you are encouraged to do apprenticeships in jail that are the equivalent of those everyone else does for a wide variety of professions; you can even work a job outside of prison if you are not considered dangerous (for the record, a man who stabbed another man + got a 14yo girl drunk to rape her was allowed this in his meagre 1 year sentence; just to show how lenient things are here).

I guess the misunderstanding is that my opinion is based on seeing Norway as far more similar to Switzerland than to the States. I have raged elsewhere on the Sift about how terrible the US prison system is, i.e. basically a dehumanizing slave market, but that is not what I am criticising here. I am simply saying that those who commit crimes (taking drugs or growing pot is not a crime imo btw, and here you hardly even get fined for it) should pay there dues to society while learning to be a productive/participating member thereof, instead of having society put them up in a luxury hotel at the expense of people who, despite their needs (yes, poor people exist in Europe too) refuse to take the easy way out, or give in to their baser impulses.

There is a political aspect to it too: when the taxpaying public continually reads about criminals getting off with little or no punishment, or being put in comfortable jails a few weeks before being let off to continue their thieving/raping/racketeering/etc, they tend to be more attracted to the conservative extremists. It particularly does not help that Travel People, Maghrebins, Africans and Eastern Europeans are over-represented in these areas, which fuels the xenophobic agenda of right-wing parties.

Okay, enough ranting from me. I am sorry if I upset you @braschlosan, I think it is mostly because of the misunderstanding concerning our different points of reference.

Conan O'Brien makes model Izabel Goulart laugh in bed

Toronto Tempo

This is what a SuperHero Looks Like in Action

Karl Pilkington meets Warwick Davis...hilarity ensues

Animated Gifs Greatest Hits

hpqp says...

JCVD is chock-full of wisdom. A few of my favourite tidbits:

"I am fascinated by air. If you remove the air from the sky, all the birds would fall to the ground. And all the planes, too."

«Si tu parles à ton eau de Javel pendant que tu fais la vaisselle, elle est moins concentrée.»

"Air is beautiful, yet you cannot see it. It's soft, yet you cannot touch it. Air is a little like my brain."

I'm not enjoying the trolling on the Sift. (Horrorshow Talk Post)

bareboards2 says...

I'm well aware of the generational difference.

Your generation grew up with an access to porn and a visually sexualised culture that has never been experienced before. It is a world whose images have been managed, airbrushed, corporatized for ease of consumption. It has shaped your view of the world.

And actually, yes, when a man loves a woman just as she was created, I do admire him more. And he is rare, you're right. I find it incredibly sexy that he loves every part of the human body, without judgment, without reserve, without prudishness. No limits, no restraints, it is incredibly joyous and freeing.

You know who you are, if you are reading this. You are sexy, sexy men!

Sex is better without inhibitions, yes? These poor young women who are bleaching their anuses to match the porn shots -- when will they ever be perfect enough? They can never match those airbrushed fantasies. And can they really relax and enjoy themselves -- and you -- if they so worried about what they look like?

The Australian super model Elle MacPherson has said that she doesn't go to the beach, because she doesn't want to be compared to her photographs. She knows she doesn't look like them. A super model is insecure. This is really really sad.

By the way, I live in a small town that might be the last little enclave of hippies. There are a disproportionate number of women here with hairy legs and armpits.

You're right, though, even here they are the exception.

>> ^rottenseed:

It's dependent on age. Most people my age prefer heavily trimmed genitalia.
I'm sure the "men you admire" like when a woman shaves her legs and her pits right? Assuming the answer is yes, then that right there is modification from how bodies "evolved to be". If they like hairy pits and legs, then they're an exception to the rule, not the rule.

Cat Deeley is an awesome presenter

Duckman33 says...

>> ^Payback:

>> ^Duckman33:
>> ^Hybrid:
This TV show is a parody of all the reality competitions, hence it's title: "Peter Kay's Britain's Got the Pop Factor... and Possibly a New Celebrity Jesus Christ Soapstar Superstar Strictly on Ice". Cat was the casted presenter. So while it's not fake, it is a scripted parody TV show.>> ^KnivesOut:
My first inclination would be to say "fake", done with edits. I just can't really believe that the mob would react with complete silence to her command to shut the fuck up. They're already in a frenzy!
Still, ell oh ell funny. quality.

Using this logic then according to most here it's fake. Since many of you love to point out how fake professional wrestling is, which also scripted.

There's a difference between fake (something presenting itself as real) and fiction. I don't think anyone here has had to think for any amount of time that Professional Wrestling wasn't pure fiction. Just because Knivesout got fooled by an edit of a parody doesn't discount the rest of us when we call fake.

Professional Wrestling hasn't presented itself as real for a couple decades now. Something a lot of you seem to forget. Remember it's called World Wrestling Entertainment.

Cat Deeley is an awesome presenter

Payback says...

>> ^Duckman33:
>> ^Hybrid:
This TV show is a parody of all the reality competitions, hence it's title: "Peter Kay's Britain's Got the Pop Factor... and Possibly a New Celebrity Jesus Christ Soapstar Superstar Strictly on Ice". Cat was the casted presenter. So while it's not fake, it is a scripted parody TV show.>> ^KnivesOut:
My first inclination would be to say "fake", done with edits. I just can't really believe that the mob would react with complete silence to her command to shut the fuck up. They're already in a frenzy!
Still, ell oh ell funny. quality.

Using this logic then according to most here it's fake. Since many of you love to point out how fake professional wrestling is, which also scripted.

There's a difference between fake (something presenting itself as real) and fiction. I don't think anyone here has had to think for any amount of time that Professional Wrestling wasn't pure fiction. Just because Knivesout got fooled by an edit of a parody doesn't discount the rest of us when we call fake.

Cat Deeley is an awesome presenter

Duckman33 says...

>> ^Hybrid:

This TV show is a parody of all the reality competitions, hence it's title: "Peter Kay's Britain's Got the Pop Factor... and Possibly a New Celebrity Jesus Christ Soapstar Superstar Strictly on Ice". Cat was the casted presenter. So while it's not fake, it is a scripted parody TV show.>> ^KnivesOut:
My first inclination would be to say "fake", done with edits. I just can't really believe that the mob would react with complete silence to her command to shut the fuck up. They're already in a frenzy!
Still, ell oh ell funny. quality.

Using this logic then according to most here it's fake. Since many of you love to point out how fake professional wrestling is, which also scripted.

Cat Deeley is an awesome presenter

Hybrid says...

This TV show is a parody of all the reality competitions, hence it's title: "Peter Kay's Britain's Got the Pop Factor... and Possibly a New Celebrity Jesus Christ Soapstar Superstar Strictly on Ice". Cat was the casted presenter. So while it's not fake, it is a scripted parody TV show.>> ^KnivesOut:

My first inclination would be to say "fake", done with edits. I just can't really believe that the mob would react with complete silence to her command to shut the fuck up. They're already in a frenzy!
Still, ell oh ell funny. quality.

Cat Deeley is an awesome presenter

KnivesOut says...

My first inclination would be to say "fake", done with edits. I just can't really believe that the mob would react with complete silence to her command to shut the fuck up. They're already in a frenzy!

Still, ell oh ell funny. *quality.

Red Shirt Guy responds to his Blizzcon 2010 Video

JAPR says...


@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since July 27th, 2009" class="profilelink">BoneRemake, @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since March 2nd, 2006" class="profilelink"><strong style="color:#008800">ant and @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since March 14th, 2009" class="profilelink">GenjiKilpatrick
Sorry, I didn't realize it ought to have been done in PMs. I'll ask you privately.

This right here is one of the reasons I dig the Sift and still come here despite not contributing much in the way of videos. MOST of the time, people here are chill and actually make an effort at being civil human beings.

edit: ell oh ell sifty, your code is showing buddy.

Les Cowboys Fringants "Tant qu'on aura de l'amour"

calvados says...

"Tant qu'on aura d' l'amour", chanson naïve
Trois, quatre !

Depuis qu'on a lâché prise
On voit de la couleur dans les zones grises
Il y a du bon dans la froidure de novembre
Elle nous permet de nous coller plus ensemble
Sous une couette
Tout nus pas d' bobettes

Tant qu'on aura de l'amour
De l'eau fraîche et de l'air pur
Un toit et puis quatre murs
Ce sera la joie dans not' cour

On apprécie les p'tites choses
Trop d'attentes vaines rendent la vie morose
À c't' heure si on a l' vent dans face en partant
Ben, on s' dit qu'on l'aura dans l 'dos en rev'nant
Ou vice et versa
On s' bâdre pu avec ça

{au Refrain}

Solo !

On se plaint pas quand y mouille
C'est ça qui fait pousser nos plants de citrouilles
L'été on est heureux quand il fait très chaud
Car le soleil réchauffe nos cœurs d'artichauts
Comme je t'aime
Veux-tu que l'on sème ?

{au Refrain, x2}

geo321 (Member Profile)

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