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Reid Hitting Romney Hard Over (Possibly) Unpaid Taxes

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

I don't see why Romney should release his tax records. The Obama campaign is simply fishing for more ammunition to paint Romney as a rich elitist, so in effect they are calling for Romney to produce a club so that they can beat him over the head with it. So I don't really see a compelling reason for Romney to do it.
Personally, I'm an independent. I would ask liberals though, if you could stop clamoring for the red meat the DNC is throwing to you for a second and look at the world objectively, how is it that you can come away with any other opinion than that the Obama presidency is a major disappointment? Why would you vote for him again? Can you articulate anything convincing? Obama campaigned in 2008 on hope and change, as a messianic figure who would fundamentally transform this country and fix everything. He said if he didn't it would be a one term proposition. Obviously none of that happened and the country is in even worse shape, and bitterly divided along political, class and racial lines. It has never been more divisive. Instead of hope and change we get slash and burn. Instead of a principled reformer we get a bitter partisan playing dirty politics; ie, a typical politician. Why in the world shouldn't it be a one term proposition? He isn't the man he said he was by any measure, and basically he has run this country into the ground. Don't you have a sense of self preservation?

Quite a number of "liberals" on the sift and elsewhere have stated openly that Obama is a disappointment.

But the real disappointment is that no matter how bad he is, he's still an order of magnitude better than any candidate the republicans put forward.

Reid Hitting Romney Hard Over (Possibly) Unpaid Taxes

shinyblurry says...

I don't see why Romney should release his tax records. The Obama campaign is simply fishing for more ammunition to paint Romney as a rich elitist, so in effect they are calling for Romney to produce a club so that they can beat him over the head with it. So I don't really see a compelling reason for Romney to do it.

Personally, I'm an independent. I would ask liberals though, if you could stop clamoring for the red meat the DNC is throwing to you for a second and look at the world objectively, how is it that you can come away with any other opinion than that the Obama presidency is a major disappointment? Why would you vote for him again? Can you articulate anything convincing? Obama campaigned in 2008 on hope and change, as a messianic figure who would fundamentally transform this country and fix everything. He said if he didn't it would be a one term proposition. Obviously none of that happened and the country is in even worse shape, and bitterly divided along political, class and racial lines. It has never been more divisive. Instead of hope and change we get slash and burn. Instead of a principled reformer we get a bitter partisan playing dirty politics; ie, a typical politician. Why in the world shouldn't it be a one term proposition? He isn't the man he said he was by any measure, and basically he has run this country into the ground. Don't you have a sense of self preservation?

Probationary Members Shouldn't Be Able to Comment (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

It's true.

I know the idea sounds exclusionary and elitist but I'm not totally against it because as a community we've always been about merit and earning inceasing rights and abilities based on contributions.

>> ^gorillaman:

I'm not the only one who remembers the new member queue and how the site used to work exactly like this, right? That wasn't a dream?

EA in a Nutshell

Fletch says...

In reply to this comment by dannym3141:
Take bioware for example. Before they were 'bought' by EA they made some of the (arguably, but almost universally accepted) best games of their particular genre. Baldur's gate 1 and 2, neverwinter nights....

Forgot about Bioware. They're on my list as well. They used to be an automatic buy, but DA2... EA is poison to game companies.

It's difficult to explain to young'uns who were raised on consoles why old-school PC gamers are so disappointed in the current state of PC gaming. This whole backlash that PC gamers are "elitist crybabies" is just so tired. I have a gaming mouse and a 104 keys, yet many PC games are designed for multiple platforms, and, unfortunately, the lowest common denominator is an ADD-addled console player with a gamepad. The result is cookie-cutter dross that is only made discernible in its genre by the textures and artwork that make up its world. I'm not saying great AAA pc games aren't being made any more, just that there are so few, and this move by developers towards always-online DRM for single-player gaming (Ubisoft, Blizzard) limits my choices even more, as I refuse to support that bullshit.

I still play through Doom and Doom2 about once a year and have a blast every time. I'm about halfway through yet another run of Diablo II, and I'm thinking I'll fire up Planescape: Torment or Baldur's Gate after that. So many excellent older games to play and replay, not to mention the large number of quality indie games being released. I don't miss Diablo III one bit.

Dan Savage on the bible at High School Journalism convention

ForgedReality says...

Stupid bitch at 1:24 with a cross between her mammaries walking out crying because the basis for her entire life was being threatened.

Can we just hurry up and make it a high crime to be religious already? Fuck those closed-minded elitist assholes.

I met this guy not long ago who calls himself "Preacha Paul"--look him up on Youtube. He told me he found God while in prison and he needed his salvation. He said he didn't used to believe in god but in the same sentence says he used to "hate god," which means he did believe there was a god, he just didn't like him, maybe because he hated himself. Oh, did I mention he's a registered sex offender? Yeah, this slightly overweight white guy raps about the bible and bullshit like gays are going to hell because they're sinners, etc. Come on, really? You're one to talk. You're a fucking criminal, and you think god hates "his children" simply because of who they choose to be with? Go to hell--if there is one.

Man Sues Secret Service (Arrested After Insulting Cheney)

Coming Apart: Elites Should Teach Working Class How to Live

Going Negative: Abe Lincoln. Really? How Poor Is He?

Limbo with a Flashlight


yopyopyop says...

Yes, I created an account just to post that but I don't see how that makes what Paul said any less hazardous. I'm very fed up with people romanticizing and elevating Ron Paul to a hero status. Some of his approaches are refreshing, I totally agree, but I think a lot of people get swept up in the hype and ignore the fact that a lot of his key stances are elitist. If you look at his approaches to welfare and class distinctions, it's very quite sickening. His basic position is that people should be happy with their lots in life. On the one hand this means not meddling in others affairs (yay, no foreign wars) but on the other it means not helping out people who need social support. I'm not a U.S. citizen and don't work for Gingrich, if that's what you're wondering.

>> ^visionep:

Really? creating an account and posting your first message to post junk like this? Take a look at the bottom of that article to see how people react to poorly composed, slanted articles like that.

I looked for links to this article on Google and it looks like it is referenced in a ton of comments about how Newt is fighting back against negative ads. I wonder if these posts are related to his campaign.
yopyopyop, are you paid to post?
>> ^yopyopyop:
To everyone who believes that Ron Paul is worthy of supporting for the presidency, please read this article:

Self Absorbed Teens (Not Getting an Iphone) Amazing Atheist

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^LukinStone:

Yes, they seem entitled jerks.
But, why do we care? Better to ignore such nonsense. I have a hard time getting to the end of this guy's posts. I generally agree with what he says, but I don't find him funny at all and the exaggerated anger is annoying.

Except that its not just entitled teens--its nearly everyone I see. Only a few are exempt... And the best part is, we do ignore it! We just pretend this is just a few because its about the Iphone and such, but elitist shit is everywhere.

Un Chien Andalou

Lann (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

A number of classes and you are able to fire things in the kiln. I just want to get some clay and work it and get it fired. Pay'em 50 dollars or whatnot, they will not do it. I can understand, they would have too many people wanting the service, they are not a big shop from what I can tell.

Elitist assholes.

In reply to this comment by Lann:
What does the membership include?

In reply to this comment by BoneRemake:
The pottery guild wants 130 dollars for a membership and I have to put my name on a list to become a member....

Fuck you pottery guild.

Elitist assholes.

Lann (Member Profile)

The Slime Machine: Janeane Garofalo - Countdown 11-23-2011

Phreezdryd says...

The right wing pundits are constantly trolling for an angle with which to present Obama in a negative light. It doesn't really matter what he says or does, they'll spin it. The elitist angle has to be one of the funniest coming from the candidates that come from wealthy families.

And everybody should be reminded regularly of McCarthyism, especially when people like Bachmann start saying there needs to be an American test.

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