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Poor Kids Should Clean Bathrooms - Newt Gingrich

packo says...

>> ^bobknight33:

Its call WORK. Get a job. Contribute to society not take from it.

contributing to society would be helping the poor wouldn't it?!?

how come that contract you make from society to a poor kid doesn't equate to the contract from a rich person to their child? ie, to pay their way in school, why shouldn't a rich kid be required to do the same thing?

let alone, this doesn't even touch on a child's social development, and the importance of after school activities, or a life outside school

honestly... we are talking about children in elementary school to high school here... not adults

grow a heart

contribute to society != contribute only to oneself

12-year-olds investigated for sex crime after they kiss

Ron Paul Interview On DeFace The Nation 11/20/11

NetRunner says...

@Grimm, I think the right legislation to focus on is the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, which appears to be the genesis of federal funding for education.

Now, I confess I have no direct knowledge of the Department of Education beyond what I can google, but according to their website, their mandate is:

  • Establishing policies on federal financial aid for education, and distributing as well as monitoring those funds.
  • Collecting data on America's schools and disseminating research.
  • Focusing national attention on key educational issues.
  • Prohibiting discrimination and ensuring equal access to education.

Now I'm not sure how many of those things Ron Paul is really against, but for the sake of argument, let's just pretend he's only opposed to that first bullet.

But why is he opposed to that? I'm guessing the whole idea here is the money comes with strings attached. Well, that's fine, if states want to forgo that funding and ignore those strings, they can. What's his objection?

If he doesn't want the money to have strings attached, I'm open to that idea, but I would like him to put a little effort into explaining what "strings" are currently being attached, and why he thinks they're so onerous.

If he's just opposed to some specific policy the Department of Education has put in place, then he should just say that. But then it's not the Department of Education that's the problem, it's that policy that's the problem -- the Department of Education as an institution is fine, he just wants it to be run differently.

But just outright discarding the Department of Education means getting rid of popular, reasonable things like federal funding for education, collecting statistics about educational outcomes, enforcement of federal anti-discrimination law, or even basic curriculum standards (like you can't teach religious doctrine as science).

And this in a nutshell is why I never really have anything nice to say about Ron Paul anymore. Either he's a fucking clueless idiot who doesn't know anything about what the Department he supposedly wants to eliminate is responsible for, or he does know all the things the Department he wants to eliminate is responsible for, and he's just hoping normal people don't realize that eliminating it would mean cutting education funding and decriminalizing racial segregation of schools until it's too late.

One can certainly complain about the policies the Department of Education is setting -- and I see liberals doing so all the time, BTW -- but this call for the abolition of the Department in its entire is mindless, heartless insanity, and it's gotta fucking stop.

Report Of Porn Star Sasha Grey Reading To Schoolchildren

Report Of Porn Star Sasha Grey Reading To Schoolchildren

Report Of Porn Star Sasha Grey Reading To Schoolchildren

Yogi says...

>> ^Ryjkyj:

TMZ or not, this is pretty awesome. Good on her.

Definitely, I really love this idea as well. The best part about this is the context and the information. The children do not know who she is, have no idea she's just a nice lady that came to read to them and it's fun. The adults know who she is so it's to them completely inappropriate, they fail to put themselves into their children's better, more free thought process.

We should see people as they are in context rather than pinning on them our judgments or prejudices. I may not like the way some conservatives think or express their views but they're a part of my family and they are good people.

Be Excellent to Each Other.

Transformers in 1-D

rottenseed says... just lost the internet. Let's walk through this so a baby can understand it..."GA GA GOO GOO"

k 1-Dimension = left and right for infinity

2nd-Dimension = up and down for infinity
3rd-Dimension = toward you and away from you like a penis coming toward your mouth (memories)
4th-Dimension = Temporal (time)
5th-Dimension = bananas>> ^artician:

One Dimension is a single point. People who think a line is anything but two dimensional need to make their way to the nearest elementary educational facility as soon as possible. Thank you.

Transformers in 1-D

Quboid says...

Stating something intentionally incorrect and insulting isn't sarcasm, it's trolling.

>> ^artician:

>> ^Quboid:
>> ^artician:
One Dimension is a single point. People who think a line is anything but two dimensional need to make their way to the nearest elementary educational facility as soon as possible. Thank you.

Isn't 1 dimension a single axis - i.e. 2 points, and the line between them. The line would have no width (not zero width, but zero concept of width).


Transformers in 1-D

artician says...

>> ^Quboid:

>> ^artician:
One Dimension is a single point. People who think a line is anything but two dimensional need to make their way to the nearest elementary educational facility as soon as possible. Thank you.

Isn't 1 dimension a single axis - i.e. 2 points, and the line between them. The line would have no width (not zero width, but zero concept of width).



Transformers in 1-D

Quboid says...

>> ^artician:

One Dimension is a single point. People who think a line is anything but two dimensional need to make their way to the nearest elementary educational facility as soon as possible. Thank you.

Isn't 1 dimension a single axis - i.e. 2 points, and the line between them? The line would have no width (not zero width, but zero concept of width).

Transformers in 1-D

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^artician:

One Dimension is a single point. People who think a line is anything but two dimensional need to make their way to the nearest elementary educational facility as soon as possible. Thank you.

And all this time I thought length was a single dimension.

Transformers in 1-D

artician says...

One Dimension is a single point. People who think a line is anything but two dimensional need to make their way to the nearest elementary educational facility as soon as possible. Thank you.

Being Elmo: A Puppeteer's Journey trailer

notarobot says...

One year back in elementary school, I had to do a project on a "notable person." I had to take out books, write a biography, and even learn how to draw a realistic portrait of the person I chose, as well as justifying why I chose them and what impact they made in the world. After all the research was done, we had to dress up as our person and even act as them at a "notable's night" later on. I borrowed plaid shirts and even glued a 'proper' fake beard to my face so I could better resemble my childhood hero, Jim Henson.

I remember one day my father came home with a photocopied article from a magazine from 'Life Magazine.' The cover photo was a image of Kermit sitting in Henson's director's chair. The article written shortly after his untimely death. I had been devastated by the news.

Indeed, Kevin Clash has lived one of my childhood dreams, and made thousands millions of kids happy in the process with his *quality work.

9/11/2001 Memories ... (History Talk Post)

dotdude says...

Before writing this, I did consult a diary I kept at the time. The diary had to do with my first year of teaching.

That morning I was driving to an elementary school to teach students who qualified as “Talented in Art.” I was tuned into a radio morning show – the kind that tends to be obnoxious and silly. However, the tone was very different that day. It took me a couple of minutes to register what I was hearing while navigating I-10. I switched to another station that usually is more serious. The first tower had been hit.

Once at school, I went right into teaching my scheduled group of kids. Afterwards, I was in the hall when a teacher told me the news about The Pentagon. Right after that the principal passed by and instructed us to not say anything to students. In the school library, teachers were glued to a television. The rest of the day they checked in to update themselves.

During the end of school announcements, we were informed that the school system would be closed the next day.

Mom Blows Marijuana Smoke in Infant's Face to Calm Her Down

shagen454 says...

Oh man. I'm all for blazing but seriously. As crazy as it sounds the first time I smoked pot was in 4th grade... but I didn't actually get stoned until 6th grade (in a car outside of the junior high across from my elementary school). Because that junior high was so fucked my parents sent me to a private school where there were like 20 kids in each class as opposed to one thousand. That's when I became a big stoner and ultimately started having panic attacks from shitty weed (laced or sprayed with something) alongside the stress a school that's whole goal was to get kids into really good colleges. The school was too small all of the faculty had their eyes on every single kid & knew what was up - it tripped me out.

Ultimately, three years later it led me to go back to public school in a different district so if I got so crazily stoned no one would realize; I'd be just another number in the police state.

It's all gravy now, I could smoke a bowl, drop E, some acid and a fifth of jack daniels and be smooth (not that I'd actually want to do that) but seriously, weed has the potential to fuck up a youngins mind or at least lead them astray. Not that I think it led me astray but I think the possibility is there. Now that my stoner years (wake & bake - go to art school) are behind me I smoke maybe a hit every once in a while, if I smoke much more I get panicy. I'm down to one hit as opposed to five bowlfuls... if it weren't for being a stoner at one point I probably wouldn't drink at least 3-5 to 15 beverages a day haha! It began a brutal cycle. Either mixing, or smoking a lot of weed, or drinking a lot of alcohol. They say everything with moderation, yeah sure, but addictions are more difficult to moderate!

Who even knows what effect pot could have on a baby's mind!! Sheesh!

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