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Where do you stand on HCR without a public option? (Politics Talk Post)

volumptuous says...

I wish it were something a lot different, but pass it as it is, make it better over time. I'm with Krugman on this one.

The bill so far, is a lot better than the status quo. Soon, 30million people will have health-care who don't today. That is with or without the public-option. From all accounts, the bill is better than the system we have today, and we can pass this, declare victory, then keep on fighting. "Don't let the perfect be enemy of the good".

The Republicans will never, ever, ever, in a million years vote for "socialized medicine". There will never be bi-partisanship on this issue. The conservatives will never bring a bill that vastly regulates the financial and insurance industries. Never.

Fortunately the debate over health-care right now is not left vs right. It is liberal vs conservative/centrist democrats, and one droopy Lieberman.

Keith Olbermann says Kill the Bill

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

He's a preachy self-righteous blowhard, but he's right.

Let it go to a vote and fail- and then throw the objectionist fuckheads out in the next election- every last one of them, starting with Droopy Dog.

G. Gordon Liddy gets destroyed over 'Birther' beliefs.

G. Gordon Liddy gets destroyed over 'Birther' beliefs.

Congressional Dems On Auto Industry Aid Timeline

Old Cartoon Network Ad - Pulp Fiction

99 Words for Boobs!

What's That Smell? It's a MINK Roast! (Parody Talk Post)

jonny says...

Peanut gallery indeed. Let's see, we've got: a raving psychotic on the loose; a pile of trash so ugly it can turn a person to stone; a Sicilian mob baby that can't string one sentence together without having to go find her bottle; a middle-aged wannabe cartoon wizard; a xenosexual squirrel with delusions of grandeur; a puppet and his master with an overwhelming anal fixation; a white rabbit with nothing to say; a self-proclaimed lazy pinko who's further to the right than Pat Buchanan; a drunken Mardi Gras reveler in need of a bucket; our very own Ron Paul look-a-like/martyr; and a shriveled up hobbit that can't stop touching his precious.

And then of course, our guest of "honor" - one dirty little rodent that couldn't spin a record to save its life.

What's next? A droopy-eyed dog-girl with a penchant for youngin's?

Just what the hell did I sign up for here?

Beauty is not about how skinny you can be

Sketch says...

Let's see her in 10 years when she's in high school and see how her anorexia is working for her, and then again in 20 years when she's in a plastic surgeon's office fixing those droopy eyes.

Radiohead - No Surprises

"100" for Benjee! (Sift Talk Post)

benjee says...

Thanks again Sifters (especially for your votes & saves to get to 100!)
SwampGirl: 'I always loved' dogs with droopy ears (your avatar)...
Maudlin: I hope you don't 'accidentally run across' those^ compromising JPEGs too!

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