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TDS: Minimum wage hike and the Pope denouncing Trickle Down

enoch says...

@Shepppard young friend.
come over by the fire,your buddy enoch has some things to speak to you about.
are you comfy?
need a drink? beer? coffee?

then let us begin.

1.why do YOU care what another makes an hour?is it YOUR business?

but i understand the basic gist of your point:unskilled labor.

ok.thats a fair point.
but why is 15$ an hr too high?
what arbitrary scale are you comparing their hourly worth to?
walmart workers?

here is a facts that may give you some perspective:
a.if we take the minimum wage from 1978 and factor in inflation and worker productivity todays minimum should average 22$ an hour ( read that right).
b.the workers in these unskilled jobs are in the high percentages in goverment the tune of 7 BILLION a basically we ALL are subsidizing mcdonalds and walmart to pay their workers like shit.

so are you still against them getting a living wage? when you and i are subsidizing their income. the companies they work for get to pocket those profits,you and i get to help pay for their housing and food stamps.

walmart even helps ttheir employees sign up for food stamps! now isnt that adorable.

dont you think it a better idea that these companies pay their help at least enough where they dont need government susbizies? you actually PAY them and not force us to?

2.if these corporations paid a minimum of 15$ an hr the projected hike in product prices will be......./drum roll.....
...........15 cents per item......... come it appears to be taboo to point to a CEO of a company who is making billions in bonuses while his/her workers are having to receive food stamps?
when did obscene gluttony and greed become something cool? even praiseworthy? while ridiculing those trying to survive and demanding a little bit of dignity as something to be chastised and cajoled for even having the impertinence to ask for a living wage.

the cognitive dissonance on display is on an epic scale.

who do YOU think you have more in common with?
the dude working at your local burger king?
or jamie dimon?

and dont even get me started on that condescending argument "get an education to get a better job".

i have been seeing many posts of late that reflect the very same flavor of yours @Shepppard and the one thing they all have in common is this judgemental value system that they just pulled out of their ass but in reality was given to them by the very people fucking them,and their children in the ass.

there will come a day when these people will realize they are slaves.
debt slaves.
wage slaves.
and while they were bickering the banksters and the corporate elite cleaned their clock.....
and they didnt notice until it was too late.

those elite fuckers.
they have a small club and you aint in it.
they dont like you.
they will never like you.
im on your side man.

BBC's Stephen Sackur goes toe-to-toe with Greenwald...

charliem says...

Evidence that he is selling this information at all?

All evidence points to the contrary - he releases the data to many journalist outlets at once after the details have been vetted....doesnt seem like any exclusivity deal is going on there.

His attitude and behavior in every interview has been that of a strictly professional journalist. Getting information to the masses....if he were an information broker, dont you think that would be levvied against him by one of these hack journalists interviewing him?

highdileeho said:

does anyone else think Greenwald is a total scumbag. He has all of Snowden's leaks. He's selling them to the highest bidder..started his own multimillion dollar journalism outfit, with billionare backers. Snowden is getting the big fuck you financially, while he sits in exile in Russia, and it's only a matter of time until Snowden's locked up in the Pen. Bet you anything you'll all be sneering at Greenwald in 3 years time when it turns out he is just using these leaks to further his career, while Snowden rots away in jail penniless.

bcglorf (Member Profile)

enoch says...

i figured it best to bring the convo to your page.
i have derailed enough threads this past week alone.
would be impolite and rude to keep tramping through the china shop willy nilly.

i think i am starting to understand where you are at.
of course i am presuming,but im gonna go with frustration.
anger and outrage to what is being done to the people of syria.

i can relate to is an outrage.
it is heartbreaking.

we disagree on how to proceed.
i am not here to change your mind.

i am here to talk to you as a man.
to maybe help you understand how your passionate posts may be perceived.
your last one i found impertinent,insulting and rude.

if i had to paraphrase this is how i read your last comment on the raytheon post.
"how can you all be so fucking blind?are you all a bunch of fucking pussies?dont you SEE what that man is doing?and you fucking pansies want to talk? you are all retarded,stupid and have no idea what is going on!"

i deleted half my commentary because it really was just me ripping you apart.
and that would not be fair to you and it would be just as insulting.
your post really pissed me off.
but we have talked before.
we disagree more than agree but we have always been civil and i appreciate the time you take to respond.

so the point of me coming to your page is to point out that you are talking to actual humans.
you called me a pussy.
you implied that this situation only bothers you and anybody who came to a different conclusion in regards to how to proceed in syria was not getting the plot.
was that your intent?
did you actually MEAN to imply that anybody who disagreed with a military resolution was a pansy?

well..i dont think so.
i think you are just really passionate about this and frustrated that nothing is being done.
outraged at the violence being perpetrated upon innocent people.

i feel ya.i truly do.
and i would be willing to bet the very people you chastized as being weak in their approach feel you as well.

the first thing we need to address is the fact we are all armchair quarterbacking.we have no influence nor power to dictate what happens in a country on the other side of the planet.
so basically all our bickering and arguing is a cathartic release for a situation that is horrid,horrifying and complicated.

the second is really just questions i would like to ask (and you could promptly tell me to go fuck myself). would a limited strike upon assads regime change anything that is happening on the ground?

this is really the only question you have not answered and to me it is pivotal in understanding your logic.

i have my suspicions but i await your answer.
and my apologies if i cam across snarky.
i was angry at the time.
till next time.

Don't Assume You Know How Retta Rolls - CONAN

Don't Assume You Know How Retta Rolls - CONAN

Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL

enoch says...

my comment was not really directed at you my dear.i painted my premise with a broad brush that expanded from this thread and addressed something i have found to be more and more practiced on the sift.

you posted your reasons why you used the ignore.
to get rid of the "rabble" and make it easier to read posts you enjoy.
now if that means posts that you agree with or dont find offensive ..well..that is kind of my point.

and you are so right.we all have a right to our opinion and in my opinion to sequester posts you disagree or find offensive is intellectually weak.

@VoodooV you literally just made my entire point by your post and i dont know if that was on purpose or by freak accident.

while i agree with your assertion that @shinyblurry tends to wade in the copy/paste waters and he dwells in circular logic have to give the boy props for lending a perspective of a christian fundamentalist on a mainly secular left site.

that boy can rile you all up like a stick to a hornets nest.which is endless entertainment for me.

but lets change that paradigm shall we?
why dont you head down to your nearest baptist church and hand out fliers concerning evolution to the congregation and tell them god doesnt exist.

then maybe you would know what it feels like to get blasted by all sides at once.while shiny lacks in clear debate gotta admire his courage.

as for @chingalera seeking attention.
i dunno.
maybe you are right.
but the real question is how did you come to that conclusion?
by what means did you discern his intentions?motivations?
crystal ball? black magic? a little fairy come by and whisper in your ear?

you used your OWN subjective understanding.your OWN experiences to presume the motivations of another sifter.
thats weak sauce and you better than that.

and ask for a daddy to come in straighten out the people who you:disagree with.argue in a way you dont find constructive (but may be they do).derail threads that maybe you would have enjoyed more if those pesky kids hadnt messed everything up.

the world dont revolve around you so get over yourself man.for fuck sakes!

i was sincere when i said i love your commentary because i truly do.
smart,witty and you usually have something to say.i ADORE your commentary but you are being self righteous on this thread.

i did something very similar last week to @renatojj and he called me out.he was right and i was wrong.

stop trying to impose your ideals of what constructive participation is based solely on your own and limited understanding.
this is not your sift but rather OURS and things will become chaotic at times.

the sift is organic.
allow it to metamorph into whatever it will become.
we do not need a big daddy to direct where it goes and thats the beauty of this site.

the irony in all this exchange between you and i is that i feel you have something to say and have always admired that about you.
allow other people to have their say as well.

Trump Gets Trumped by David Letterman

SteeleCzar says...

Your comment has nothing to do with the content of this video, therefore is just hateful, useless gabber. Why dont you try to become more open minded about politicians policies before coming in here and making yourself look like an idiot.

HiLibtards said:

It's funny how jealous and vendictive liberals are. Liberals are the weak link in the United States. Trump would love to have his ties made here. He tries to shed light on the issues companies in the US are facing like Unions, high taxes, Obamacare etc.. Nothing will get better til O'bummer is out of office/impeached. I look forward to your ridiculous responses which won't consist of any originality or reality.

Lykke Li - Tonight

Katt Williams - The Oakland Meltdown

vaire2ube says...

i have transcribed what i could from the FreeStyle portion of the night:

when im walkin down (___ and ___) // telegraph?
____ these niggas doin me

then i walk up in the oracle
hear pussy niggas booin me

but when im in the back they love me like an israeli
its like niggas be jewin me

and yo girl got my penis in her mouth
like she bubble gum chewin me

im sick with it motherfucka
like E40
I got the flu in me

I get new money
from new dummies
its like i got new in me

and these niggas got the nerve to boo the savior
boo christ
the son of god
it dont really matter
they can boo me twice
im twice as hard

you might as well give me 20 nigga
thats how much the album costs
fuck boy
but i bet if you can walk to your car
i can show your bitch a dick she'll enjoy

so why dont you take your pussy ass on over there nigga
before i fuckin catch ya
or you can pull your bank out and ill match ya

but you aint gonna do shit but get punched in the face
old san francisco 49er ass faggot ass nigga
get outta here you not a lion in this race

im gonna freestyle these niggas
mestyle these niggas
im katt williams the gangsta
ill g style these niggas

i dont need no music
i can do it

and if a nigga say fuck me
i hit em with a fuck you too

i dont give a fuck

i brought john witherspoon
and i got three bad bitches
waitin at the waterfront
at my hotel room

so if you dont like me
and you think im stuntin
come get yo pussy ass whooped
outside by a statue of jack london

or... or

i can find one of them bitches
that i rescued from the track
and have her slice yo pussy ass neck
and leave you on the railroad track

it dont really matter to me
i dont give a fuck

i roll with G O D and the nation
if you dont like me
catch me eatin a cherry pie
cause its seasonal at nations

fuck these niggas
im the boss
i got so much sauce
im heavier than ross

i dont give a fuck
ask yo bitch
i bet she know me
i bet that bitch
can suck my dick outside of yoshis

huh... yea
fuck what these niggas talkin bout
no no, no no, i dont wanna hear it
if you wanna tell me,
catch me while im walkin like barry

naw naw naw naw
i know
you paid for a some laughs
ha ha ha ha ha
get on your cell phone
tell em meet you at telegraph

get it? cell phone telegraph.. its the same thing..anyway

im too good
white people dont like me
im too hood
bitches love me
im so wood..yea
lesbians love me
eat pussy so good

hey..dont worry..dont worry
be happy
they said they didnt like my hair when its permed
now they dont like it when its nappy

no, but it was flat in pimp chronicles,
they was talkin shit
now the shit look like the joker and riddler
and its only loved by your bitch

its so sad
so sad
they put in me in cuffs
and they so mad
so mad

but i swear, i dont give a fuck about a penis
cause katt williams is from mars, same as women
fuck penis

love yall forever
always will
i dont give a fuck who dont like me
thats what make me real

im not trying to be something
this is all im is

if you dont be-lask me
ask the niggas i fuck with
the bitches i fuck
and my motherfuckin kids

i done done seven specials
richard pryor only did two
eddie murphy did two
which is bigger seven or two?
same for me
same for you
huh huh huh huh huh

george carlin died before
katt williams did fo'
and then did three mo

katt williams live
its pimpin pimpin
pimp chronicles

got my mother fuckin dick in your bitches tonsils
hahahaha ha
i look like im young
im 43 nigga
get fucked by a fossil

the bitches that follow me are not ho's
they're my mother fuckin apostles
they're my disciples
i tell that bitch straight to the cross
ill knife ya

go to jail for a nigga my bitch
ill write ya

Salmon Swimming in a Drainage Ditch!

Yogi (Member Profile)

enoch says...

how DARE you attack joss whedon!
dont you know who he is?
he is JOSS and his opinion is like like dew from the golden truth tree!
all celebrities have bigger and better functioning brains than the rest of us and we should always..ALWAYS...listen to their words of wisdom.
they are like..meta-humans and we should never have a contrary opinion.

i mean really...who needs facts?

Swedish House Mafia - Don't You Worry Child ft. John Martin

Swedish House Mafia - Don't You Worry Child ft. John Martin

Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?

rbar says...

@renatojj dont worry, I too am enjoying our conversation. Back to the topic at hand

My definition of coercion:
"persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats"

That means in any situation where one has a higher degree of power then the other person, there is risk of coercion. Especially in cases of employment there is a large discrepancy between the power of the employee vs the power of the employer. Employers can coerce in numerous ways, by saying you will get fired if you dont, you will not get a raise, you will not be promoted, you will be demoted, and so on.

What can the employee do? He or she can stop working there. Unless there is a shortage of workers (which country in the last 50 years has had that?) that will not overly upset the employer, so the employees negotiation power is limited.

So what is coercion in practical sense? Working 14 hours for 8 hours of pay or get fired? Working 14 hours for 8 hours of pay to get a promotion? If you look at the definition both are coercion as the employee does something he would otherwise be unwilling to do (work unpaid hours) because of (the unspoken) threats. Threat to lose the job or threat to not get the promotion.

So what do I mean with powerful? Exactly that, the ones with more power in any situation. They can be rich, but they dont have to be. Off course, where power reside, usually riches follow or vice versa.

Laziness is part of the human condition. Everyone is lazy, and everyone is not. I have seen toilet ladies work 14 hours shift 6 days a week and I have seen CEOs spend most of their time on golf courses and vice versa. Laziness is dependent on your motivation and on what you can get away with. Nobody will do work they dont have to if they dont like it. And everyone will work their butt of if they really like and want to do it. If the other option is starvation, trust me, no one is lazy.

Employees actually are entitled to something. Employment is a contract between one giving his free hours and the other giving goods (or money) in return. Charity is not. Coercion can follow as many things are not clarified in the contract, or are clarified but later are demanded or not given anyway. In charity there is no contract, hence no agreement on what should be given or received hence no coercion as there is no base of power. You can argue that as the receiver needs the money, it is possible to coerce him or her by offering and asking something he doesnt want to give in return, ie persuading him to do something he would otherwise not have done. That is not charity, that is employment ;-)

Cocteau Twins - Heaven Or Las Vegas

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