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Drum & bass mix session with DJ Sos

Photek - 'Ni Ten Ichi Ryu' - 2 Swords Technique Drum & Bass

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'photek, drum, bass, 2, swords, technique' to 'photek, uk, dnb, drum and bass, swords, martial arts, samurai, japanese, 00s, fight' - edited by Eklek

DJ Holy Ghost

DJ Holy Ghost vol2 feat. Twisted Individual & MC GQ

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'massive, make some noise, raise up, selectah, rinse out' to 'Evangelical, Baptist, Jungle, Drum and Bass, DnB, Breakbeats, mashup, church, dance, mc' - edited by Eklek

Holy Ghost Vs. Andy C & MC GQ - Baptazia Part 3

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Evangelical, Baptist, Jungle, Drum and Bass, DnB, Breakbeats' to 'Evangelical, Baptist, Jungle, Drum and Bass, DnB, Breakbeats, mashup, church, dance, mc' - edited by Eklek

EZ Rollers - Conductor!

Roast IV Begins Monday! (Parody Talk Post)

MINK says...

Here I am in all my hyperallergenic middle class vegetarian stereotypical glory.

1. What do you do when you are not on the computer?

eat vegetarian food, fuck a vegetarian, buy vegetables, that sort of thing.
And make music, but that's on a computer... so.... but I play trumpet... Into a computer.

2. Approximate the percentage of time you work and you play on a computer.

like all the freaking time. since i was 5. asthma (see hatred of cars below)
but mostly design or chatting to people back home, i am not a hardcore leet geek hacker or something.
i like any sport that's wet, but i don't live near a lake or sea, so i don't do much sport.
I DJ, with proper records, dnb, dubstep, triphop... no computer. Then i upload the mix into a computer.

3. If you had a time machine would you travel to an era in the past or future? Explain.

depends if you can guarantee my safety, if so, i would like to see the future. but not my own future.

4. What is your ratio of pairs of shoes to undergarments?

1 to 20

5. Do you wear boxers or briefs?

i think you call them trunks.

6. Do you have a Mac, PC or Linux?

mac, but honestly it's only half as annoying as a pc.

7. Would you prefer death by firing squad or salmonella poisoning?

yo firing squad for real. what kind of idiot says anything else? i turned vegetarian after bad food poisoning so, no thanks, not again.

8. Do is you add sprinkles, gravy, nuts or a cherry on top?

gravy? on top of what?

9. Are you a tits, ass, or legs man?


10. What kind of pet(s) do you have? Include name(s).

none, i would have a cat if i wasn't allergic and i liked the smell of cat piss, i would call it tony blair. no, i would call it whatever my girl wants to call it (see previous question)

11. What is your favorite kind of taco?

those things that break when you bite them and spill meat all over you which (did i mention) i don't eat?

12. What is your favorite source for news?


13. What is your beer preference? Or other beverage (poison) of choice?

beeeeeer. anything english from a local brewery. Or Svyturys in Lithuania if i want lager, or a real lithuanian live beer, preferably dark. I feel old just typing this. I even like whisky now.

14. Have you ever been arrested?

No. Searched, but they didn't find it hahahahah.

15. Which is your Cheetos preference: Crunchy Cheese or Puffs?

Yikes. You eat that shit?

16. How would you describe your coif: bangs, balding or rug?

bangs wtf?
it's just off the collar, and a bit girly.

17. Is your face clean-shaven or do you have a beard, a goatee or a mustache?

smooth skin: kiss.
scabby red itchy hairy prickly skin: no kiss.

18. List your five most cherished possessions.

any video or audio recording i ever made.
banksy print, powerbook, trumpet, erm... i haven't got much else.

19. What religion did you practice as a child?

anglican christianity, but i didn't get it.

20. What is your favorite childhood memory?

can't choose a favourite. i get vivid flashbacks though, normally embarassment or mundanity.
probably best feeling was sailing, in the sun, in a one man boat.
what i didn't like was the time i fell off waterskiing and forgot to clench my buttocks and about 30 litres of water raped me.

21. What was your favorite childhood television show?

terrahawks (gerry anderson... i think i have a sift somewhere)
things that fly out of buildings into space are awwwwweeeeeesssssssommmmeee.

22. What is your most sacred personal rant?

people should fucking create their own shit, and the government should invest more in creativity and education, capitalism alone doesn't work for art.

also cars and outdoor advertising should be banned. especially outdoor advertising of cars.

23. What is a reason not to go to Burning Man?

it's thousands of miles away and the water's expensive?

24. Who is your favorite Sift Hero?

choggie for insisting on creativity, literally with every word he writes.

25. How would your characterize SiftBot: slave, servant or secret overlord?


26. Do you have any image(s) of yourself online that you're willing to share?

if the roast is fun i am willing to unmask myself a bit. maybe some music. but i post as MINK, not myself, so my face is not relevant to the roast.

27. What is your quest?

to make 100% of my money from creativity and to spread that around. sounds lofty, but so does the word "quest". I do hope that after i die, someone enjoys something I made, and they say "hey, that guy made cool shit, shame he's dead". That's all.

28. What is your favorite color?

red. aries. what can i do.

Let the record show that I resent the male meat eating american bias in these questions but i'm like cool with it, you know, you can't help being a freaking yank.

The ubiquitous "Amen Break" explained

Doc_M says...

Holy crap, I unknowingly used this break in a couple DnB tunes I made back when I was a techno-junkie. I knew was an "amen break" but I didn't know or care what that meant. cool.


Doc_M says...

I'll always be a DnB head, but dubstep's pretty cool. I used to be addicted to sub-sub-sub-genre-izing everything in Electronic music, but I got a little sick of it. Especially when I produced a bit of it and everyone was asking what style and I kept having to use 4 or 5 different "it's kinda like a combo of..." statements, before I just resorted to saying "here" and handing them a CD. Still, I think dubstep has enough of a unique groove to warrant at least a sub-sub level. heh. Still don't hear much of it in the raves in the states though. Pretty small clubs and lounges do now and then, but not the big scenes. They're still sticking with the harder DnB. Still, you can dance to it all just fine, DnB just makes you sweat more. Thank God for clubs with cryo jets. in DC rocks some good DJ's now and then, or they did last I was there. Used to be at Nation which I'll gladly call the best club in DC, but dropped BUZZ for some reason (edit: RAVE act victim, dangit).

Still it can be fun to argue about what tune is what style. Used to go at it with my roommate in college for hours on that sorta crap.


MINK says...

your first sentence was beautifully circular!!!

more technological innovation? wtf? have you heard it in a proper club with a proper sound system? omfg.

I think the biggest problem with dubstep is it is totally dependent on the sound system, the venue, the lighting and the people inside it. It is very very sensitive and hard to get right. If you've been to a bad dubstep party or heard it on an iPod or a crappy club sound system, I understand your reaction.

I remember a couple years back many people thought drum and bass was "too fast" and therefore they didn't like it. Now they go to dnb parties and say dubstep is "too slow" lol.

Ron Paul on the Federal Reserve

cryptographrix says...

Firstly - the concept of a "lender of last resort" is one created by JP Morgan, himself. Secondly - you do know that JP Morgan helped to write the Federal Reserve Act, right?

Oh yeah, I guess it's fortunate that the government has just "some check" on the central banking system - not like they're supposed to be printing the money themselves or anything. Not like they ever have appointed anybody that wasn't already rich by inheritance(not by knowledge, mind you) to be governor, or lowered their salaries, or ever impeached anybody.

As for politics playing a greater role in monetary policy - what would be the difference? On the one hand, you have the politics of a small group of people controlling the monetary policy of the masses versus the politics of people who have to DIRECTLY answer to the people of the United States. Who currently benefits from the politics of a small group of people running the Federal Reserve?...Oh yeah, that's right - they aren't going to do something that is not in their best interests...if the government took direct control, whose best interests would they be required to answer for?

I think you maybe assume that the President would control the Fed if it came under direct governmental control - that's precisely the problem here - the only person that appoints the Chairman IS the President - neither the Congress NOR the Senate have any say in it. I am most certainly NOT suggesting that the President take direct control - I am suggesting that, what is stated in the Constitution, that the Congress and the Senate takes direct control.

It's very interesting that you've read "Secrets of the Temple(as you defend the value of the Federal Reserve so adamantly)," but, as you'll note - I do not reference Milton Friedman's monetarist theories - I reference his "Monetary History of the United States," more specifically his account of what caused the Great Depression, or, as he notes, the Great Contraction.

Have you by any chance read "The Creature from Jekyll Island?" Yet another interesting diatribe on the Federal Reserve that you might like.

We can extensively debate the causes of Yugoslavia's economic troubles, but I would hope you'd recognize the economic role that the United States played in their demise. In other words - what is stopping us from racking up the same amount of debt that they racked up with the IMF? As the IMF increases our credit to fund our various wars, they also retain the power to require that the loans we made with them be paid back, at any time of their choosing. Last I checked, that would equal what?...about $80,000 per American? I'll let you find the details of that on your own, but I hope that you do realize that most Americans do not have $80,000 to pay back the IMF loans that this country has taken out to fund our various wars.

So many things you say interest me - like why do you think it was a GOOD thing that the Fed didn't allow bank runs? I ask this mainly because, well, by doing so they didn't exactly curtail the spread of economic depression, as evidenced by the following 8 years - essentially they just held onto the little bit of money the people HAD earned instead of letting the people trade it as they would have otherwise - probably even lessening the devastation of the Great Contraction, but, well, we'll never know, because the Federal Reserve didn't do that.

Who could have made better choices? That's a good question - practically, a group of people that had closer ties to the caste of citizens that make up the working foundation of this country, and not a group of people that were neither a citizen of this country, or represented the caste of society that manages the working foundation indirectly.

In other words, I'd consider it a safe bet that the Congress and the Senate could have done a better job of managing the money supply - at least if and when the Great Depression happened, the people would have been required to take responsibility for it themselves, instead of theorizing about WHAT or WHO caused it, as we have done for almost the past 100 years.

Long and short of it - Americans have become complainers, mostly because they do not have responsibility over the various systems that affect them, and therefore they can NOT exercise any rights they DO have to make their own situations better - they can't take their cases to the Fed, they can't even petition for the Congress or the Senate to exercise control of the Fed, because both the Congress AND the Senate would just note the status of the Federal Reserve as a corporation, and, as such, it is not within their legal abilities to regulate a system that people themselves have prescribed to(by using Federal Reserve Notes).

Check this out:

Go there and search for "State of <state>" and pick the state. You'd be surprised at what is registered as a corporation these days.

DJ Krust & Saul Williams - Coded Language (intense)

Roni Size & Cypress Hill - Child of the West (from Blade 2)

mt256 says...

The Blade II soundtrack was composed of collaberations between pop artists and electronic artists, such as we have here with Cypress Hill and Roni Size. It's a fun soundtrack - check it out -

Roni Size himself, is a *huge* drum n bass producer that has been around since the beginning of the dnb scene. I would say his most notable work is from his collaberation with the Full Cycle crew in Reprazent. DJ Die, Krust, Suv, Ona Lee, MC Dynamite - all huge names in the scene, along with Si John and Rob Meril - bass/drums when they perform LIVE! Seeing a drummer play at 170bpm for 2 hours is amazing...

Pendulum - Slam (drum n bass)

Pendulum - Slam (drum n bass)

mt256 says...

I love the campiness of dnb videos. this one is quite funny and includes Pendulum at the end (coming out of store). This track actually made it into the UK Singles chart it was so popular!!

Pendulum is a drum and bass/breaks group from Perth, Australia. In 2003, the group relocated to the United Kingdom. They have no affiliation with the late 1990s Melbourne based electronic group of the same name who released the album 3 Knocks.

The group is comprised of Rob Swire, Gareth McGrillen and Paul Harding. In 2005 they released their debut album, Hold Your Colour. Critically, the album was well-received in both the United Kingdom and Australia. In addition, it was one of the biggest selling Drum and bass releases of all time. Pendulum have also collaborated with The Freestylers, releasing the single Fasten Your Seatbelt. MC Spyda and Tenor Fly also feature as vocalists on Tarantula. They are currently signed to the Breakbeat Kaos Records label.

The Pendulum sound is typically heavy beats accompanied by low, buzzing basslines, overlaid with epic synthesized leads. They've produced various remixes of other artists, the most well-known being their remix of "Voodoo People" by The Prodigy.

"Slam" is still their biggest hit to date, peaking at #34 in the UK Singles Chart after receiving substantial airplay from BBC Radio 1.

*Stares at Farhad*

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