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Evolution May Be True, But I Don't Believe In It

gwiz665 says...

Elitism is not a bad thing. It's not ideas it's TRUTH!

Why can't I let 1+1 = 3? Because it diminishes the human understanding of reality.

I like that you associate knowledge with homosexuality, real classy. You must love Larry the Cable-Guy.

>> ^Equilibrionist:
That guy sounds like a typical nerd/digger/elitist asshole.
gwiz665, you sound like one, too.
Even if you are right (yes, yes, we know it's truth), BUT...even if you are right, you don't need to try to force your ideas upon all others. If you do, you just look like a socially challanged queer. Yeah, you will have your truth, but what is the use, if you have no friends?

Proof is not really existent in real science, only in logic and math. It is shown to be ("proven") by the evidence. Evidence shows that the earth in fact is not flat. All evidence so far shows that Evolution happens, and the prominent theory is that it happens by means of natural selection.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that there has never ever been a scientific "proof", or scientific evidence, to suggest that the earth is flat. It's all hearsay and religion.
Science is all about disproving theories; if a theory is false, it cannot hold up to evidence. But as long as a theory can support the evidence, it's the closest thing to truth that we have.

>> ^Aemaeth:
Wow, this is some very interesting arguments here. If I follow gwiz's argument, it goes something like this: earth proven not flat by science, atom proven divisible by science, evolution proven true by science. I think you're missing the point that prior to those first two being proven, scientists of the day would have said science had proven the contrary argument.

Evolution May Be True, But I Don't Believe In It

10061 says...

That guy sounds like a typical nerd/digger/elitist asshole.

gwiz665, you sound like one, too.

Even if you are right (yes, yes, we know it's truth), BUT...even if you are right, you don't need to try to force your ideas upon all others. If you do, you just look like a socially challanged queer. Yeah, you will have your truth, but what is the use, if you have no friends?

Levellers, True Levellers, and The Diggers of 1649

Heather Mills Benefit Concert

Undressing a woman with a digging machine Super Secret Beta (Sift Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

It might help with quality, or it might not. I think if VS users start looking for videos at Scrape Up to post, it will make this place more like the other aggregators because it will tend to homogenize all the aggregator sites. I think it's bad enough as it is when certain sifters treat their queues as RSS feeds from Digg

Think about it: If the people at I-Am-Bored and Milk And Cookies start going to Scrape Up to upload videos we've already sifted here, and then we have people here grabbing videos from those sites via Scrape Up, and then the Diggers and Stumblers start marking a lot of the videos at Scrape Up, then the content will start to become more uniform at all those sites, including ours. And to me, brothers and sisters, that would make this place boring.

Now one could argue that even without Scrape Up there's a lot of 'cross-pollination' going on already, and I wouldn't disagree with that. I've already seen a number of our popular videos suddenly get front-paged at I-Am-Bored and College Humor, for example. However I see Scrape Up significantly accelerating that process, especially as it grows in popularity.

Now I am not TOO concerned, because this place has enough members who've found their own little niche in which they post videos that are well outside the mainstream. However, even if a few of those obscure videos start getting picked up by the other sites, then I think VS might lose the biggest edge it has always had: Its IMMENSE variety. How many other sites have Dr. Who getting Rick-rolled, Stephen Colbert, Manila's City of Garbage, the history of the string bikini, and beautiful Slovenian caves, all on the front page at the same time? But if even one or two of those got front-paged at other sites because they conveniently found them at Scrape Up, then I think it decreases our competitive edge.

Of course everything I just wrote could be the ether talking and not me.

Fess up, dag: Are you attempting to out-Digg Digg Video?

Batman Needs A Little Help (8 secs)

Future Ex-Wife Airs the Dirty Laundry on YouTube

twiddles says...

Anyone have the address for the Gold Diggers Charity Home? I'd like to make a contribution so that this loser doesn't have to go homeless. And what was that guy thinking marrying her in the first place if he wasn't interested in her seeing the inside of her fruit of the looms? This video and the people involved are wrong on so many levels. It's probably the next reality show in the works: Lifestyles of the Rich and Clueless.

How the World's Strongest Tire is made.

10722 says...

The construction process is very interesting.

And I like how they hype everything up needlessly.

America's (sorry, "WORLD'S")strongest tyre, strongest digger type thing and BIGGEST hauler and most amount of soil anywhere!

The critical part of the operation: the elite team of tyre builders carefully check every square inch. Should they see any moulding imperfection, they swiftly address it [with what looks like a little scraper thing to me...]

Beautiful blue vintage showgirl choreography&soothing synths

Reloading is Overrated!

BillOreilly says...

That guy is a pimp. Not only does he have never-ending ammo, he also has 3 hot women to himself after his buddy took a digger.

See, good things can come out of bad situations.

Fun with Lawyers and their Flunkies (Blog Entry by dag)

Fedquip says...

This sounds quite suspect, back in the TayTV days I received these all the time, they always mentioned the name of the video in the opening email.

Either way, who knows I wouldn't be surprised if there is a new round of gold diggers who use youtube as a device to sue people. You could be dealing with an idiot who thinks they have a lawyer who could sue you for embeddeding a clip.

I picture a very 'down on his luck' bottom of the barrel lawyer, but yea, either that or Nigerian scam.

Keep us updated, heck keep it going, maybe you can turn this around on them and have them email you a picture of themselves with a photo of a fish on their head.

Help put VideoSifts top 100 list on Diggs front page (Sift Talk Post)

Ron Paul on Morning Joe 12-18-07

BicycleRepairMan says...

I'm no expert in history, but to claim that if the US wasnt involved in WW1, WW2 wouldnt have happened, sounds a bit of a stretch to me. I wont claim the opposite either, since it would be impossible to predict any outcome.

But say the US never got involved, and Hitler came to power anyway, and he successfully conquered most of Europe, exterminated as many Jews and other minorites he possibly could, and so on. If he had basically established his 3rd reich in all its morbid glory, and the Japanese empire's equally absurd goals were reached, would Ron Paul still be the same non-interventionist?

He seems like bit of a black and white kind of guy here, foreign policy isnt always that simple* There is such a thing as a growing threat. Iraq really wasnt one, in terms of clear and present danger to US citizens, but Hitler on the other hand, was on the verge of becoming what he wanted to become, "lucky" for us, he wasted 4,5 million soldiers on the sovjet union( who payed that price with 11 million soldiers and 12 million civilians..) Clearly, looking at these numbers, "non-intervention" can only go so far.

*The same goes for the practically tax-free fend-for-yourself-nation domestic policy. Back in 1776 that was the best they could come up with, because in the promised land, you didnt have to give the pope half your income, and you didnt have to suck up to kings or churches and shit like that, you could make your own damn luck. dig for gold and build your own future, it was a dream come true for the fed up European. But time goes by, and soon enough those gold-diggers become families, wealthy familes. and Companies, and empires. The Rockefellers, The Kennedys, The Bushes, and all the rest and if you happen to be born into any of these families, Good for you. If, on the other hand you are born in a poor family, and you require a wheelchair to get around.. Are we suddenly Social Darwinists now ? I'm not. I feel we should take care of our fellow humans, build healthcare and educational systems, Give people rights, you know. And in Europe, we've done just that, sure we pay higher taxes, but we have a system that provides a safety net to some degree, and a sense of fairness, for the less fortunate of us. Its not all "work hard and you'll make it". Chance, luck and timing plays a role in practically every business adventure. And even if it didnt, do we only want people with business-skills?

Ron Paul is certainly smarter and more honest than most candidates, past or present, but I sometimes think he's a bit blinded by this whole constitution-dream-world.

24 Hour Pizza Delivery: What if Jack was a pizza deliverer?

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