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You can take just about anything to the Nordschleife!

Ridiculously Overpacked Battery Charger

Payback says...

They're probably in some city where DHL has like, one customer.

Some main hub sorting centres can't "handle" single boxes, there's nothing but forklifts and pallets. If their city can't be pushed together with another area, then they get a pallet.

The box, however, was packed by someone who has shipped with DHL before...

eric3579 said:

The crazy over sized box has what seems to be a shipping label on it. I assume the package was put on a pallet by DHL once received. Very curious to know what the reasoning behind it is.

Ridiculously Overpacked Battery Charger

eric3579 says...

The crazy over sized box has what seems to be a shipping label on it. I assume the package was put on a pallet by DHL once received. Very curious to know what the reasoning behind it is.

maatc (Member Profile)

DHL is Faster - Guerilla Marketing

UPS delivering huge DHL advertisements prank

DHL is Faster - Guerilla Marketing

newtboy says...

I kept thinking, 'did no one notice it in the truck and either put a company sticker over DHL or cover the whole thing'...then I saw the one guy that taped it over.

12 yo girl has two types of cancer

TYT: O'Reilly Shocked Military Run By Government

kceaton1 says...

Wow, I already deemed Bill'O as a complete waste of space for this Universe and often wondered why in the hell John Stewart went on there (as I doubt the "camps" changed hands very little, if ever). Now I know that Bill literally missed High School and most of Junior High. His misconceptions of how the government is run is amazing.

I also like that he uses the Post Office as his example. Which happens to be one of the best run programs bar-none in the United States government--except for that wound caused/created by the Republicans in Congress the recent past. The Post Office uses no tax dollars, stamps only! They also made a profit each year until the little fiasco I mentioned were the republican Congress decided that FedEx, UPS, DHL, and other shippers had a point, so they shot the Post Office in the back which literally crippled them in ONE year--that is how horrendous the law was (look it up, it's quite the stomach churner).

Fox News is out of touch with reality and of course it doesn't matter to them as they create their own reality as they see fit. Their watchers seem to suck it in fervently and then when they repeat it to others they can't even remember Fox News's version, so they create yet another version of an already, completely wrong story (assuming there was a story to begin with).

Of course, Alan can barely point out to Bill that he's wrong and he still lets him finish the sentence making him look atleast safe in the "no fact zone" to his loyal flagellating viewers. Alan really is "Droopy Dog" as pointed out in comedy pieces, it's pathetic how close he is to that character. When you have someone by the throat like that and you basically let him get away by shaking your head in disapproval and saying, "Well that's just not...quite...right.....".

A small secondary story about our current modern lies pertaining to the "Fox News" way of life is recent attack ads from a "Democratic Super PAC" (if I remember right, I need to find out for sure--if I find it in time I'll change it in here) going after Mitt Romney (if I can find a good news link for this story I'll sift it--CBS had this story I saw). Current attack ads are going after Mitt Romney because he went to France on his Mormon mission a long time ago, but from that Mitt has kept up with French affairs, speaks fluent French and overall I can't see this as being a negative AT ALL (it's a positive in anyones book except for whoever ran the ad). Anyway, they of course are attacking him by saying that by having such close relations with the French he must of course be liberal... BUT, the "Fox News" part of this story is while the ad is running it has scenes were Mitt is talking in French to some people, down below it is being translated and what he is saying is further proof that he is an out right near liberal, certainly not Republican. Of course, CBS decided, just for the hell, of it they would have the ad translated by a French translator. They found that whoever made the ad was not only being disingenuous about his relation with the French people, but the translation done by the ad makers did not match what they were saying...

Pathetic... And it works, because people either don't think they have enough time to bother to care, they are literally just to stupid (I hate to say that, but it's very true and it can be dangerous), or worse of all they are more than smart enough and have the time, but just like Fox News they are the evil in this world. Our political system is dead, what the hell are we supposed to do about that other than Revolution?!

Prank telemarketers by pretending you're a 911 operator!

rebuilder says...

>> ^jimnms:

Probably caller ID. Did DHL really call you about a delivery or are you pulling my leg? I've had horrible service from DHL. I'm lucky if they bother to stop and bring a package to my door, they usually just drive by and toss it out. Ok, that's an exaggeration, but the last two times they delivered something to me, they didn't bring it to my door, they left it at the bottom of the steps and took off. One time it was a notebook, and it was pouring down rain. I stayed home to wait for the delivery because it was supposed to require a signature.

They called, although it was because my package was in customs and they needed to send me a bill for VAT to be paid before they can deliver. And delivery was fine, straight to my workplace. I've heard the horror stories, though.

Prank telemarketers by pretending you're a 911 operator!

jimnms says...

>> ^rebuilder:

That's great. How do you know beforehand it's a telemarketer, though? If I had tried this today, I would have scared off the DHL lady calling me about my delivery.

Probably caller ID. Did DHL really call you about a delivery or are you pulling my leg? I've had horrible service from DHL. I'm lucky if they bother to stop and bring a package to my door, they usually just drive by and toss it out. Ok, that's an exaggeration, but the last two times they delivered something to me, they didn't bring it to my door, they left it at the bottom of the steps and took off. One time it was a notebook, and it was pouring down rain. I stayed home to wait for the delivery because it was supposed to require a signature.

Prank telemarketers by pretending you're a 911 operator!

rebuilder says...

That's great. How do you know beforehand it's a telemarketer, though? If I had tried this today, I would have scared off the DHL lady calling me about my delivery.

Kramer tries to cancel his mail

marbles says...

>> ^NetRunner:

First, the Post Office has been self-sufficient since the 80's. Your paycheck has nothing to do with it, unless you buy postage from the USPS.
Second, there's a difference between "inefficiency", and mandated universal service. What you describe is the latter.
And a third point to @blankfist's gung-ho praise of private carriers, all the packages I've gotten this year from Fedex were sent by Fedex's SmartPost, where they hire the USPS to do terminal delivery for them, because they can do it more efficiently.
Ditto for DHL and UPS. It's been a while since someone other than a USPS mail carrier brought me a package.
As confrontational as all that sounds, I don't really have any particular attachment to seeing government be in the mail delivery business. I don't really see any point in the universal service requirement on snail mail anymore, either.
I'm game for upgrading to something like Finland's universal service for broadband internet, since keeping us all connected via an information network is why we had a government-subsidized post office in the first place.
If you guys sign on for that, I'm all for cutting the Post Office loose.

FedEx and UPS will fly USPS mail from point A to point B. USPS will deliver the last leg of Fedex and UPS parcels in certain areas. It works both ways. They all touch each other's junk.
But the enforced monopoly on private mail creates an oligopoly in the package delivery market. This is the greater evil of government enforced monopolies. Monopolies don't lead to ingenuity, resourcefulness, or efficiency. So markets, that are seemingly free, will emerge around the government controlled one. And since companies can gain a market advantage by piggybacking on government infrastructure and making political deals, then it leads to oligopolies where the consumers are given false choices at inflated prices in their goods and services. Think Verizon/AT&T, Comcast/Time Warner, Energy providers, etc.

The USPS is self-sufficient? The USPS has several billion dollar deficits every year. To stay in business it has to "borrow" money from the US Treasury each year. ("Borrow" because it'll get paid back right?) So... where does the Treasury get it's money from? *cough* ... Taxes?!?! Ok, so technically it isn't using tax money because really that money was spent a looong time ago with how the government has it's own deficits (in the trillions!).
Basically when the USPS brags that they don't get tax payer money, it's at best a misnomer. It's actually far worse. The USPS has to "borrow" money from the US treasury, who has to "borrow" money from the Federal Reserve. And since the Federal Reserve doesn't actually have any "reserves", it magically creates the money, which debases the currency, which causes inflation. So everyone does end up paying for the deficit, only it's with an invisible tax of lost purchasing power of their money, i.e. prices go up. Yet the "debt" holder still collects interest from the tax payers and can even demand payment in full which would probably lead to confiscation of public assets and/or selling of public assets to private companies. So the reality is the USPS does cost the tax payer. The tax payer pays the deficit. Twice. Plus interest. That's why public debt is such a dangerous matter. And also why most of the debt in the world is illegitimate.

Kramer tries to cancel his mail

NetRunner says...

>> ^blankfist:

But in @NetRunner's household you are affected by it. For some reason, FedEx, UPS and DHL have decided your neighborhood isn't cost effective to deliver to. However, the USPS must deliver to it, so they leverage their services. Otherwise, the private carriers would probably charge a premium to deliver there.

And my point is, it's not that my neighborhood is prohibitively expensive to deliver to, it's that using USPS deliver is more efficient generally (or as FedEx puts it, "cost effective"). That's why the whole product is being offered as a lower-cost alternative to traditional shipping to all US destinations for packages below a certain weight.

Like I said earlier, it makes sense. It costs money to own/operate a delivery truck, and doing a one-off delivery of a package to a residential area has to cost more than the additional cost of putting that package onto a mail truck that's going through my neighborhood anyways...

>> ^blankfist:
Finally, I think you're mistakenly conflating modern liberalism with Marxism here. They're incompatible. Like I said, if you speak to a real Marxist they won't say they have much if anything in common with Social Democrats. They don't consider SDs leftist and think they muddy the socialist philosophy. And Marxists are also anti-statist and anti-capitalist, and most SDs are pro state controlled capitalism.

I'm not conflating anything. It's the right that loves to conflate everything on the liberal agenda with Stalinist Communism.

I'm curious though, can you be specific? What philosophical position do Marxists take that would align with your position, but not mine?

On the topic of statism for example, I think I'm with the Marxists -- I think in a perfect world, it wouldn't be necessary, but until we achieve heaven on Earth, it's necessary.

Kramer tries to cancel his mail

blankfist says...

But in @NetRunner's household you are affected by it. For some reason, FedEx, UPS and DHL have decided your neighborhood isn't cost effective to deliver to. However, the USPS must deliver to it, so they leverage their services. Otherwise, the private carriers would probably charge a premium to deliver there.

The private carriers do "duplicate effort", that's the whole point of competition. They do it, but they improve on the service or do it cheaper. One of the two. For FedEx, it's probably less to do with cost than improving the service. When I can afford to ship FedEx, I do. Especially if I want it to get there without fretting over whether or not it gets lost or delivered to the wrong house (which happens with the USPS on occasion).

Finally, I think you're mistakenly conflating modern liberalism with Marxism here. They're incompatible. Like I said, if you speak to a real Marxist they won't say they have much if anything in common with Social Democrats. They don't consider SDs leftist and think they muddy the socialist philosophy. And Marxists are also anti-statist and anti-capitalist, and most SDs are pro state controlled capitalism.

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