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90210 Christmas Special: 200 Christmases In 2 Minutes

youdiejoe says...

>> ^deathcow:

Is this from a single episode?


Season 2, Episode 18: A Walsh Family Christmas
Original Air Date—19 December 1991
Steve arrives in Albuquerque, New Mexico and tracks down his grandfather, Al Brown, a diner owner. Al explains that his daughter gave up Steve because she was very young and wanted him to have a good home. He sadly reveals that Karen Brown died in a car accident many years ago. Steve leaves flowers at her grave, and convinces an eccentric Santa-like charter pilot to fly him home for Christmas. Back in California, Cindy is depressed about her first Christmas in Beverly Hills. She invites the kids' friends and their families for Christmas Eve dinner, but everyone has other plans. Brandon visits Emily in a psychiatric hospital, where she is doing very well. Meanwhile, Brenda begins work at an upscale clothing store. A mysterious old man steals a Santa Claus suit from Nat at the Peach Pit, and later shows up at the boutique store where Brenda works. She feels bad when her brass boss throws out the cheerful old man. After work, Brenda stops the police from harassing the old derelict wearing the Santa suite and invites him over for dinner, much to the wariness of Jim and Cindy. Also, Dylan goes to see his father in prison, and talks with the same Santa. Elsewhere, Kelly's mother, Jackie, is furious when David's father, Mel, backs out of Christmas Eve plans because his estranged wife asked him to come over with David. Samantha, Kelly, Jackie, Andrea, David, Mel, Donna, Dylan, and Steve all show up at the Walsh house for dinner and caroling. The old man in the Santa suite gives everyone presents and describes his lonely life: his children are grown and his wife died a year earlier. He thanks Brenda for her kindness and generosity, then mysteriously disappears as footsteps are heard on the roof.

Archaeologists Claim They've Found Lost City Of Atlantis

choggie says...

So, a bit of a case study of the dereliction of duty performed daily by Media News Head fucks...Note the smug, editorializing tone, the poorly-written and leaning script ending in snide quips....TYT has obviously taken cues from the worst of what the media has become-A bunch of propaganda monkeys on par with Joe Goebbels' little media machine post-Weimar.

Fcuking national news-A festering lump of necrotic flesh.

Sliding down an escalator

nanrod says...


1. a person who avoids work and sponges on others; loafer; idler.
2. a tramp, hobo, or derelict.

This guy is wearing a suit and tie, he's wearing headphones, presumably connected to some kind of audio device, how does he qualify as a bum. I do hope it's not because of skin color.

Obama's Message To American Indians

KnivesOut says...

So by that logic, disaster relief is just Uncle Sugar handing my money out to all the idiots that built their homes too close to a burning forest, or a rising river, or a hurricane-prone stretch of ocean-front property, right?

I didn't cause the hurricanes, or floods, or fires, but my tax-dollars are being spent to put roof's over heads that I shouldn't be responsible for.

Following this to its logical conclusion, why do you pay any taxes at all? Most of what you put into the system it is not spent directly on you, so why put any money in? Seems like your liber-topia would be a derelict oil-rig, 2+ miles off the coast, outside of any gov. jurisdiction. Then you can finally be free!

Cheney: Obama has made America less safe

quantumushroom says...

It is more believable that Bush/Cheney's efforts to keep America safe resulted in zero further attacks than Obama-and-three-traitorpublicans' Scamulus Steal will result in an economic recovery.

Cheney and Bush made their decisions. When there's another attack on American soil, here's to hoping Obama will accept responsibility for what will be a gross dereliction of duty.

KK Projects: Turning Katrina-Wrecked Houses Into Art

westy says...

i like art and all and these things look nice and all good and fun ,

but its also so portentous. this stuff is just as artistically valid as a car park ore a table leg.

I do think its nice that some people are doing something fun with something that's been derelict and that that's benefiting the community, however the protentouse nature of these people is sickening.

you can derive meaning from anything regardless of how arbitrary it is so long as you devote enough time and imagination to it.

Full contact door breach

Olbermann Has a Message for Cheney

Holdfast - Anarchist Yacht Club Movie - Trailer

dgandhi says...


In general I agree, but when the boat in question is a derelict hull rebuilt largely with dumpstered materials because of that anarchist culture/ethic, it seems a little more sketchy. And "Anarchist Yacht Club" is kinda funny.

Cop Dumps Quadriplegic on his Face

J-Rova says...

>> ^viewer_999:
And how do some of these idiots/assholes become police and carry loaded weapons?
Apparently this is exactly how they do so. Among the classmates I went to school with who went on to become cops (quite a few - the single highest percentage career choice in my school for some reason), the majority of them were the stupid kids, the druggies, the bullies, and in general the derelicts - as long as they are sufficiently large to push people around. Those who couldn't get into college became our next crop of cops. I do believe that speaks for itself.
As for this incident, I trust he will sue the hell out of this department, and I do hope he eliminates some "fat in the budget" by doing so.

A good point. My hometown requires every new cop to have a 4-year college degree now; it amazes me how much more reasonable they are as a result. They actually listen to you! Imagine that...

Cop Dumps Quadriplegic on his Face

viewer_999 says...

And how do some of these idiots/assholes become police and carry loaded weapons?

Apparently this is exactly how they do so. Among the classmates I went to school with who went on to become cops (quite a few - the single highest percentage career choice in my school for some reason), the majority of them were the stupid kids, the druggies, the bullies, and in general the derelicts - as long as they are sufficiently large to push people around. Those who couldn't get into college became our next crop of cops. I do believe that speaks for itself.

As for this incident, I trust he will sue the hell out of this department, and I do hope he eliminates some "fat in the budget" by doing so.

Unsubscribe Me from Forced Position Torture

quantumushroom says...

I salute Arvana for posting this. He is sincere in his beliefs, just like the Mulleted-One.

"Standing on a box is torture, so is having to choose between jumping from a skyscraper or burning to death."

If this is an analogy, its apples and oranges. If you think that the attack on the WTC is good reason or a justification for the use of torture, I say youve bought into the bullshit hook, line and sinker.

I disagree. Because if those who were supposed to be protecting out country had caught one of the would-be 9-11 hikackers in advance and needed to torture him to find out the rest of the plan, then very, very few reading these words would not at least accept we would try to extract the critical intel from the captive by any means necessary.

From the time osama hatched the 9-11 plot, it became a perfect example of a real 'ticking time bomb'. Clintonian dereliction of duty regarding national defense was why we never had our aforementioned theoretical hijacker in custody: the walking penis was too busy "erecting" walls between American law enforcement agencies in order to hide his own crimes.

As for whether torture is effective, studies lean toward concluding intel gleaned from it isn't necessarily reliable (e.g. McCain), however if you're not willing to defend your own country by any means necessary, you're going to lose everything.

I'd rather go too far than not far enough, especially with terrorists who are not "enemy combatants". Threats of hell-burning aside, I question the sanity and loyalty of those trying to secure Constitutional rights for these vermin.

Waterboarding? I'd be more interested in whether or not it WORKS rather than if it's torture. Our Special Forces soldiers are all schooled in how to survive torture by our "civilized" enemies, and they too, get a taste of waterboarding.

No one likes torture, but it still deserves its place in the arsenal. No one's being waterboarded for not returning library books.

Was Bush Lying - regarding when he knew about 9/11 attack?

choggie says...

the burden is not to prove any goddamn thing, t'wood be nice, if all could be proved, and put to bed, unfortunately, that is a fantasy realm of desire-bound ego.....

The burden, of humans being and not reacting, is to call a spade a spade, with regard to what kind of world we all really want....ask any Iraqi, any yank, any Canadian, Shinto priest derelict, freeman, or Mennonite, they will all at their core, a resounding a ":No Bullshit" answer,...I am tired of the motherfucking bullshit, I want a world free of it, and full of meaning......

We don't have anywhere near closure, on the bullshit to come, and it will come in exponential waves......

Cajun Cooking w/ Justin Wilson - Chicken Gumbo Recipe

chibouki says...

You're right swampgirl,
I should be ashamed to judge food only by the looks... Actually, most of the best eats i've had where in semi-derelict places like you described.

Perhapse i've been traumatized by that old "blossom yellow" saucepan I inherited from my mother... and that I threw out last week after 30 years of good services ?

Cajun Cooking w/ Justin Wilson - Chicken Gumbo Recipe

swampgirl says...

Thankyou, chibouki. It's so funny you think it's unappetizing because of the retro-iness of the colors. If you lived in the south (of U.S.), you'd quickly realize that some of the best places to get great food are in old places.

I was telling someone yesterday of the best place to get ribs in the area of SC I grew up in

Picture an old given up gas station w/ the filling tanks removed. The asphalt parking lot is cracked and grass grows through. The back was converted into a kitchen with a large grill/oven thing, but other than that it looks like a derelict gas station. Oh, there is a small sign stuck up on the window that says "House Of Ribs"
This place was featured on some Southern Living show on cable. They didn't change a thing for the show either! haha..just went through his process of preparing ribs. Good ribs! (Florence, SC)

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