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Sunn 0))) / minimalist guitar distortion for your soul

Sagemind says...

Is it still *obscure if no one would want to listen to it?
Using my headphones, I think my brain needs defibrillation now....

Oh, and I must mention, this is exactly how my first experience with an electric guitar went..., So I gave it up!!

Footballer Has Heart Attack, Defibrillator Kicks In. Wow.

Footballer Has Heart Attack, Defibrillator Kicks In. Wow.

Sagemind says...

I think Bush had one of these connected to his Brain when the Towers Came Down - His totally delayed reaction had to be a computer delayed Glitch - No one in their right mind could have just sat there and not reacted! "Brain Automated Defibrillator" or "BAD"

Footballer Has Heart Attack, Defibrillator Kicks In. Wow.

rottenseed says...

>> ^Ickster:
Battery life is pretty variable; it depends on how much pacing (if any) the device is doing as well as the number of shocks delivered. I used to be a software engineer for one of the big three ICD manufacturers and there were at least a couple of cases where patients had received dozens of shocks over a roughly 3 year span before they needed replacement. (Sorry; no recharge or battery swap. The whole thing comes out and a new one goes in.)

That'd be cool if you could just plug yourself into a wall at night

patent pending...

deputydog (Member Profile)

Footballer Has Heart Attack, Defibrillator Kicks In. Wow.

ReverendTed says...

Why would an AICD care about A-fib or A-flutter? Aren't they designed to break V-fib?

As to external shock, the defibrillator's leads are inserted some distance apart inside the heart, so the electrical path of least resistance shorts across the heart muscle and doesn't travel externally.

gorillaman (Member Profile)

Footballer Has Heart Attack, Defibrillator Kicks In. Wow.

Payback says...




Fusion cell malfunction, re-route to backups.


Reboot system.


Query Received: (TARGET: MEDIC) "Are you OK?"


Possible replies:
1) Ya. Just a little gas.
2) My defibrillator! Get me to the hospital!
3) Fuck you, asshole.

deputydog (Member Profile)

Footballer Has Heart Attack, Defibrillator Kicks In. Wow.

deputydog says...

text below taken from reddit, as was the video...

'Soccer player Anthony Van Loo was diagnosed years ago with a heart condition, but was again allowed to play after the implantation of a defibrillator. This was done a few years back. Last weekend, playing with his team Roeselare in Belgian First Division, he had an actual heart attack during the game. After a few seconds the defibrillator diagnosed the arrhythmia (his heart is supposed to have reached 300 bpm for a few seconds) and autonomously administered a corrective jolt, as can be seen at the 0:15 mark. He was allowed to leave hospital the next and no additional damage (but the existing condition) is expected to be found as there is almost no delay between the attack and the treatment. The miracles of science....'

Libertarian Reluctantly Calls Fire Department (Onion) (Blog Entry by dystopianfuturetoday)

blankfist says...

>> ^dag:
What does a real-life Libertarian have to say about common good items like fire trucks, libraries and roads?

I'm glad you asked, dag. Libertarians believe in communities self-governing, so we believe in a community building libraries and setting up a fire department. I'm not sure what the prevailing popular Libertarian idea is on roads, but I personally think taxing the use of them is fine in order to pay for them. A good tax is the user fee on gasoline. The more you use, the more you pay, and the more that is supposed to go to paying for the roads' upkeep.

Let's get back to fire departments. There's a fear of privatizing the fire department, because some are afraid the fire department would show up and try to extort money out of you for service while your house burned down. Or, they'd swipe your credit card and wait for payment to clear before spraying your house down. I think ambulatory services is a great example of privatizing community services. Most ambulances are privately run in most communities these days, and they work on contracts. When's the last time a paramedic swiped your credit card or haggled a price before driving anyone to the hospital?

If a paramedic argued about the price of defibrillation with a dying man, then he would most certainly be in breach of his contract with the community, and he wouldn't be in business any longer. The Libertarian free-market principles thrive on reputation in business. If you breach a contract, most likely you won't remain in business for very long.

So, a fire department would most likely work out a contract with the community, and it would be up to the community to determine terms. A number of options come to mind, and most likely the community would agree to chip in to pay for the service, kind of like a tax. Maybe a small fee a year? Who knows. Most of it may be volunteers from the community.

Teen Fell From Bridge: Cops Tasered him 19 times

8369 says...

I had to watch this a few times just to make sure i heard this correctly.

By the time they arrived he was on the ground with a broken back and separated heal... and then they tased him around 19 times because he was incoherent (shock and concussion maybe) and muttering things like kill cops?

Wow. I’m speechless... I think it would have been better to say that they didn't have any defibrillators on them and were trying to save his life. As far as there being more to this story, I’m sure there is… but, I don’t see how it’s going to get any better. If a group of cops can’t handle a teenager with a broken leg and back without shocking the crap out of him, we are in a mess of trouble.

How to Fake a Court Room Heart Attack and Look Good Doing it

Hit By Lightning Caught on Tape and the nasty results

bamdrew says...

>> ^eric3579:

2. You never want electricity to flow through you.

Never say never... cochlear implants, pacemakers, deep brain stimulators, cardiac defibrillators,... electroconvulsive therapy,...

How does US news shape the way we see the World?

choggie says...

Hey!!Watch it motherfucker, we're not all kissy-kissy!!!

"They're just not disgusted enough to turn off the TV or write angry letters en masse."
-No, they are kept too busy buying into the nightmare, and have no time nor will to do otherwise....gonna take some major shift,be it natural or contrived to defibrillate...similar to perhaps, a couple of skyscrapers collapsing into two tidy piles???

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