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RhesusMonk (Member Profile)

snoozedoctor says...

Distorting historical facts is low, I'm disappointed in Wilcox.

Sounds like you must have read Will and Ariel Durant's essay "The Lessons of History" that accompanies their 10 volume work "The History of Civilization." The short essay should be required reading for every school kid.
From Chapter 11, History and War (presented as a debate between general and philospher)

"War is one of the constants of history, and has not diminished with civilization or democracy. In the last 3,421 years of recorded history only 268 have seen no war. We have acknowledged war as, at present, the ultimate form of competition and natural selection in the human species. "Polemos pater panton," said Heracleitus; war, or competition, is the father of all things, the potent source of ideas, inventions, institutions, and states. Peace is an unstable equilibrium, which can be preserved only be acknowledged supremacy or equal power."
"Perhaps each of us, while maintaining adequate defenses, can arrange nonaggression and nonsubversion pacts with other states, and from these accords a world order may take form within which each nation will remain sovereign and unique, limited only be agreements freely signed. We ask you to join us in this defiance of history, this resolve to extend courtesy and civilization to the relations among states.......if you and we succeed, we shall merit a place for centuries to come in the grateful memory of mankind."
"You have forgotten all the lessons of history.....interludes of widespread peace are unnatural and exceptional; they will soon be ended by changes in the distribution of military power. You have told us that man is a competitive animal, that his states must be like himself, and that natural selection now operates on an international scale. States will unite in basic co-operation only when they are in common attacked from without."

In reply to this comment by RhesusMonk:
The Battery was attacked REPEATEDLY in the colonial period. I like this piece, but I can't stand manipulating facts to make people's hearts bleed.

Also, what I have to say is probably unpopular, but, welcome to the world, ladies and gentlemen. War is the norm for state level societies, always has been. You think you don't like it? You see a possibility for another societal ontology? I assure you, you are not that smart.

"September 12th" by David Wilcox

snoozedoctor says...

Distorting historical facts is low, I'm disappointed in Wilcox.

Sounds like you must have read Will and Ariel Durant's essay "The Lessons of History" that accompanies their 10 volume work "The History of Civilization." The short essay should be required reading for every school kid.
From Chapter 11, History and War (presented as a debate between general and philospher)

"War is one of the constants of history, and has not diminished with civilization or democracy. In the last 3,421 years of recorded history only 268 have seen no war. We have acknowledged war as, at present, the ultimate form of competition and natural selection in the human species. "Polemos pater panton," said Heracleitus; war, or competition, is the father of all things, the potent source of ideas, inventions, institutions, and states. Peace is an unstable equilibrium, which can be preserved only by acknowledged supremacy or equal power."
"Perhaps each of us, while maintaining adequate defenses, can arrange nonaggression and nonsubversion pacts with other states, and from these accords a world order may take form within which each nation will remain sovereign and unique, limited only by agreements freely signed. We ask you to join us in this defiance of history, this resolve to extend courtesy and civilization to the relations among states.......if you and we succeed, we shall merit a place for centuries to come in the grateful memory of mankind."
"You have forgotten all the lessons of history.....interludes of widespread peace are unnatural and exceptional; they will soon be ended by changes in the distribution of military power. You have told us that man is a competitive animal, that his states must be like himself, and that natural selection now operates on an international scale. States will unite in basic co-operation only when they are in common attacked from without."
>> ^RhesusMonk:
The Battery was attacked REPEATEDLY in the colonial period. I like this piece, but I can't stand manipulating facts to make people's hearts bleed.
Also, what I have to say is probably unpopular, but, welcome to the world, ladies and gentlemen. War is the norm for state level societies, always has been. You think you don't like it? You see a possibility for another societal ontology? I assure you, you are not that smart.

Was Abraham Lincoln a Saint?

jonny says...

No doubt Lincoln was an authoritarian tyrant. In defiance of the Supreme Court (itself something of an authoritarian branch of government), he said something to the effect, "Well, I've got the army. What do they have?" Though it's debatable, solid evidence exists that he even issued an arrest warrant for Chief Justice Taney. Schmawy's quote above is apropos, because it highlights the difference between Lincoln's reasons for suspension of civil liberties with Bush's reasons. On the one hand, Lincoln was trying to preserve the Union, which he saw as implicitly perpetual in the Constitution. While on the other hand, Bush is either, a) promoting the empire of the U.S., or b) abusing the powers of commander in chief for his own and others personal financial gain, or both. I suppose there are other possible interpretations of the Bush Doctrine, but I've yet to hear or read a reasonable one.

Dana Perino comments on 4,000th US death in Iraq

7 Countries considering abandoning the US dollar (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

qualm says...

As most of you already know, China holds over one trillion dollars value in dollar denominated assets including 400 billion in US Treasury notes. Additionally, massive Chinese US dollar holdings affords it historically unprecedented leverage.

Another factor to consider is the growing strategic triangle between Russia, India and China - in open defiance of US hegemony; we are currently seeing the development and signing of broad agreements (diplomatic, economic, military, natural resources, etc) "to ensure the world is not a unipolar world".

Will China sometime in the forseeable future begin a massive dollar dump or begin trading for tangible assets?

I think it will be interesting to watch.

"Nations and empires flourish and decay, By turns command, and in their turns obey."
- Ovid

TVLinks Shut Down, Owner Arrested! (Sift Talk Post)

karaidl says...

With the millions of torrent users, I'm just a drop in the ocean. I'm not that nervous about anybody coming knocking on my door. The MPAA and RIAA have taken very little action against individual users, and they're very afraid of actually losing a case, so any hint of a losing argument and they'll run away. In fact, some people have won on the basis that an IP address is not a person.

And since when is TPB releasing info to the MPAA?? I need some sources on that, stat! It's almost every other week at this point where TPB comes up on Digg or TorrentFreak for their defiance against those that have tried suing them, and have you ever read their legal issues section on their website? Hilarious!

Pat Condell - Why Does Faith Deserve Respect

BicycleRepairMan says...

i've got a video of how religion brought people together in defiance of oppression and raised a nation's spirits enough to regain independence without a bloody war.

anyone believe it exists?

Well, this is a video posting site.. And not that I dont trust you, but I've made a habit of being skeptical of the existance of things before I see any evidence.. I think thats the only reasonable position..

Does this mystery video also provide evidence that the doctrine of the religion in question is true?

Pat Condell - Why Does Faith Deserve Respect

MINK says...

i've got a video of how religion brought people together in defiance of oppression and raised a nation's spirits enough to regain independence without a bloody war.

anyone believe it exists?

Dick will refuse subpoena

Constitutional_Patriot says...

Then he has nothing to worry about, right? If there is no case then he should be able to blow it away easily in a hearing. His refusal to even appear before court is a blatant defiance of the Judicial system, checks and balances and the Constitution. The impeachment bill centers on three points of misinformation, misdirection and unneccessary loss of American lives in the name of corporate profiteering. I'd say that is a case.

Feedback on Religious Dialogue in Comments (Sift Talk Post)

raven says...

Maybe, it's unfortunate that you would have to, but at times it seems almost necessary, I mean, go on over to the Islamica collective and skim through the comments on some of their vids... the crap gwaan puts up with... I'm so impressed with his fortitude and defiance of the 'mob' that I continue to support Islamica despite my own personal agnostic views... I'd far rather have intelligent discussion than mob-mentality itolerance... it's too bad that everyone can't just be civil and act like adults... instead they continue to prove their own ignorance everyday... its fine if you choose not to believe in god, sometimes in that respect I feel right there with them, but c'mon people, let other's have their voice too, that's what the sift should be about, everyone feeling safe enough that they can share their beliefs without fearing that they will be attacked for it.

Still I Rise - Maya Angelou's poem

Braveheart - William Wallace's Battle of Stirling Speech

silvercord says...

William: Sons of Scotland, I am William Wallace.

Short soldier: William Wallace is 7 feet tall.

William: Yes, I've heard. Kills men by the hundreds, and if he were here he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his ass. I am William Wallace, and I see before me an army of my countrymen here in defiance of tyranny. You have come to fight as free men, and free men you are. What would you do without freedom? Will you fight?

Tall soldier: Fight against that? No, we will run, and we will live.

William: Ay, fight and you may die, run and you'll live. At least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom.

This is one of the best movies I've ever seen. Dang! I'm going to have to go watch it right now!

Westboro Cult Child Abuse

raven says...

I seen these people protest on our campus several times, they usually manage to swing through just in time for the Student LGBT group's Coming Out Week... it's pretty sick, what these kids are exposed to, standing there, holding up signs in defiance of angry counter-protesters, just think what that is doing to them mentally... they are going to turn into some pretty fucked up adults.

America's Got Talent - 11 year old girl ROCKS the stage

bamdrew says...

well she certainly is loud, and has some impressive control at times.

I agree with Daphne; the brit doesn't understand that some of her appeal is that of a 'sleeper'... something that comes along and is awesome in defiance of first impressions.

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