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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Once again your damaged brain fails to understand.
This set of documents is information about HOW Russia interfered, and as or more importantly how we obtained the information about who was interfering and how….like methodology, names of individuals, what classified intelligence we received from what other countries with names and methods of their sources, etc.

It is not about the Mueller investigation into Trump/Russia collusion that was out in the open… “Russia, if you’re listening…”…”absolutely we want to meet Russian agents to discuss dirt on Hillary, come to Trump tower and we’ll arrange a trade”….”don’t worry about the sanctions Obama imposed, Mr Putin, Trump will remove them day one….but shhhhhh, this conversation is technically treason.”…etc. the investigation Barr hid, redacted, edited, and lied about to protect Trump…the report that suggested he should be prosecuted.

Yes, he wanted to declassify it so he could legally take it and sell it to whoever, but he DIDN’T because he was too busy failing at his coup and being incompetent and reportedly tried to declassify the thousands and thousands of pages of sensitive top secret intelligence in the binder starting in literally the last 15 minutes of his administration, but he (or his people) did take it anyway, or maybe worse just lost it. Someone is going to prison over that.

Damn you are gullible, stupid, and incapable of following an adult conversation. This is what, the fourth, fifth, sixth time in one week that you intentionally misunderstood/misstated the clear and simple to understand position I wrote and instead argued against some red herring/paper tiger YOU created from your own delusions. It’s all you’ve got. 😂
You do this because you can’t contradict what I wrote, so you need to change it to something nonsensical you can argue against. Silly boy.

….But let’s say your dementia born fantasy is correct, it’s still a crime for him to take the binder of still highly classified documents after he’s no longer president. We’ve been down that road before …I know you can’t understand how it’s possible Trump doesn’t have absolute unlimited power in perpetuity, but it’s reality. You should join us here.

bobknight33 said:

Let get this straight. Trump wants to declassify this classified document(s) that would prove he colluded with Russia to win in 2016? Declassified documents would then be available to all who ask and hence put the finals nails in own political coffin.

You think this makes sense?

Damn you are gullible and stupid.

Eminem Responds To Rudy Giuliani

newtboy says...

Shameless self *promote in celebration of the $148 MILLION judgement Ruby Freeman and Shay Moss were just awarded by a jury for Rudy’s dangerous lies about them. Half the award, $75 million is punitive damages which he can’t escape with a bankruptcy!
Bye you cousin fucking loser! Enjoy dying in the poor house in disgrace.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

More exposing highly classified documents by Trump…this time the entire multinational investigation into the massive election interference in 2016 by Russia (for his benefit and the nations detriment), including the highly classified methods and personnel we and our allies used to get information out of Russia …that was the highest level of classification, (so sensitive even the notes of agents who viewed it were kept in a secure safe in a secure area of the CIA) that Trump ordered copies of in the last days of his presidency and THOSE COPIES WENT MISSING AND ARE STILL UNACCOUNTED FOR (he obviously sold them to Putin so he could clear house just like the Saudis did, executing hundreds after paying Jared $2 billion).

This is ANOTHER top secret classified document scandal separate from the Maralago scandal of exposing classified documents to our enemies like China and Russia, another outright theft of our nations secrets that does major damage to our national security and our relationship with international allies who have more evidence Trump can’t be trusted with sensitive intelligence, more treason, and one more reason why Trump and his entire treasonous MAGA administration should be in front of a firing squad and not a teleprompter looking for votes and donations.

But I know, no amount of blatant undeniable treason could penetrate your blinders to convince you of Trump’s overwhelming guilt on at least 91 charges of treasonous activities, just as no amount of proof Joe never sold influence to anyone would ever convince you he’s not guilty of something. Facts simply don’t penetrate your thick skull…ever.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 Trump decided Eric had done enough damage to his case under cross examination and had him not testify for the defense.
Not good when you don’t want the person who was running the company during the period in question to testify in the business’s defense…not that he would have helped. 😂

Trumps “expert” witness admitted that, if the charges that Trump’s already been found guilty of are correct (and that’s what being found guilty means), that’s massive intentional fraud. He also testified that he had absolutely no knowledge of the facts in the case besides the minimal hyper biased data Trump supplied him (like his insistence that Maralago is worth $1.5 billion despite Trump previously going to court to argue it’s worth under $20 million for taxes, and not revealing the deed that has multiple permanent conditions that severely minimize the property value to under $20 million).

He’s already lost the case, he lost before it started and now it’s all about damages, but his defense has been so ridiculous it’s likely NY will get MORE than they’ve asked for AND banks will be coming after him for $200 million+- in interest he should have paid had his loan applications been valid. I’m pretty certain Trump doesn’t have the money to pay a half billion in fines and judgements, he doesn’t have the cash to pay his own legal bills, and won’t have his businesses to make more after the Trump crime family is tossed out of New York for underhanded criminal business practices. You better send him some of that sweet sweet Tesla cash you made, he needs you. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The chairman of the Florida Republican Party Christian Ziegler is under investigation by the Sarasota Police Department over allegations that he sexually abused (raped) a woman with whom he was allegedly having a menage a trois with, along with his wife, who happens to be a founder of the super religious “please think of the children” Moms for Liberty Group.

Grand Old Party of debauchery…all too often real physical hypocritical debauchery by puritanical fascists with non consensual partners, not imaginary insulting fantasy stories made up by idiots. (Pelosi’s husband’s boyfriend, etc)

His story is this is a fake story created for fame, to do political damage, or to extort money…the problem being she reported it to police Oct 2 and has kept it 100% private and has not filed any lawsuits, so so far is not looking for fame, to do political damage, or money at all. She’s looking for privacy and protection from her rapist boyfriend.

CycberTruck Beats a Porsche 911

newtboy says...

Is that what your damaged brain came up with? Get it checked out, something’s wrong. Leave it to you to take a full written explanation of my motives for distrusting this exagerated salesmanship and not understand a word.

If Road and Track did the test and you posted it, it would be all good.

When Elon in private creates this video to show fanboys (notice no audience at the test track), it’s blatantly obvious he has not just his thumb, but his entire body weight on the scales. He’s been caught faking it time and time and time again, then failing to live up in real life with no apologies when his customers complain he didn’t provide what he promised for the exorbitant fees he charges.

Again, just look and listen…Tesla in launch mode, chirping but not spinning the tires…old unspecified Porsche at <1000rpm taking off soft, no noise at all, no tire spin, never a high rev, the 911 is not trying to win. Hardly a real test. No audience, no clock, no speed, where are the track numbers for the test (he lists the factory claims for an empty truck at the end, not actual test numbers, not the track results for this race).

I upvoted and promoted your bumper car video. It has nothing to do with you posting it, dummy, that only raises suspicions that it’s dishonest. It’s horrible because it’s clearly being dishonest to over hype and sell a questionable product….it’s a commercial….a bad dishonest commercial.

bobknight33 said:

So if you had posted -- then all good.

Israel-Hamas War: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

There’s lots of reporting on Hamas saying they want to eradicate Israel (without the ability to even do damage 99.9% of the time, certainly not eradication), but very little reporting of the Israeli government saying the exact same thing about Palestine while actively doing so using US supplied advanced weaponry at bombing rates never before seen, and dropping them on civilian populations.

There’s little mention that Palestinians die at around 20 times the rate Israelis die despite having less than 20% the population of Israel (and extreme high death rates mean 50% of Palestinians are children).

Gaza is an open air prison where inmates serve life for the crime of being Arabs in their native land. Electricity flows a maximum of 3 hours a day in good times, food is scarce, and under 10% have access to clean water. There are no jobs, and there’s a very good chance your family will die together at home from indiscriminate bombing.

They have nothing to lose because Israel has taken everything from them over 70 years of ever expanding violent military occupation including their humanity.

The Israeli military spokesman said this campaign is intentionally not targeted, and is designed to do maximum damage to Palestine not to target Hamas. That’s another war crime.

Why in the fuck are we supporting and supplying clear undeniable, even proud war criminals!? That should make congress and Biden war criminals themselves. Send them all to The Hague to defend their actions if they think their actions are defensible.

If we use Israel’s metrics, that makes all Americans war criminals prime for righteous retaliation by the law abiding world. Not a good plan.

Edit: Side note- Israel has apparently made no move at all to negotiate hostage releases. In fact, they claim the hostages are held in the very tunnels they are bombing, so they are in fact targeting the hostages. Don’t let them get away with the lie that they are invading and raising the city to save them. They refused to consider pausing bombing for two days in exchange for their release, pretending Hamas might be miraculously completely resupplied and reinforced if they did.

NATO Declares Nord Pipeline Ruptures Sabotage

eric3579 says...

Nord Stream Pipeline Explosion Was Orchestrated By Decorated Ukrainian Colonel: Report

By The Washington Post via Bard AI to grab below article

A Ukrainian military officer coordinated the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline last month, according to U.S. intelligence officials. The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that the officer was working with a team of Ukrainian divers who carried out the attack.

The officials said that the attack was ordered by the Ukrainian government as a way to retaliate against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. They said that the attack was also intended to send a message to Russia that Ukraine is capable of striking at its critical infrastructure.

The attack on the Nord Stream pipeline was a major blow to Russia's energy sector. The pipeline carried natural gas from Russia to Germany and other European countries. The attack has caused a significant increase in the price of natural gas in Europe.

The Ukrainian government has denied any involvement in the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline. However, the U.S. intelligence officials say that they have "high confidence" that the Ukrainian military was involved in the attack.

The attack on the Nord Stream pipeline is the latest escalation in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The conflict has been going on for over eight months and has caused a humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.

Implications of the Attack

The attack on the Nord Stream pipeline has a number of implications for the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. First, it shows that Ukraine is willing to strike at Russia's critical infrastructure. This could lead to retaliation from Russia, which could further escalate the conflict.

Second, the attack has caused a significant increase in the price of natural gas in Europe. This could hurt the European economy and make it more difficult for Europe to support Ukraine.

Third, the attack has damaged the relationship between Russia and Germany. Germany was one of the main recipients of Russian natural gas through the Nord Stream pipeline. The attack could make Germany more likely to support sanctions against Russia and to provide military aid to Ukraine.


The attack on the Nord Stream pipeline is a significant development in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. It is a sign that the conflict is escalating and that it is becoming more difficult to resolve. It is also a sign that the conflict is having a significant impact on the global economy.


The above article was published on November 11, 2023, according to the Washington Post website.

Please note that this article is based on a leaked intelligence report and has not been independently verified. The Ukrainian government has denied any involvement in the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline.

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

newtboy says...

Agreed, the details are many, but trying to see what will happen in the future is simple, it’s the same thing that’s been happening in the past. Israel will continue to illegally expand into territory they agreed belongs to Palestinians, will continue to militarily support and defend the murderous settlers that murder Palestinian families and steal their land constantly with no repercussion at all, and will use any resistance to that violent expansion as an excuse to abuse and further control and murder the remaining citizens while blaming them for their plight.
That’s exactly what’s happening today.
The areas hit by Hamas were all Palestinian land stolen by settlers with full military support, not in Israel but in what was recently Palestine. The expansionist invasion continues, it’s never stopped, and some people don’t understand why the remaining civilians imprisoned in the ghetto by Israel, often with no food, water, or medicine, might revolt and throw stones, but you totally understand why the invaders should get to flatten entire populated cities if one of theirs gets hurt.

The population of Israel is 15 times Gaza, but the casualties of this 70 year conflict are statistically all Palestinians. Just this latest conflict has seen under 1400 Israeli casualties and over 15000 Palestinian civilians…nearly 5000 YOUNG children. THE NORM IS MUCH WORSE, normally this retaliation would come after fireworks hurt 4 settlers almost killing one and damaging their stolen house.

There’s something Americans can do. Vote for a president that will cut all military aid to countries that commit war crimes regularly. Simple, but not easy.

Israeli military is only so strong because we support them. Without American weapons and support, Israel would be a long distant memory of a short lived immigrant invasion.

Yes, Hamas has rhetorically been as genocidal as Israel (also totally genocidal)…but they have zero ability to follow through, while Israel is actively committing genocide today with the most advanced weaponry on the planet we supply, and for the last 70 years. If Israel directly eliminated Palestine as they have stated they will, they would start another war with every neighbor, this time likely without support. Otherwise they would have followed through 40+ years ago. This newest “occupation” may be the last. There will be no rebuilding under occupation, and there are few habitable structures left in Gaza. It’s a small town of 750000 people flattened, under total embargo, and under a shoot on sight order from their oppressors.

Yes, Israel is fighting its neighbors….100% because of their treatment of Palestinians and blatant intent to ignore any borders in their expansion. Combined with Iran their neighbors aren’t 1/2 the military power Israel is thanks 100% to America supplying advanced weapons and defense platforms for decades at our expense.

Invading occupying military forces have no right to complain they are threatened…that’s like saying we should hand squatters AR-15s and grenades because they keep being threatened by the home owners and the neighborhood, and the squatters have every right to shoot neighbors in their own yards if they seem threatening, but the neighbors and home owners have no rights whatsoever, not even the right to leave home because that threatens the squatters. Not even the right of self defense when the squatters invite their family over to take the neighbor’s homes.
I prefer shooting squatters and dumping the bodies in the sewer where they belong. Zionists are all squatters….well armed squatters.

The squatters do not have the right to murder the neighbors who signed the petition to remove the violent squatters. The squatters are always the wrong party no matter what. Period. End on line.

Because Israel intends to act unilaterally and violently to ensure their defense and continued expansion, always at the expense of their neighbors, they should be abandoned by the rest of the world. Murderous expansionist invading occupying racist armies get zero sympathy, and there’s no such thing as an Israeli civilian, they do not exist, only those yet to be military, andtive military, and those in reserve…conversely there’s no such thing as a Palestinian soldier in Gaza…does not exist.

Militaries that attack civilian populations are war criminals…every time. Yes, that includes America in Afghanistan, but bears noting the Afghans protected Alkaida (sp?), the Palestinian government and most civilians do not support Hamas.
I do not want to be supporting foreign war crimes with my tax dollars.

bcglorf said:

Tragically it's all more complicated than anyone can really state, right? I mean, if you had a 30 book(10k pages a book) series solely on the conditions in the region of Palestine between 1930 and today you'd still have so much material to cut, you could limit all 30 books to only 1 sides POV.

The closest I see to shortcutting things, is trying view what is likely to happen in the future, and from that maybe what one might try and do.

The trouble being there's so little one can do. The reality is that Israeli military strength compared to Palestine is completely and entirely one sided, and thus Israel can and will do whatever it wishes to militarily. It's all their choice, period. In fairness to Israel, you have to note that Hamas as stated in their own charter, given that same power would've already cleansed the entirety of Israel and have created their own single state 'final' solution.

It's also not actually about Palestine vs. Israel, which should be obvious given the fact of Israel's military dominance. Israel IS really facing existentially threats of it's own, just not directly from Palestine, and instead from ALL of it's neighbours. That state of constantly requiring Israel to be capable of winning an existential war since it's inception has kept things in a perpetual state of near-war, and more often proxy-war with the Palestiniances as the pawns of alternately Iran, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and others depending which time and region we choose to look at.

Predictively, that gives us that Isreal can not, under any circumstances, accept conditions to exist where any party(in particular Iran as the main backer) views the "Al Aqsa Flood operation" as a success. That means Israel will do whatever they deem necessary to ensure that happens and Iran in particular views that operation as a mistake. Nothing the UN or any of the rest of us say or do can change that.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

“Did you ever think that the values were off in your statement of financial condition?” Assistant Attorney General Kevin Wallace asked the former president,
“yes, on occasion” Trump responded

Case closed. That’s it. That’s Trump admitting he knowingly and willfully committed major bank and tax fraud…”on occasion”.

He tried the “I have a disclaimer clause so I’m allowed to lie as much as I want.” defense…Engoron has already ruled that the clause does not absolve him of the responsibility to provide true and accurate reports of property values to both lenders and the state, does not allow him to lie or substitute possible future value for today’s actual value, and doesn’t allow the exaggeration of square footage either…all of which he admitted on the stand that he does.

Letting Trump testify was the worst decision Habba has made yet, and it’s going to end in both a total loss in court, a minimum of $250 million in damages maybe much more, and criminal charges against Trump and maybe his kids for the frauds. He would have been infinitely better off staying silent and just losing…but we all know remaining silent is an impossibility for him.

Edit-He’s in check mate for Jan 6 by Chutkan too. He’s saying publicly that he intends to use an “advice of council” defense, trying to claim he just got bad advice that he could foment a coup and send fake electors to steal the election so shouldn’t be libel, but he and his dime store lawyers didn’t understand that that defense waives 100% of attorney client privilege and now he’s being forced to decide if he will use that defense before trial and if so must disclose all communications with his lawyers from 2020-21. 😂

So in short, either disclose all records of his planning for Jan 6 and the big lie which itself would disprove and negate his advice of council defense, or forget the advice of council defense, the only defense he had.
😂 Would the prisoner like a blindfold or a cigarette? 😂

He runs to save his mother

cloudballoon says...

Or mom's just taking the opportunity to teach the kid how to swing.

In all seriousness though, my mom broke her ankle last year just falling backward while gardening. Bad angle and poor bone density worsened the fall. So even a feet or two could cause major damage.

jimnms said:

She would have been fine if she let go from the hanging position, as long as she didn't do something stupid like lock her knees straight. Based on the height her feet were at when she got back on the ladder, and assuming a standard ladder's maximum rung spacing, she was about 4.5ft from the ground.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oof…even Republicans are so disgusted by her that Hoe-bert is being primaried by Republicans…even they are so sick of hypocritical MAGA they would prefer a Democrat, but are trying another Republican.
Luckily he is also failing, bringing in less than half her fundraising.
Her Democratic opponent is out fundraising her by a factor of 4.

Bonus - disgraced Trump “judge” Cannon has been smacked down hard in the records case by the 11th circuit stating there never was “equitable jurisdiction” for her to insert herself in the case, it didn’t pass the “Richey Test”, the standard to assert “equitable jurisdiction”. This ends the special master overseeing the documents, and likely ends the building a multi million dollar special SCIF at tax payer expense just for Trump so he doesn’t have to go a few miles to Miami where one already exists to view the documents HE STOLE.

Without her running interference, Trump’s treason case for theft of classified military secrets is going to loose bigly. Firing squad time! 😂

😂 Second bonus- Ivanka’s lawyers forgot to submit her sworn statements so now she is going to be forced to testify in open court against daddy in his $250000000 civil fraud case he already lost and is in the damages phase! 😂 couldn’t happen to a more deserving crime family! 😂

Child dragged by school bus in Kentucky

Hef says...

Also a lot of rehab and permanent nerve damage for the poor girl. She will never be the same again. Not sure that's worth the 5 mil...

BSR said:

If the bus driver had to slam on the brakes the guy standing in the aisle would probably go through windshield. To hell with seatbelts!

Also, Family of girl dragged by JCPS school bus gets nearly $5M in settlement. Bazinga!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

, MAGA Shaman and the other treasonous idiots, and the morons you post talking about them are your boys, you gullible fool. (Why do you always capitalize the word tool…because it’s your identity?).
😂 You don’t think I’m actually wasting my time watching your idiotic propaganda trolls troll for their home studios, do you? You don’t think I’m gullible enough to believe their conveniently edited sound clips represent reality, do you?
I don’t trust a word a MAGgot says, and it’s never been a mistake to not trust you.
Silly boy. 😂

As far as damage to the nation, Jan 6 was worse. 9/11 brought us together, unfortunately our Republican leader took advantage of that and lied and took us to war with the country that tried to kill his daddy, not the Saudis that attacked our country. The exact same Saudis that Trump now cozies up to and sells classified top secrets to for billions in bribes to his son in law/daughter and rents his properties to at 10 times market value, often renting entire floors for months with no occupants, but no, it’s not a bribe, nooooo. Attacking the wrong people brought us apart again.

Remember, republicans voted to forget 9/11 and its victims, defunding the funds that support and care for them. Jon Stewart shamed them out of their defund 9/11 funds plans. They sure think Jan 6 is more important.

Obama taking out the Saudi leader of the Saudi terrorist organization brought us back together temporarily.

The Jan 6 insurrection and failed coup attempt by a terroristic political party nearly ended America, and has divided the country to near civil war since. Internal terrorist enemies are far more dangerous than foreign powers.

More people died in 9/11. The MAGA response to Covid proved American deaths don’t bother you one whit, completely ignoring the 500000-750000 deaths caused directly by Trump’s lack of policy or support for sane public health measures (turns out he went anti mask after trying one once but it smeared his clown makeup badly and he refused to ever wear one again!).
More damage was done to the union on Jan 6. Well over $500000000 in direct costs for Jan 6 too….before investigations, prosecutions, and incarceration, so make that $750000000 and the continuing possibility of dissolving the Union before it’s done.

Note- I addressed every nonsensical accusation you made. You failed to address any I made against you and instead just whined and rage posted unrelated nonsense. This is typical.

bobknight33 said:

This is you boy. Sad that you follow this crap, Then again you are a gullable Tool.

"Jan 6th Was Worse Than 9/11" - HEATED Argument with Lincoln Project Founder

BSR (Member Profile)

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