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We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

newtboy says...

Gillette is betting on the theory that they will gain far more new customers than they lose over this.....just like Nike using Kaepernick. It worked for Nike despite the over the top vocal outrage and videos of burning $500 sneakers, I think Gillette expects similar results.


Gillette just lost a customer.

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

Kurzgesagt - Is Organic Food Really Better or is It a Scam?

newtboy says...

Repeatedly, companies large and small have been caught passing conventionally grown vegetables as organic. When they get caught, they pay a fine that's far less than the profit they make, and then they move on with little notice.
Recently I read about a huge grain supplier (i think for general mills) that had been selling their conventional grain as organic for decades, so all the higher priced organic products made from it weren't actually organic, but there's no refund coming for customers.

This means store bought organic food is a Crap shoot at best.

If you want fresh, clean, eco friendly vegetables, grow your own. It's really the only way to be sure what you're getting.

Cool Hand Luke- Carwash Scene

Apple under fire for allegations of controversial business

Apple under fire for allegations of controversial business

bobknight33 says...

I've been in the medical field service business for 30 years. Fixing / installing Cathlabs, Vascular labs,X ray, Mamo and Ultrasound systems.

The battery or such does not cost an arm or a leg. Its the R&D that goes into it. Its the supply chain warehousing parts and the tax on inventory and all that other stuff like profit.

As far as 3rd party servicing. Apple will loose and have to make their service documents/ tools available. Those tools can be different - but come to the same results.

It is in the OEM interests to keep 3rd party service away for many reasons, not just to hoard more business.

We do provide service manuals and parts to 3Rd party. no problem. They are on the web just to get them.

As far as ripping the customer off. That's wrong. Apple will need to address this. I would not think that is common.

The Alt-Right Playbook: The Death of a Euphemism

Mordhaus says...

I disagree that there is net benefit from illegal immigrants.

Yes, they do pay taxes. They do not collect retirement benefits.

They also tend to not pay for medical insurance and their jobs do not provide it (for the most part). Generally when they have medical issue, they either go to a free clinic that is there for poor people or they go to a non private hospital emergency room. They cannot be turned away. This cost gets passed on to people paying for their insurance and hospital costs because Hospitals hike up insurance costs to make up the difference. It also causes massive delays at the ER, making it harder for them to deal with people really needing emergency care.

They do utilize public schooling without paying similar amounts of costs. For example, here in Austin, most of the areas that are predominantly Hispanic do not have to pay the same level of property and school taxes as I do. I don't even have kids, but if I lived in East Austin, my taxes would be significantly lower. It has led to East Austin starting to have a Gentrification problem as people/businesses move their to exploit the lower taxes.

Many illegal immigrants carry the minimum or no insurance. My wife's car was totaled some years ago, almost killing her, by an illegal immigrant who had no insurance. We had to use our insurance for her treatment and for the replacement of her vehicle. The man who hit her disappeared.

They utilize fake id and ssid to get welfare benefits. They do get caught now and then, but they flee the area and get new info.

They also do get married to citizens and then, if they get divorced, they flee to avoid child support/alimony. I know of at least 3 friends/acquaintances that had this happen in the last 10 years.

I don't think they are more likely to commit crime than anyone else, but they are more likely to flee the country if caught.

The money they do earn is, in many cases, spent at local ethnic shops that usually are also owned by illegal immigrants. It has become so prevalent that many local stores have tried to modify how they are setup to attract illegal immigrants.

It has been shown that they save and send money out of the US, many times doing their best to avoid any custom duties that would be attached to larger sums.

Because they are violating the law and crossing the border, we spend a massive fuckton of money trying to stop them. This is probably the largest outlay of cost and the one everyone feels, even people living outside of a state affected by illegal immigration.

To be fair, maybe I am getting a skewed picture as I live in a city that has basically said "Fuck the laws, ya'll c'mon in and live here!"

Honestly, if we aren't going to stop them or deport them, then just fucking give them legal status so they are treated like everyone else. At least then they can be hounded by bill collectors too.

Guy breaks bike of little girl

C-note says...

When your product will be shipped to customers over seas and pass thru a half a dozen distributors who all tac on their fee you end up spending good money on inferior metal tubing with shoddy welds and a half decent paint job.

$445 AAA Breakthrough Towing SCAM at McDonald's

Liberal Democrat wants To have Confirmation Brett Kavanaugh

newtboy says...

Yes, an ambush flood of tens of thousands of useless documents on the eve of the confirmation with no time to read them and still no release of tens or hundreds of thousands of consequential documents from his time at the Whitehouse.
What are they hiding?
More garbage isn't better. If you pay me to care for your lawn and I come diarrhea all over your living room, then say I gave you more fertilizer than my last 5 customers combined, will you be happy?

bobknight33 said:

They have more documents than the last 5 nominees combined.

School Board member verbally attacks police chief

bobknight33 says...

Giving respect gets respect. If she was cool and nice and NOT I'm Such and Such important community person, She might have been given a warning.

People who put on airs turn others off.

I work with about 300 customers Those who work with me get breaks. Ill put them first in for service events. I'll try to concede as much billable items under their contract. Ill even go to bat when their bill exceeds my limit of 5K and get my boss to concession it.

Those who don't, at times get delayed service and billed for even the minor of things.


The Kind of Story We Need Right Now: Server Bodyslams Jerk!

Digitalfiend says...

Don't get me wrong, I'm of the same mindset but aren't we all supposed to be treating each other equally now? Aren't we trying to get rid of these stereotypes (e.g. you don't think women should just be house-wives and get back to the kitchen, do you?) Therefore, women are the same as men and the law should apply equally to all? Clearly, that isn't the case.

As I said, I don't really care that this woman knocked the idiot down but she could have just as easily grabbed his arm and confronted him that way, without yanking him by the neck and throwing him backwards - it's not a proportional response to the sexual assault. Once detained - and I'm sure other employees or customers would have assisted - the police could have been called with the same outcome (i.e. the man being charged with sexual battery). But then she wouldn't have been able to "feel empowered"...

Mordhaus said:

That ship done sailed. Men are supposed to just suck it up and not retaliate.

Is "Talking White" Actually A Thing?

vil says...

Dude I cant tell your "race" even seeing you. I mean I see you are not scandinavian, but thats it.

People pretend all the time.

People pretend to be tall (or at least have long legs), be intelligent, have a pleasant symmetrical face, good eyesight, no speech impediments, facial and other hair under control, real teeth, clothes, watches, handbags, cars, its all a game. Why would race be the exception?

So you generally make a better impression over the phone if you talk white, does this mean that white people buy that much more stuff or is this particular form of racial favoritism prevalent among black people too?

We have an almost reverse form of this that is quite perverse. A lot of vietnamese small shop owners operate here and speak in peculiar mangled Czech - turns out some of them can speak well, but play along with the stereotype because it makes their racist customers happy.

How Norway Reinvented Prison

newtboy says...

Step one, eradicating for profit prisons.

This single idea was the worst thing that ever happened to our legal system, imo. It created billion dollar companies who's product is incarceration. Like any for profit company, they minimize their costs by warehousing people in illegally crowded cells as cheaply as possible with little or no treatments or support during or afterwards and maximize their business by lobbying for ever more incarceration. The prison guard union is the best funded lobbying group in Washington, and created minimum sentencing so every convict becomes a customer.

Make prison a government function again, who's goal is turning out functional citizens, not warehousing as many bodies as they can get paid for, and we might turn a corner.....but that won't ever happen, there's no multi billion dollar prison reform lobbying group to bribe senators into doing the right thing.

Flaming Indian Street Food

newtboy says...

So, the guy making the food with bare hands and actually stuffing his fingers in each customer's mouth is also the same person handling the filthy money, no hand washing involved. chance of getting hepatitis and herpes there.
Sorry, they don't make fire hot enough to make this remotely OK for me.

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