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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Bud Light

Enzoblue says...

Bud light is actually a staple day time beer with me and my friends. It's good for a cruise down the river on a raft in the baking sun and you wanna drink and not get hammered. Doesn't really taste bad, just taste like beer-ish water. Cheap too.

Brace yourselves – SKYNET's coming, soon

AeroMechanical says...

There will be autonomous or at least semi-autonomous combat robots and there is no stopping it. For one thing, they've already been in use since the early 80's. Cruise missiles are autonomous killer robots. The only difference is that they don't come back when the job is done, but that's a trivial point. More importantly, having a human always in the loop makes current drones massively less effective weapons and giving a potential enemy such a huge opening for that advantage is unwise. You also really can't ban them because they're simply an assembly of extremely useful civilized tools.

That said, she does hit on a very important point though regarding the application of modern drones, which is that they're being used as terror weapons, which we should not be comfortable with. Having drones loiter day in and day out over civilian populated areas is an inexcusable act of cruelty.

Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (trailer)

ChaosEngine says...

Ok, THAT is fuckin badass.

Goddamnit, Tom Cruise annoys me. He's an ok actor, competent but not amazing, and everytime I see him interviewed he's seems like a really cool guy. He doesn't pretend to be something he's not and freely admits "yeah, I'm rich, I have fighter planes and custom motorbikes" which is EXACTLY how you should behave if you're lucky enough to have the money to do it.

And then I remember that he's a scientology asshole...

Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (trailer)

Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (trailer)

Payback says...

From what I've been led to believe, the shot of Cruise on the outside of the plane is neither CGI nor compositing. They actually strapped him to the side of the plane and took off...

Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (trailer)

sixshot says...

I sure hope that's the last one. Cruise ain't getting any younger. Ghost Protocol ended well enough that you can either stop there or continue on. But the time between that movie and this one, I just question if it was too late to even bother.

Red Neck trucker says NO to this blonde trying to merge...

PoweredBySoy says...

I don't know... they both suck. Trucker on his phone cruising in the left lane like a lazy piece of shit. And then the VW trying to pass on the right and cut in where there wasn't room.

And the trucker didn't speed up - the traffic flow slowed down.

Red Neck trucker says NO to this blonde trying to merge...

newtboy says...

You said it. That's how people drive in full speed....without collisions. It would have been perfectly safe if the truck had not accelerated into her spot after she was in the lane, or slowed even just slightly once he realized she was there. EDIT: Also, if that's not a safe distance, what do you call the distance the truck ends up with between him and the first car, WAY less distance than the second car had in front or behind at the start, about one car length, but only because the first car almost pushes the pickup truck trying to escape the semi.
If you are slower traffic, as the truck was, it's the law that you don't belong in the fast lane. Period. "Slower Traffic Keep Right" is the law, not a suggestion. If you've been passed on the right, you are absolutely slower traffic in the wrong lane.
You're nuts, the traffic in the fast lane passes him in the slow lane before they get there. He was NOT going faster than them until he floors it at 15 seconds. Listen carefully to his engine, you can hear him floor it, he's not on cruise control.
She did check, and there was room and she was going faster than the truck, so there should have been MORE room as time went on, she looked forward and made the lane change, then looked again 1/2 way through and there's suddenly an accelerating truck passing her on the shoulder. Then she looks to the other side and sees there's no way to avoid the other truck now, and it's either ram the slow truck or keep moving over and bump the faster truck, which she does.
I'm done. If you don't see what everyone else does, that's not my problem.

bcglorf said:

Safe to the extent that there was room, with a car length behind and ahead... That is how most people drive in town, or with less room. You do realize this is on a freeway, not in town, right. At freeway speeds, that space was too tight to be safe. Putting a car in that space makes that car immediately at an unsafe close distance to the car in front of it and behind it. At 60mph less than a car length between you is unsafe.

You also still seem to be repeating that the truck had no business being in the fast lane? Look at the start of the video, our truck driver is having to SLOW DOWN to match the speed of traffic in the fast lane. He absolutely is not too slow for that lane.

Finally, per the space available for that lane change, there is no way that car makes a lane change into a space that small, and does it that slowly without ever checking their shoulder, unless they are a terrible, terrible driver.

Red Neck trucker says NO to this blonde trying to merge...

BoneRemake says...

and the thing with the speed up slow down thing is this.

The trucker had his cruise control on, and the vehicle in front did not, the vehicle in front slowed down by not accelerating, but everything else is relative to the camera, the only fuck up is by the driver on the right trying to squeeze in and the trucker going " woa wtf "

RMS Titanic: Fascinating Engineering Facts

Ickster says...

Me either. I ended up doing some Wikipedia reading, and it turns out that there was a sort of transitional phase where the combination of reciprocating engines with a cruising turbine wasn't entirely uncommon. I'd always thought it one or the other exclusively.

I also hadn't realized how many ships used turbine-electric setups instead of direct drive. Wiki page.

One quibble with the video--I didn't get all of the ships shown when he was talking about coal dust as the reason for black hulls, but at least a couple were late enough that I'm pretty sure they'd been build as oil-burners (SS Normandie for example).

radx said:

I had no idea they used a Parsons turbine to drive the center propeller. Fascinating.


kulpims (Member Profile)

Tesla P85D Has An "Insane" Mode Setting - Reactions Video

lv_hunter says...

I got to test drive the P85d last saturday, yea that acceleration is awesome! I also tried out the auto stop cruise control, that was a lil getting used to.

Disney cruise rescues man overboard from a different cruise

Drachen_Jager says...

Falling overboard is rare (23 incidents in 2013), but apparently Carnival is not the company to go with if you're worried about it (Carnival owns Royal Caribbean), they have 21 percent of the traffic worldwide, but half of the overboard incidents in the past ten years have come from Carnival ships.

It's really rare to be rescued in an overboard from a cruise ship. Successful rescues only happen every few years.

Yes... I guess I do have too much time on my hands. Thanks for bringing that up.

Disney cruise rescues man overboard from a different cruise

zaust says...

If it wasn't for the freaky Japanese Pooh Bear lifeboat, I'd have excepted that to be an English Channel rescue.

The weather on this is a long way from what we get advertised as cruises.

Disney cruise rescues man overboard from a different cruise

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