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Dexter's Justice

rychan says...

This is so well done that when I first saw it I thought the music was composed to match the episode.

Also, I love the music "Justice - Peace" in the first two minutes. It's so industrial and shrill but it still so musical. Is there a name for this genre?

Launchpad is AWESOME

WaterDweller says...

>> ^harlequinn:

>> ^raverman:
"It's like playing a musical instrument, except if you get the chords wrong the crowd will think less of your skills as a musician.">> ^PancakeMaster:
It's like a musical game of memory, except if you forget a block live a few hundred youngsters will boo you.

There are no chords to get wrong. The chord is programmed into one button.
This is an 8 x 8 grid of binary switches. Pressing a button activates a sample.
Compare to a piano with 88 keys, each key has variable volume depending on how hard you press it. Plus three pedals (soft, sustain, and sostenuto). You actually have to play the melody and accompanying chords.
I wouldn't call him a musician. Just like I don't call DJs musicians.

If he had made this soundtrack without using the launchpad, using DAW software and various plugins and samples, that somehow is more "musician"y than using a 64 key launchpad with samples that he probably prepared himself, even though the end result is the same? Maybe composers aren't musicians? Or are you saying this isn't music?

And, you must not think a person playing a small organ is a musician, since it has fewer keys than a piano, and each key is a binary switch that turns on and off the sound of the pipe.

Pink Floyd - Mudmen (de La Vallée)

Trancecoach says...

I like the Pink Floyd soundtracks ('La Vallee' and 'More'), mostly because it was music of an era and so unlike anything before or since...

(Little known 'rumour' is that the 23-minute epic on the B-side of the Meddle album, Echoes, was composed to serve as a soundtrack to the final sequence of Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey" -- entitled Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite. A different song was ultimately chosen for the film, but one can, if one was so inclined, cue up the song at the title card for this sequence and notice how nicely it fits with the psychedelic imagery of this portion of the movie.... Not so unlike Dark Side & the Wizard of Oz).

This Cover of Radiohead Song "Creep" is Amazing!!!

gwiz665 says...

I don't claim to evaluate the "soul" put into the music, I'm just saying that she doesn't seem particularly exceptional on the guitar. Her form seems awkward to me, but that comes with more experience.

It also seems as a bit of a put-on to have overly echoing vocals, but I suppose that's a matter of taste.

If this was a guy, it wouldn't have 5 votes, not that I'm judgin' on that, I'm just saying musically this isn't fucking mozart, it's just good.

>> ^chingalera:

>> ^gwiz665:
She sings just fine, but her guitar work is pretty basic.
Very cute though.

Yeah? Well the chord work for the tune as composed ain't rocket-science on the fretboard there wizzzy. Yeah, yeah, a few folks here have seen you play your guitar including myself and guess what?? Your own skills on the guitar come from rote and practice with very little soul or natural talent....
The showcase here anyhow, is her incredibly sincere and lilting voice and the SOUL that resides within her interpretation.
Soooo, thanks for the egotistical observations there,
MISTER Malmsteen!

This Cover of Radiohead Song "Creep" is Amazing!!!

sillma says...

>> ^chingalera:

>> ^gwiz665:
She sings just fine, but her guitar work is pretty basic.
Very cute though.

Yeah? Well the chord work for the tune as composed ain't rocket-science on the fretboard there wizzzy. Yeah, yeah, a few folks here have seen you play your guitar including myself and guess what?? Your own skills on the guitar come from rote and practice with very little soul or natural talent....
The showcase here anyhow, is her incredibly sincere and lilting voice and the SOUL that resides within her interpretation.
Soooo, thanks for the egotistical observations there,
MISTER Malmsteen!


This Cover of Radiohead Song "Creep" is Amazing!!!

chingalera says...

>> ^gwiz665:

She sings just fine, but her guitar work is pretty basic.
Very cute though.

Yeah? Well the chord work for the tune as composed ain't rocket-science on the fretboard there wizzzy. Yeah, yeah, a few folks here have seen you play your guitar including myself and guess what?? Your own skills on the guitar come from rote and practice with very little soul or natural talent....

The showcase here anyhow, is her incredibly sincere and lilting voice and the SOUL that resides within her interpretation.

Soooo, thanks for the egotistical observations there,
MISTER Malmsteen!

SKYFALL - 007 - Olympics TV Spot

Beyonce's Single Ladies Dance, by 7 year olds

The Hives - Go Right Ahead (new single)

rasch187 says...

>> ^oritteropo:

Reminds me of ELO
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Indeed, it is very similar. Jeff Lynne is incidentally credited as composer in the album's liner notes.

'Arthur Animated' by Jo Hamilton Art

MrFisk says...

"This is a stop motion video I made to document my process of crocheting one of my larger than life portraits in yarn from start to finish. In my work I use a traditional basic crochet technique taught to me at an early age by my Gran. I work one knot at a time, from the inside out, row by row. I always begin my crochet portraits in the middle with the eyes and work out from there until the piece is completed. I work directly from photographs, using no sketches, graphs or computer imaging. Each piece is handmade, labour-intensive, instinctively composed. Nothing is planned ahead; I make it up as I go along. I spend a lot of time simply looking, unraveling, and reworking until I get it right. To make this video I photographed the work after each new yarn colour or two was added, and edited the photos into a sequence. This 30 second sequence contains over 300 photos of the work in progress. The portrait is of my dear friend Arthur Cheesman, who is sadly no longer with us. Website Music by Aikamusic/Goldcard." vimeo

Interviewer Loses His Cool On Air

'Aerodynamic' (Daft Punk) on Google Moog Doodle

spoco2 says...

>> ^Auger8:

Awesomesauce! Daft Punk is such an under appreciated band IMO.

Geeze, how appreciated should they be? They've been nominated for 8 Grammys, won 2 of them. They've appeared in movies, tv shows, adverts. They composed the soundtrack for one of the most awesome movies ever, Tron Legacy, their albums have gone platinum and gold around the world... what more do you want?

There is a secret message on your digital music player (Blog Entry by dystopianfuturetoday)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Kite Flying Society - Mark Mothersbaugh - Rushmore

OK, so this message is either about lack of productivity or the need to reduce stress in my life.

The Visor - Bernard Herrmann - The Day the Earth Stood Still

Definitely productivity, as I've been putting off making an arrangement of this score for a large ensemble so that I can play some theremin in public.

Mahler: Symphony #4 in G: 3rd movement.

Beautiful inspiring music from a composer that greatly influences me. This is meant as motivation. Write from the heart. Write elegant music that will move people.

Do-Lo-Do-Llo - Doom! Gone, Man, Gone! - Harry Partch

Harry Partch wrote strange, inaccessible and highly original music. This is meant to tell me to be true to my own voice and to not try too hard to please others.

Tim Exile - Microsolutions to megaproblems vol 1

Tim helped develop some music software I just installed in my computer that I haven't used yet. This means get busy, lazy!

Who sent this message? My subconscious mind of course.

I've got the rest of the day free other than a dinner date with my gorgeous wife, so... off to work I go.

Issykitty (Member Profile)

TheSluiceGate (Member Profile)

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